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Synthesis of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Nanoparticles Using Chemical Method and Investigation of the Effect of Zirconia on Spinel Composites Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor)
In this research, a powder containing magnesium-aluminate spinel particles is prepared based on co-precipitation method and 5% , 10%, 15% and 20% zirconia-contained composites are produced as second phase from the synthesized powder. The raw materials used in the synthesis comprise hexa-hydrated magnesium nitrate, nona-hydrated aluminum nitrate, ammonium bicarbonate, 28% ammonium solution and distilled water. The properties of the powder is then investigated using STA, XRD and SEM tests. Also, XRD and SEM analyses as well as triple point flexural strength and Vickers hardness tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of adding zirconia to the powders. The variations of the...
Quantum Communications with Structured Light
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bahrampour, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Farman, Farnaz (Co-Supervisor)
Orbital angular momentum (OAM)and the radial quantum number (p) in infinite-dimensional Hilbert space are two degrees of freedom of light which are associated with the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field. They are attracting a growing interest for their potential in communication applications ranging from classical communication to fundamental tests of quantum mechanics,quantum communication and quantum cryptography. However, a third party trying to eavesdrop information from communication channel and treat channel security , quantum cryptography or quantum key distribution (QKD) is the secure communication method which is based on the quantum mechanical principles can...
Simultaneous evaluation of magnesia and silica contents’ effect on in-vitro bioactivity of novel bioglasses in the SiO2-CaO-MgO system
, Article Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society ; Volume 75, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 7-11 ; 0371750X (ISSN) ; Mahdieh, Z ; Maddahi, V ; Shokrgozar, M. A ; Mehrjoo, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
In this study, bioglasses in SiO2-CaO-MgO system were synthesized through sol-gel method and the effect of silica and magnesia contents on in-vitro bioactivity of the bioglasses were investigated. XRD patterns showed an amorphous structure after heat treatment at 600°C for 2 h for all glasses and also indicated that after immersion in SBF, apatite particles precipitated on glass surfaces and the rate of apatite formation decreased with increasing Mg/Ca ratio. On the other hand, the apatite formation rate was enhanced with increasing the silica content. Furthermore, magnesia contents increased the compressive strength of the samples. According to SEM, higher Mg/Ca ratio led to increase in...
Studying the Behaviour and Performance of an Innovative Floating Offshore Platform
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
The objective of this project is to study the behaviour and performance of an innotative floating offshore platform. Such Platform not only can be used for exploring oil from offshore fields, but for creating artificial islands, where land is in short supply. Due to its specific and, at the same time, simple geometry (symmetric), its fabrication does ont involve much complexity. Studies carried out on this platform include the investigation into its structural behaviour under gravitational (including self weight) and bouyancy forces. Studied cases include a number of platforms with different (geometrical) sizes and under 3 various bouyancy conditions (percentage), namely 1) 50% of the height...
The Study of The Behaviour of Steel Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Subject to Fire
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Fire is one the events which threatens the very existence of every building, residential, office, industrial or else. However, this threat is more serious with regard to buildings with steel structures. Steel, despite its many advantages over other structural materials, such as having high strength to weight ratio, ductility, toughness and resilience, has the disadvantage of rapidly losing its strength at elevated temperatures, i.e. in fire. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the designer to make the serious decision of whether to use steel, concrete, timber, or other materials for the structure of the building to be designed. Observations made during full-scale fire tests as well as...
Study of the P-^ Effects on the Behavior of Split-Level Steel Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khansari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Due to unusual response of structures of buildings with irregularity in their architecture to dynamic excitations, to have a comprehensive knowledge of their behavior during earthquakes is of utmost importance. Building irregularities are in general divided into two major categories, namely Irregularity in Plane and Irregularity in Elevation, and one of the forms of the latter is where there is a split in the levels of the building. In this work, through a series of case studies, the effects of P- phenomenon on the behavior of steel split-level building structures were studied. 5, 10 and 15 story buildings with 5 and 6 bays, and level splitting of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm were studied. All...
Three Dimensional Simulation of Morphology of Nanodroplets Near and on Structured Substrates
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
Mesoscopic hydrodynamic equations are solved employing a VOF based method to investigate the equilibrium shape of nanodroplets positioned over various topographic geometries of the supporting substrate for three-dimensional systems. By taking into account liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interactions a complex distribution for inter-molecular forces over the substrates (the disjoining pressure) is observed. In this research we show that motion of nanodroplets not only caused by contact angle difference in drplets two sides, but also depend on disjoining pressure parameters.Geometries with increasing complexities, from wedges to three dimensional edges and wedges, were explored with the main...
Investigating the Seismic Behaviour of Split-Level Building Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Observations made after previous earthquakes have shown the crucial role of irregularities in initiating damage in buildings with irregularity, either in Plan or in Elevation. Since in existing Building Codes, there is no provision for the distribution of the Equivalent Static Loads for such buildings, designers have no option but to resort to Dynamic Analysis. In this work, the seismic behaviour of a group of two-dimensional steel building structures with irregularity in elevation, namely Split-Level buildings, was studied. The studied structures consist of a series of 5- and 15-storey frames having two parts with splitting distance of 150 cm. Both, moment-resisting and braced frames were...
Numerical Study of Base Plates under Biaxial Bending
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Base plates as the connecting components of steel structures to their foundations, have a crucial role in the behavior of these structures. In order to limit the thickness of base plates hence their cost within reasonable values, various types of attachments (stiffeners) are normally added to them. In this project 6 different configurations, Models, for the base plate and its attachments were considered and studied through finite element analysis. Each Model was studied under the combination of biaxial moments and a range of compressive loads including 0, 0.05 P/Py, 0.10 P/Py and 0.15 P/Py, where Py is the plastic load of the column. The moment-rotation curves of all models under various...
Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of Base Plates with Various Degrees of Rigidity Under Cyclic Loads
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Co-Advisor)
Due to the important role of base plates, both in transferring forces from the structure to the foundation, and also in transferring vibrations from soil to the structure, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge on their behaviour and performance under monotonic and cyclic loading regimes. In fact, the behaviour of the supports of any structure cannot be identified without identifying the behaviour of its base plates. Numerous configurations with/without various types of attachments have been proposed and used for base plates. In this work, altogether six commonly-used types of base plates were studied and their behaviour under monotonic and cyclic loadings was obtained using commercial...
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion Simulation using a Multi-Zone Chemical kinetics Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
In recent years, the idea of Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines has been in the center of attention as a new generation of internal combustion engines. Intense decrease in pollutant emission rate like NOx, low fuel consumption and high thermal efficiency are the main reasons of why these engines are in center of attention, however, some drawbacks, which the main one combustion control which happens in limited operation range between knock and misfiring has limited the use of these engines. Hence approaches like adding synthesis gas, using exhaust gas recirculation, controling effective comperession ratio by using variable valve timing, changing the input conditions...
Factorial Design of Experiments to Identify Effective Factors on Domestic Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Reducing air pollutant emissions from vehicles is a difficult and time consuming procedure which needs utilizing of modern emission control equipment and setting strict regulations for car factories and drivers as well. How efficient these policies are and proposing operative solutions for air quality improvement depend on developing a sustainable model which is used in vehicle emission predictions and their share in total emissions. Emission factors are not constant values as they can be affected by various operational and ambient parameters. Development of Emission inventories calls for a huge number of measurements using different vehicles in diverse conditions. Thus, recognition of...
Development and Application of Mobile Source Emission Factor Matrix for Use in Wrf/Camx Air Dispersion Model of Tehran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Tehran, with approximately 750 km2 of land area, a population of more than 8 million people with about 4 million active on-road vehicles, is dealing with serious air pollution problems. To model the environmental phenomenon precisely, this study aims to develop on-road air pollutant emission factor matrices based on existing traffic in Tehran routes and to run air quality modelling within Tehran geographic boundaries. We developed emission factor matrices using SMOKES-MOVES emission modeling system. To do so, we calculated on-road emission factors from actual traffic-related data and run MOVES emission model. And use use them for different pollutants considered in air quality models. Then,...
Studying the Behaviour of Split-Level Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Past earthquakes show that irregular structures have been more vulnerable than their regular counterparts. One of the common types of irregular buildings in urban areas is split-level ones. On the other hand, beam-to-column connections in steel structures are mostly of "semi-rigid" type. In this work, effects of different levels of rigidity of connections, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, on the behavior of a number of two-dimensional split-level steel structures, with 1.5 m difference in levels of floors, 2, 3, 5 and 6 bays, and 5, 10 and 15 stories, were studied. All frames were analyzed “with” and “without” considering the P-∆ phenomenon, with two methods, ‘equivalent static load,’ and ‘modal...
Micro-modeling of Tehran 4-stroke Gasoline Motorcycle Fleet Emission and Investigating the Effects of Increasing Fueling System and Engine Technology Level
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
The city of Tehran is dealing with air pollution problems for years. Providing a solution for this problem requires information about different pollutants emission sources. In this subjects, emission factors and emission models are essential tools for decision makers. Among different mobile emission sources in Tehran, motorcycles are of high importance. In this project, for the first time in Iran, exhaust gas pollutants emission of 66 motorcycles with different ages and engine displacement volumes were measured according to Euro-3 standard certification procedure. Measurement results showed that none of the tested motorcycles passed the Euro-3 certification limit on CO emission. Calculations...
Partially Homogenous HCCI Combustion Chemical Kinetics Model Initial Conditions Development by CFD Modeling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines are the new generation of internal combustion engines which have diesel-like thermal efficiency, while they have low nitrogen oxide and soot emission. One of the major problems of HCCI engines is combustion timing control due to its dependence on reactivity of the charge and chemical kinetics. Moreover, limiting operation range between knock and misfiring is the other drawback of using these kind of engines. In the present work, partially homogeneous HCCI combustion in a single cylinder diesel engine is modeled using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) coupled with chemical kinetics. Simulation includes the engine cycle from exhaust valve...
Traffic Source Particle Pollution Distribution Using Micro-scale Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Today air pollution has become one of the major urban management concerns. Air pollution could have dangerous effects on human health in short time or long time in many situations. Numerical modelling is one of the most applicable among different ways for predicting pollutant concentration like field measurement, physical model in wind tunnel, and simulation. Modelling of pollutant dispersion is a way for estimating concentration and aggregation of the pollutant near the surface and with different distances from pollution source. In different dispersion models, one of simplest is the Gaussian model. In this approach it is supposed that emission plume obeys from Gaussian distribution and is...
Morphology of nanodroplets on structured surfaces
, Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ; Volume 46, Issue 21 , May , 2013 ; 00223727 (ISSN) ; Moosavi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
We report different morphologies of nanodroplets over various topographical features of the supporting substrates. The effects of different parameters such as the profile of the disjoining pressure, droplet size and the geometrical parameters are studied and discussed. Also, the effects of a coating layer on the surface of the substrate are determined. It is demonstrated that the nanodroplets at some positions are not stable and gradually move to more stable positions so that the system has less energy. For grooves this results in a series of morphology diagrams of the nanodroplets over the grooves as a function of the grooves' width and the liquid volume
Use of Life Cycle Analysis to Compare Various Vehicle Technologies on Energy Consumption and External Cost for Semi-Public Applications: Case Study, City of Tehran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
With the road transportation vehicles being widely used, concerns have been increased regarding their unwanted effects. Air pollution, climate change, and oil supply security are among these effects. Many alternative fuels and propulsion systems have been proposed to be used instead of conventional ICE vehicles in recent decades. This project intends to conduct a Techno-Economic comparison between different vehicle powertrains so as to select the suitable choice to substitute conventional ICE vehicles. The vehicle options are ICE vehicles using both gasoline and CNG as fuels, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), and Electric Vehicles (EVs). The amount of...
Optimazing Tehran LDV Fleet Regarding Environmental and Economic Restrictions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Tehran is the most populated area in Iran and is one of the most densely populated cities in the world where almost 40 percent of all days have been classified as unhealthy for sensitive groups. According to emission inventory of Tehran over than 85 percent of emission are due to different types of vehicles. And light duty vehicles share more than 80 percent all vehicles and are responsible for most of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides emitted in Tehran atmosphere. In this study real emission factor of Hybrid Synergy vehicles which just have been introduced to Tehran fleet were tested under real conditions of streets. Data produced in this research have been combined with previous...