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2D numerical simulation of density currents using the SPH projection method
, Article European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids ; Volume 38 , 2013 , Pages 38-46 ; 09977546 (ISSN) ; Firoozabadi, B ; Mahdinia, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Density currents (DCs) or gravity currents are driven by gravity in a fluid environment with density variation. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been proved to have capabilities such as free surface modeling and accurate tracking of the immiscible-fluids interface that can be useful in the context of gravity currents. However, SPH applications to gravity currents have been limited to often-coarse simulations of high density-ratio currents. In this work, the SPH projection method is tried to solve currents with very low density-ratios (close to one), at a resolution, that captures the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the fluids interface. Existing implementations of the SPH...
Three Dimensional Large Eddy Simimulation of Lock-Exchange Density Currents
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Firoozabadi, Bahar (Supervisor) ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
In this thesis, lock-exchange density currents are investigated using the dynamic large eddy simulation (LES) method. These are flows that occur under the influence of gravity and density gradient. In the lock-exchange type currents, a bulk of heavy fluid is released under an ambient lighter fluid. One charachteristic of such flows is the presence of turbulence at different scales across flow and Kelvin-Helmholtz and lobe and cleft instabilities at the interface, which additionally act to complicate the matter. Although lots of efforts have been devoted to simulate density currents, much of the previous simulations have used Reynolds Average Navier-Stockes (RANS) methods. Practically, these...
Cohering and decohering power of quantum channels
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 92, Issue 3 , 2015 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Karimipour, V ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
We introduce the concepts of cohering and decohering power of quantum channels. Using the axiomatic definition of the coherence measure, we show that the optimization required for calculations of these measures can be restricted to pure input states and hence greatly simplified. We then use two examples of this measure, one based on the skew information and the other based on the l1 norm; we find the cohering and decohering measures of a number of one-, two-, and n-qubit channels. Contrary to the view at first glance, it is seen that quantum channels can have cohering power. It is also shown that a specific property of a qubit unitary map is that it has equal cohering and decohering power in...
Extracellular L-Asparaginase Production in Candida Utilis: Production and Activity Determination Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Co-Advisor)
L-Asparaginase has two major uses. For decades it has been known and used as an antitumor agent. Besides, it has been introduced as a food processing aid in the last trench against acrylamide formation in foods. Here, we have produced extracellular L-Asparaginase from Candida utilis and studied the parameters surrounding its production. Thus, two species of yeast were cross-examined: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BBRC 30006) and Candida utilis (ATCC 9950). Moreover, the most suitable method for detecting and determining L-Asparaginase activity was investigated and selected for this purpose which is via L-Aspartate determination with Hydroxylamine. Furthermore, six deferent parameters of...
Economical Model Analysis for Khaf Wind Farm Considering Reliability
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Oraee Mirzamani, Hashem (Supervisor)
Wind has been shown to be one of the fastest growing sources of energy among renewable energy resources during recent decades. Widespread utilization of wind power during recent years imposes considerable effects on modern power systems in which the renewable energy supplies are included. Also power systems reliability evaluations have received significant attentions during recent years so studying wind farm's reliability would be of great importance in modern power systems whether it is studied as a part of the power grid or as an isolated system.In addition, the competitive environment of the power markets thrusts the power suppliers to follow the most economical patterns of operation,...
Comparison of parallel and antiparallel two-qubit mixed states
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 91, Issue 1 , January , 2015 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Karimipour, V ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
We investigate the correlation properties of separable two-qubit states with maximally mixed marginals. These states are divided to two sets with the same geometric quantum correlation. However, a closer scrutiny of these states reveals a profound difference between their quantum correlations as measured by more probing measures. Although these two sets of states are prepared by the same type of quantum operations acting on classically correlated states with equal classical correlations, the amount of final quantum correlation is different. We investigate this difference and trace it back to the hidden classical correlation which exists in their preparation process. We also compare these...
Aerodynamic Design and Parametric Investigation of Power Turbine for a Turbo Jet Engine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hajilouy Benisi, Ali (Supervisor)
In this research, it is aimed to convert a turbojet engine to a turboshaft by replacing the exhaust nozzle with a new designed power turbine stage. The design procedure is backed up with parametric studies to increase efficiency. At first a program is written for one dimensional modelling of the stage of axial turbine. By the way, the three dimensional modelling of the stage of axial turbine with Ansys-cfx business software is done. These methods are validated by modelling the gas generator turbine and comparison of their results with experimental results. Then the power turbine including the blades and the geometry of flow walls on shaft and casing are designed. The performance of power...
Spare parts management algorithm for wind farms using structural reliability model and production estimation
, Article IET Renewable Power Generation ; Volume 10, Issue 7 , Volume 10, Issue 7 , 2016 , Pages 1041-1047 ; 17521416 (ISSN) ; Oraee, A ; Oraee, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) are widely used in wind power systems; hence their reliability model is an important consideration for production assessment and economic analysis of wind energy conversion systems. However, to date mutual influences of reliability analysis, production estimations and economic assessments of wind farms have not been fully investigated. This study proposes a reliability model for DFIG wind turbines considering their subcomponent failure rates and downtimes. The proposed production estimation algorithm leads to an economic assessment for wind farms. A comprehensive spare parts management procedure is then presented in the study. As a case study,...
Capacity of Memory Quantum Channels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor)
One of the most important problems of quantum information theory is to try to determine the channel capacity of noisy quantum channels. Alice would like to send Bob information over many uses of a noisy quantum communication link. As the line is usually noisy, this cannot be done perfectly, and so they must use suitable coding methods to minimize the error. Different coding methods yield different rates of information transition and different errors, the channel capacity is defined as the maximum rate at which information may be transferred with vanishing error in the limit of a large number of channel uses. There are a variety of different capacities, depending upon whether Alice and Bob...
An experimental study of time lag for pressure measurement in different tubes
, Article Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology) ; Volume 16, Issue 61 B , 2005 , Pages 127-137 ; 10150951 (ISSN) ; Soltani, M. R ; Tolouei, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Determination of the time lag caused by utilization of different tubes to measure pressure on the surface of a wind tunnel model is an important problem in the field of aerodynamic especially for unsteady measurements where the pressure signature changes continuously with time. In this investigation the time required for the applied pressure at one end of different tubes to reach its original value (applied pressure) at the other end has been measured. Three plastic tubes and two polyethylene tubes with different lengths and different inner diameters; L=2, 5 and 10 m, d=1, 2 and 4 mm, were used to study the time lag. Experimental data show that the response time in a pressure measuring...
Classification, Similarity Analysis and Modeling of Drug Activities Using Chemometric Techniques: Introduction of Classical Relativity in Chemical Space
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Jalali-Heravi, Mehdi (Supervisor)
The present research devoted to the application, development and implementation of clustering, classification and regression techniques for modeling of the biological activity of different drug and drug-like molecules. At first, the prediction ability of Bayesian regression techniques was evaluated for describing and predicting the inhibition behavior of Integrin antagonists. As a next step, the complementary local search techniques have been used for improving the performances of Bayesian regularized genetic neural network (BRGNN) algorithm. The results indicated that the pattern search algorithm has a great potential to be used as a feature selection method in Chemoinformatics. In line...
On the evolution of flow stress during constrained groove pressing of pure copper sheet
, Article Computational Materials Science ; Volume 45, Issue 4 , 2009 , Pages 855-859 ; 09270256 (ISSN) ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Mani, A ; Rafizadeh, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Using a mechanical model and dislocation density based model, the evolutions of dislocation density and flow stress of pure copper during constrained groove pressing (CGP) process are investigated. In this regard, the strain and strain rate are achieved from the mechanical model and then input into the dislocation model. To verify the predicted flow stress, the process of constrained groove pressing is performed on the sheets of pure copper from one to three passes. The predicted flow stresses are compared with the experimental data and a good agreement is observed. Also, it is found that during the straining of the copper sheet in CGP process, the dislocation density and strength dropping...
Numerical study of ignition process in turbulent shear-less methane-air mixing layer
, Article Flow, Turbulence and Combustion ; Volume 99, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 411-436 ; 13866184 (ISSN) ; Tabejamaat, S ; Mani, M ; Farshchi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Netherlands
In this work, ignition process in a turbulent shear-less methane-air mixing layer is numerically investigated. A compressible large eddy simulation method with Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model is used to solve the flow field. Also, a thickened flame combustion model and DRM-19 reduced mechanism are used to compute species distribution and the heat release. Non-reacting mean and RMS axial velocity profiles and mean mixture fraction are validated against experimental data. Instantaneous mixture fraction contours show that the large bursts penetrate from the fuel stream into that of the oxidizer and vice versa and a random behaviour in the cross-stream direction. Flame kernel initiation, growth...
Numerically investigation of ignition process in a premixed methane-air swirl configuration
, Article Energy ; Volume 171 , 2019 , Pages 830-841 ; 03605442 (ISSN) ; Tabejamaat, S ; Mani, M ; Farshchi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Ignition process in a premixed methane-air swirl configuration is studied using a large eddy simulation method with Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model. A developed thickened flame combustion approach with two-step methane-air mechanism is used. Non-reacting mean and RMS axial, tangential and radial velocity profiles are validated against the experimental results. It is shown that the flow field consists of four zones: Inner Recirculation Zone, Inner Shear Layer, Outer Shear Layer and Corner Recirculation Zone. The mean and RMS of velocities and temperature in reacting flow are then validated against the experimental data. Large eddy simulation is used to investigate the ignition sequence by...
Shuffling multivariate adaptive regression splines and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system as tools for QSAR study of SARS inhibitors
, Article Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis ; Volume 50, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 853-860 ; 07317085 (ISSN) ; Asadollahi Baboli, M ; Mani Varnosfaderani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, the inhibitory activity of pyridine N-oxide derivatives against human severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is predicted in terms of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models. These models were developed with the aid of multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) combined with shuffling cross-validation technique. A shuffling MARS algorithm is utilized to select the most important variables in QSAR modeling and then these variables were used as inputs of ANFIS to predict SARS inhibitory activities of pyridine N-oxide derivatives. A data set of 119 drug-like compounds was coded with over hundred calculated...
Chromatographic fingerprint analysis of secondary metabolites in citrus fruits peels using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry combined with advanced chemometric methods
, Article Journal of Chromatography A ; Volume 1251 , 2012 , Pages 176-187 ; 00219673 (ISSN) ; Jalali Heravi, M ; Sereshti, H ; Mani Varnosfaderani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Multivariate curve resolution (MCR) and multivariate clustering methods along with other chemometric methods are proposed to improve the analysis of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) fingerprints of secondary metabolites in citrus fruits peels. In this way, chromatographic problems such as baseline/background contribution, low S/N peaks, asymmetric peaks, retention time shifts, and co-elution (overlapped and embedded peaks) occurred during GC-MS analysis of chromatographic fingerprints are solved using the proposed strategy. In this study, first, informative GC-MS fingerprints of citrus secondary metabolites are generated and then, whole data sets are segmented to some...
Simultaneous Analysis of Aliphatic Alcohols Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose Based on Nano/Microstructured Conducting Polypyrrole Film Prepared by Catalytic Electropolymerization on Cu/Au Interdigital Electrodes Using Multivariate Calibration
, Article IEEE Sensors Journal ; Volume 16, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 418-425 ; 1530437X (ISSN) ; Babaei, M ; Alizadeh, M. S ; Mani Varnosfaderani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper, nano/microstructured-conducting polypyrrole has been prepared on Cu/Au interdigital electrode surfaces by using constant potential amperometry technique. The Fe(II) ions were used as catalyst and X = ClO4 -, pTs-, Cl-, TCA-, DS-, DBS- was implemented as anion dopants. The morphologies of the films were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscope. A remarkable dependence was observed between the type of anion dopant and the morphology of polypyrrole (PPy). The sensing behavior of the PPy-X sensor has been studied toward acetone, methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, nitromethane, propylamine, pyridine, and gas mixtures of aliphatic alcohols. The responses...
Numerical aerodynamic analysis of a damaged airfoil
, Article 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2007, Miami, FL, 25 June 2007 through 28 June 2007 ; Volume 2 , 2007 , Pages 1120-1127 ; 10485953 (ISSN) ; 1563478986 (ISBN); 9781563478987 (ISBN) ; Ajalli, F ; Mani, M ; Taeibi Rahni, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The flow on a section of NACA 641-412 airfoil with right and inverse triangle shaped damage was numerically investigated. The flow through the damage was driven by the pressure differential between the upper and lower wing surfaces. The results showed that for both damage shapes the flows could be categorized as weak, transitional or strong jets. For both damage cases the jet exited from the rear of the damage and its size was determined by the width of the rear part of the hole. Generally, when compared with an undamaged model, increasing incidence for a damaged model resulted in increased loss of lift coefficient, increased drag coefficient and more negative pitching moment coefficient....
An experimental investigation of the reduced frequency effects into pressure coefficients of a plunging airfoil
, Article 7th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, AFM'08, The New Forest, 21 May 2008 through 23 May 2008 ; Volume 59 , 2008 , Pages 153-161 ; 17433533 (ISSN); 9781845641092 (ISBN) ; Ajalli, F ; Soltani, M. R ; WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ; Sharif University of Technology
Aerodynamic coefficients on a two dimensional plunging airfoil, in a low-speed wind tunnel are presented. Dynamic motion was produced by plunging the model over a range of reduced frequencies, and mean angles of attack. The Reynolds number in the present test was held fixed (Re = 1.5×10 5), and the reduced frequency was varied in an almost wide range. Surface static pressure distribution was measured on the upper and lower sides of the model, during the oscillating motion. It was found that reduced frequency had strong effects on the pressure distribution, near the leading edge of the airfoil. For mean equivalent angles of attack of 0, 5 degrees, hysteresis loops on the upper surface of the...
Quantum Correlations of Two Qubit Systems
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Memarzadeh Esfahani, Laleh (Co-Advisor)
Composite quantum systems are generally correlated and these correlations may have classical or quantum nature. Entanglement is only a special type of quantum correlations and separable states may be quantum correlated. Quantum discord, local quantum uncertainty and the rank of the correlation matrix are the most important measures of quantum correlations beyond entanglement. Regarding the various applications of discordant separable states in the field of quantum information, the important problem is how to produce discordant separable states and what is the resource which should be used for this preparation. In this thesis we present a method of preparation for such states in two qubit...