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    MapReduce Algorithm for Anonymity Problem

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miri, Hamid (Author) ; Ghodsi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this research, we focus on r-gather and (r; ϵ)-gather clustering. In the r-gather clustering, the input points are in metric space and must be clustered such that each cluster has at least r points and the objective is to minimize the radius of clustering. (r; ϵ)-gather clustering is a kind of r-gather clustering such that at most nϵ points can be unclustered. MapReduce model is one of the most used parallel models to process huge data and processes the input data in some machine simultaneously in parallel.In this research, we give a lower bound for the approximation factor of r-gather clustering in MapReduce model. This lower bound works in MapReduce model even an optimal algorithm... 

    Efficient Extraction of Defect Modes in Photonic Crystals and Investigation of Impedance Definability

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miri, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Mehrany, Khashayar (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we focus on the extraction of resonance modes in photonic crystal resonators. This work could be divided in two different parts: in the first part we apply the Galerkin’s method effectively to the two and three dimensional structures, in the second part that constitutes the main part of this thesis we derive transmission line models for these structures. Fist we derive transmission line models for resonators based on the point defect and line defect in two-dimensional photonic crystals. Then we generalize this model to the three-dimensional photonic crystals. Finally we apply the same approach to the coupled resonators and analyze the coupled resonator optical waveguide. In... 

    Science from Ali Shariati’s Viewpoint

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ali Asghari Sadri, Ali (Author) ; Miri, Javad (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, I have reviewed some attempts for understanding Shariati’s view point about science. Then, I have gathered Shariati’s opinion about science. Some issues like, scientific method, Hellenization of science, philosophical thought about science, comparision between human science and experimental science in method and credibility and researcher’s role in science have been discussed. Also scientism, its causes and criticism, the differences between science and scientism is a part of this thesis. New scholastic in the meaning of slavery of science in the hands of capitalism and the relation between science and capitalism, materialism and religion and the fact that science and... 

    Determination of Optimized Position and Orientation of Hydraulic Engine Mounts

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miri, Mohammad Ebrahim (Author) ; Saadat Foumani, Mahmoud (Supervisor)
    Reducing noise, vibration and damage to the vehicle's passenger compartment was always a problem that has been investigatedin many researches. Here engine mounts as connecting members between engine and chassis play a big role. Because both of engine and road vibration put on it. Many studies have been done to optimize the engine mounts. As a result, many of hydraulic engine mounts with different variety of system control. But a few researches did about optimization of location and orientation of engine mounts. Therefore this project is to provide a process to optimize the location and orientation of engine mounts. The optimization process is First the dynamic equations of dynamic system are... 

    Representation Learning by Deep Networks and Information Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haji Miri, Mohammad Sina (Author) ; Soleymani Baghshah, Mahdieh (Supervisor)
    Representation learning refers to mapping the input data to another space, usually with lower dimensions than the input space. This task can be helpful in improving the performance of methods in downstream tasks, compression, and improving sample generation in generative models. Representation learning is a problem connected to information theory, and information theory's concepts and quantities are used widely in representation learning models. Besides, the representation learning problem is closely related to latent variable generative models. These models usually learn useful representations in their process of training, implicitly or explicitly. So, the usage of latent variable... 

    A transmission line resonator model for fast extraction of electromagnetic properties of cavities in two-dimensional photonic crystals

    , Article IEEE Photonics Journal ; Volume 2, Issue 4 , August , 2010 , Pages 677-685 ; 19430655 (ISSN) Miri, M. A ; Khavasi, A ; Miri, M ; Mehrany, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, photonic cavities made of point defects in 2-D photonic crystals are modeled by finite-size transmission lines terminated at both ends by appropriate scalar impedances. The proposed model forms a simple transmission line resonator and is demonstrated to be quite beneficial in fast extraction of resonant frequency, quality factor, and mode profile of such photonic cavities. In this manner, an approximate yet quite accurate approach is introduced to characterize the electromagnetic properties of photonic crystal cavities. This method is successfully applied to different structures for both major polarizations and is shown to be as accurate as rigorous numerical methods, viz. the... 

    Modification of carbohydrate polymers via grafting in air. 1. Ceric-Induced synthesis of starch-g-polyacrylonitrile in presence and absence of oxygen [electronic resource]

    , Article Starch - Starke ; Volume 54, Issue 3-4, pages 140–147, April 2002 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Zohurian Mehr, Mohammad J
    Monomer grafting, a unique technique for polysaccharide modification, is always performed under inert (e.g., N2) atmosphere. This work is the first report related to evaluating the possibility and efficiency of the grafting of acrylonitrile (AN) onto starch in presence of oxygen. Thus, corn starch (in both granular and gelatinized states) as well as soluble starch were grafted by AN using a ceric-carbohydrate redox initiating system. Graft copolymerizations were performed under nitrogen, air, and oxygen atmospheres at similar conditions. Grafting occurrence was verified using chemical and spectral proofs. The polymerization mechanism and kinetics were investigated by recording the... 

    Modification of carbohydrate polymers via grafting in Air. 2. Ceric-Initiated graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto natural and modified polysaccharides [electronic resource]

    , Article Starch - Stärke ; Volume 54, Issue 10, pages 482–488, October 2002 Pourjavad, A. (Ali) ; Zohuriaan-Mehr, Mohammad J
    Acrylonitrile (AN) was grafted onto various natural and modified polysaccharides (i.e., gum arabic, gum tragacanth, xanthan gum, sodium alginate, chitosan, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose) by using ceric-carbohydrate redox initiating system. After overcoming practical problems, mainly from the high viscosity of the aqueous solutions of the different substrates, the graft copolymerization reactions were run either in air or in N2 atmosphere under similar conditions. Grafting was confirmed using chemical and spectral (FTIR) proofs. The reactions were kinetically investigated using semi-empirical expressions and time-temperature profiles. An anomalous... 

    Modeling of in Plane Behavior of Retrofitted Adobe Walls with Finite Element Method under Cyclic Loading

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammad Panah, Hossein (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Statistical studies indicate the fact that in Iran, like many other developing countries, a significant percentage of buildings are made of traditional materials and most of them are adobe buildings especially in rural areas. Furthermore, geological data indicates that Iran is located in alps-Himalayas seismic zone and exposed by destructive earthquakes and adobe buildings suffer the most damages comparing with other type of the structures. According to these explanations, this research deals with adobe buildings behavior and provides solutions for reinforcing them and improving the seismic response of these buildings. These studies include numerical modeling with finite elements methods by... 

    Silica chloride/wet SiO2 as a novel heterogeneous system for the deprotection of acetals under mild conditions [electronic resource]

    , Article Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements ; Volume 178:2667-2670, Issue 12, 2003 Mirjalili, B. F. (BiBi Fatemeh) ; Pourjavadi, Ali ; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali ; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid
    A combination of silica chloride and wet SiO2 was used as an effective deacetalizating agent for the conversion of acetals to their corresponding carbonyl derivatives under mild and heterogeneous condition  

    Robust Optimization Model for The Distribution Process of Petroleum Products

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miri, Ali (Author) ; Eshghi, Kourosh (Supervisor)
    The human need for reliable and accessible energy sources for household, industrial, transportation, etc. caused the discovery of the first oil well to move towards exploitation and use of this large, cheap and available energy source, accelerated. With the start of this movement, oil and its products in the last two centuries have quickly established themselves as a major part of the energy basket of most countries in the world. The entry of crude oil and its products into the energy industry has faced new issues and challenges for decision makers in this field. One of the most important challenges has been the planning and management of the process of distribution and transfer of petroleum... 

    Expert Finding in Community Question Answering

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miri, Mohammad (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Community question answering are the systems in which users can propose their needs with asking questions. Moreover, they can share their own knowledge with the others by responding their questions. Widely spreading this sort of communities and growth of questions and answers has made some challenges. One of these challenges is finding an appropriate users who can answer questions. For instance, some user might ask a question and has to wait some times to receive another user's response. On the other hand, the users who have expertise in some fields have to spend time a lot seeking to find related questions. Therefore, expert finding systems are used to meet these needs.The main issue is... 

    Distributed Fault-tolerant Computation for Massive Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahvari Habibabadi, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Maddah-Ali, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we consider the problem of distributed computation by many processors.We mainly concentrate on matrix multiplication problem in this thesis because of its importance. A distributed system consists of N worker processors and one master processor. The master processor should distribute the computation between workers and after computation in each of them, collect the results. In this thesis, we are going to mitigate the effect of straggler processors by using coding methods. Straggler processors can cause delays in the computation time.In this thesis, we firstly introduce a method to multiply any number of matrices in each other. The proposed method occurred in one shot without... 

    Incomplete Reduction of Iron Ore in a Fluidized Bed Reactor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Agha Ali, Mohammad Hadi (Author) ; Halali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The main goal of current investigation was partial reduction of Fe2O3 available in Hematite-rich ore to Magnetite by Fludization Bed method. The reductive gas, CO, was produced by incomplete combustion of Acetylene and Airmixed in inappropriate ratio. X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Florescence analyses were implemented in order to conducting qualitative analysis of present phases before and after reduction of the ore. Quantitative analysis of the same phases was also conducted by Titration. The latter analysis revealed the precise magnitude of available iron in each of the oxide containing phases. The chemical composition of the reactor gas was also determined before and after reduction... 

    Sequential Competitive Facility Location In Continuous Geometric Space

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lavasani, Ali Mohammad (Author) ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Abstract The problem of competetive facility location can be defined as follows: There are a number of customers in the form of points in space, and two players arrange a number of facilities in the form of points in space, given some limitations, respectively. Each customer’s connection to each facility has a cost for the customer and an advantage for the facility, and each customer wants to be connected to at most one of the facilities which has the lowest cost for him. The goal is to find the strategy of placing the facilities and determining the cost which the facility receives from the customer, in such a way that the player’s profit is maximised.In this thesis, we first sought to... 

    Distributed Verifiable Computing: Algorithms and Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Ali (Author) ; Maddah Ali, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Zero knowledge proofs allow a person (prover) to convince another person (verifier) that he has performed a specific computation on a secret data correctly, and has obtained a true answer, without having to disclose the secret data. QAP (Quadratic Arithmetic Program) based zkSNARKs (zero knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge) are a type of zero knowledge proof. They have several properties that make them attractive in practice, e.g. verifier's work is very easy. So they are used in many areas such as Blockchain and cloud computing. But yet prover's work in QAP based zkSNARKs is heavy, therefore, it may not be possible for a prover with limited processing resource to run... 

    Privacy Preserving Communication Schemes for Light Clients in Blockchain Networks: Algorithms and Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bakhshi, Mahdi (Author) ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Maddah Ali, Mohammad Ali (Co-Supervisor)
    Lightweight clients are a type of blockchain users who do not store all the blocks in the blockchain due to limited resources. These users store only a small part of each block and when needed, request transactions from full nodes that store the entire blockchain. These users have no role in block validation and only want to receive transactions related to their addresses with proof of the inclusion in the block from full nodes.Since light clients rely on full nodes for receiving transactions, their privacy against full nodes is important. The current implementation of Bitcoin uses Bloom filters for privacy, but this offers very little privacy to the users.In this thesis, we study the... 

    Out-of-plane stresses in composite shell panels: Layerwise and elasticity solutions

    , Article Acta Mechanica ; Volume 220, Issue 1-4 , 2011 , Pages 15-32 ; 00015970 (ISSN) Miri, A. K ; Nosier, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Boundary-layer effects in lengthy cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shell panels under uniform axial extension are investigated by two analytical solutions. First, Reddy's layerwise theory with state-space approach is utilized to determine the local interlaminar stresses. In this method, the general displacement field is discretized through the shell thickness by a linear shape function. When the shell panel is subjected to an axial force, the axial strain is estimated by an equivalent single-layer theory. Second, the stress-function approach along with Fourier series expansion is applied to develop a novel elasticity solution. The elasticity solution, which is based on simply-support... 

    The Effect of Soli-Structure Interaction on Dynamic Characteristics of Structures with Embedded Fondation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahmani, Mohammad Taghi (Author) ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Soil-structure interaction has significant effect on dynamic behavior of the super structure. This effect is usually investigated in two separate parts, i.e., the Kinematic Interaction effect and the Inertial Interaction effect. The first modifies the input ground motion to the foundation as a result of difference in soil and foundation stiffness. The later, i.e., the II effect, introduces the effect of soil flexibility and radiation of waves into the supporting medium on the response of the structure. These effects are usually considered by introducing a replacement oscillator with modified natural period and damping ratio subjected... 

    Perusing Metal Perusing Metal Insulator Transistors with in the Dynamical Field Approximation at Finite Temperature

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Fathi, Mohammad Bagher (Author) ; Vesaghi, Mohammad ALi (Supervisor)
    The  aim  of  this  work  is  to  investigate  some  theoretical  models  developed  in  recent years for describing electronic correlation and apply them to some special problems  and  metallicity  and  insulating  behavior  of  one  type  of  paramagnetic  systems. One  of  the  vast‐applied  and  effective  routines  for  investigating  the  strongly  correlated electron systems is Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT). In the first part,  the  equations  of  DMFT  are  solved  on  nearly  real  frequency  axis  with  a  effective and more reliable solver a little parameter γ above the real axis. This approach  appears  fine  structures  that  can’t  be  captured  with  the ...