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    Molecular dynamics study of bio-manipulation in aqueous media

    , Article Micro and Nano Letters ; Volume 11, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 9-14 ; 17500443 (ISSN) Kheirodin, M ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2016
    Nano-manipulation is one of the most important aspects of nano-robotics and nano-assembly. The positioning process is considered by many researches to be one of the most important parts of nano-assembly, but has been poorly investigated, particularly for biologic samples. This Letter is devoted to modelling the process of positioning a biomolecule with atomic force microscopy (AFM) in an aqueous media using molecular dynamics simulations. Carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphite sheet are selected as AFM tip and substrate, respectively. To consider the effects of the medium on the manipulation, several models for decreasing the calculations including implicit, coarse grained, and all-atom methods... 

    Modal analysis of metallic nanocantilevers with FCC lattice using atomic approximation method

    , Article 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2006, Chicago, IL, 5 November 2006 through 10 November 2006 ; 2006 ; 1096665X (ISSN); 0791837904 (ISBN); 9780791837900 (ISBN) Amiri, F ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  2006
    In this research, we will use an accelerator for MD simulations, called Atomic Approximation Method, which leads to more efficient simulations without harming the physical properties in simulations. The main idea of this method is to define a virtual material with lower number of atoms, which has the same physical properties as the original material. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed technique the modal analysis results are compared with the ones of the conventional molecular dynamics method. It is shown that this method accelerates conventional MD simulations significantly. Copyright © 2006 by ASME  

    Adaptive regulation and set-point tracking of the Lorenz attractor

    , Article Chaos, Solitons and Fractals ; Volume 32, Issue 2 , 2007 , Pages 832-846 ; 09600779 (ISSN) Nejat Pishkenari, H ; Shahrokhi, M ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, an approach is proposed for controlling the uncertain Lorenz system. Based on an identification technique, a controller is designed that guarantees the regulation of all states in the presence of system uncertainty. Since in some applications the challenging problem of output tracking is desired, we have proposed several effective set-point tracking control techniques. The control schemes that are based on the feedback linearization method, can stabilize the internal dynamics of the system. Simulation results have illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved  

    Observer-based control design for three well-known chaotic systems

    , Article Chaos, Solitons and Fractals ; Volume 29, Issue 2 , 2006 , Pages 381-392 ; 09600779 (ISSN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Shahrokhi, M ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a singularity-free approach is proposed for controlling three well-known chaotic systems namely Lorenz, Chen and Lu. The control design guarantees the regulation of two states and boundedness of the remaining state. The stability of the proposed scheme has been shown using the Lyapunov stability theorem. Implementation of the proposed control technique requires system states, while in most of practical applications only the system output is available. To overcome this problem, a nonlinear observer is coupled with the controller. Simulation results have illustrated the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed schemes. If the control action is applied to the second system... 

    Optimum design and vibration suppression of a piezoelectric amplified microactuator using FEM analysis

    , Article s20th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, MNC 2007, Kyoto, 5 November 2007 through 8 November 2007 ; February , 2007 , Pages 378-379 ; 4990247248 (ISBN); 9784990247249 (ISBN) Mahboobi, H ; Shahidi, A ; Pirouzpanah, S ; Esteki, H ; Sarkar, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research the optimum design of a piezoelectric amplified microactuator has been achieved via equation (1) and sensitivity analysis in FEM simulation software. In addition, for the sake of simplicity and utilizing the FEM software simulation facilities, the control strategy has been embedded in FEM simulation as a programming routine. The simulations showed the efficiency of the proposed controller to suppress the microactuator's undesired vibrations  

    Robust adaptive backstepping control of uncertain Lorenz system

    , Article Chaos ; Vol. 20, issue. 2 , 2010 ; ISSN: 10541500 Pishkenari, H. N ; Jalili, N ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a novel robust adaptive control method is proposed for controlling the Lorenz chaotic attractor. A new backstepping controller for the Lorenz system based on the Lyapunov stability theorem is proposed to overcome the singularity problem that appeared in using the typical backstepping control method. By exploiting the property of the system, the resulting controller is shown to be singularity free and the closed loop system is globally stable. Due to unavailability of system states measurement in practice, the controller is selected such that only one system state is needed. To overcome the problem of parameter uncertainty, an additional term to Lyapunov function is added and... 

    Manipulation of biomolecules: A molecular dynamics study

    , Article Current Applied Physics ; Volume 14, Issue 9 , September , 2014 , Pages 1216-1227 ; ISSN: 15671739 Mahdjour Firouzi, M. A ; Nejat Pishkenari, H ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the rapid progression of bionanorobotics, manipulation of nano-scale biosamples is becoming increasingly attractive for different biological purposes. Nevertheless, the interaction between a robotic probe and a biological sample is poorly understood and the conditions for appropriate handling is not well-known. Here, we use the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method to investigate the manipulation process when a nanoprobe tries to move a biosample on a substrate. For this purpose, we have used Ubiquitin (UBQ) as the biomolecule, a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) as the manipulation probe, and a double-layered graphene sheets as the substrate. A series of simulations were... 

    Simulation of imaging in tapping-mode atomic-force microscopy: a comparison amongst a variety of approaches

    , Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Phyics ; Vol.44, Number 7, p.1-9, 2011 Nejat Pishkenari, H ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A. (Ali) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Models capable of accurate simulation of microcantilever dynamics coupled with complex tip–sample interactions are essential for interpretation and prediction of the imaging results in amplitude modulation or tapping-mode atomic-force microscopy (AM-AFM or TM-AFM). In this paper, four approaches based on combinations of lumped and finite element methods for modelling of cantilever dynamics, and van der Waals and molecular dynamics for modelling of tip–sample interactions, are used to simulate the precise imaging by AM-AFM. Based on the simulated imaging and force determination, the efficiency of different modelling schemes is evaluated. This comparison is performed considering their... 

    A novel approach for optimal design of a rover mechanism

    , Article Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications ; Volume 44, Issue 4 , 2005 , Pages 291-312 ; 09210296 (ISSN) Meghdari, A ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Gaskarimahalle, A. L ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Karimi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    This article presents an overview of the mechanical design and fabrication of a Rescue Robot (CEDRA) for operation in unstructured environments. In order to obtain an appropriate mechanism for climbing the stairs, a novel method has been developed. In this kinematics-based approach we don't need to perform any dynamic analysis which is highly complicated and time consuming for most rovers. According to the essential characteristics needed for rovers, two objective functions were defined. We have shown that the new mechanism performs better on rough terrains than the previous well-known mechanism widely used in the Mars rovers. Moreover the design parameters are optimized by means of Genetic... 

    An effective approach for dynamic analysis of rovers

    , Article Robotica ; Volume 23, Issue 6 , 2005 , Pages 771-780 ; 02635747 (ISSN) Meghdari, A ; Karimi, R ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Gaskarimahalle, A. L ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper a novel approach to dynamic formulation of rovers has been presented. The complexity of these multi-body systems especially on rough terrain, challenged us to use the Kane's method which has been preferred to others in these cases. As an example, symbolic equations of a six-wheeled rover, named CEDRA Rescue Robot which uses a shrimp like mechanism, have been derived and a simulation of forward and inverse dynamics has been presented. Due to the clear form of equations, each term defines a physical meaning which represents the effect of each parameter, resulting in a frame-work for performance comparison of rovers. Although the method has been described for a 2-D non-slipping... 

    Optimal design and fabrication of "CEDRA" rescue robot using genetic algorithm

    , Article 2004 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 28 September 2004 through 2 October 2004 ; Volume 2 A , 2004 , Pages 541-548 Meghdari, A ; Pishkenari, H. N ; Gaskarimahalle, A. L ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Karimi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers  2004
    This article presents an overview of the mechanical design features, fabrication and control of a Rescue Robot (CEDRA) for operation in unstructured environments. As a preliminary step, the essential characteristics of a robot in damaged and unstable situations have been established. According to these features and kinematical equations of the robot, design parameters are optimized by means of Genetic Algorithm. Optimum parameters are then utilized in construction. Upon fabrication, this unit has been tested in clean laboratory environment, as well as, ill-conditioned arenas similar to earthquake zones. The obtained results have been satisfactory in all aspects, and improvements are... 

    Robust adaptive backstepping control of uncertain Lorenz system

    , Article Chaos ; Volume 20, Issue 2 , 2010 ; 10541500 (ISSN) Nejat Pishkenari, H ; Jalili, N ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a novel robust adaptive control method is proposed for controlling the Lorenz chaotic attractor. A new backstepping controller for the Lorenz system based on the Lyapunov stability theorem is proposed to overcome the singularity problem that appeared in using the typical backstepping control method. By exploiting the property of the system, the resulting controller is shown to be singularity free and the closed loop system is globally stable. Due to unavailability of system states measurement in practice, the controller is selected such that only one system state is needed. To overcome the problem of parameter uncertainty, an additional term to Lyapunov function is added and... 

    Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of atomic force microscope pushing force in nanoparticle manipulation on a rough substrate [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine ; 2013, Vol. 5, pp. 1-10 Babahosseini, H. (Hesam) ; Mahboobi, Seyed Hanif ; Meghdari, Ali ; Sharif University of Technology
    An Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a capable tool to manipulate nanoparticles by exerting pushing force on the nanoparticles located on the substrate. In reality, the substrate cannot be considered as a smooth surface particularly at the nanoscale. Hence, the particle may encounter a step on the substrate during a manipulation. In this study, dynamics of the nanoparticle on a stepped substrate and critical pushing force in the manipulation are investigated. There are two possible dynamic modes that may happen in the manipulation on the stepped substrate. In one mode, the nanoparticle may slide on the step edge and then climb up to the step which is a desired mode. Another possible mode is... 

    Molecular dynamics study of success evaluation for metallic nanoparticles manipulation on gold substrate

    , Article Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009, DETC2009, 30 August 2009 through 2 September 2009 ; Volume 6 , August–September , 2010 , Pages 345-346 ; 9780791849033 (ISBN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Using molecular dynamics, the behavior of nanoparticles during manipulation process is investigated in this paper. The system consists of a tip, cluster and substrate. The focus of the present research is on ultra-fine metallic nanoclusters. The system of concern is made of different transition metals. Two criteria have been proposed for evaluation of success in a pushing process. Such criteria describe the intactness of nanoparticle/substrate pair. The effects of cluster material and manipulation speed on the success of the process are investigated by atomistic simulations. Such qualitative simulation studies can evaluate the level of success of manipulation regarding different working... 

    Molecular dynamics study of success evaluation for metallic nanoparticles manipulation on gold substrate

    , Article Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 30 August 2009 through 2 September 2009, San Diego, CA ; Volume 6 , 2009 , Pages 345-346 ; 9780791849033 (ISBN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Using molecular dynamics, the behavior of nanoparticles during manipulation process is investigated in this paper. The system consists of a tip, cluster and substrate. The focus of the present research is on ultra-fine metallic nanoclusters. The system of concern is made of different transition metals. Two criteria have been proposed for evaluation of success in a pushing process. Such criteria describe the intactness of nanoparticle/substrate pair. The effects of cluster material and manipulation speed on the success of the process are investigated by atomistic simulations. Such qualitative simulation studies can evaluate the level of success of manipulation regarding different working... 

    Molecular dynamics simulation of manipulation of metallic nanoclusters on double-layer substrates [electronic resource]

    , Article Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; 2010, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 2364-2374 Mahboobi, H. (Hanif) ; Meghdari, Ali ; Jalili, Nader ; Amiri, Farshid ; Sharif University of Technology
    Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate the manipulation of metallic clusters on double-layer surfaces. The system parts are made of transition metals. The conditions which are subjected to change in the tests are material combinations for cluster, main substrate and lubricant layer (adlayer). In addition to qualitative observations, two criteria which represent the particle deformation and substrate abrasion are utilized as evaluation tools and are computed for each case. Obtaining this sort of knowledge is highly beneficial for further experiments in order to be able to plan the conditions and routines, which guarantee better success in the manipulation process  

    Molecular dynamics simulation of manipulation of metallic nanoclusters on stepped surfaces

    , Article Central European Journal of Physics ; Volume 9, Issue 2 , 2011 , Pages 454-465 ; 18951082 (ISSN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Amiri, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate the manipulation of metallic clusters on stepped surfaces. Five surface forms are considered in the simulations. The system parts are made of pure transition metals and Sutton-Chen many-body potential is used as interatomic potential. The conditions which are subjected to change in the tests include: materials used for particles and substrate, and surface step conditions. In addition to qualitative observations, two criteria which represent the particle deformation and substrate abrasion are utilized as evaluation tools and are computed for each case. Simulation results show the effect of the aforementioned working conditions on... 

    Planar molecular dynamics simulation of Au clusters in pushing process

    , Article International Journal of Nanomanufacturing ; Volume 5, Issue 3-4 , 2010 , Pages 288-296 ; 17469392 (ISSN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Amiri, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Based on the fact that the manipulation of fine nanoclusters calls for more precise modelling, the aim of this paper is to conduct an atomistic investigation for interaction analysis of particle-substrate system for pushing and positioning purposes. In the present research, 2D molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate such behaviours. Performing the planar simulations can provide a fairly acceptable qualitative tool for our purpose while the computation time is reduced extremely in comparison to 3D simulations. To perform this study, Nose-Hoover dynamics and Sutton-Chen interatomic potential will be used to investigate the behaviour of the aforementioned system. Pushing of... 

    Molecular dynamics simulation of manipulation of metallic nanoclusters on double-layer substrates

    , Article Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; Volume 42, Issue 9 , 2010 , Pages 2364-2374 ; 13869477 (ISSN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Amiri, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate the manipulation of metallic clusters on double-layer surfaces. The system parts are made of transition metals. The conditions which are subjected to change in the tests are material combinations for cluster, main substrate and lubricant layer (adlayer). In addition to qualitative observations, two criteria which represent the particle deformation and substrate abrasion are utilized as evaluation tools and are computed for each case. Obtaining this sort of knowledge is highly beneficial for further experiments in order to be able to plan the conditions and routines, which guarantee better success in the manipulation process  

    Qualitative study of nanoassembly process: 2-D molecular dynamics simulations

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 17, Issue 1 F , 2010 , Pages 1-11 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A ; Jalili, N ; Amiri, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Precise positioning of nanoclusters through manipulation in the presence of other clusters is one of the main challenging tasks in nanoclusters assembly. Currently, the size of clusters which are used as building blocks is decreasing to a few nanometers. As a result, the particle nature of the matter has a crucial role in manipulator/cluster/substrate interactions. In order to understand and predict the behavior of nanoclusters during the positioning process, it is, therefore, essential to have a deep insight into the aforementioned nanoscale interactions, in this research, 2-D molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate such behaviors. Performing the planar simulations can...