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    Does the short-term boost of renewable energies guarantee their stable long-term growth? Assessment of the dynamics of feed-in tariff policy

    , Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 159 , October , 2020 , Pages 1252-1268 Milad Mousavian, H ; Hamed Shakouri, G ; Mashayekhi, A. N ; Kazemi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    Feed-in tariff (FiT) is one of the most efficient ways that many governments throughout the world use to stimulate investment in renewable energies (REs) technology. For governments, financial management of the policy could be challenging as it needs a considerable amount of budget to support RE producers during the long remuneration period. In this paper, it has been illuminated that the early growth of REs capacity could be a temporary boost. And the socio-economic structure of the system will backlash the policy if some social mechanisms are not considered. Social tolerance for paying REs tax and potential investors’ trust emanated from budget-related mechanisms -which have rarely been... 

    Environmental policy-making for persian gulf oil pollution: a future study based on system dynamics modeling

    , Article Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 17-23 ; 15567249 (ISSN) Khajehpour, H ; Ahmady, M. A ; Hosseini, S. A ; Mashayekhi, A. N ; Maleki, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Environmental degradation due to economic activities is a key challenge facing sustainable development. The fossil fuel production sector is a very polluting industry. In this research, the future trends of pollution accumulation in the region due to direct/indirect oily discharge into the semi-enclosed area of the Persian Gulf are studied. The purpose of the study was not only to alert policy-makers about potential future threats in the region but also to conduct a trial to develop potential solutions to these problems. Four different environmental cases were studied via the principle of system dynamic modeling simulation. The cases consisted of three situations: relaxed, simple policy, and... 

    Model study on the kinetics of scale removal due to ultrasonic radiation

    , Article 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011: Unconventional Resources and the Role of Technology. Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011 ; Volume 7 , 2011 , Pages 5657-5659 ; 9781617829666 (ISBN) Sherafati, M ; Hemmati, N ; Mashayekhi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Scale formation is one of the major problems in oilfields. Removal of scales is a difficult process due to their relative hardness and low solubility. Therefore it is valuable to find a method which can remove damages caused by scales. Ultrasonic radiation is known have the sufficient energy to remove the scales. Our purpose is to investigate the role of ultrasound on permeability increments due to scale removal. Some experiments were carried out to find these effects and observed that ultrasound has increased volumetric mass transfer, concentration and solubility limits. We also worked on a model presented by Tahmasebi et. al[2010] and applied changes on it to make it able to predict... 

    Project cost dynamics for development policy-making

    , Article Journal of the Operational Research Society ; Volume 51, Issue 3 , 2000 , Pages 301-310 ; 01605682 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, A. N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Cost and time overruns have been a common characteristic of development projects in many countries. This paper presents a theory of cost and time overruns based on project cost structure. The cost of a development project consists of base cost and progress cost. Base cost keeps a project ready for physical progress. Progress cost creates real physical progress on the project. This cost structure has an important inherent dynamic characteristic with implications for the efficiency and effectiveness of project management. An imbalance between annual budget and ongoing projects results in an increasing inefficiency and ineffectiveness unrelated to the quality of management of individual... 

    Improved passivity criterion in haptic rendering: influence of coulomb and viscous friction [electronic resource]

    , Article Advanced Robotics ; 2014 Volume 28, Issue 10 Mashayekhi, A. (Ahmad) ; R. Bozorgmehry, R ; Nahvi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Asgari, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a new criterion for passivity of haptic devices is obtained. This criterion creates a relationship between Coulomb friction coefficient, viscous friction coefficient, sampling rate, and the maximum simulated stiffness. The process of derivation of the passivity criterion is described in detail. This criterion is improved compared with other existing criteria and predicts passivity in haptic rendering more accurately. In particular, for speeds of less than 5 cm/s, the new passivity criterion should replace the previous criteria to avoid unwanted vibrations of stiff virtual walls. Analytical and numerical investigations are presented to validate the new criterion. A specific... 

    Assessing the contribution of different sources in atmospheric dispersion of PM2.5 and related health impact in a region of Qazvin, Iran

    , Article Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health ; Volume 15, Issue 8 , 2022 , Pages 1379-1394 ; 18739318 (ISSN) Rezazadeh, A. A ; Avami, A ; Mashayekhi, M ; Kianbakhsh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media B.V  2022
    Consumption of fossil fuels in residential, industrial, and transportation sectors has a significant contribution to air pollution and high attributable premature deaths. To target specific strategies for reducing health effects, the anthropogenic sources and their contributions should be identified. This article provides an integrated modeling approach to evaluate the sector-specific contributions of different PM2.5 sources on air pollution and relevant health impacts. The dispersion of emissions from different sources is modeled by the American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model (AERMOD), and the health impacts are estimated by the Environmental... 

    A new haptic interaction with a visual tracker: implementation and stability analysis

    , Article International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications ; Volume 5, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 37-48 ; 23665971 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, A ; Nahvi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Mohtasham Shad, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    In this paper, a new haptic interaction is presented where the operator is in contact with the haptic device (HD) only when she/he is in contact with the virtual environment (VE). This is in contrast with traditional haptic systems, where the operator is always in contact with the HD, even if she/he is out of the VE. In this haptic interaction, a visual tracking system is used to track the operator’s finger. When the finger is out of the VE, the HD tracks the finger so that the stylus of the HD keeps a constant distance of about 2 cm from the finger. When the finger gets close to the VE, the stylus slows down and stops upon reaching the VE; it then waits until the operator touches the stylus... 

    Developing a framework for analyzing the causes of corruption

    , Article Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering ; Volume 15, Issue 1 , 2022 , Pages 67-77 ; 22519904 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, A. N ; Sepehri, M ; Aghamiri, S. M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Qazvin Islamic Azad University  2022
    In this paper, a framework for effective factors on the occurrence of economic corruption is presented. Corruption issues as an existing challenge need to be addressed comprehensively and accurately. Various factors affect this issue, and the lack of precise and comprehensive identification of these factors can create a constraint, in which the main causes of corruption may not be addressed and efforts may focus on less important issues. The existence of a framework of factors helps by examining the level of these factors and makes it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of context and personal factors to design and implement corrective solutions and eliminating weaknesses, so... 

    Designing a qualitative system dynamics model of crowdfunding by document model building

    , Article Qualitative Research in Financial Markets ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 197-224 ; 17554179 (ISSN) Haji Gholam Saryazdi, A ; Rajabzadeh Ghatari, A ; Mashayekhi, A ; Hassanzadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Emerald Group Publishing Ltd  2019
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to design a qualitative model of crowdfunding dynamics through the document model building (DMB). Design/methodology/approach: Methodology in this paper is the qualitative system dynamics through DMB. In DMB, the authors identify the variables that are drivers of its growth and collapse, and the model will be developed by using the systematic review of the literature. Findings: Designing of the dynamics of crowdfunding model through DMB. Identifying variables that are drivers of crowdfunding growth and collapse. Determining leverage points in crowdfunding diffusion. Originality/value: This paper, for the first time, with the aim of identifying and... 

    The design of a system dynamics model of crowdfunding for support of new knowledge-based IT startups

    , Article International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling ; Volume 15, Issue 5 , 2020 , Pages 454-474 Haji Gholam Saryazdi, A ; Rajabzadeh Ghatari, A ; Mashayekhi, A ; Hassanzadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Inderscience Publishers  2020
    Considering the problem of funding start-ups because of their nature, some entrepreneurs developed crowdfunding in which funding is done via social network. Crowdfunding is a complicated and dynamic phenomenon. In addition, studies conducted on crowdfunding are not significant in number and they have been conducted in exploratory and partial manner. As a result, it is necessary to adopt an approach capable of understanding complex dynamic phenomena so as to be able to explain a crowdfunding. The present paper designs a system dynamics model of crowdfunding for support of new Iranian knowledge-based IT startups so as to highlight the complexities and dynamics of crowdfunding. The results of... 

    Simulation of cumulative absolute velocity consistent endurance time excitations

    , Article Journal of Earthquake Engineering ; Volume 25, Issue 5 , 2021 , Pages 892-917 ; 13632469 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, M ; Estekanchi, H. E ; Vafai, A ; Mirfarhadi, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2021
    Endurance time method is a dynamic analysis in which structures are subjected to increasing excitations. These excitations are generated to be compatible with ground motions. Conventional excitation generating processes take into consideration the dynamic characteristics related to intensity and frequency contents of ground motions; however, duration-related characteristics have never been considered directly. In this study, the existing methodology is extended to include Cumulative Absolute Velocity as a duration-related parameter in the generating process. These newly generated excitations are then employed to estimate nonlinear responses of three concrete structures as case studies.... 

    Factors influencing adoption of e-payment systems: an empirical study on Iranian customers

    , Article Information Systems and e-Business Management ; Volume 15, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 89-116 ; 16179846 (ISSN) Barkhordari, M ; Nourollah, Z ; Mashayekhi, H ; Mashayekhi, Y ; Ahangar, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    Internet technology has influenced the banking systems because of its capability to enhance performance of financial operations. A major concern of Internet banking systems is the customers’ perception of security and trust. This study presents an experimental investigation on important factors influencing trust in e-payments systems in Iran. A set of potentially determinant factors of trust is developed and organized in three major groups: technical and transaction procedures, access to security guidelines, and usability. The direct effect of the factors on perceived trust, along with their indirect effect through perceived security, is evaluated in an empirical study. The data are... 

    Incorporation of strong motion duration in incremental-based seismic assessments

    , Article Engineering Structures ; Volume 223, Issue 15 , November , 2020 Mashayekhi, M ; Harati, M ; Darzi, A ; Estekanchi, H. E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    This study proposes a new approach to incorporate motion duration in incremental dynamic assessments. In the proposed methodology, at each intensity level, a simulation-based approach which is verified with actual data is employed to determine the median duration and the median acceleration spectra of ground motions expected to occur at the site. Afterward, at each intensity level, artificial or spectrally matched motions are produced based on the median acceleration spectra and the median duration, indicating that different intensity levels are directly covered by the generated artificial or adjusted motions rather than just scaling up and down a set of recorded ground motions. In the... 

    Development of hysteretic energy compatible endurance time excitations and its application

    , Article Engineering Structures ; Volume 177 , 2018 , Pages 753-769 ; 01410296 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, M ; Estekanchi, H. E ; Vafai, H ; Mirfarhadi, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    The aim of this study is to develop a new simulation procedure of endurance time excitations in which hysteretic energy compatibility is included. Existing methods for simulating excitations consider only amplitude and frequency content of motions and disregard parameters related to cumulative damage of structures. Hysteretic energy consistency, as a cumulative damage-related parameter, is included in the process. The proposed method is applied to generate new excitations. Efficiency of the proposed method is examined in two ways: (1) comparing damage spectra of simulated excitations with recorded ground motions; (2) applying simulated excitations in seismic assessment of three concrete... 

    The Use of Social Marketing Approach to Motivate Schools to Teach Students Systematic Thinking

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahri, Maryam (Author) ; Mashayekhi, Alinaghi (Supervisor)
    One of Iran’s most important priorities at present is the development of the human resources and one of the most important skills of this human resource is decision making and problem solving. During the past few years, there have been numerous criticisms about the educational system in Iran without a substantial solution being offered to replace the existing approach. Aseman Group has been trying to promote system thinking in children. In Aseman, they believe that system thinking is one probable solution in order to develop thinking, decision making and problem solving skills in our human resource at early age. However, one of the many problems facing this group, is the resistance shown by... 

    Organizational Learning Measurement in Organizational Processes: A Case Study in Assessing Learning in New Product Development in System Group Co.

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Borna, Behnam (Author) ; Mashayekhi, Alinaghi (Supervisor)
    Organizational learning is essential for organizations to grow and survive. Organizations can gain competitive advantage through proper organizational learning. Number of studies in this field in recent years shows the importance of this issue among practioners and academics. The first step in managing organzaitonal learning is its measurement. Organizations can be provided with solutions if an appropriate measurement tool is designed. The main question of this research is whether this tool can be designed or not so that organizational learning in organizational processes can be measured. Despite the significance of organizational learning measurement, the current studies in this field lack... 

    Distributed Data Mining in Peer-to-Peer Systems

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Mashayekhi, Hoda (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
    Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is a popular distributed computing paradigm for many applications which in-volve exchange of information among a large number of peers. In such applications, large amount of data is distributed among multiple dispersed sources. Therefore, data analysis is challenging due to processing, storage and transmission costs. Moreover, the data rarely remains static and frequent data changes, quickly out date previously extracted data mining models. Distributed data mining deals with the problem of data analysis in environments with distributed data and computing resources. In this dissertation, we explore distributed data mining in different structures of P2P systems. In... 

    L-overlay: A layered data management scheme for peer-to-peer computing

    , Article Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ; Vol. 7, issue. 2 , 2014 , Pages 199-212 ; ISSN: 19366442 Mashayekhi, H ; Habibi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Efficient storage and handling of data stored in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, proves vital for various applications such as query processing and data mining. This paper presents a distributed, scalable and robust layered overlay (L-overlay) to index and manage multidimensional data in a dynamic P2P network. The proposed method distinguishes between the data and peer layers, with efficient mapping between the two. The data is organized such that semantically similar data objects are accessed hastily. Grid and tree structures are proposed for the peer layer. As application examples of L-overlay in query processing and data mining, k-nearest neighbors query processing and distributed Naïve... 

    Uniquely decodable codes with fast decoder for overloaded synchronous CDMA systems

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Communications ; Volume 60, Issue 11 , 2012 , Pages 3145-3149 ; 00906778 (ISSN) Mashayekhi, O ; Marvasti, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we introduce a new class of sigature matrices for overloaded synchronous CDMA systems that have a very low complexity decoder. While overloaded systems are more efficient from the bandwidth point of view, the Maximum Likelihood (ML) implementation for decoding is impractical even for moderate dimensions. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed decoder is very close to that of the ML decoder. Indeed, the proposed decoding scheme needs neither multiplication nor addition and requires only a few comparisons. Furthermore, the computational complexity and the probability of error vs. Signal to Noise Ratios (SNR) are derived analytically  

    K-nearest neighbor search in peer-to-peer systems

    , Article AP2PS 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems ; 2010 , Pages 100-105 ; 9781612081021 (ISBN) Mashayekhi, H ; Habibi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Data classification in large scale systems, such as peer-to-peer networks, can be very communication-expensive and impractical due to the huge amount of available data and lack of central control. Frequent data updates pose even more difficulties when applying existing classification techniques in peer-to-peer networks. We propose a distributed, scalable and robust classification algorithm based on k-nearest neighbor estimation. Our algorithm is asynchronous, considers data updates and imposes low communication overhead. The proposed method uses a content based overlay structure to organize data and moderate the number of query messages propagated in the network. Simulation results show that...