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An Intelligent Dynamic Airspace Configuration (DAC) Decision Support System for Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
For the past few years, increasing the airspace capacity has been one of the most detrimental issues facing air traffic management. Statistically speaking, the demand for aerial transportation has been continuously growing hitting an %8.1 growth in 2017. This growth rate in conjunction with the performance and safety considerations for the ATC systems, clearly indicate the need for a practical and safe solution to the airspace capacity problem. Dynamic Airspace Configuration (DAC), is one of the proposed methods addressing this problem by changing the airspace configuration over time.In this research, we have introduced an intelligent method for airspace configuration given the forecast of...
Decision Matrix for a Safe Aerial Launch Release Mechanism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
The case of rapid small satellite aerial launch by mother airplane has various applications; such as space experiment, weather monitoring, and getting information from the earth monitoring during natural disasters. In this method, the satellite and the launch vehicle will be carried up by mother airplane to the definite height; then, the launch vehicle will be released and flied - to the insert of satellite into the desired orbit. Aerial launch system success depends on a set of complex elements and their interactions. In the present study, first of all, the element interactions will be investigated by system engineering approach based on operational scenarios; then, a new approach for...
TCAS Logic Improvement for Airliners Formation Flights
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This study explores the trajectory optimization of two aircrafts’ formation flight seeking minimization of fuel consumption and flight duration while considering activation of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) during the flights. In order to model the effects of this system, a set of codes has been developed in the Matlab software environment, which utilizes an estimation model of induced drag for each aircraft by their relative positions. Also, position rotation is allowed, and the number and location of rotations are controllable by the user. The TCAS determines the allowable distances between aircrafts during flights based on relative velocities and relative heading angles....
"Aircraft Performance Enhancement via Mass Distribution Management"
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This work describes a methodology to enhance aircraft performance via proper mass distribution management. The methodology aims to limit aircraft configuration in early stages of the design process to its desired performance. Mass Distribution Management (MDM), that is used in this work, is a new mathematical model which predicts the so-called aircraft Handling Qualities (HQ) via proper positioning of aircraft mass. This work shows how proper changes in B-747-100 fuel tanks arrangement can enhance its flight quality up to level one during its entire cruise flight without use of any stability augmentation systems. In general this work introduce a methodology to examine different fuel tanks...
Airport Capacity Determination by Fuzzy Logic
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
An automatic air traffic controller system is designed in this research. The major goal is to aid the human controller in decision making at real air traffic control situations. The air traffic system is modeled by queuing theory. Since respond rapidity is very important in air traffic control, so the fuzzy logic is utilized to construct a rule-base. This rule-base determines optimum policies while considering the operational matters, minimum separation distance requirements, air traffic controller techniques, and work-load. This project is an initial design for air traffic automation system which considers scheduling optimality as well as delay reduction. The case study is done on Denver...
Modification of Design Target Area, based on Aircraft Terrain Following Missions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This work investigates the possibility of developing suitable design guidelines for aircraft flying in very low altitude as well as terrain following flights (TFF). The work aims to highlight the TFF mission in the early stages of design process; as oppose to other mission conducted by the aircraft. Current approach in TFF relies heavily on efficient Flight Control System (FCS) regardless of the overall configuration of aircraft. However, in this work, we show not all aircraft in the service could conduct TFF and maneuverability of airplane is very important. In fact, we investigate the overall impact of TFF on the wing loading (W/S) and thrust loading (T/W); if we were to design an aircraft...
Management of System Requirements in Systems Engineering Process with Axiomatic Design Principles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
Functional Requirements (FR) are traditionally known to be "input" as far as an engineering process is concerned. However, for a Systems Engineer (SE), this is not the case. A well-known task of a SE is, in fact, to develop FRs from what is considered as the customer needs. The traditional approach to develop suitable FRs involves an algorithmic procedure; which mostly relies on the skills, knowledge, attitude, and experiences of the SE or experts members of design team. It is therefore an ad-hoc method which results in quite a few numbers of trial-errors and its effectiveness only reveals itself as time goes on. The current work aims to address such a shortcoming in Systems Engineering...
A Study of Induced Systems Behavioral
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
Towards basic-applied Research in the System Sciences fields, this Research has been to try to understand the behavior patterns and Functional Architecture of parasitic organisms and Use these in Social-Economic Systems. In this research four scenarios for parasite behavior were found and based on one of them, the recent "Financial Crisis in Greece" has been evaluated. The results show that the developed model, can be effective in similar conditions.
Airline Flight Schedule Planning with Network Optimization
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Malaek, Mohammad Bagher
Airline scheduling is a dynamic process in nature such that it changes not only during one year period but also in smaller intervals due to the economic, political, religious, and social factors. Basically, airlines schedule planners through using mathematical models decide which flights are to be served in what periods of time and at what costs. This has to be done considering a set of constraints of different nature, from airspace and airport congestion up to climatic conditions or even crews working conditions. Such a complex problem requires different methods for an efficient solution. In this study by using network optimization method and applying different operational constraints on...
Application of Dynamic Sectorization in Air Traffic Controller Workload Balancing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
In order to manage a complex system, one way is to divide it into smaller parts. That’s the reason airspace in each country should be divided into sectors. Currently, these sectors have fixed areas and each is controlled by a number of air traffic controllers. However, the traffic crossing these sectors is considerably dynamic, which means the traffic density and its distribution varies seasonally, weakly and even through the 24 hours of a day. Moreover, weather conditions and security and military issues make constraints to some of these sectors. This sometimes results in some high traffic sectors while some others have very low traffic density which causes two main problems. One is that,...
The Investigation of Sustainable Transportation System Characteristics
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This work, with the help of FUZZY DEMATEL and FUZZY TOPSIS methods investigates the behavior of a general transportation system. In fact, we have been able to develop a cause and effect model to describe why in an unsustainable system any increase in the so called “human value” would not help increase the overall system’s sustainability. Moreover, we have been able to analyze the new role of the key stakeholders as “insurance companies”. in fact, such companies receives a guaranteed flow of money without providing any extra services in the current unstable situation which help widen the gap and increase the rate of instabilities. Further investigations might be necessary to examine the role...
Flexibility Analysis in Supply Chain by Using Design Structure Matrix
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
Supply chains are socio-technical engineering systems which now days perform in more uncertain operational environment than before. These systems have been vulnerable because of increasing the number of natural disasters, competitiveness and changing the demand. So these systems in order to be survived in such high uncertain environment need to enhance some capabilities in their structure. In this research by considering an assumed auto supply chain, we try to develop an approach to cover uncertainties in operational environment of this system. At the next step, we use design structure matrix modeling to model the interactions between system elements before and after scenario occurring....
Investigation of Possible Ways to Improve a Quad-rotor Controllability and Agility by Increasing Control Parameters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
In the class of unmanned air vehicles (UAV), there is a class entitled as Quad-rotor that engineers pay much attention due to specific features to them. Main applications of this class are because of vertical take-off and landing capability and high controllability. This class has high controllability in environments with high barriers because of the inherent imbalance. All of the Quad-rotors have already studied, had a fixed structure. So the designer's main focus was on improving the guidance and control systems and almost all forms of linear and nonlinear control methods and fuzzy, adaptive and robust control have been investigated. In this study variable structure is examined instead...
Fuzzy Terrain Following Flight
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
The purpose of this thesis is to present a novel approach in Terrain Following/Terrain Avoidance (TF/TA) flight using Fuzzy Logic. The fuzzy logic can decide where and how the aircraft needs to change its altitude and/or heading angle. The method due to its fast decision making algorithms would be useful for on-line operation. It could also help design trajectories in an off-line manner. To achieve the above goal, the method effectively incorporates the dynamics of the aircraft and could handle tough terrains in terms of shape and peculiarities. The mathematical method basically, uses a special relationship among existing slope and slope derivative of the terrain together with aircraft...
On-line Near Optimal Path Planning for Aircraft in Emergency Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This work presents a novel approach to redefine a safe aircraft based on systems engineering fundamentals. Its aim is to prescribe a “Safe-Functional-Aircraft” instead of currently used procedures that is based on “Physically-defined-Safe-Aircraft”. The current work is much more consistent with increasing number of flights. It basically suggest that any aircraft that can complete its mission should not declare emergencies due to any physical malfunction. With proper simulations, have investigated the feasibility of replacing a “physically safe” aircraft with an “operationally/functionally safe” one. The process makes use of well-known documents such as FTA and FMEA ; which are produced...
Optimal Retrieval Trajectory of Tethered System of Space Debris for Maximize the Aerodynamic Heating
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
In this study, a model for the optimal routes for the recovery of space debris is expressed. The dynamic model using a binary system consisting of satellites and orbital debris containment space is extracted. Trastrhay available on satellite and aerodynamic drag on the system circuit changes the whole system and the entry of debris into the thick atmosphere began to burn.This circuit must be optimized. The thrusters are assumed as variable optimization problem. After simulation of optimization, it follows that by changing the initial value thrusters, Trastrhay the optimal cost function changes. Also, indicating the final height of system affects on parameters, thrusters and the cost...
An Agent-Based Approach to Forming Logic of Commercial Formation Flights
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
The existing trend in air transportation growth, clearly shows that aviation industries need to profoundly look at “formation flights” in a more efficient manner and without complex computations. This work describes a new efficient Logic to accept or reject a possible formation among all available. The approach considers each airplane as an agents that “sees” the current traffic environment and then selects the best “Action” to satisfy its desired objectives. The logic, although simple, considers the location and time to join a formation or to create one; and the position to leave the original formation. Different Mathematical model have been investigated to find-out which one is more...
A New Approach to Requirements Engineering Process Aircraft Preliminary Design: with Application to the Aircraft Wing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
This work describes a new approach to the so called “Engineering Requirements Process” based on abilities to develop a meaningful task. We first describe how a meaningful is created from scratch and then we explain how requirements could be added to a level where the predefined task is no-longer doable. The process is then applied to design of an aircraft wing to show how requirements could be avoided during a design process. The method is expected to be applicable to all aircraft sub-systems and parts. The process is particularly useful where all design requirements are not available at once, rather they increase as time goes on and new stakeholders become apparent. In this work, we have...
Near-Optimal Aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution During Vertical and Turn Maneuvers in Accordance with Free Flight Concept
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
The article describes a new algorithm for the en-route conflict detection and resolution problem for flying aircrafts. In this new algorithm both horizontal and vertical maneuvers are considered. The proposed conflict resolution trajectories are optimized in the sense that they respect minimum deviation from the original path planned by all aircraft involved in the discovered conflict. The proposed horizontal maneuvers consists of three consecutive turns that guarantees return to the original path and can be done in both cooperative or non-cooperative manner. The algorithm searches different scenarios for conflict resolution between multiple aircrafts while preventing secondary conflicts....
Near-optimal Trajectories for Microgravity Atmospheric Flights
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
In this Thesis, the necessary steps to implement near-optimal atmospheric flights in order to create micro and partial gravity condition has specified. This documentary has been prepared in a comprehensive way. The goal of this project is to reach the optimal throttle and elevator inputs and consequently optimal paths to perform the maneuver with maximum time. The basis of my work is to integrate two methods of tabu search and continuous ant colony system in order to find the best match for inputs. As a result, the aircraft’s proper inputs as a function of time can be accommodated. The constraints here refers to the safety of the flight, which are maximum operating speed, stall angle of...