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Implementation of a unidirectional-mode ferrite disk antenna using permanent magnets and a two-stage matching network
, Article Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ; Volume 521 , 2021 ; 03048853 (ISSN) ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
We experimentally demonstrate a circularly polarized antenna that utilizes unidirectional surface waves that propagate on the boundary of a small ferrite disk. The ferrite disk is metalized on top and is mounted on a grounded dielectric substrate. The disk is normally biased by a magnetic field that is provided by two permanent magnets below and above the structure. A two-section feeding network is used to feed the antenna. The operation frequency of the antenna can be adjusted by changing the magnitude of the applied magnetic bias. The sense of polarization can be reversed by reversing the direction of the applied bias. © 2020 Elsevier B.V
Terahertz spectrum splitting by a graphene-covered array of rectangular grooves
, Article Optics Letters ; Volume 42, Issue 23 , 2017 , Pages 4808-4811 ; 01469592 (ISSN) ; Saba, A ; Jafargholi, A ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
We propose a bidirectional terahertz (THz) spectrum splitter using a practically simple metamaterial structure consisting of rectangular grooves covered by graphene. Thanks to the graphene optoelectronic tunability and by adjusting the grooves width, this structure provides nearly 2π phase shift. At the same time, the reflection efficiency is acceptable throughout the phase shifts. We design each of the meta-atoms using a circuit model, and then we synthesize the final supercell based on the generalized Snell’s law so that the structure reflects different frequency waves to totally different directions. The full-wave simulations demonstrate the beam splitting with a remarkable efficiency of...
Effective medium theory for graphene-covered metallic gratings
, Article Journal of Optics (United Kingdom) ; Volume 18, Issue 10 , 2016 ; 20408978 (ISSN) ; Bagheri, A ; Khavasi, A ; Mehrany, K ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics Publishing
We propose an effective medium theory for a one-dimensional periodic array of rectangular grooves covered by a graphene sheet. Parameters of the effective medium model are given by explicit analytical expressions for both major polarizations TM and TE, and for all incident angles. In extraction of this model, we assumed single mode approximation inside the grooves. The effect of non-specular diffraction orders outside the grating, as well as the plasmonic response of the graphene sheet in the far-infrared spectrum, is addressed by introducing an effective surface conductivity at the interface of the metallic grating and the ambient environment. It is shown that surface plasmons in graphene...
Guided mode extraction in monolayer colloidal crystals based on the phase variation of reflection and transmission coefficients
, Article Optics Communications ; Volume 364 , 2016 , Pages 44-49 ; 00304018 (ISSN) ; Akbari, M ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
An accurate and fast method for guided modes extraction in monolayer colloidal crystals and their inverse replicas is presented. These three-dimensional structures are composed of a monolayer of spherical particles that can easily and simply be prepared by self-assembly method in close packed hexagonal lattices. In this work, we describe how the guided modes, even or odd modes and light cone boundary can be easily determined using phase variations of reflection and transmission coefficients. These coefficients are quickly calculated by Fourier modal method. The band structures are obtained for a monolayer of polystyrene particles and two-dimensional TiO2 inverse opal by this proposed method
Phase resonance tuning and multi-band absorption Via graphene-covered compound metallic gratings
, Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 53, Issue 5 , 2017 ; 00189197 (ISSN) ; Rahmani, B ; Bagheri, A ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
1-D compound metallic grating (CMG) is a periodic structure with more than one slit in each period. When CMG is combined with a graphene sheet as its cover, the incident light is effectively coupled to the plasmons in graphene which in turn can result in strong manipulation of light for both major polarizations. We show that tunable phase resonance and perfect absorption of the incident light are interesting outcomes of this manipulation. In this paper, we demonstrate that fano-like phase resonances which can be observed in CMGs under transverse magnetic polarized incident wave are tuned by changing the Fermi level of graphene. It is shown that while the spectral position of the phase...
Adopting image theorem for rigorous analysis of a perfect electric conductor–backed array of graphene ribbons
, Article Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics ; Volume 35, Issue 8 , 2018 , Pages 1836-1844 ; 07403224 (ISSN) ; Abdolali, A ; Khavasi, A ; Rajabalipanah, H ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
Analytical and numerical study of graphene ribbons has become a prime focus of recent research due to their potential applications in tunable absorption, wavefront manipulation, polarization conversion, and so on. In this paper, an accurate analysis of a perfect electric conductor (PEC)–backed array of graphene ribbons (PAGR) is presented based on the well-known electromagnetic (EM) image theorem, where the induced currents are theoretically derived under a transverse-magnetic-polarized incident wave. For the first time, the proposed analysis rigorously incorporates the EM coupling effects between the PEC back plate and the subwavelength array of graphene ribbons. It is proved that the...
Reflection and transmission of obliquely incident graphene plasmons by discontinuities in surface conductivity: Observation of the Brewster-like effect
, Article Journal of Optics (United Kingdom) ; Volume 18, Issue 7 , 2016 ; 20408978 (ISSN) ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics Publishing
Scattering of graphene surface plasmons that are obliquely incident on a line discontinuity in graphene surface conductivity is investigated. The analysis is based on a solution of the quasi-static integral equation for surface charge density. It is shown that the reflection coefficient of the graphene plasmons reaches a minimum at a specific angle of incidence that depends on the ratio of conductivities of the two regions surrounding the discontinuity. This effect, which is similar to the well-known Brewster effect, is pronounced for abrupt discontinuities, but becomes weaker as the width of the transition region increases. The results obtained can be used for the design and analysis of...
Effect of graphene on the absorption and extraordinary transmission of light in 1-d metallic gratings
, Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 53, Issue 3 , 2017 ; 00189197 (ISSN) ; Rahmani, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Periodic metallic structures are known to support resonant extraordinary optical transmission (EOT). When covered with graphene, these structures can be employed to effectively manipulate the light. In this paper, we propose an analytical circuit model for graphene-covered 1-D metallic gratings. By using the circuit theory, we demonstrate that 1-D periodic array of cut-through slits, which are covered by a continuous graphene sheet, exhibits tunable EOT resonance for TM polarization whose amplitude, unlike its spectral position, can be dynamically tuned by varying the Fermi level of graphene. In this fashion, it is shown that placing a perfect reflector at the bottom of the graphene-covered...
Unidirectional surface waves in bi-anisotropic media
, Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 54, Issue 6 , 2018 ; 00189197 (ISSN) ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
We show theoretically that unidirectional surface waves can propagate on the surface of homogeneous bi-anisotropic layers with an anti-symmetric chirality tensor. These materials mimic the electromagnetic behavior of an anisotropic medium with gyrotropic permittivity and permeability tensors that operate on pseudo-electromagnetic fields. The unidirectional waves have transverse pseudo-electric or magnetic polarizations and pass through an obstacle without backscattering if the obstacle does not cause polarization change. The bi-anisotropic medium can be realized as a metamaterial comprising omega particles tailored to achieve the constitutive parameters desired. © 2018 IEEE
Polarization insensitive and broadband terahertz absorber using graphene disks
, Article Plasmonics ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 393-398 ; 15571955 (ISSN) ; AbdollahRamezani, S ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer New York LLC
We demonstrate design and characterization of a polarization-independent ultra-broadband absorber of light consisting of periodic array of graphene disks on top of a lossless quarter-wavelength dielectric spacer placed on a metallic reflector. The absorber is duly designed based on impedance matching concept by proposing a fully analytical circuit model resulting in a normalized bandwidth of 100 % in the terahertz regime. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York
Spin-polarized unidirectional cylindrical waveguide in bianisotropic media
, Article Optics Express ; Volume 28, Issue 16 , 2020 , Pages 24022-24036 ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
In this paper, we analyze a cylindrical waveguide consisting of two layers of bianisotropic material with anti-symmetric magnetoelectric coupling tensors. The analysis is carried out in terms of pseudo-electric and pseudo-magnetic fields which satisfy Maxwells' equations with gyrotropic permittivity and permeability tensors. We show that the rotationally symmetric modes of the waveguide are unidirectional with transverse pseudo-electric and transverse pseudo-magnetic modes propagating in opposite directions. These modes are surface waves whose electromagnetic field is concentrated near the interface between the two anisotropic materials. They follow the contour of the interface even in the...
Wideband and polarisation-independent antireflection coating using metamaterials
, Article IET Optoelectronics ; Volume 14, Issue 5 , 2020 , Pages 266-273 ; Karimi, P ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Here, the authors propose a new approach for realising wideband and polarisation-independent antireflection coating, based on a metamaterial composed of a subwavelength array of metallic pillars with a square cross-section. The effective impedance of the array can be duly adjusted by the size and distance of the pillars. As such, the authors design the effective impedance of the antireflection coating to be the geometrical mean of the impedance of upper and lower media and choose its height to be quarter of operating wavelength. Doing so, the reflection vanishes at the desired frequency and fractional bandwidth of 56% is achieved with a criterion of 10% reflectance (the refractive index of...
All optical divergence and gradient operators using surface plasmon polaritons
, Article Optics Express ; Volume 30, Issue 11 , 2022 , Pages 17806-17823 ; 10944087 (ISSN) ; Akbari, M ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA)
In this paper, we propose a plasmonic structure based on Kretschmann configuration capable of performing various computational tasks, i.e. two dimensional isotropic differentiation, gradient and divergence computation. By means of two polarizers, a non-trivial topological charge can be generated in the transfer function of the structure thereby implementing a two dimensional differentiator. By using only one polarizer, on the other hand, the structure is able to compute either the gradient of the field distribution of a polarized light beam or the divergence of the field of an unpolarized light beam. The performance of the proposed structure in two dimensional differentiation has been...
Propagation and refraction of left-handed plasmons on a semiconducting substrate covered by graphene
, Article Optics Letters ; Volume 43, Issue 9 , 2018 , Pages 2010-2013 ; 01469592 (ISSN) ; Bagheri, A. M ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
We show that a plasmonic semiconductor substrate can support highly confined surface plasmons when it is covered by a graphene layer. This occurs when the imaginary part of graphene conductivity and real part of the effective permittivity of the surrounding medium become simultaneously negative. Full-wave electromagnetic simulations demonstrate the occurrence of negative refraction and two-dimensional lensing at the interface separating regions supporting conventional right-handed graphene plasmons and left-handed surface plasmon polaritons. © 2018 Optical Society of America
Broadband, polarization-insensitive, and wide-angle optical absorber based on fractal plasmonics
, Article IEEE Photonics Technology Letters ; Volume PP, Issue 99 , 2016 ; 10411135 (ISSN) ; Abdollahramezani, S ; Chizari, A ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper, a plasmonic absorber consisting of a metal-dielectric-metal stack with a top layer of Sierpinski nanocarpet is theoretically investigated. Such a compact absorber depicts broadband angle-independent behavior over a wide optical wavelength range (400 700 nm) and a broad range of incidence angles (0 80). Including several feature sizes, such a fractal-like structure shows average simulated extinction response of 0:85 for either transverse electric or magnetic polarization states under normal incidence. Underlying mechanisms of absorbance due to excited surface plasmon modes as well as electric/magnetic dipole resonances are well revealed by investigating electric field, magnetic...
Tunable leaky-wave radiation by graphenecovered corrugated surfaces
, Article Applied Optics ; Volume 57, Issue 30 , 2018 , Pages 8971-8977 ; 1559128X (ISSN) ; Saba, A ; Arik, K ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
we propose a graphene-covered subwavelength metallic grating where the Fermi level of graphene is sinusoidally modulated as a leaky-wave antenna at terahertz frequencies. This structure can convert spoof surface plasmon guided waves to free-space radiation due to the tunability of graphene. Analysis and design of the proposed leaky-wave antenna are discussed based on sinusoidally modulated surface impedance. The surface impedance is obtained by an analytical circuit model. The sinusoidal surface impedance is realized using modulation of the conductivity of graphene by applying a bias voltage. The proposed leaky-wave antenna is capable of electronic beam scanning with an almost constant gain...
Analytical circuit model for periodic arrays of graphene disks
, Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 51, Issue 9 , July , 2015 ; 00189197 (ISSN) ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper, an analytical circuit model is proposed for 2-D arrays of graphene disks. First, we derive an analytical expression for the surface current density on a single graphene disk in the subwavelength regime, induced by a normally incident plane wave. The solution is then extended to 2-D arrays of graphene disks using perturbation theory. Finally, by applying appropriate boundary conditions, an R - L - C equivalent circuit of the structure is obtained. It is shown that both a single graphene disk and periodic array of graphene disks have dual capacitive-inductive nature. The results of the proposed model are in excellent agreement with those obtained by full-wave simulations
Highly efficient aerobic epoxidation of cyclic olefins in mild conditions by a novel binuclear manganese(II) complex containing N-(4-nitrophenyl)picolinamide ligand
, Article Catalysis Communications ; Volume 65 , May , 2015 , Pages 72-75 ; 15667367 (ISSN) ; Ghanbarpour, A ; Khavasi, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
A novel binuclear Mn(II) complex based on a para-nitro substituted amidic ligand (N-(4-nitrophenyl)picolinamide) has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. This complex shows a high degree of conversion and epoxide selectivity in Mukaiyama aerobic epoxidation reactions of cyclic olefins in mild conditions
Tunable polarization converter based on one-dimensional graphene metasurfaces
, Article Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics ; Volume 35, Issue 10 , 2018 , Pages 2574-2581 ; 07403224 (ISSN) ; Rahmani, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
We introduce a new metasurface structure for controlling the polarization of light by leveraging a wellharmonized combination of graphene and dielectric. The proposed metasurface is composed of an array of rectangular pillars laterally sandwiched by ribbons of graphene. Being able to dynamically change the polarization state of the reflected wave, the proposed structure is employed to realize a switchable polarization converter, which is able to act as a reflector (co-polarizer)/right-hand circular (RHC) quarter-wave plate or RHC/cross/ left-hand circular (LHC) polarizer based on its design configuration. The reflected amplitude in all states of functionality is remarkably high. It is also...
Terahertz quarter wave-plate metasurface polarizer based on arrays of graphene ribbons
, Article IEEE Photonics Technology Letters ; Volume 31, Issue 12 , 2019 , Pages 931-934 ; 10411135 (ISSN) ; Rahmani, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
We propose a novel graphene-dielectric-based metasurface for manipulating the polarization of the incident light in the terahertz regime. The proposed structure comprised two orthogonally oriented periodic array of graphene ribbons (PAGRs) which are separated by a dielectric spacer and deposited on an Au-backed dielectric substrate. Based on the transmission line theory, an equivalent model with excellent accuracy is suggested for the proposed structure. By leveraging the simplicity of the model, we design a three-state quarter wave plate that is able to dynamically switch the polarization of the reflected wave to linear, right-, and left-hand polarizations while keeping the reflected...