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    A two-phase linear programming methodology for fuzzy multi-objective mixed-model assembly line problem

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 44, Issue 9-10 , 2009 , Pages 1010-1023 ; 02683768 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Javadi, B ; Sahebjamnia, N ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We develop a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (FMOLP) model for solving multi-objective mixed-model assembly line problem. In practice, vagueness and imprecision of the goals in this problem make the fuzzy decision-making complicated. The proposed model considers minimizing total utility work, total production rate variation, and total setup cost, using a two-phase linear programming approach. In the first phase, the problem is solved using a max-min approach. The max-min solution not being efficient, in general, we propose a new model in the second phase to maximize a composite satisfaction degree at least as good as the degrees obtained by phase one. To show the effectiveness of... 

    Agent-based web service for the design of a dynamic coordination mechanism in supply networks

    , Article Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing ; Volume 20, Issue 6 , 2009 , Pages 727-749 ; 09565515 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Mohebbi, S ; Zandakbari, M ; Cho, N ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The theory of network coordination presents an effective approach to improve the business processes within supply networks. The automation of the negotiation process among buyers and suppliers has become an important policy in the transactional networks. This leads to assessing the roles of both quantifiable and non-quantifiable parameters in coordination mechanisms with the aim of achieving higher performance. Here, we develop an e-based supply chain multi-agent model for the design of mass-customized on-line services. The model addresses the bullwhip effect in multi-stage supply chain and also clarifies the evaluation of inventory policies in various supply and demand uncertainties. To... 

    A modified ant colony system for finding the expected shortest path in networks with variable arc lengths and probabilistic nodes

    , Article Applied Soft Computing Journal ; Vol. 21, issue , August , 2014 , p. 491-500 Farhanchi, M ; Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi-Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The problem of finding the expected shortest path in stochastic networks, where the presence of each node is probabilistic and the arc lengths are random variables, have numerous applications, especially in communication networks. The problem being NP-hard we use an ant colony system (ACS) to propose a metaheuristic algorithm for finding the expected shortest path. A new local heuristic is formulated for the proposed algorithm to consider the probabilistic nodes. The arc lengths are randomly generated based on the arc length distribution functions. Examples are worked out to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach  

    A genetic algorithm for optimization problems with fuzzy relation constraints using max-product composition

    , Article Applied Soft Computing Journal ; Volume 11, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 551-560 ; 15684946 (ISSN) Hassanzadeh, R ; Khorram, E ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We consider nonlinear optimization problems constrained by a system of fuzzy relation equations. The solution set of the fuzzy relation equations being nonconvex, in general, conventional nonlinear programming methods are not practical. Here, we propose a genetic algorithm with max-product composition to obtain a near optimal solution for convex or nonconvex solution set. Test problems are constructed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm showing alternative solutions obtained by our proposed model  

    A genetic optimization algorithm and perceptron learning rules for a bi-criteria parallel machine scheduling

    , Article Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers ; Volume 29, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 206-218 ; 10170669 (ISSN) Fazlollahtabar, H ; Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    This work considers scheduling problems minding the setup and removal times of jobs rather than processing times. For some production systems, setup times and removal times are so important to be considered independent of processing times. In general, jobs are performed according to the automatic machine processing in production systems, and the processing times are considered to be constant regardless of the process sequence. As the human factor can influence the setup and removal times, when the setup process is repetitive the setup times decreases. This fact is considered as learning effect in scheduling literature. In this study, a bi-criteria m-identical parallel machines scheduling... 

    A DEA approach for comparing solution efficiency in U-line balancing problem using goal programming

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 61, Issue 9-12 , August , 2012 , Pages 1161-1172 ; 02683768 (ISSN) Farkhondeh, H ; Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2012
    Line balancing problem plays an important role in the decision making process to increase efficiency and productivity. Recently, U-shaped layout in many production lines has replaced the traditional straight line layout using just-in-time concept. Here, we propose a model, using multi-objective decision making approach to the U-shaped line balancing problem, to offer enhanced decision maker flexibility, by allowing for conflicting goals. The assembly line operation efficiency is the most significant aim in our study, and this efficiency relates to management of resources and the solution of line balancing problem. First, the U-shaped line balancing problem is solved considering the model's... 

    A dynamic programming approach for finding shortest chains in a fuzzy network

    , Article Applied Soft Computing Journal ; Volume 9, Issue 2 , 2009 , Pages 503-511 ; 15684946 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Nourifar, R ; Heidarzade, A ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Graph theory has numerous applications to problems in systems analysis, operations research, transportation, and economics. In many cases, however, some aspects of a graph-theoretic problem may be uncertain. For example, the vehicle travel time or vehicle capacity on a road network may not be known exactly. In such cases, it is natural to make use of fuzzy set theory to deal with the uncertainty. Here, we are concerned with finding shortest chains in a graph with fuzzy distance for every edge. We propose a dynamic programming approach to solve the fuzzy shortest chain problem using a suitable ranking method. By using MATLAB, two illustrative examples are worked out to demonstrate the... 

    Reserve capacity of mixed urban road networks, network configuration and signal settings

    , Article Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice ; February , 2018 , Pages 883-906 ; 9781522552116 (EISBN) Divsalar, M ; Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    IGI Global  2018
    The authors formulate the transportation mixed network design problem (MNDP) as a mixed-integer bi-level mathematical problem, based on the concept of reserve capacity. The upper level goal is to maximize the reserve capacity by signal settings at intersections, determine street direction and increase street capacities via addition of lanes. The lower level problem is a deterministic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem to minimize the user travel time. The model being non-convex, meta-heuristic methods are used to solve the problem. A hybridization of genetic algorithm with simulated annealing and a bee algorithm are proposed. Numerical examples are illustrated to verify the... 

    Toward sustainable optimization with stackelberg game between green product family and downstream supply chain

    , Article Sustainable Production and Consumption ; Volume 23 , 2020 , Pages 198-211 Pakseresht, M ; Shirazi, B ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    Green products are increasingly considered by companies, owing to the significant attention of government regulations, customers’ requests and competitors. Here, we deal with Green Product Families (GPFs) by selecting green components, modules and products which are produced based on the assembling to order (ATO) approach to cover diverse customer needs. Designing a GPFs is important but not sufficient for sustainable optimization. In fact, we need to simultaneously consider the supply chain of a GPF to control the pollution generated in the downstream supply chain. For a sustainable optimization approach, this joint configuration is usually structured based on economic, environmental and... 

    Designing a dynamic buyer-supplier coordination model in electronic markets using stochastic petri nets

    , Article International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ; Volume 1, Issue 3 , 2008 , Pages 1-20 ; 19355726 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Mohebbi, S ; Cho, N ; Paydar, M. M ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Functional relationship between supplier and buyer in an open market place leads to investigate the role of both quantifiable and non-quantifiable parameters in coordination mechanism with the aim of achieving higher performance in supply chain activities. Here, we develop a supply chain model and a new agent to analyze and simulate the players' behavior in the network. A cooperative game theory framework is utilized between buyer and supplier in order to increase the supply chain performance. The study is supported by presenting SC Net Optimizer as a tool for implementing the proposed coordination mechanism and evaluates the performance of the chain by simulation using stochastic Petri nets... 

    An MP-based approximation algorithm on reliability evaluation of multistate flow networks

    , Article Reliability Engineering and System Safety ; Volume 191 , 2019 ; 09518320 (ISSN) Forghani Elahabad, M ; Kagan, N ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    In recent decades, multistate two-terminal reliability problem has attracted several researchers, and accordingly many exact and approximation approaches have been proposed in the literature in terms of minimal cuts (MCs) or minimal paths (MPs) to address this problem. Here, an MP-based approximation approach is developed based on exact algorithms. With all the MPs at hand, the approach rearranges the MPs ascendingly with respect to their lengths and then sets the flow on some MPs to be zero which turns to reduce the computing cost in solving the problem. We provide the complexity results, and by employing some benchmarks and one thousand randomly generated networks illustrate that not only... 

    A general fuzzy TOPSIS model in multiple criteria decision making

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 45, Issue 3-4 , 2009 , Pages 406-420 ; 02683768 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Heidarzade, A ; Sadeghpour Gildeh, B ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Decision making is the process of finding the best option among the feasible alternatives. In classical multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, the ratings and the weights of the criteria are known precisely. Owning to vagueness of the decision data, the crisp data are inadequate for real-life situations. Since human judgments including preferences are often vague and cannot be expressed by exact numerical values, the application of fuzzy concepts in decision making is deemed to be relevant. In this paper, we proposed the application of a fuzzy distance formula in order to compute a crisp value for the standard deviation of fuzzy data. Then, we use this crisp value of the standard... 

    A comprehensive fuzzy TOPSIS model in multiple criteria decision making

    , Article 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2007, Alexandria, 20 October 2007 through 23 October 2007 ; Volume 1 , 2007 , Pages 537-548 ; 9781627486811 (ISBN) Mahdavi, I ; Sadeghpour Gildeh, B ; Heidarzade, A ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Decision making is the process of finding the best option among the feasible alternatives. In classical multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, the ratings and the weights of the criteria are known precisely. Owning to vagueness of the decision data, the crisp data are inadequate for real-life situations. Since human judgments including preferences are often vague and cannot be expressed by exact numerical values, the application of fuzzy concepts in decision making is deemed to be relevant. Here, we apply a new distance formula to compute the standard deviation of fuzzy data to achieve crisp data by normalization. There is a flexibility to consider various fuzzy values as... 

    Diagrammatic approach for constructing multiresolution of primal subdivisions

    , Article Computer Aided Geometric Design ; Volume 51 , 2017 , Pages 4-29 ; 01678396 (ISSN) Bartels, R ; Mahdavi Amiri, A ; Samavati, F ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2017
    It is possible to define multiresolution by reversing the process of subdivision. One approach to reverse a subdivision scheme appropriates pure numerical algebraic relations for subdivision using the interaction of diagrams (Bartels and Samavati, 2011; Samavati and Bartels, 2006). However, certain assumptions carried through the available work, two of which we wish to challenge: (1) the construction of multiresolutions for irregular meshes are reconsidered in the presence of any extraordinary vertex rather than being prepared beforehand as simple available relations and (2) the connectivity graph of the coarse mesh would have to be a subgraph of the connectivity graph of the fine mesh. 3... 

    Genetic algorithm for solving fuzzy shortest path problem in a network with mixed fuzzy arc lengths

    , Article AIP Conference Proceedings, 2 December 2010 through 4 December 2010, Sarawak ; Volume 1337 , 2011 , Pages 265-270 ; 0094243X (ISSN) ; 9780735408937 (ISBN) Mahdavi, I ; Tajdin, A ; Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi-Amiri, N ; Shafieian, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    We are concerned with the design of a model and an algorithm for computing a shortest path in a network having various types of fuzzy arc lengths. First, we develop a new technique for the addition of various fuzzy numbers in a path using α -cuts by proposing a linear least squares model to obtain membership functions for the considered additions. Then, using a recently proposed distance function for comparison of fuzzy numbers. we propose a new approach to solve the fuzzy APSPP using of genetic algorithm. Examples are worked out to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model  

    Designing a new algorithm for the fuzzy shortest path problem in a network

    , Article 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2007, Alexandria, 20 October 2007 through 23 October 2007 ; Volume 1 , 2007 , Pages 556-563 ; 9781627486811 (ISBN) Mahdavi, I ; Tajdin, A ; Nourifar, R ; Hasanzade, R ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The shortest path problem is a classical and important network optimization problem appearing in many applications. We discuss the shortest path problem from a specified vertex to every other vertex on a network with imprecise arc lengths as fuzzy numbers. Using an order relation between fuzzy numbers, we propose a new algorithm to deal with the fuzzy shortest path problem. The algorithm is composed of a fuzzy shortest path length procedure and a similarity measure. The fuzzy shortest length method is proposed to find the fuzzy shortest length, and the fuzzy similarity measure is utilized to get the shortest path. Two illustrative examples are worked out to demonstrate the proposed algorithm... 

    A model for the time dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows under traffic conditions with intelligent travel times

    , Article RAIRO - Operations Research ; Volume 55, Issue 4 , 2021 , Pages 2203-2222 ; 03990559 (ISSN) Khanchehzarrin, S ; Shahmizad, M ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Ghasemi, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    EDP Sciences  2021
    A new mixed-integer nonlinear programming model is presented for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows and intelligent travel times. The aim is to minimize fixed and variable costs, with the assumption that the travel time between any two nodes depends on traffic conditions and is considered to be a function of vehicle departure time. Depending on working hours, the route between any two nodes has a unique traffic parameter. We consider each working day to be divided into several equal and large intervals, termed as a time interval of traffic. Here, allowing for long distances between some of the nodes, travel time may take more than one time interval of traffic,... 

    Data envelopment analysis based comparison of two hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approaches for mobile phone selection: a case study in Iranian telecommunication environment

    , Article International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences ; Volume 1, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 194-220 ; 17567017 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Fazlollahtabar, H ; Mozaffari, E ; Heidari, M ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The arrival of the mobile phone and its rapid and widespread growth may well be seen as one of the most significant developments in the fields of communication and information technology over the past two decades. The aim of this study is to compare two hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approaches to evaluate the mobile phone options with respect to user’s preferences. Firstly, we identify the most desirable features influencing the choice of a mobile phone. This is realised through a survey conducted among the target group, the experiences of the telecommunication sector experts and the studies in the literature. Secondly, two MCDM methods are used in the evaluation procedure.... 

    A web-based methodology for convergent product fuzzy networks using the Steiner tree

    , Article Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering ; Volume 30, Issue 7 , 2013 , Pages 415-432 ; 21681015 (ISSN) Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    An important manufacturing technology spectrum is to consider rapid and sensitive assemblies through convergent product (CP) in digital environment. We integrate functions and sub-functions using a comprehensive mathematical optimization process. To form the CP, a web-based fuzzy network is considered in which a collection of base functions and sub-functions configure the nodes and each arc in the network is to be a link between two nodes. The aim is to find an optimal tree of functionalities in the network adding value to the product in the web environment. First, a purification process is performed in the product network to assign the links among bases and sub-functions. Then, fuzzy... 

    A web-based multi-optimisation approach for convergent product networks using the Steiner tree

    , Article International Journal of Services and Operations Management ; Vol. 17, issue. 2 , 2014 , pp. 142-167 ; ISSN: 17442370 Hassanzadeh, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi-Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We propose a methodology to determine value by adding functionalities for convergent products. A collection of base functions and sub-functions configure the nodes of a web-based (digital) network representing functionalities. Each arc in the network is to be assigned as the link between two nodes. The aim is to find an optimal tree of functionalities in the network adding value to the product in the web environment. First, a purification process is performed in the product network to assign the links among bases and sub-functions. Then, numerical values as benefits and costs are determined for arcs and nodes respectively, using a mathematical approach. Finally, the Steiner tree methodology...