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    Parents Bargaining Power and Child’s Time Allocation in Iranian Households

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ojaghi, Shahla (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This research intends to analysis the determinants of child work and schooling in Iran. To do this we use the Household’s Income and Expenditure survey of Iran in 2009. There are two competing theoretical base of household’s time allocation, the unitary and collective bargaining decision approaches. We use the later to consider the differences in preferences of parents toward the child’s time allocation. Making use of Bivariate Probit and Tobit, we examined the effects of parents’ bargaining power and child’s birth order on his/her schooling and work decision. Our finding, confirm that, mother’s bargaining power has negative association with the work participation of her son and daughter but... 

    Test and Analysis of Herding Behavior between Institutional Investors in Iran Stock Market

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaei, Mohammad (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Institutional investors are among the main players of capital market and stock market. These investor’s activities on the one hand affect directly on indices, and on the other hand on transactions of other players in the stock market. In case the transactions of stockholders are not based on sufficient information and merely based on imitation of other investors, herding behavior would be taken place within them.In this study, using two methods of Lakonishok (1992) & Sias (2004), we consider herding behavior amongst the Institutional investors of Iran stock market.In both methods, weekly and monthly data are used for testing herding behavior in the short-run and quarterly data for the... 

    Analysis of Stock Return Volatility Using GARCH Models and Panel Data in Tehran Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babaei, Arash (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Due to its extensive applications in financial analysis, stock market volatility modeling is a considerably important issue for stock market practitioners and academics. Using GARCH models to formulate the conditional variance heteroskedasticity with respect to the advantages of panel data technique such as higher degrees of freedom, more flexibility in the control of the omitted or unobserved variables effects, lead to a significant increase in the accuracy of estimations. In this thesis, in order to examine the similarities and differences between the conditional variance structure of stocks in the inter and intra industries, we have used a general to specific methodology of nested tests... 

    Gender Ratio and Intra-Household Collective Decision Process:Evidence from Iranian Household Labor Supply

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Borhani, Fatemeh (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This paper provides and empirical investigation of individual labor supply of Iranian spouses in a collective framework in which gender ratio and plays a central role in the decision process in household. The data set is taken from the socioeconomic characteristics of panel survey over 2001-2004 and ten yearly headcount of Iran. We have conducted the parameters estimation and hypothesis testing by Semykina, A. and Wooldridge, J.M., (2005) generalized procedure of sample selection in panel data model. Our findings explore that females’ labor supply is affected significantly and strongly by the gender ratio, (total number of males over the females in provinces, both in urban and rural areas).... 

    Relationship between Fertility and Female Labor Participation in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asadi, Ghadir (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Despite the fact that total fertility rate has a drastic decrease from 6.6 in 1980 to 1.8 childeren in 2008 and their education was highly growing in the last two decades, their participation in labor market is stillrelatively low(with maximum rate of 17.5 in 2007). Making use of the Iranian Household Expenditure and Income Survey(HEIS) and yearly labor market surveys (1984-2009), we intend to investigate the interaction between fertility(FER) and female labor participation(FLP) in Iran, for both the population with ages of 10-64 and 18-30. We use simultaneousequations by GMM to estimate the system of equation. Our findings show that the sign of FER’s determinants are as expected, but FLP... 

    Estimating the Optimal Commodity Futures Hedge Ratio:A Comparative Approach for the Gold Coin Market in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslambolchi, Farshid (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    The increasing trend of gold prices over the last years, also a remarkable inflation in the prices level of Iran, attracted Iran households’ financial resources to the market of this precious metal. Although there are a sensible risk in the value of this asset, gold coin futures contracts is considered as an effective risk management lever of financial investors. This research intends to estimate the optimal rate of futures over spot contracts in the gold coins market of Iran. To this end, we use spot and futures prices over the 2008 Dec through 2011 Dec, which all the time series are sourced from the Iran’s mercantile exchange website. Among the existing procedures of optimal hedge ratio... 

    Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality in Iran’s Industries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Goli, Younes (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, GholamReza (Supervisor)
    This study examins effects of trade liberalization on the wage inequality across industries and between genders within these industries by utilizing the data of micro-level Households’ Income and Expenditures surveys and trade statistics over 2001-2011. The analysis is carried based on the Heckscher–Ohlin’s theory in international trade and Baker’s taste discrimination theory at firms. We use Quantile regression and ordinary least squares (OLS) to consider the wage discrimination across entire distribution wage distribution and at wages mean as well. The results of Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition approach (inequality at mean wage) and Machado and Mata’s model (inequality of wage at entire... 

    To What Extent Diversifying when Theran Stock Market is High Volatile, will Reduce Risk?

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Elham (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Investment diversifiying is one of risk management technique. In this research, We investigate diversifiying in a case that stock market is high volatile, e.i. There are large movements in stock returns. Empirical researches show that inhigh volatile market, conditional correlation between returns is stronger, so diversifiying cant reduce risk. For evaluating this claim in Iranian financial asset market, We estimate quantiles of stock return distribution in 10%, 25%, 90% and 75% levels by Kernel density and GARCH models.Then, We find average conditional correlation, error variance and conditional CAPM to test the possibility of reducing Non-systematic and systematic risk. Analytical results... 

    Men’s Job Inequality and Propensity to Marry in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Parsaeian, Shahnaz (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Iran have experienced tangible demographic changes over the recent decades. Fertility rate and marriage rate have declined, but divorce rate has increased remarkably. This research intends to examine the propensity to marry and marriage age in Iran by use of Household expenditure and income survey data (2009-2012) in the framework of search and match model. In the underlying literature, some socioeconomic factors are identified as the main determinants of these changes, particularly labor market prospects and male’s earning structure are considered as the most significant factors among others.The data are pooled and for the study years are merged with cohort data from the labor market to... 

    Decomposition of Cohort, Age and Time Effects in Iranian Households Cigarette Consumption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rafiee, Sajad (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This study aims to examine cigarette consumption behavior of younger cohorts in the urban areas of Iran. we use Iranian household's income and expenditures survey over 2007-2012 and a double-hurdle modeling approach to take into account the zero expenditure on cigarette consumption. after controlling for price and demographic factors which determine the demand for cigarettes, we find that the younger cohorts tend to use more cigarettes than the older ones, however the age effects for men aged between 21-45 are positive  

    Decay Factor Optimization in time Weighted Simulation (Using loss Functions Şener and Lopez)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nadafi, Maryam (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Over the last two decade, Value at Risk (VaR) has been used a popular method of market risk measurement, However Financial institutes and financial practitioners intend to improve its sufficiency and accuracy. One to the popular technique of VaR calculation is the times weighted simulation (BRW). When the weights are assigned to each observed return, exponentially decreasing, normally. The more recent returns would have his how weight. In the underlying literature the decay factor are selected on an ad hoc basely.The present research proposes a new method of decay factor determining by and optimization algorithm. By this method the decay factor is determined by minimization of the Sener loss... 

    Effect of Risk Spillover between Financial Markets: Approach of Granger Causality in Risk

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Qaedi, Atena (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Volatility of returns in financial markets is a potential source of market risk. The volatility either is originated from fundamentals or transmitted from other financial markets. Present study aims to empirically investigate upward and downward risk spillover between the returns of chemical and pharmaceutical shares over 28/Mar/2009 and 01/Nov/2014. We use Hong et al. (2003) causality test approach as econometric tool. Our findings reveal that the most accurate modeling procedure for return’s volatility is GJR-GARCH with skewed GED distribution for error terms. Also, inferring the causality tests confirm presence of causality from chemical toward pharmaceutical market returns  

    The Impact of Unconditional Cash Subsidies on the Iranian Households Cigarette Consumption by Using Dose-Response Function

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahbazian, Arin (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This study aims to estimate impact of the energy subsidy reform on household’s cigarette consumption in urban and rural areas in 2010-2012. According to the household size,income generated from receiving cash subsidies is different across families. So to measure the household’s response to different levels of subsidies on consumers spending, the doseresponse function is used. Our main contribution is estimation and calculation of cigarette spending reaction to the unconditional cash transfer by dose of the subsidy that they received, while the previous works in this literature have used the well know binary variable of being on the exposure of program. In terms of being on the exposure of... 

    The Profitability of Stocks Pairs Trading Strategy in the Toronto Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Talebi, Hassan (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, GholamReza (Supervisor)
    Since past time, market practitioners and speculators have attempted to use the existent market gaps and opportunities like arbitrage. While some investors buy stocks based on the available financial information of particular companies, others, by using different strategies, try to make profit out of it, based on true realization of the market and its behavior. This strategies will create the profitability by providing different situations including risk hedging and swing trading opportunities .In this context, researchers have designed various strategies for recognizing the assets that have high return potential. One of these strategies in trading with financial tools, is pair trading... 

    The Role of Children in the Decisions of Urban Households in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rajabi, Elham (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Family economics consider children either as "goods" in consumption vector of their parents or as agents that have the ability of full economic independency. While the children reach adolescent age, the theory models their role, not only as individuals with their own preferences, but also as agents who can have an impact on family outcomes. Aim of this study is to focus on the fact that if children of certain ages take part in the households’ decisions or not. We use data from Households Income and Expenditures Survey 2011 for urban area and families with three members, parents and child with the age range 15 - 30. For a closer look, households were divided into four groups which include... 

    Essays In Market Risk Analysis and Central Bank Policy Evaluation in Tehran Stock Exchange Market

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Heidari, Hadi (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This dissertation presents a method for policy Evolution in financial markets and analysis of the performance market risk models. To investigate the effect of economic policy, transaction costs in Tehran Stock Market (TSE) and reaction of a specific bank in the face of an internal policy change has been considered. In the first paper as first chapter of the thesis, we propose a new method for calculating the value at risk of stock prices in presence of price limit set up in the Tehran stock market and comparing its performance with other classical models. Because the results of classical models in VaR do not consider the effect of circuit breakers, the provided methodology and the proposed... 

    Information Superiority between Individual and Institutional Traders in Tehran Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vahidi, Hamed (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Informational inequality between institutional and individual traders is one of the centric issues in financial markets. The preference of each of these groups to attain personal information may provide other traders important information. New traders could make a profit by addressing the preferable group and following its transactions. This study aims to determine the winner group at attaining more personal information, by breaking down the probability of informed trading (PIN), one of the most famous measures in informational risk to two main components: the probability of informed trading of individuals (DPIN) and the probability of informed trading of institutions (SPIN). Moreover, the... 

    Dynamics of Poverty in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadzadeh, Ahmad (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Eliminating poverty, which is one of the most important objectives of countries, requires a deep understanding of the trends and dynamics of poverty and the distinction between chronic and transient poverty. However, given the lack of high-quality panel data, measuring movements in and out of poverty in developing countries is difficult. In this research, we build a synthetic panel by constructing a consumption model and estimating the first-round consumption of households surveyed in the second round. The analysis of Expenditures and Income Survey (HEIS) for 1398 and 1399 shows that almost 29 percent of urban and rural households were poor in both years. In female-headed households,... 

    The Impact of Climate Shock on Child Labor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lari, Hanie (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Precipitation in the water year 1396-1397 is the lowest in the past decade. The present study is conducted during this water year and focuses on the effects of climate variables such as temperature and precipitation on child labor supply between Tir 1397 and Farvardin 1398. Children and household characteristics are also taken into account when evaluating child labor supply using OLS and Logit methods. Estimation results indicate that both child work hours and participation in the job market decline with an increase in precipitation. Furthermore, how much time children spend working or studying is heavily influenced by parents' income. The temperature variable does not have a significant... 

    Retained Earnings, and Book-to-market in the Cross Section of Expected Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange Market

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharifi, Iman (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    The book-to-market ratio is known as an anomaly variable in the financial literature. This variable has a high explanatory power in predicting the returns of companies in different capital markets across world; But understanding why it has the power to explain is still a matter of debate. In this study, we seek a better understanding of the explanatory power of the ratio of book-to-market ratio in explaining the annual return of cross-sectional data of stocks on the Tehran Stock Exchange. Book value can be divided into two parts: retained earnings and contributed capital, which have different economic meanings for readers of financial statements. Our hypothesis is that the predictive power...