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The Impact of Digital Technologies on CO2 Emissions: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
The importance and vitality of focusing on sustainable transition and reducing carbon dioxide emissions are clear to everyone today. However, until recently, the impact of digitization as a major global trend involving the application of digital technologies to change and optimize various elements of business, society, and daily life on the environment and carbon dioxide emissions has been underestimated. Despite the growing amount of research in this field, according to current studies, the connection between digitization and carbon dioxide emissions is not clear. To achieve environmental and sustainable development goals, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be...
Examining the Effect of Patent Registration on the Attraction of Venture Capital: the Moderating Role of Collaborative Patents In the Field of Artificial Intelligence
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Miremadi, Iman
Artificial intelligence is a field that has made another revolution in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has become one of the most widely used emerging technologies in the present era. Further investigation of the trends in this field shows that it has shown increasing growth in recent years. Also, in the future, this trend will continue and fundamental changes will occur in societies. For this reason, countries must definitely pay the necessary and sufficient attention to this field in their growth and development path. To achieve this growth path, it is intended to evaluate the status of leading countries in the field of artificial intelligence using two key variables in technological...
Exploring Public Perception of Justice in Mobility Transitions: Evidence from a Bicycle Sharing System in Iran
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Miremadi, Iman
Globally, bicycle sharing is one of the fast-growing solutions to climate change in the transport sector. However, what inequities may be reflected, exacerbated, or arose from its adoption and use? Relying on a qualitative research design involving interviews with bicycle sharing users, non-adopters, and daily observers of the cycling infrastructure (N = 36), site visits, and a literature review, we examine distributive, procedural, and recognition injustices in association with Bdood, an operating BSS in Iran, a developing country that allows for less-documented types of injustice to arise. In doing so, we utilize a comprehensive transport/mobility justice framework, drawn from the fields...
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Knowledge Components in The Sectoral Innovation System: Study Leading and Late Comer Countries in Renewable Energy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
Climate change and its Environmental issues become fundamental challenges in recent years, and countries have to try find various solutions about it, such as developing renewable energy technologies. Multiple studies have been conducted on the importance of innovation in technology development and technological changes in different countries. Many studies have addressed the concept of the innovation system and evaluated the role of various institutions and actors. The innovation system as one of the concepts branched from the innovation system focuses on the importance of interactions between actors, the role, and nature of knowledge in a particular industry or sector. Hence, investigating...
Examining the Impact of Video Game Developers' Specialization on Their Success in Platform Ecosystems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
In this research, we delve into the challenges video game developers encounter when selecting an appropriate genre for their initial video games. The primary objective of this study is to identify the effective strategies enabling video game developers to successfully enter the competitive market. Within this context, 'success' is quantified by sales volumes and download counts. The video game industry is witnessing rapid growth, with its market size reaching $184 billion in 2023, according to Newzoo report. To address these inquiries, the study uses information from three different platforms, gathering data in a thorough way: PC games on Steam, Android mobile games on the Google Play Store,...
Investigating the Impact of Key Innovation Variables on the Level of Technological Catch up: A Comparison between High and Middle Income Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
Today, innovation plays an essential role in the economic growth of countries. By evaluating technological capabilities, different approaches have considered important effects of innovation on the economic ability and superiority of countries either directly or indirectly. In recent years, the Global Innovation Index (GII) has been employed as a common framework in this respect. It consists of five components, including “institutions,” “human capital and research,” “infrastructure,” “market sophistication,” and “business sophistication,” as the inputs, and two components, including the “knowledge and technology outputs” and “creative outputs” as the outputs of innovation. The present study...
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Supportive Innovation Policies on New Technology-Based Firms’ Success in Reaching the Growth Stage
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Vesal, Mohammad (Supervisor)
New technology-based firms (NTBFs) are the driving force behind creating innovation and technology in countries and can play a crucial role in job creation and economic growth. These companies also facilitate technology transfer and strengthen the absorptive capacity of national innovation systems. Therefore, given the externalities of these companies, as well as their significant role in promoting innovation, governments around the world implement policies to support these firms. In Iran, the Vice President for Science and Technology has implemented policies to support NTBFs since 2013. Recently, a few studies have been carried out to evaluate these policies. However, the number of these...
Institutional Analysis of Opening Water Data Access: Case Study of Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Zarghami, Mahdi (Supervisor)
Having adequate information about water and weather condition is critical for many areas of governance, specially in the context of increasing rates of climate change and uncertainty related to different weather conditions. Open water data and data dissemintation decision making in Iran is facing many challenges, while the number of users and variety of services based on these data and information is increasing. Based on the review of the documents in this study, the most problems that have been reported for developed countries in the field of collecting, processing and using these data and information are the technical challenges related to the large volume of raw data and the need for...
When Renewable Energy R&D and Import will Support Tackling the Climate Change? Regional Analysis for OECD Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Khajehpour, Hossein (Supervisor)
One of the actions taken to mitigate the climate change is research, development and demonstration (RD&D) investments in renewable energy technology. In addition to domestic R&D spending, the importation of foreign technologies, as a main channel of technology transfer, is another option to obtain renewable energy technologies in order to achieve climate objectives. In this study, a panel dataset of 28 OECD member countries from 2011 to 2020 is analysed, using the OLS, fixed-effects, and two-system system GMM methods, to assess the impacts of public spending on renewable energy RD&D and the import of renewable energy technologies on the energy-related CO2 emissions. To fully capture the the...
Developing a New Approach for Investigating Relationship of Knowledge Structuration, Technology, and Financial Performance of the Firm
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Arasti, Mohammad Reza
Miremadi, Iman
Knowledge flows across organizational boundaries shape a firm’s knowledge base. Knowledge structuration refers to the two structural dimensions of a firm's knowledge base: Breadth (knowledge across technology domains) and depth (knowledge within technology domains). Despite the conceptual difference between the terms “(technological) knowledge” and “technology”, the two are often used interchangeably in empirical research on technology management. Our paper adopts an innovative approach, taking advantage of Machine Learning and clinical studies conducted by biopharma companies, to offer an empirical way of distinguishing between knowledge and technology. Moreover, we restructure the...
Value Creation in Content-oriented E-business
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Ghafoori, Mohammad Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
Considering the high growth potential of creative industry as well as the increasing trend of e-business, content-oriented digital business has been the main focus of this research. These enterprises are a subset of the creative industry that are primarily developed in the digital context. After reviewing the literature, it was observed that the keyword "value creation" in this type of business has been less considered by research.On the other hand, in conversations with managers who are active in the industry, a practical vacuum was revealed on how to create value in these firms; Because a comprehensive review of value creation processes in these firms can ultimately lead to more profitable...
Evaluating the Effect of Innovation on Burden of Disease in Different Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Saleh Farazi, Mohammad (Co-Supervisor)
In this comprehensive study, we explore the influence of general health innovation outputs on the burden of diseases across 70 nations spanning two decades, from 2000 to 2019, marking the first investigation of its kind. Our investigation takes into account associations among health-related patents, scholarly publications pertaining to health, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), a measure used to assess overall disease burden. Employing a robust fixed effect panel data model, our findings illuminate the notable impact health-related publications exert in mitigating disease burden universally across all countries examined. However, we did not find a similar association between patent...
Technological Capabilities and Knowledge Network Evolution in the Path of Innovation: a Case Study of Knowledge-based Firms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Miremadi, Iman (Co-Supervisor)
This Thesis aim to study the evolution of knowledge network in the path of innovation capability accumulation in knowledge-based firms, active in Iran's innovation system as a sanctioned economy. The research, by an in-depth case study and at the micro level, examines the accumulation of capabilities and the evolution of the knowledge networks for two knowledge-based firms active in the manufacture of linear accelerators and cargo-scanners as high-tech products. The results show that 1) the accumulation of capabilities from low levels to advance is based on product diversity and the knowledge inputs, which was first through "using, doing and interacting" has changed to "science, technology...
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence Technological Regime on the Technological Catch-Up of Different Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Considering the role of artificial intelligence and the opening of the window of opportunity to use this technology and the possibility of catching-up it, in this research, the factors affecting the technological catching-up of artificial intelligence in countries have been studied. By using the components of the technology regime, the impact of each component on the technological convergence of artificial intelligence in leading and latecomer countries has been investigated, and the indicators of technological appropriability, Cumulativeness of technological innovation, originality, Technological cycle, Concentration and Diversity to understand the changes in the share of patents of...
Relationship Between Feedback-Seeking Motives and Dimensions and Individual Performance in an Iranian Knowledge-Based Organization
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Alavi, Babak (Supervisor) ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
The present study investigates the relationships between feedback-seeking dimensions (frequency, method, timing, and content) and two types of individual performance (goal achievement and behavior-related performance). In addition, the relationships between feedback-seeking motives and feedback-seeking dimensions are examined. The purpose is to identify new explanations for the inconclusive results of the direct relationship between feedback-seeking and performance in the literature. Moreover, this study investigates work motivations based on self-determination theory as the antecedents of feedback-seeking motives. This study contains one qualitative phase and two quantitative ones....
Technological Capabilties, Generating Value-added and Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Evidence from Developing Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Madanizadeh, Ali (Supervisor)
Today, global value chains(GVCs) have distributed the production of goods and services all over the world and have become the main part of global trade. GVCs provide developing countries with oppurtunities for engaging in economic activity and producing goods, without developing all the infrastructure needed for producing it yourself. but participating in GVCs also pose some challenges to developing countries. if developing countries do not enhance their ability for generating value-added, by losing the advantage of cheap labour over time, they will fall into the so-called "middle-income trap". therefore upgrading, with the broad definition of generating more value-added, should be targeted...
Investigating the Incentives of Continuance Usage Intention in Super-apps: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction and Customer Engagement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Ghafoori, Mohammad Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
Super app is known as a software that provides the users with a variety of services in the form of a whole platform. Only a few studies have been done into the field of super apps. Although previous studies have made observations regarding the effect of motives on the customers` satisfaction, the effect of use intention on the customers` engagement has been negligibly looked into. The present research focuses on the effect of different use intentions (Hedonic, Utilitarian and social benefits) on the super app users` purpose by taking the customers` satisfaction and engagement into account. This study is different from the previous ones as the motives` effect has not been examined...
Performance Analysis of Innovation Ecosystems: Case Study of Sharif Innovation District
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Miremadi, Iman
Vesal, Mohammad
With the expansion of knowledge-based economics literature in the last two decades in the country, the analysis and evaluation of the performance of policies applied in this field, especially the concept of innovation and technology ecosystems, is of particular importance. One of the leading branches in this field is the Sharif Innovation District, which is centered on Sharif University of Technology and has always been a important platform for implementing innovative policies in the country. In this research, we analyzed the development of Sharif innovation district. This research is a qualitative research with thematic analysis research method and inductive approach. To carry out the...
The Effect of Disruptive Innovations on the Sectoral System of Innovation: A Case Study of VODs in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Honarvar, Rouhollah (Co-Supervisor)
Video-on-demand platforms are a type of disruptive innovation that has transformed the audiovisual industry by providing users with access to digital video content via the Internet. VOD platforms were introduced in Iran in the Iran, with a focus on analyzing changes in the industry's sectoral innovation system. Data was collected through unstructured interviews with 14 experts in the audiovisual industry, as well as by reviewing relevant documents, news articles, and public data. Thematic analysis was used to code the findings. The results of the research indicate that the emergence and development of VODs have had a significant impact on all aspects of the audiovisual industry's sectoral...
Massive Online Open Courses and Higher Education Policy in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Honarvar, Ruhollah (Co-Supervisor)
The digital age and its interlace with the pandemic has led to rapid changes in various institutions, including higher education. One of the factors that changes higher education is the expansion of E-learning and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). Although about 15 years have passed since its creation, the pandemic has expanded the E-learning infrastructure and given it more attention, so that now everyone Confesses the possibility of distance education. On the other hand, although the development of MOOCs platforms and their considerable acceptance has attracted the attention of higher education professors and future researchers in this field, it is not properly considered by the...