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Modeling and Economic Assessment of CO2 Capture by Oxy-fuel Combustion in Power Plants
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Soltanieh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Considering the drastical increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide, reduction of these gases seems necessary to combat global warming. Fossil fuel power plants are one of the main sources of CO2 emission. In this paper, CO2 capture from a natural gas fired steam cycle power plant using oxy-fuel combustion technology is studied. The Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM) developed by Carnegie Mellon University was used to evaluate the effect of this capture technology on the plant efficiency and economic parameters of the system. Since the oxygen production plant, CO2 capture and transport are cost and energy intensive, the cost of electricity generated...
Evaluation of the Behaviour of Collapsible Soils in Saturated and Unsaturated Oedometer Tests – Case Study of Gorgan Loess
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
Collapsible soils are kinds of problematic soils which are susceptible to large and sudden reduction in volume upon wetting. A manifest kind of these soils is loess; catastrophic settlement of structures which are built upon it has been observed when the soil becomes wet. In this investigation the collapse potential of samples of loess taken from Gorgan, Golestan, Iran, has been studied by using unsaturated odometer tests under controlled matric suction. To this end, two modified odometer apparatus with the capability of controlling the matric suction, have been designed and developed. Undisturbed samples of soil have been tested under K0 condition, while the matric suction, volumetric...
Expansion Planning of Active Distribution Networks in the Gradual PV
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Ehsan, Mehdi
Due to the increasing influence of distribution generation , their effect in planning can't be ignord , especially solar panels ,which are incresing rapidly. The main purpose of this thesis is to an active distribution network that annually load bus and the amount of photovoltaic production in it increases and plan dynamically. In the planning that is done , uncertanty in the amount comsumption load and uncertanty in the pattern of sunlight and also annual innterest rates in the classical system we have planned by optimizing the network expansion costs , in addition to supplying the load bus, we can keep the voltage drop bus and line filling within the allowable . To do this , we considered...
A spectral theory formulation for elastostatics by means of tensor spherical harmonics
, Article Journal of Elasticity ; Volume 111, Issue 1 , 2013 , Pages 67-89 ; 03743535 (ISSN) ; Shodja, H. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Consider a set of (N+1)-phase concentric spherical ensemble consisting of a core region encased by a sequence of nested spherical layers. Each phase is spherically isotropic and is functionally graded (FG) in the radial direction. Determination of the elastic fields when the outermost spherical surface is subjected to a nonuniform loading and the constituent phases are subjected to some prescribed nonuniform body force and eigenstrain fields is of interest. When the outermost layer is an unbounded medium with zero eigenstrain and body force fields, then an N-phase multi-inhomogeneous inclusion problem is realized. Based on higher-order spherical harmonics, presenting a three-dimensional...
Spectral Analysis of the Elastic Fields Associated With a Spherical Multi-Inhomogeneous Inclusion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi Shoja, Hossein (Supervisor)
Determination of the elastic fields associated with a spherical multiply-coated inhomogeneous inclusion is a problem of great interest among researchers. In this work a set consisting of N+1 concentric spherical domains is considered. Each domain is either isotropic or spherically isotropic and is functionally graded (FG) in the radial direction. The outermost spherical surface is subjected to nonuniform loading and the constituent phases are subjected to some prescribed nonuniform body force and eigenstrain fields. When the outermost domain is an unbounded medium with zero eigenstrain and body force fields then an N-phase multi-inhomogeneous inclusion problem is realized for which the...
Modeling and NVH Analysis of a Four-Cylinder Gasoline Engine and Providing a way to Reduce it
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saadat Foumani, Mahmoud (Supervisor)
Millions of people are exposed to noise every day in their work and life, and their physical and mental health is at risk due to this issue. Hence, the issue of noise and vibration has become an important factor in car quality. One of the sources of noise and vibration in the vehicle is the engine. The engine is the heart of the car and its most important part. Therefore, reducing Engine noise can have a significant effect on the noise emitted by the vehicle. Engine noise can be divided into three categories: 1 - combustion noise 2 - mechanical noise 3 - aerodynamic noise. This project is in line with a project defined between the university and industry aimed at improving all sources of...
Fabrication of NiTi Nano-Powder by Simple SPEX Mechanical Method and Fabrication of NiTi Foam by KCl Space-Holders
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam
NiTi Memory alloys have a great range of applications. Porous metallic biomaterials (e.g., stainless steel, chromium- cobalt, titanium and nickel–titanium (NiTi)) represent superior alternatives to traditional non-porous metallic implants for two main reasons. First, open porosity can enhance bone ingrowth and thus improve fixation at the interface between bone and implant. Second, porosity decreases the mismatch in stiffness between bone and implant, thus reducing stress-shielding effects which shorten the lifetime of the implant through bone resorption and loosening. NiTi foams may thus find multi-functional applications such as bone implants, impedance-matching connectors between...
Economic feasibility of CO2 capture from oxy-fuel power plants considering enhanced oil recovery revenues
, Article Energy Procedia, 19 September 2010 through 23 September 2010 ; Volume 4 , September , 2011 , Pages 1886-1892 ; 18766102 (ISSN) ; Soltanieh, M ; Saboohia, Y ; Arab, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Considering the dramatic increase of greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide, reduction of these gases seems necessary to combat global warming. Fossil fuel power plants are one of the main sources of CO2 emission and several methods are under development to capture CO2 from power plants. In this paper, CO2 capture from a natural gas fired steam cycle power plant using oxyfuel combustion technology is studied. Oxy-fuel combustion is an interesting option since CO2 concentration in the flue gas is highly increased. The Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM) developed by Carnegie Mellon University (USA) is used to evaluate the effect of this capture...
Improvement of a Steam Turbine Performance in a Combined Power Cycle Benefiting from Aerodynamics Solutions Applied on its Air-Cooled Condenser
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
Air-cooled condenser is widely used in thermal power plants as its main cooling system. However, the thermal capacity of air-cooled condensers reduces considerably in environmental wind drafts. So, the purpose of this study is to find practicable solutions to minimize the mal-performance of air-cooled condensers in windy conditions in either design or off-design conditions and consequently prevent the related steam turbines power reduction. The target combined cycle power plant consists of 4*160 MW steam turbines and 4 air-cooled condensers in its steam cycle part. This research presents two general and practical remedies, which are also applicable to many different powerplants irrespective...
Design and Optimization of Channeled Hydrogel Scaffold Based on Extracellular Matrix of Heart Tissue with Oxygen Release Capability
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Khorshidi, Sajedeh (Co-Supervisor)
Despite the increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases worldwide, the number of new drugs to treat these diseases has been decreasing in the last decade. Current preclinical drug evaluation strategies, which use cell cultures and oversimplified animal models, cannot meet the growing demand for new and effective drugs. In the last decade, the development of microfluidic bioreactors and organ-on-chip systems to improve the drug screening process has been increasing significantly. These systems have shown many advantages over previous preclinical models. Despite all these advantages, keeping the oxygen concentration at the optimal physiological level in microfluidic systems has its own...
Ant colony algorithm for the shortest loop design problem [electronic resource]
, Article Computers and Industrial Engineering, Elsevier ; Volume 50, Issue 4, August 2006, Pages 358–366 ; Kazemi, Morteza ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a new algorithm for solving the shortest loop design problem is presented. The shortest loop design problem is to find the shortest loop for an automated guided vehicle covering at least one edge of each department of a block layout. In this paper, first it is shown that this problem can be represented as a graph model. The properties of the presented model enable us to design a meta-heuristic based on ant colony system algorithm for solving the shortest loop design problem. Computational results show the efficiency of our algorithm in compare to the other techniques
Novel nanocomposite polyethersulfone- antimony tin oxide membrane with enhanced thermal, electrical and antifouling properties
, Article Polymer ; Volume 163 , 2019 , Pages 48-56 ; 00323861 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. A ; Ma, G ; McGregor, M ; Sadrzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Application of organic−inorganic nanocomposite membranes for water treatment is exceptionally growing owing to their tunable functionalities in addition to their enhanced permeation and antifouling propensity. In the present work, novel nanocomposite polyethersulfone (PES) membrane was synthesized using antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) nanoparticles (NPs) via phase separation technique. It was found that the modified PES-ATO nanocomposite membranes exhibited significantly higher fouling resistance and larger permeate flux recovery ratio when tested with oil sands produced water than unmodified PES membranes. Furthermore, the PES-ATO membranes provided 40% more organic matter removal compared...
Love Wave Propagation in a Functionally Graded Magneto-Electro-Elastic Half-Space with Quadratic Variations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eskandari, Morteza (Supervisor)
The propagation behavior of Love wave in functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic half-spaces with a quadratic variation is addressed. The magneto-electromechanical coupling factor, the dispersion relations, electric potential, magnetic potential and displacement are obtained analytically for both magneto-electrically open and short conditions. The effect of gradient coefficient on phase velocity, group velocity and magneto-electromechanical coupling factor are plotted and discussed. Research on the wave propagation in magneto-electro-elastic materials is still very limited. This work provides us with a theoretical foundation to design and practically apply SAW devices with high...
Modeling Reaction and Distribution of Water in Nanopores of the Cathode Catalyst Layer of PEM Fuel Cell
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; baghalha, morteza (Supervisor)
In the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEM, the produced water would be divided into two phases of vapor and liquid. distribution of both liquid and vapor phases in different cell layers affects the performance, the efficiency and the life of a fuel cell significantly. Moreover, Nano pores of the cathode catalyst layer are involved with some phenomena such as electrochemical reaction kinetics, heat and mass transfer and interface phase change. One of the most important problems in the performance of fuel cells is distribution of liquid water in the porous areas. Water flooding in fuel cells causes to delay in oxygen transport to active sites in the catalyst layer because the pores of...
Elastic Analysis of a Surface Stiffened Transversely Isotropic Half-space Under a Buried Horizontal Point Load
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eskandari, Morteza (Supervisor)
In this study, the interaction between thin plate completely bonded to the transversely isotropic halfspace and a concentrated force applied horizontally (Mindlin-type force) are considered. This problem has been solved analytically. This problem is used as sample for thin solid films and surface coating technology, where the surface of solid is covered by thethin plate for increasing its stiffness. Moreover, this problem is a good sample when homogenous solid is subjected to contact loading and can be seen that mechanical properties of material which is near the solid surface varies; consequently, a two-phase solid is created.Because of the influence of noted inhomogeneity, solid is...
Modeling and Simulation of the Catalyst Regeneration Process of FCC Unit of Abadan Refinery
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Baghalha, Morteza (Supervisor)
Hydrodynamics plays a crucial role in defining the performance of fluidized beds. The numerical simulation of fluidized bed is very important in the prediction of its behaviour. From this point of view, in the present study a dynamic two dimensioanl model is developed for the modeling of regenerator system of a UOP fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit of Abadan refinery with a high-efficiency regenerator. Of the various modeling and simulation techniques, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is employed in this thesis. Effects of gas velocity, the transient local solid volume fraction, pressure drop for gas and solid phase, solid holdup distribution and solid circulation pattern have been...
Database Schema Extraction Prevention Through DBMS Error Handling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amini, Morteza (Supervisor)
Nowadays large volume of sensitive data of organizations are stored in the databases. Thus, databases are attractive to the attackers to execute different types of attacks with different purposes. The useful information that attackers try to achieve in the preliminary steps of the attacks against the databases, is the database structure or schema. One of the popular approach to extract the schema of a database is to analyze the returned error messages from its DBMS. Hence, a solution to prevent schema disclosure via the error messages is customizing and modifying them. To achieve this goal, in this thesis, we propose a framework to handle and customize the error messages automatically and...
Privacy Preserving Access Control for Service Composition in Cloud Computing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amini, Morteza (Supervisor)
Cloud computing is a new computing environment where computing infrastructure, platform and software are provided as a service. Rapid growth of cloud environments has increased the importance of security requirements and challenges for both service providers and users in cloud. Two main security issues in software as a service (SaaS) delivery model are access control and privacy preserving in basic web services and also in composite services obtaining through the automatic composition and inference of policies from the ones specified for basic services. In this thesis, we present a privacy preserving access control model and framework for service composition in SaaS delivery model of cloud...
An Access Control System for Time Series Data in NoSQL Databases
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amini, Morteza (Supervisor)
An important class of applications which have been rapidly growing recently is the one that create and use time series data. These types of data sets are ordered based on the timestamps associated to their data items. In practice, traditional relational databases are unable to satisfy the requirements of these data sets; however, NoSQL databases with column-wide data structure are appropriate infrastructure for them. These databases are very efficient in read and write operations (especially for time series data, which are ordered) and are able to store unstructured data. Time series data may contain valuable and sensitive information; hence, they should be protected from the information...
Numerical Simulation of a Telescopic Metallic Yielding Damper
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eskandari, Morteza (Supervisor)
In this study, a new type of metallic yielding damper called Telescopic damper is proposed and analyzed numerically. The damper comprises of three concentric steel tubes connected together by lead shear keys. The relative axial deformation of steel tubes under axial forces results in shear deformation and yielding in lead shear keys and dissipates energy. The inner steel tube has a lock which limits its movement to some certain extent and beyond this limit the outer tube activates. Therefore, a multi-linear force-deformation behavior with two different yield plateaus is expected for the introduced telescopic damper. The multi-level yield plateaus of damper makes it effective in both low and...