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Thermal effect and role of entanglement and coherence on excitation transfer in a spin chain
, Article Iranian Journal of Physics Research ; Volume 19, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 405-413 ; 16826957 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Isfahan University of Technology
We analyze the role of bath temperature, coherence and entanglement on excitation transfer in a spin chain induced by the environment. In Markovian regime, we show that coherence and entanglement are very sensitive to bath temperature and vanish in time in contrary to the case of having zero-temperature bath. That is while, finding the last qubit of the chain in excited state increases by increasing the bath temperature. The obtained results show the destructive role of temperature on coherence and entanglement and confirm that these quantum mechanical features cannot affect probability of finding the last qubit in excited state. © 2019, Isfahan University of Technology. All rights reserved
Thermal effect and role of entanglement and coherence on excitation transfer in a spin chain
, Article Iranian Journal of Physics Research ; Volume 19, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 405-413 ; 16826957 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Isfahan University of Technology
We analyze the role of bath temperature, coherence and entanglement on excitation transfer in a spin chain induced by the environment. In Markovian regime, we show that coherence and entanglement are very sensitive to bath temperature and vanish in time in contrary to the case of having zero-temperature bath. That is while, finding the last qubit of the chain in excited state increases by increasing the bath temperature. The obtained results show the destructive role of temperature on coherence and entanglement and confirm that these quantum mechanical features cannot affect probability of finding the last qubit in excited state. © 2019, Isfahan University of Technology. All rights reserved
Generation of Quantum Correlation by the Environment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
In most of quantum information protocols, entanglement or, in general expression, quantum correlation, plays the major role. So it is very important to know the ways of generating entanglement and protecting it against noise.
In a general view, environment is usually known as a destructive agent for entangled states. Being exposed to environment, non-diagonal elements of an entangled state’s density matrix would tend to zero, because of decoherence effect. Thus, the entanglement would be disappear. But, recent studies have shown that, this destructive agent can be convert to a useful agent for generating entanglement between system components.
In this thesis, at first, the...
In a general view, environment is usually known as a destructive agent for entangled states. Being exposed to environment, non-diagonal elements of an entangled state’s density matrix would tend to zero, because of decoherence effect. Thus, the entanglement would be disappear. But, recent studies have shown that, this destructive agent can be convert to a useful agent for generating entanglement between system components.
In this thesis, at first, the...
Topic Quantum discord, Remote State Preparation and Remote Entanglement Preparation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
Entanglement is a type of quantum correlation that plays a crucial role at the heart of almost every quantum algorithm which has led them to outperform their classical counterparts. Recently, a new type of correlation has been introduced. Namely, ”Quantum Discord”. Which is different from the entanglement in the essence, nonetheless it has caused some quantum algorithms to outperform their classical counterparts. Since, creating and maintaining this states is easier than entangled states, they have draw many interests. In this thesis, we review and investigate the use of ”Quantum Discord” for transferring quantum information, in particular remote preparation of quantum states and Remote...
Entanglement dynamics for qubits dissipating into a common environment
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 87, Issue 3 , 2013 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Mancini, S ; Sharif University of Technology
We provide an analytical investigation of the entanglement dynamics for a system composed of an arbitrary number of qubits dissipating into a common environment. Specifically, we consider product initial states with a given number of excitations whose evolution remains confined on low-dimensional subspaces of the operators space. We then find for which pairs of qubits entanglement can be generated and can persist at a steady state. Finally, we determine the stationary distribution of entanglement as well as its scaling versus the total number of qubits in the system
Stationary entanglement achievable by environment-induced chain links
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 83, Issue 4 , 2011 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Mancini, S ; Sharif University of Technology
We investigate the possibility of chaining qubits by letting pairs of nearest-neighbor qubits dissipate into common environments. We then study entanglement dynamics within the chain and show that steady-state entanglement can be achieved
Minimum output entropy of a non-gaussian quantum channel
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 94, Issue 2 , 2016 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Mancini, S ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
We introduce a model of a non-Gaussian quantum channel that stems from the composition of two physically relevant processes occurring in open quantum systems, namely, amplitude damping and dephasing. For it we find input states approaching zero output entropy while respecting the input energy constraint. These states fully exploit the infinite dimensionality of the Hilbert space. Upon truncation of the latter, the minimum output entropy remains finite, and optimal input states for such a case are conjectured thanks to numerical evidence
Thermal effects on coherence and excitation transfer
, Article Physical Review A ; Volume 96, Issue 4 , 2017 ; 24699926 (ISSN) ; Mani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
To control and utilize quantum features in small scale for practical applications such as quantum transport, it is crucial to gain a deep understanding of the quantum characteristics of states such as coherence. Here by introducing a technique that simplifies solving the dynamical equation, we study the dynamics of coherence in a system of qubits interacting with each other through a common bath at nonzero temperature. Our results demonstrate that depending on the initial state, the environment temperature affects coherence and excitation transfer in different ways. We show that when the initial state is incoherent, as time goes on, coherence and the probability of excitation transfer...
Prediction of Agricultural Water Demand and Uncertainties Under Climate Change(Case Study: Wheat in Cities of Dezful and Andimeshk)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abrishamchi, Ahmad (Supervisor)
Climate change impacts especially on temperature and precipitation, may have various effects on agriculture and water demand of agriculture sector in different regions around the world. Based on numerous researches, these effects may be positive in a region while another region might endure negative effects. Therefore carrying out researches and developing methods to predict these impacts as well as mitigating strategies seem to be essential. The most worldwide accepted method is using global circulation models (GCMs) outputs under different greenhouse gases emission scenarios, and according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments. IPCC claims that the most recent...
Entanglement Survival Time in Landau-Zener Model in the Presence of Dissipation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
Entanglement is one of the unique phenomena in quantum systems that does not have any similar phenomena in classical systems. Entanglement has been used in many protocols of quantum information theory, and there is agreement on its key role in quantum computations and quantum communication protocols. Therefore, studying its dynamics as well as preventing its degradation is important for us. Extensive studies have been done in this field, including the study of entanglement evolution in a situation where all parts of the system are entangled with one of its sub-system has irreversible dynamics due to interaction with its environment [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. However, the study...
Quantum Capacity of Non-Gaussian Channels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
One of the critical subjects in quantum information science is the transmission of quantum information. Like classical channels, the question of the capacity of quantum channels arises in the quantum information theory; however, in the case of quantum information theory, there are various notions of capacities that can be defined. In quantum channels, information is encoded into the quantum degrees of freedoms, and the channels are used for the transmission of classical and quantum information. Therefore, the classical capacity and quantum capacity of quantum channels are defined as the optimal rate of the transmission of classical and quantum information through quantum channels,...
Quantum Markovian Evolutions in Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Regimes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
In this thesis, our aim is to analyse the environment effects on adiabatic and non-adiabatic evolutions. In this regard, first we need to establish a suitable framework for describing the dynamics. While describing the evolution of a quantum system without interaction with its surrounding environment is easy, describing the time evolution of a quantum system in interaction with its surrounding environment is challenging. In this thesis, first we review the formalism for deriving the Markovian master equation for describing the evolution of a system in weak coupling limit. In the standard formalism, it is assumed that the system Hamiltonian is time-independent. But as our aim is to analyse...
Error Correction with Partial Knowledge about the Noise
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Memarzadeh, Laleh (Supervisor)
Currently, quantum noise stands as one of the foremost challenges in the realization of quantum algorithms and the development of quantum technologies. Consequently, finding methods to eliminate or reduce the impact of noise is imperative. This thesis explores the possibility of correcting the expectation values of observables on a quantum system, specifically a qubit quantum system experiences quantum noise, given partial knowledge of the noise. We begin by reviewing essential background information, including some of the most common methods for correcting noise, with a particular focus on the noise deconvolution technique. Subsequently, we introduce our method for correcting the...
Group-covariant extreme and quasiextreme channels
, Article Physical Review Research ; Volume 4, Issue 3 , 2022 ; 26431564 (ISSN) ; Sanders, B. C ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
Constructing all extreme instances of the set of completely positive trace-preserving (CPTP) maps, i.e., quantum channels, is a challenging and valuable open problem in quantum information theory. Here we introduce a systematic approach that, despite the lack of knowledge about the full parametrization of the set of CPTP maps on arbitrary Hilbert-spaced dimension, enables us to construct exactly those extreme channels that are covariant with respect to a finite discrete group or a compact connected Lie group. Innovative labeling of quantum channels by group representations enables us to identify the subset of group-covariant channels whose elements are group-covariant generalized-extreme...
Characterization of qutrit channels in terms of their covariance and symmetry properties
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 84, Issue 1 , July , 2011 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Mani, A ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
We characterize the completely positive trace-preserving maps on qutrits (qutrit channels) according to their covariance and symmetry properties. Both discrete and continuous groups are considered. It is shown how each symmetry group restricts arbitrariness in the parameters of the channel to a very small set. Although the explicit examples are related to qutrit channels, the formalism is sufficiently general to be applied to qudit channels
Recovering quantum information through partial access to the environment
, Article New Journal of Physics ; Volume 13 , October , 2011 ; 13672630 (ISSN) ; Macchiavello, C ; Mancini, S ; Sharif University of Technology
We investigate the possibility of correcting errors occurring on a multipartite system through a feedback mechanism that acquires information through partial access to the environment. A partial control scheme of this type might be useful in dealing with correlated errors. In fact, in such a case, it could be enough to gather local information to decide what kind of global recovery to perform. Then, we apply this scheme to the depolarizing and correlated errors and quantify its performance by means of entanglement fidelity
Power of quantum channels for creating quantum correlations
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 86, Issue 6 , 2012 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Karimipour, V ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
Local noise can produce quantum correlations on an initially classically correlated state, provided that it is not represented by a unital or semiclassical channel. We find the power of any given local channel for producing quantum correlations on an initially classically correlated state. We introduce a computable measure for quantifying the quantum correlations in quantum-classical states, which is based on the noncommutativity of ensemble states in one party of the composite system. Using this measure we show that the amount of quantum correlations produced is proportional to the classical correlations in the initial state. The power of an arbitrary channel for producing quantum...
Comparison of parallel and antiparallel two-qubit mixed states
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 91, Issue 1 , January , 2015 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Karimipour, V ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
We investigate the correlation properties of separable two-qubit states with maximally mixed marginals. These states are divided to two sets with the same geometric quantum correlation. However, a closer scrutiny of these states reveals a profound difference between their quantum correlations as measured by more probing measures. Although these two sets of states are prepared by the same type of quantum operations acting on classically correlated states with equal classical correlations, the amount of final quantum correlation is different. We investigate this difference and trace it back to the hidden classical correlation which exists in their preparation process. We also compare these...
New phase transitions in optimal states for memory channels
, Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 79, Issue 3 , 2009 ; 10502947 (ISSN) ; Meghdadi, Z ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
We investigate the question of optimal input ensembles for memory channels and construct a rather large class of Pauli channels with correlated noise, which can be studied analytically with regard to the entanglement of their optimal input ensembles. In a more detailed study of a subclass of these channels, the complete phase diagram of the two-qubit channel, which shows three distinct phases, is obtained. While increasing the correlation generally changes the optimal state from separable to maximally entangled states, this is done via an intermediate region where both separable and maximally entangled states are optimal. A more concrete model, based on random rotations of the error...
Bath-assisted transport in a three-site spin chain: Global versus local approach
, Article Physical Review A ; Volume 102, Issue 4 , 2020 ; Floreanini, R ; Memarzadeh, L ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
Within the standard weak-coupling limit, the reduced dynamics of open quantum spin chains with their two end spins coupled to two distinct heat baths at different temperatures are mainly derived using the so-called global and local approaches, in which, respectively, the spin self-interaction is and is not taken into account. In order to compare the differences between the two regimes, we concentrate on an open three-site XX spin chain, provide systematic techniques to address the global and local asymptotic states, and then compare the asymptotic spin-transport features by studying the spin flux through the middle site. Based on the analytical expressions of the stationary states in the two...