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Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Columns With Post-Tensioned Metal Strips
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
This thesis presents the results of an experimental and analytical study on the application of the strapping technique for seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete columns. In this technique, the columns are externally confined by post-tensioned metal strips. In the first phase of the experiments, the compressive stress-strain behavior of strapped cylindrical and prismatic specimens was studied. Effects of several parameters were studied including shape and size of specimens, strength of plain concrete, mechanical characteristics of confining strips and the level of pre-tensioning of the strips. The second phase of the tests included studying the lateral performance of strapped RC columns....
Assessment of Performance Based Behavior of Steel Moment Resisting Frames
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In order to reduce structural and nonstructural damages and associated financial losses during intense seismic events such as Bam earthquake, seismic retrofitting of existing structures should be considered as a special issue. In this regard, for quantifying the seismic performance of structures a guideline termed “instruction for seismic rehabilitation of existing building No.360” is issued which is mainly borrowed from performance-based assessment procedures FEMA 356. In contrast to conventional seismic design methods which are based on controlling stress ratio for different load combinations, in performance-based earthquake engineering methodology, the displacement control of structural...
Strengthening of Liquid Storage Tanks by Frictional Damper
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
Considering the role of fluid storage tanks within or after an earthquake and the irreparable damages from their destruction that arise from the nature of the fluids of flammable or toxic nature stored in those tanks, it is very important to ensure stability and durability of the tanks when an earthquake is occurring. One of the most important damages to storage tanks within the past earthquakes has been lack of stability of their walls taking place in the form of elephant buckling. A certain storage tank was subject to a case study in this research and the tank's body, foundation, anchorages, the tread between the fluid and tank's body and between the bottom sheet and foundation were...
Transverse Retrofit of Infilled Frames with FRP
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
Masonry buildings are wide spread in Iran and some other countries . These buildings are highly vulnerable to seismic excitations if not constructed in accordance with engineering fundamentals . Thus it is necessary to retrofit these structures to flee from humanitarian and economical damages inflicted by earthquakes. One of the critical vulnerabilities of masonry buildings is due to transverse instability of it’s infills . Therefore to study out of plane behavior of these elements , an infilled frame is modeled and analyzed with ABAQUS , the results of which is in good congruence with the experimental one . In this model , stress distribution due to one way arching action in the confined...
Study of Dynamic Behavior and Characteristics of shaking Table Using Analytical and Experimental Models
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
It is more than a century to study qualitative and quantitative behavior of structures against earthquakes will be benefited from laboratory studies. In fact, the best method for observing the behavior of a structure during an earthquake is earthquake simulation on the structure. Today, the most effective way to do these tests is simulating of earthquake by using of Shaking Table. The shaking table consists of three main parts: electronic, hydraulic and mechanical. The accuracy of earthquake simulation’s results are very important. In recent years, numerous studies on the dynamic behavior of the above components and the interactions between these components are performed. In this study, we...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
The observed response of medium rise buildings during sever earthquakes worldwide has indicated that RC buildings with shear walls behave considerably better than other buildings. The conviction that shear walls are inherently brittle still prevails amongst engineers, and therefore, they usually prefer to choose moment resisting RC frames without shear walls. In this study, a number of RC frames, with and without shear walls are designed in accordance with the seismic codes, and are then subjected to an assemble of severe earthquakes. The results of timehistory nonlinear analyses of these models are then used to investigate the effect of the presence of shear walls within the framework of...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
The paper presents the results nonlinear analysis of steel base plates subjected to different combinations of axial and bending forces. The bending forces range from small moments representing small eccentricities to large moments from seismic actions. The results of analyses proved to be in good agreement with experiments. The parameters investigated in this study are as follows: distribution of strain and stresses in the concrete foundation and the steel plate, the strains and stresses in the tensile anchorage bolts, the location of neutral curve under the base plate, the centre of compressional reaction forces in concrete, the flextural rigidity of the base plate connection, and the axial...
An Investigation on the Torsional Effects of Asymmetrically Distributed Shear Walls
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
By investigating reports of severe and destructive earthquakes of the past years we have realized that shear-wall structures most of the times had better seismic performance and more reliability than moment resistance frames. Asymmetrical arrangement of shear walls due to architectural limitations caused distortions in the structure. On the other hand, seismic regulation don’t compliance existence of twisting moment in the structures. What was said are all the most important reasons for not employing asymmetric shear wall sets in the structures by designers. The purpose of this study is to compare the seismic behavior of symmetric moment frame structures with seismic behavior of symmetric...
Effect of Boundary Element Details on the Seismic Behavior of Shear Walls in Concrete Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
Using shear walls as an earthquake resistant system in reinforced concrete structures enjoys prominent position among civil engineers in recent years. As most produced stress and damage occurs at the edges of shear wall under combination of vertical and lateral loads, it is expected that seismic behavior of shear walls can be improved by using boundary element at their edges and considering special reinforcing rules. In this thesis, the effect of boundary element details and parameters on seismic behavior of shear walls has been evaluated by a finite element model. By comparing the results with parameters specified in codes, the modeling parameters and performance levels given for shear...
Evaluation of Seismic Behavior of Coupling Beam in Shear Walls
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In evaluating the damage observed in the structures can be seen that the beam to the wall connection in the walls with openings has severe damage and repair and reconstruction of the beams at the connection is very expensive and difficult. One way to improve seismic behavior and reduce damage in the beams are using steel fibers. Hence in the present study the effect of different fibers in seismic behavior of coupling beams with different length to depth ratio are investigated. The concrete used in the beams of high strength concrete (C60). Therefore, nine model with length to depth ratio of 1.75, 2.25 and 2.75 first without fiber and then with 1.5 and 3 percent made in ABAQUS software. This...
Investigation of Strain Jumping and Its Effect on Evaluating Capacity of Steel Bracing Deformations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In this study, HSS and double angle braces subjected to cyclic loading in order to study the buckling and post buckling behavior have been investigated by Finite Element method. The results of FE analysis are fairly in good agreement with experiments. Analysis demonstrate that when local buckling occurs in middle span, subsequently, strain rises severely. Accordingly, this strain jumping causes early fracture in braces. Therefore, local buckling can be one of the primary reasons of fracture in braces. As a result, local buckling must be considered one of the primary limit state of Performance-Based design of steel braces. In addition, finding a way to predict local buckling can help us to...
Seismic Performance of Friction Damped Bracing Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In recent years a large number of passive energy dissipating systems developed in accordance with pioneering work on friction dampers which was firstly reported by pall(1979). Uusing Friction dampers reduce the inelastic demand of the structure during severe earthquake motions by sliping and a large portion of input energy dissipated mechanically in friction instead of yielding the main components of the structure. Based on economical purposes, it is valuable to know in which storey and slip force should be employ the friction devices to have an optimized performance of the structure. Due to kinematic conditions of slip and stick stages, as well as transition zones between them in friction...
Investigation on Nonlinear Behavior of base Plates with Triangular Hardener under Axial Load and Bending Moment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
The paper presents the results of nonlinear analysis of steel base plates subjected to different combinations of axial and bending forces. The bending forces range from small moments representing small eccentricities to large moments from seismic actions. The results of nonlinear analysis are done on three samples of the column base plate with large moment, small moment and compression axial force are compared to the results of the code. The parameters investigated in this study are as follows: distribution of strain and stresses in the concrete foundation and the steel plate, the strains and stresses in the tensile anchorage bolts, the location of neutral curve under the base plate, the...
Seismic Rehabilitation of Irregular Steel Structures Using Friction Dampers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
The purpose of this study was to find the optimal position and slip force of friction dampers, for improving the seismic performance of regular and irregular steel structures and comparison of dampers final pattern of these buildings.In this regard, one to six floor regular and irregular buildings were designed. These buildings were modeled three-dimensionally in the OpenSees Software, and were subjected to horizontal components of seven far field accelerogram in order to investigate the need for their rehabilitation. The results of the time history analysis of these buildings showed that inter-story drifts exceeds the acceptance criteria which has been assumed 2.5% according to the Life...
Investigation of the Nature of Earthquake Lateral Force and its Influencing Factors with Regard To Seismic Behavior of Steel Frames in Elastic and Non-Elastic Domain
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In the conventional design of buildings, seismic loading codes consider the base shear as an earthquake-induced load, and by distributing this base shear along the height of the structure, members are designed to withstand lateral loads (i.e. earthquake force). The most common form of earthquake force distribution is based on the response of the main mode (first mode) of the elastic structure. But this lateral distribution has two major problems. First, it does not take into account the impact of higher modes on the structural response; and second, the entry of the structure to its inelastic domain in severe earthquakes and the difference resulting from this structural behavior change in...
Investigation of Strength and Rotation Capacity of Box Column
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In this study, the behavior of box column subjected to constant axial load with cyclic lateral force have been investigated by Finite Element method. The resulf of FE anslysis are in a good agreement with experimental result in predicting of behavior and performance of box column. In order to investigation of behavior uses of some performance indices such as axial shortening, over strength, plastic hinge length, out of plane deformation and rotation capacity. The effect of significant parameter such as axial force to yield strength ratio, flange whidth to thickness ratio of flange, web whith to thickness ratio of web, global slenderness ratio and loading protocol on performance indices have...
Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames Retrofitted by Pre-Stressed Steel Strips
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
With occurring severe earthquakes, damages of columns in RC buildings can lead to overall failure and collapse. So retrofitting of such columns that do not comply with the design requirements is necessary to prevent such phenomena. A variety of methods has been introduced so far for retrofitting. The key factors in determining the retrofitting methods are being economic and easily implemented in the design. Confining concrete columns with pre-stressed steel strips is a new technique that is simple and economic. Previous experimental experiments have shown that this method can enhance ductility and overall seismic behavior of such columns.
In the present study three and six story frames...
In the present study three and six story frames...
The Analytical Study of the Nonlinear Behavior of Conventional and Retrofitted Khorjini Connections
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
The purpose of this research is to study the behavior of conventional and retrofitted Khorjini connections. Thus the software ABAQUS 6.11 was used to fabricate the FEM models of the connections with experimental prototypes. In analytical studies, 21 specimens with different size of the connection components were analyzed. True stress–strain curves for steel and weld materials were used and damage initiation and revolution were considered in the weld material. Also cracking of the welds were considered by a micromechanical method. Behavioral characteristics of the conventional connections are specified and appropriate relations are suggested, using Stability equations of the connection...
Effect of Local Buckling on Deformation Capacity of Steel Pipe Braces
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In this thesis, finite element (FE) models were developed to study hysteresis behavior of pipe braces subjected to cyclic loading. Thus steel braces previously tested by other investigators are used. The results of the analysis are in good agreement with the experiments. Besides, the FE analysis could also simulate both the overall and local buckling. As a result, a sharp growth in plastic strains is followed by geometric changes at the mid-span due to local buckling. The sharp growth of plastic strains is entitled as strain rises. In fact, the local buckling triggers rupture of braces at the mid-span. The local buckling initiation is identified by the sharp growth in plastic strains....
Investigating Starin Growth in Concentric Braces and Specify the Start Time of Failure in Section
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
In this Thesis, the behaviour of stell brace was studied in finite element models. In this section, a comparison between the results of these models and the results of experimental models which were done in past years, was carried out. It shows that these result is in good agreement with each other, Moreover it has been found that the primary cause of failure in the sample is local bucking and then change in the geometry of sample which will be followed by strain jumping in next cycles which shows the importance of local buckling due to the proximity of this event to strain jumps and can be accepted as braces limit state design.Finally, we try to predict the time of failure of samples with...