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    The Investigation on Hydroxyapatite Coating on Magnesium Alloy and Its Properties

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mazaheri Kalahrood, Amir (Author) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    Magnesium and its alloys are biodegradable materials with mechanical properties similar to the bone tissue, therefore these materials are suitable for producing orthopedic implants. Unfortunately Magnesium and its alloys are corroded too fast in physiological environment which is the main obstacle for usage of these materials as orthopedic implants. Producing Hydroxyapatite(HA) coatings on surface of Magnesium and its alloys is one of the popular and useful methods for reducing the corrosion rate in physiological environment. HA is a biocompatible and bioactive coating with the ability to bond chemically with the bone tissue and therefore it is largely used as a bioactive coating on the... 

    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MCM-41) coated PEGylated chitosan as a pH-Responsive nanocarrier for triggered release of erythromycin [electronic resource]

    , Article International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials ; 2014, Volume 63, Issue 13, Pages 692-697 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Mazaheri Tehrani, Zahra ; Sharif University of Technology
    A pH-responsive drug delivery system based on core shell structure of mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) and chitosan-PEG copolymer was prepared and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and high-resolution transmission microscope (HR-TEM) techniques. In order to improve compatibility MSN and drug, mesoporous nanosilica was modified by 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane. The release of erythromycin (a macrolide antibiotic) as a model drug was investigated in two pHs, 7.4 and 5.5  

    Flexible bactericidal graphene oxide–chitosan layers for stem cell proliferation [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Applied Surface Science ; 15 May 2014, Volume 301, Pages 456–462 Mazaheri, M ; Akhavan, O ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Graphene oxide (GO)–chitosan composite layers with stacked layer structures were synthesized using chemically exfoliated GO sheets (with lateral dimensions of ∼1 μm and thickness of ∼1 nm), and applied as antibacterial and flexible nanostructured templates for stem cell proliferation. By increasing the GO content from zero to 6 wt%, the strength and elastic modulus of the layers increased ∼80% and 45%, respectively. Similar to the chitosan layer, the GO–chitosan composite layers showed significant antibacterial activity (>77% inactivation after only 3 h) against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Surface density of the actin cytoskeleton fibers of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) cultured... 

    A general model for I/O system theory, Proceedings of AIMC31 [electronic resource]

    , Article Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ; 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 1-19 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hashem, Amir ; Sharif University of Technology

    Application and Improvement of Preconditioning in Solution of Low Mach Number Flow, Using Compressible Flow Equation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Motaghedolhagh, Kamyar (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Upwind methods for forward time marching integration of compressible flow equations, suffer low accuracy and convergence rate for very low mach numbers. Here we have used a preconditioning scheme to address this challenge. A preconditioner matrix is multiplied in the Euler flow equations. First we investigate subsonic flow around an airfoil to validate the numerical scheme used here, and to show grid independence of our solutions. Then very low mach numbers between 0.1 and 0.001 is solved and increase in accuracy and convergence rate is demonstrated. The proposed algorithm has flow parameters, which are studied here to find their effect on accuracy and convergence rate. The found results are... 

    Some Innovations in Numerical Simulation of Inviscid Three Dimensional Flow with Moving Boundaries

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ramezani, Ali (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    The main subject of this thesis is to improve conventional CFD algorithms applied in numerical simulation of inviscid unsteady flows around moving boundaries with large relative motions, on unstructured grids. All challenges in this regard are reviewed, and appropriate efficient schemes are introduced to address them. A new scheme is presented for valid grid generation during grid movement and is implemented for 2D and 3D problems. Customary three dimensional convergence acceleration techniques such as implicit time stepping and multigriding have been applied. For implicit solution of the flow equations a new algorithm is used. Via a special renumbering algorithm, the approximate... 

    Structural and Electric Transport Properties of Lanthanum Based Manganites and Barium Based Ruthenates

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Mazaheri, Mojtaba (Author) ; Akhavan, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The goal of this thesis is to understand the physical properties of lanthanum based manganites and barium based ruthenates. In order to obtain negative colossal magnetoresistance in manganites and fabrication of barium ruthenate in ordinary condition, the effects of variables such as ionic radii, chemical composition, temperature, magnetic field and processing in manganites and ruthenates systems are investigated. In the first part, the effects of potassium doping on structure, metalinsulator transition and magnetoresistance in )La1-yKy)0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 and)La1-yKy)0.7 Ba0.3 MnO3 manganites systems are studied. Polycrystalline samples of manganites are synthesized by the sol‐gel method. In the... 

    Method Developing of National Technology Roadmap for Heavy Turbofan Engine Industry based on Conceptual design

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shamekhi, Vahid (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, a method developed for producing technology roadmap to identify technologies needed in design, construction and testing of turbofan engines. In the first phase and in scoping step, 10 years’ time horizon is determined. Then project organization and the role required are intended and after that the second phase that is technology roadmap formation is begun. Market identification, product identification by key success factors forms and experts are steps of this phase and determination of three generations of engine are results of product identification step. After that, the technology identification step is begun but simultaneously the technology mapping drawing steps for... 

    One Dimensional Simulation of the Internal Flow Field and Design and Optimization of a Solid Fuel Ramjet

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Enayati, Vahid (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Ramjets have many applications and in the speed range of Mach numbers 2 to 5 show the best performance in terms of specific fuel consumption. In many applications, including some anti-air missiles, cannon and mortars, solid fuel ramjet can be used to improve the system performance.
    In this thesis, two activities are performed:
    A) One dimensional simulation of the internal flow field of solid fuel ramjet by development of available softwares.
    B) Optimization of design parameters of a specific ramjet motor based on the above simulation.
    The main target of this thesis is simulation of internal ballistics, design and optimization of a solid fuel ramjet for a particular... 

    Aerodynamic Investigation of an Aeroelastic Flapping Wing and Optimum Design Method

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi, Abbas (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Flapping wing vehicles produce aerodynamic lift and thrust through the flapping motion of their wings. The dynamic performance of a flexible membrane flapping wing is experimentally investigated here. To investigate aeroelastic effects of flexible wings (specifically, wing’s twisting stiffness) on hovering and cruising aerodynamic performance, a flapping-wing system and an experimental setup were designed and built. This system measures the unsteady aerodynamic and inertial forces, power usage and angular speed of the flapping wing motion for different flapping frequencies, angles of attack, various wind tunnel velocities up to 12 m/s and for various wings with different chordwise... 

    Design and Integration of a Connected Pipe Test Facility for Liquid Fuel Ramjet

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavassoli, Farid (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    In the present study, design and manufacturing of a connected pipe liquid fuel ramjet test platform is implemented for performance investigation of a research liquid fuel ramjet burner in the thermodynamic flight conditions. Design and manufacturing of platform systems include: the hot air supply system, the liquid fuel system and the square cross-sectional combustion chamber with the v-gutter shape flame holder. In order to determine the performance range of subsystems, calibration process has been carried out. Calibration process of the hot air supply system includes: determining of the burner inlet velocity and temperature. Also, calibration of the liquid fuel system includes: determining... 

    Development of Parallel Algorithm for Adjoint Optimization of Turbine Blade

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salehi, Hadi (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    This study develops an aerodynamic shape optimization code using parallel processing capability based on a gradient-based adjoint method. Calculation of the gradient of the objective function with respect to design variables is the most costly part of the gradient-based optimization algorithms. Applying adjoint methods, gradients can be calculated with solving some additional equations known as the "adjoint equations", instead of direct calculation. In this study, the blade shape optimization is performed by inverse design method and using steepest descent optimization algorithm. The objective function of inverse design problem is the desired blade surface pressure distribution. In each... 

    Aerodynamic Optimization of Axial Compressors Using Adjoint Equations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Roueeni, Ali (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    In this study, aerodynamic shape optimization of axial compressors is considered. In order to optimization, one of the gradient based optimization algorithms, namely Adjoint method, is used. Recently, Adjoint method has been emerged as one of the reliable gradient based optimization algorithms in turbomahineries applications. Because this method is a gradient method of optimization, similar to the other entire gradient based algorithms, adjoint method also has a better convergence than non-gradient based optimization algorithms. In this work, aerodynamic shape optimization of two-dimensional cross section through a transonic axial compressor is studied. The process is considered for midspan... 

    Acceleration Convergence of New Gradient-based Aerodynamic Optimization Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taheri, Ramin (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Aerodynamic shape optimization has been always of great importance in aerospace design. Recent advancements in computational algorithms and hardware, has made it feasible to have advanced optimization as a standard part of desing procedure. Here we have promoted aerodynamic optimization in three different applications, i. e., wing-body configuration, hydro propellers, and air propellers. First we have reviewed fluidic theoretical aspects, and have selected appropriate physical models or existing softwares. Accuracy of physical analysis or software is validated. Then different optimization algorithms are reviewed, and schemes used in this thesis are described and the softwares are validated. ... 

    Steady State and Transient Simulation of Single Spool Turbojet Engine at High Rotational Speeds

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mansouri, Hossein (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    In this research, steady state and transient performance of a single spool axial turbojet engine (without afterburner) is studied. Performance maps of main components such as; compressor, combustor and turbine are extracted from a similarity (geometry independent) approach.Then using nested loops method, steady state model of the turbojet engine is developed and using shaft dynamics and volume packing equations, transient model of the turbojet engine is analyzed. Steady state and transient simulations results of an engine are validated by experimental data and then effect of changes on input parameters such as; polar moment of inertia, Mach number, fuel heating value, pressure and... 

    Hybrid Modeling and Control of Voltage Source Inverters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mazaheri, Behnam (Author) ; Mokhtari, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Modeling and control of power electronic converters, due to their non-linear nature, are from important research subjects in power electronics. Power electronic systems contain both continuous-time dynamics and discrete-time inputs, and therefore, are categorized as hybrid systems. Conventionally, modeling and control of hybrid systems is done by linearizing and state-space averaging. However, these methods do not guaranty well operation of the system over a wide range of load or input variation. In this project, by employingMLD modeling method, a model for an inverter which is connected to a three-phase RL load through an LC filter, is derived. Then, this model is used in an optimization... 

    Numerical Simulation of DBD Plasma Actuator and Optimization for Separation Control

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Javad (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Here we have used CFD to simulate the flow field around a DBD plasma active controller for flow control. Enhanced Electrostatic model is applied to model the plasma actuator, by solution of two elliptic equations to find electric field and charge density in whole flow field. So, it provided the body force by neglecting the magnetic forces in Lorentz equation. The body force is added to the momentum equation as a source term. A commercial software FLUENT is used for this simulation. To validate the algorithm, flow over a flat plate using DBD actuator is solved and results are compared with experimental and numerical results. Flow control around a cylinder with Reynolds number of 18,000 is... 

    Aerodynamic Optimization of Transonic Airfoils and Wings by Using Shock Control Bump, Suction and Blowing with Adjoint Method

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Nejati, Ashkan (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Shock control bump (SCB) and suction and blowing are flow control methods used to control the shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SWBLI) in order to reduce the resulting wave drag in transonic flows. A SCB uses a small local surface deformation to reduce the shock-wave strength, while suction decreases the boundary-layer thickness and blowing delays the flow separation. Here, a single-point, a multi-point, and a robust optimization method are used to find the optimum design of SCB and suction and blowing. The flow control methods are used separately or together on two transonic airfoils i.e.; RAE-2822 and NACA-64A010 for a wide range of off-design transonic Mach numbers. The RANS flow... 

    Optimization of the Multi-Stage Compressor Design by Developing a Software for 2D Axial-Flow Compressor Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khodabakhshi, Alireza (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Streamline Curvature method is one of the most commonly used methods by industry for prediction of axial flow compressors. This method analyze axial compressor by solving radial equations in the meridional plane to locate streamlines and also by using empirical models to predict total pressure loss. Despite growth of CFD models, Streamline Curvature method has been considered as most practical method for compressor preliminary design and performance assessment because of it’s high speed and good precision. In the current work a C++ code (SLC) has been developed using streamline curvature for axial flow compressor performance analysis. This code receives compressor geometry, properties of... 

    An MPC method based on a hybrid model of a three-phase inverter with output LC- filter

    , Article 2012 3rd Power Electronics and Drive Systems Technology, PEDSTC 2012, 15 February 2012 through 16 February 2012 ; February , 2012 , Pages 170-174 ; 9781467301114 (ISBN) Mazaheri, B ; Mokhtari, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Controlling inverters with LC output filters in order to achieve a high quality desired output voltage or current is a challenging problem in power electronics. The LC filter and the binary nature of switch state variables increase the difficulty of achieving a single comprehensive model for the system. In this paper, a hybrid model is presented for a three-phase inverter with an LC output filter and a three-phase RL load. Then, the Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm is applied to the model and a geometrical approximate method is used to fit the answers to the binary values. Simulation results for a sample system verify the usability of the method and the quality of the answers