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Studying the Effects of Liquefaction Induced Lateral Spreading on Piles and Evaluation of a Remedial Measure Against Pile Damaging Due to These Effects with Shake Table Tests Using Laminar Shear Box
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Kavand, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading is one of the most challenging problems in geotechnical earthquake engineering. This phenomenon may impose severe damages on deep foundations in large earthquakes. In this study, six physical modeling are designed, built and tested to investigate the effects of lateral spreading on deep foundations and also assess one mitigation method. The experiments were conducted using 1g shake table of Sharif university of technology. In this respect, a large laminar shear box with outer dimensions of 420, 240 and 180 cm was designed and constructed. The laminar shear box consisted of 23 steel laminates with inner dimensions of 306×172 cm. Four experiments were...
Accelerating Big Data Stream Processing by FPGA-implementation of Parts of the Topology Graph
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
In recent years, big data processing plays an important role in the era of information technology. The exponential growth of big data volume increases the need for data centers and infrastructures with more processing power. Due to dark silicon and scalability limitations in deep-submicron, the increasing trend of server performance slows down. Therefore, hardware accelerators such as FPGA and GPU are become increasingly popular for improvement of data center processing power. There are two types of big data processing based on the application: stream processing and batch processing. With the widespread use of social networks, online control systems and internet of things services, the...
Impact of seismic excitation characteristics on the efficiency of tuned liquid column dampers
, Article Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration ; Volume 5, Issue 2 , 2006 , Pages 235-243 ; 16713664 (ISSN) ; Zahrai, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Various types of passive control systems have been used to suppress the seismic response of structures in recent years. Among these systems, Tuned Liquid Column Dampers (TLCDs) dissipate the input earthquake energy by combining the effects of the movement of the liquid mass in the container, the restoring force on the liquid due to the gravity loads and the damping due to the liquid movement through orifices. In this study, the effects of seismic excitation characteristics such as frequency content and soil condition on the seismic performance of TLCDs are investigated using nonlinear time-history analyses. In this regard, among the past earthquake ground motion records of Iran, 16 records...
An Investigation on the Effects of Liquefaction Induced Lateral Spreading on Deep Foundations and Development of Mitigation Measures Using 1g Shake Table Tests
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Rahmani, Iraj (Co-Advisor)
Liquefaction induced lateral spreading is defined as the lateral displacement of mildly sloping grounds or those ending in free faces as a result of liquefaction in subsurface soil layers. Damages imposed by lateral spreading on pile foundations supporting different types of structures such as ports, bridges and buildings are usually observed in large earthquakes. These potential damages are of high degree of importance in southern and northern coastal areas of Iran where several ports and critical facilities are located. River banks all over the country where bridge piers exist are also among the areas prone to potential damages. Evaluation of the effects of lateral spreading on existing...
Seismic microzonation of shiraz city, southwest of iran
, Article Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV Congress 2008 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Sacramento, CA, 18 May 2008 through 22 May 2008 ; Issue 181 , 2008 ; 08950563 (ISSN); 9780784409756 (ISBN) ; Sahraeian, S ; Kavand, A ; Kamrani Moghaddam, B ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper aims to study the soil dynamics characteristics of central part of Shiraz city near the monument of Persepolis, southwest of Iran. The parameter investigated is natural period of soil sediment. The technique used to obtain this parameter is microtremor measurements. Microtremor measurements were obtained at 120 stations in the city. The data was recorded for two periods of fifteen minutes. Segmental Cross Spectra were applied to calculate spectra. Nakamura's method (H/V) was used for analyzing the measured data. At each site, natural period values were obtained. Because of low accuracy of amplification factors that achieved by microtremor measurements, this factor is neglected in...
E ectiveness of a vertical micropile system in mitigating the liquefaction-induced lateral spreading e ects on pile foundations: 1 g large-scale shake table tests
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 29, Issue 3 A , 2022 , Pages 1038-1058 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Haeri, S. M ; Raisianzadeh, J ; Afzalsoltani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading caused severe damages to pile foundations during past earthquakes. Micropiles can be used as a mitigation strategy against lateral spreading e ects on pile foundations. However, the available knowledge about the possible efficiency of this strategy is quite limited. In this regard, the present study aims to evaluate the e ectiveness of a vertical micropile system as a lateral spreading countermeasure using large-scale 1 g shake table tests on 3 x 3 pile groups. The results showed that the micropile system was not able to e ectively reduce the bending moments in piles; however, it considerably reduced the lateral soil pressures exerted on the upslope...
A Robustification Approach in Unconstrained Quadratic Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Peyghami, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Fotouhi Firouzabad, Morteza (Supervisor)
In this thesis, unconstrained convex quadratic optimization problems subject to parameter perturbations are considered. A robustification approach is proposed and analyzed which reduces the sensitivity of the optimal function value with respect to the parameter. Since reducing the sensitivity and maintaining a small objective value are competing goals, strategies for balancing these two objectives are discussed. Numerical examples illustrate the approach
Study of the behavior of pile groups during lateral spreading in medium dense sands by large scale shake table test
, Article International Journal of Civil Engineering ; Vol. 12, Issue. 3 , 2014 , pp. 374-391 ; ISSN: 17350522 ; Haeri, S. M ; Asefzadeh, A ; Rahmani, I ; Ghalandarzadeh, A ; Bakhshi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, different aspects of the behavior of 2×2 pile groups under liquefaction-induced lateral spreading in a 3-layer soil profile is investigated using large scale 1g shake table test. Different parameters of the response of soil and piles including time-histories of accelerations, pore water pressures, displacements and bending moments are presented and discussed in the paper. In addition, distribution of lateral forces due to lateral spreading on individual piles of the groups is investigated in detail. The results show that total lateral forces on the piles are influenced by the shadow effect as well as the superstructure mass attached to the pile cap. It was also found that...
Seismic behavior of a dolphin-type berth subjected to liquefaction induced lateral spreading: 1g large scale shake table testing and numerical simulations
, Article Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ; Volume 140 , 2021 ; 02677261 (ISSN) ; Haeri, S. M ; Raisianzadeh, J ; Sadeghi Meibodi, A ; Afzal Soltani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The effects of liquefaction induced lateral spreading on the piles of a dolphin-type berth were investigated using 1 g large scale shake table testing accompanied by numerical simulations. For this purpose, various aspects of the response of the soil and the pile group to lateral spreading were considered. The results indicated that large bending moments were induced in the piles during lateral spreading and the downslope piles of the group received greater bending moments than the upslope one. The monotonic components of bending moments in the piles were reasonably predicted by the displacement based numerical approach using p-y springs when they were properly tuned for strength reduction...
Effect of input voltage frequency on the distribution of electrical stresses on the cell surface based on single-cell dielectrophoresis analysis
, Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2020 ; Moghimi Zand, M ; Kavand, H ; Javidi, R ; Hadi, A ; Valadkhani, Z ; Renaud, P ; Sharif University of Technology
Nature Research
Electroporation is defined as cell membrane permeabilization under the application of electric fields. The mechanism of hydrophilic pore formation is not yet well understood. When cells are exposed to electric fields, electrical stresses act on their surfaces. These electrical stresses play a crucial role in cell membrane structural changes, which lead to cell permeabilization. These electrical stresses depend on the dielectric properties of the cell, buffer solution, and the applied electric field characteristics. In the current study, the effect of electric field frequency on the electrical stresses distribution on the cell surface and cell deformation is numerically and experimentally...
Technical English for mechanical engineers
, Book ; Meghdari,Ali
Sharif University Press
Local educational institutions produce in-house English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials according to the curriculum policies designated and developed by the Ministry of Higher Education In Iran. To this end, this book aims to be used in the Iranian setting at the tertiary level for undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, the style of English usage in this ESP textbook is American.
Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,...
Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,...
Feedback control of the neuro-musculoskeletal system in a forward dynamics simulation of stair locomotion [electronic resource]
, Article Proc. of IMechE Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ; 2009, Vol. 223, No. 6, pp. 663-675 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation ; Volume 11, Issue 1, 30 April 2014, Article number 78 ; Meghdari, Ali ; Vossough, Gholam Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
The aim of this study is to employ feedback control loops to provide a stable forward dynamics simulation of human movement under repeated position constraint conditions in the environment, particularly during stair climbing. A ten-degrees-of-freedom skeletal model containing 18 Hill-type musculotendon actuators per leg was employed to simulate the model in the sagittal plane. The postural tracking and obstacle avoidance were provided by the proportional—integral—derivative controller according to the modulation of the time rate change of the joint kinematics. The stability of the model was maintained by controlling the velocity of the body's centre of mass according to the desired centre of...
Design and Construction of a Soft Actuated Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghafari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
The main goal of this thesis is the design and development of a rehabilitation device for helping patients “to improve blood circulation” & retain and recover their abilities if possible that were lost during the stroke or a accident like that (my research in karaj/iran shows that it is possible by just movement of the specific body part). The focus is on hand in this thesis because Injuries to the hand are common and can be very debilitating since our hands are our primary means for interacting with our world. For rehabilitation in case of human hand there are several practices that should be done for patients either in home or in a rehabilitation center, time and money that is supposed to...
Silica chloride/wet SiO2 as a novel heterogeneous system for the deprotection of acetals under mild conditions [electronic resource]
, Article Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements ; Volume 178:2667-2670, Issue 12, 2003 ; Pourjavadi, Ali ; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali ; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid
A combination of silica chloride and wet SiO2 was used as an effective deacetalizating agent for the conversion of acetals to their corresponding carbonyl derivatives under mild and heterogeneous condition
Earthquake Branch
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
In the past few decades, shaking tables are widely used to evaluate system response of structures under seismic excitations. These devices are used without any fundamental research performed on a shaking table system as an entity model. In most of these studies for simplicity, it is assumed that there exist no considerable vibration and displacement around the shaking tables, and no attention is paid to the peripheral substances such as soil settled under the foundation.
In this thesis, result of ambient vibration test on shaking table system (solid deck, concrete foundation and soil layer) has been presented. Precise sensors known as low frequency and high accuracy accelerometers have...
In this thesis, result of ambient vibration test on shaking table system (solid deck, concrete foundation and soil layer) has been presented. Precise sensors known as low frequency and high accuracy accelerometers have...
Comparison between Performance of Stone Columns and RAPs from the Bearing Capacity and Settlement Reduction Viewpoints
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
Out of several ground improvement techniques available, stone columns have been widely used. This technique has been successfully applied to increase the bearing capacity and to reduce the settlement for foundation of structures like liquid storage tanks, earthen embankments, raft foundations, etc., where a relatively large settlement is permissible. This technique has, generally, been proven successful in increasing the stiffness of weak soils, upgrading their safe bearing capacity, and reducing their total and differential settlements, as well as speeding up their consolidation process. The beneficial effects of stone column installation in weak deposits is manifested in the form of...
Improvement of Stability of Haptic Force Interaction with Virtual Environments Using a Haptic Interface with a Separate Tracker
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Nahvi, Ali (Supervisor)
In the present study, a new version of haptic devices is presented in which user’s hand is in contact with the device just while collision with virtual surface. In this system, the position of user’s finger can be traced by using a camera and the haptic device follows user’s finger at the distance of about two centimeters. While the haptic device approaches to the virtual surface, gradually reduces its speed and stops about two centimeters distant of virtual plane. Then user’s hand collides with the haptic device which is static. Greater fidelity, transparency, more stability and also no need to large actuators are of the advantages of this system. In this project, first we present a new...
Performance of Partially Filled Mini-Channels with Porous Media
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nouri, Ali (Supervisor) ; Moosavi, Ali (Co-Advisor)
Laminar forced convection flow through a channel partially filled with a porous material was numerically studied in this thesis. The Navier-Stokes and Brinkman-Forchheimer equations were used to model the fluid flow in the free and porous regions, respectively. Coupling of the pressure and velocity fields was resolved using the SIMPLEC algorithm. The local thermal equilibrium was adopted in the energy equation. The effects of the thermal conductivity ratio, Darcy number, porosity, Reynolds number and height of the porous insert on velocity and temperature field were investigated. The results show that the flow behavior and its associated heat transfer are susceptible to the variation of the...
Selective synthesis of conjugated enynes from α-arylalkynols using LiCl-Acidic Al2O3 under solvent-free conditions [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Chemical Research ; Volume 2002, Number 8, 1 August 2002, pp. 378-380(3) ; Bagheri Marandi, Gholam
Free Content Selective synthesis of conjugated enynes from α-arylalkynols using LiCl-Acidic Al2O3 under solvent-free conditions
Selective preparation of fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Chemical Research ; 01/2001; 2001(11):485-487 ; Bagheri Marandi, Gholam
7H-benzimidazo[2,1-a]benz[de]isoquinolin-7-one compounds were prepared in a selective manner by reaction between o-phenylenediamines and appropriate 1,8-naphthalenedicarboxylic anhydrides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation