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    Water electrolyte transport through corrugated carbon nanopores [electronic resource]

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Volume 90, Issue 1, July 2014, Article number 012304 Moghimi Kheirabadi . A ; Moosavi. A
    We investigate the effect of wall roughness on water electrolyte transport characteristics at different temperatures through carbon nanotubes by using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Our results reveal that shearing stress and the nominal viscosity increase with ion concentration in corrugated carbon nanotubes (CNTs), in contrast to cases in smooth CNTs. Also, the temperature increase leads to the reduction of shearing stress and the nominal viscosity at moderate degrees of wall roughness. At high degrees of wall roughness, the temperature increase will enhance radial movements and increases resistance against fluid motion. As the fluid velocity increases, the particles do not... 

    Water electrolyte transport through corrugated carbon nanopores

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Vol. 90, issue. 1 , July , 2014 ; ISSN: 15393755 Moghimi Kheirabadi, A ; Moosavi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    We investigate the effect of wall roughness on water electrolyte transport characteristics at different temperatures through carbon nanotubes by using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Our results reveal that shearing stress and the nominal viscosity increase with ion concentration in corrugated carbon nanotubes (CNTs), in contrast to cases in smooth CNTs. Also, the temperature increase leads to the reduction of shearing stress and the nominal viscosity at moderate degrees of wall roughness. At high degrees of wall roughness, the temperature increase will enhance radial movements and increases resistance against fluid motion. As the fluid velocity increases, the particles do not... 

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Fluid Flow inside Carbon Nanotubes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moghimi Kheirabadi, Ahmad (Author) ; Mousavi, Ali (Supervisor)
    The transport behavior of water molecules inside a model carbon nanotube is investigated by using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. The shearing stress between the nanotube wall and the water molecules is identified as a key factor in determining the nanofluidic properties. Due to the effect of nanoscale confinement, the effective shearing stress is not only size sensitive but also strongly dependent on the fluid flow rate. Consequently, the nominal viscosity of the confined water decreases rapidly as the tube radius is reduced or when a faster flow rate is maintained. The effect of ion concentration and temperature rise on fluid flow and shearing stress is also investigated.... 

    Dewetting of evaporating thin films over nanometer-scale topographies

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Vol. 90, issue. 1 , July , 2014 ; ISSN: 15393755 Akbarzadeh, A. M ; Moosavi, A ; Moghimi Kheirabadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A lubrication model is used to study dewetting of an evaporating thin film layer over a solid substrate with a nanometer-scale topography. The effects of the geometry of the topography, the contact angle, the film thickness, and the slippage on the dewetting have been studied. Our results reveal that the evaporation enhances the dewetting process and reduces the depinning time over the topography. Also it is shown that the depinning time is inversely proportional to the slippage and increasing the contact angle may considerably reduce the depinning time, while the film thickness increases the depinning time  

    Nanofluidic transport inside carbon nanotubes

    , Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ; Volume 47, Issue 6 , 12 February , 2014 ; ISSN: 00223727 Moghimi Kheirabadi, A ; Moosavi, A ; Akbarzadeh, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the effects of nanotube size, mean flow velocity, ion concentration and temperature of an electrolyte water solution on shearing stress and nominal viscosity. It is shown that the distributed electric field arising from the electrolyte water solution has significant influences on fluid properties. Also, the temperature of the solution, which causes thermal movement, affects nanofluidic transport in nanoenvironments. The nominal viscosity and shearing stress increases as the tube diameter increases. When the temperature of solution increases or ion concentration decreases, the shearing stress and nominal viscosity increase.... 

    The Hydrodynamic Study of Swimming Microorganisms and Numerical Simulation of Micro-swimmers Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moghimi Kheirabadi, Iman (Author) ; Abasspour, Majid (Supervisor) ; Mahdigholi, Hamid (Supervisor)
    The design, optimization, and construction of systems that are capable of swimming in the low Reynolds conditions are urgently needed in the light of the recent human, medical, industrial and scientific needs. Therefore, it is necessary to inspire the movement of microorganisms to design and construct artificial micro swimmer as well as to achieve the best geometry for swimming. In order to achieve the optimum microstructure geometry, it is necessary to know the behavior and hydrodynamic interactions of the micro swimmer with the fluid and its outer channel. In this study, we numerically simulate the movement of a microorganism with a spiral tail in a circular channel using Computational... 

    Fast chromium removal by Shewanella sp.: an enzymatic mechanism depending on serine protease

    , Article International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ; Volume 17, Issue 1 , April , 2020 , Pages 143-152 Kheirabadi, M ; Mahmoodi, R ; Mollania, N ; Kheirabadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    Environmental pollutions with heavy metals pose serious health and ecological risks. Sabzevar in the northeast of Iran has natural chromic mines and then chromium-polluted soils and groundwater. In the present work, the metal-tolerant bacterial strain KR2 was identified as Shewanella sp. following 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Bioremediation ability of isolated bacterial from agricultural soils that irrigated by groundwater, Shewanella sp., was evaluated for uptaking of chromium with varying Cr(VI) concentrations from 50 to 500 ppm in aerobic conditions (pH 7.0, 37 °C). The Shewanella sp. strain KR2 showed an obvious heavy metal tolerant in the wide range of heavy metals including: Cr6+,... 

    Quantum nonlinear planar Hall effect in bilayer graphene: An orbital effect of a steady in-plane magnetic field

    , Article Physical Review B ; Volume 106, Issue 24 , 2022 ; 24699950 (ISSN) Kheirabadi, N ; Langari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Physical Society  2022
    We study the quantum nonlinear planar Hall effect in bilayer graphene under a steady in-plane magnetic field. When time-reversal symmetry is broken by the magnetic field, a charge current occurs in the second-order response to an external electric field as a result of the Berry curvature dipole in momentum space. We show that a nonlinear planar Hall effect originating from the anomalous velocity is caused by an orbital effect of an in-plane magnetic field on electrons in bilayer graphene in the complete absence of spin-orbit coupling. Taking into account the symmetry analysis, we derive the dominant dependence of the Berry curvature dipole moment on the magnetic field components. Moreover,... 

    Structure, swelling and mechanical behavior of a cationic full-IPN hydrogel reinforced with modified nanoclay

    , Article Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) ; Volume 24, Issue 5 , May , 2015 , Pages 379-388 ; 10261265 (ISSN) Kheirabadi, M ; Bagheri, R ; Kabiri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer-Verlag London Ltd  2015
    Despite various applications of hydrogels, they have poor gel strength and low resistance against crack propagation which lead to the limitation of their applications. For overcoming this inherent weakness, the current study has focused on the simultaneous utilization of interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) structure and nanocomposite hydrogels. It is known that IPN and nanocomposite gels can improve gel strength. The combination of IPN and nanocomposite structure was developed in hydrogels for improving gel strength. For this purpose, bentonite was successfully modified with a cationic surfactant, (3-methacrylamidopropyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride (MAPTAC), as intercalate, and... 

    Swelling and mechanical behavior of nanoclay reinforced hydrogel: single network vs. full interpenetrating polymer network

    , Article Polymer Bulletin ; Volume 72, Issue 7 , March , 2015 , Pages 1663-1681 ; 01700839 (ISSN) Kheirabadi, M ; Bagheri, R ; Kabiri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2015
    Despite the various uses of hydrogels, one of their weaknesses is the poor gel strength. To overcome this restriction, the current study has focused on simultaneously employing an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) structure and nanocomposite hydrogels. Through this approach, the influence of nanofiller in the single network and IPN hydrogel properties was also studied in detail. For this purpose, a novel full interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) hydrogel nanocomposite based on 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS)/acrylic acid (AA)–sodium acrylate (AANa) was synthesized in two steps through a facile solution polymerization with incorporation of modified bentonite (MBE) as... 

    Blind Universal Steganalysis in Multiple Actor Paradigms and its Relation to Pixel-Cost

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akhondi, Ali (Author) ; Gholampour, Iman (Supervisor)
    Steganography is method for communicating confidential information through a non-trustworth in way which hides the existence of communication. For improving the security of steganography statistical detectability must decrease as such as possible. Despite the fact, that the quality of the relation between statistical detectability and amount of distortion engendered by embedding is still an open problem, problem of detectability reduces to problem of management of pixel embedding in order to minimization of distortion. As in wet paper coding methods, an optimum (or approximately optimum) algorithm proportioned to Pixel-cost has been offered, the current problem of steganography is to find... 

    Designing a Vehicle Counting and Classification System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Zeinab (Author) ; Gholampour, Iman (Supervisor)
    In recent years, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have received special attentions both in research and in commercial areas. Increased infrastructure facilities, like surveillance cameras, has made this concept even more attainable than before. In this respect, the ability to automatically extract information from traffic images, as one of the key inputs of ITSs, is of great importance. With an increased number of surveillance cameras and the need for more accurate information regarding the road users and their interactions, in order to better city traffic management, building and repairing roads, trip time estimation, number of people per roads estimation and etc, using human... 

    Economic Model Predictive Control with Time Varying Constraints

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Iman, Sara (Author) ; Haeri, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In today's world we are dealing with many devices and processes with the goal of efficiency and performance improvement. In many processes particularly chemical ones, the goal is to control the output according to its constraints in the way that the performance is economically efficient, such as reducing energy consumption and energy loss and increasing efficiency. In order to control a process with economical goals, an economical cost function is used and after determination of optimal values a controller is used to guide the process so can achieve them. Model predictive control (MPC) is very common in this economic control Due to advantages such as considering the problem constraints. In... 

    Embedded Camera Design for Machine Vision Traffic Aplication

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dowlatzadeh, Shayan (Author) ; Gholampour, Iman (Supervisor)
    With the advent of technology, small in size sensors, memory, speeding up the processor and lowering the cost, it is possible to build an embedded camera system. The goal of this project is to design and build an embedded camera system so it can execute any set of necessary algorithms as depending on the application. In this project, two models of embedded camera systems have been presented as an integrated system and a system with independent units. To design the integrated embedded system, ZYNQ processor is used and two structures are presented in the form of hardware-software and hardware design. In hardware-software design, image processing operations are done by software and in hardware... 

    Activity Analysis Based on Mobile Sensors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bagheri, Vahid (Author) ; Gholampour, Iman (Supervisor)
    Smartphone sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer are very common nowadays. This gives us the opportunity for sensor-based activity recognition. This thesis's goal is to collect data from different smartphone sensors and then extract hand-crafted features and classify them using machine learning algorithms. Metro, bus, taxi, bicycle, running, upstairs, walking and standing are studied activities in this thesis. All above steps are covered in this research, later we want to present an activity recognition model and then test it through a web server, after that, we modify the model by proposing to change learning coefficient to gain better accuracy. Finally, an Android app was... 

    The Impact of Digital Technologies on CO2 Emissions: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Countries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahmoudi, Sanaz (Author) ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
    The importance and vitality of focusing on sustainable transition and reducing carbon dioxide emissions are clear to everyone today. However, until recently, the impact of digitization as a major global trend involving the application of digital technologies to change and optimize various elements of business, society, and daily life on the environment and carbon dioxide emissions has been underestimated. Despite the growing amount of research in this field, according to current studies, the connection between digitization and carbon dioxide emissions is not clear. To achieve environmental and sustainable development goals, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be... 

    Investigation of Io's auroral hiss emissions due to its motion in Jupiter's magnetosphere

    , Article Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics ; Volume 12, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 693-702 ; 16744527 (ISSN) Moghimi, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    The left-hand side of the auroral hiss emission observed by Galileo has a frequency time profile shaped very similar to the funnel shape observed in the Earth's auroral region. This close similarity indicates that we can use the theory of whistler-mode propagation near the resonance cone to locate the emission source. The general characteristics of the whistler mode are discussed. Then the position of the emission source is investigated using a geometrical method that takes into account the trajectory of Galileo. Initially a point source is assumed. Then the possibility of a sheet source aligned along the magnetic field lines which are tangent to the surface of Io is investigated. Both types... 

    Extraordinary swelling behavior of poly (AMPS) organogelin solvent/DMSO binary mixed media

    , Article Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; Volume 117, Issue 2 , July , 2010 , Pages 1127-1136 ; 00218995 (ISSN) Zohuriaan Mehr, M. J ; Kabiri, K ; Kheirabadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The present article deals with super-swelling behavior of crosslinked homopolymer of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, poly(AMPS), in binary mixtures of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and various polar solvents including water, mono-, and polyhydric alcohols, and amide solvents such as N-methyl pyrrolidone. Extraordinary phase transition sequences including a new unusual swelling phenomenon, referred to as "overentrant" swelling, was observed for this polymeric organogel in the solvent/DMSO mixtures. The swelling behaviors were preliminarily explained based on the major interactions involved in the solvation process and dielectric constant of the swelling media. It was established that... 

    Teraffic Analysis with the Usage of Big Data Anlytics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miry, Reza (Author) ; Gholampour, Iman (Supervisor)
    Predicting traffic condition is one of the most important topics for traffic engineers and is a vital part of smart city. Extracting traffic behavior and realizing new traffic behaviors plays undeniable parts in big decision making of cities. On the other hand, progress of new technologies and devices for controlling and monitoring traffic caused the volume of traffic related data to grow exponentially. Velocity and variety of these data made normal data mining solution to fail in modeling and performing well. New data era has changed the view of large numbers of science and engineering majors. Traffic engineering also needs big data analytics for process of its own big data. Thus the need... 

    Exploring Public Perception of Justice in Mobility Transitions: Evidence from a Bicycle Sharing System in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khajehpour, Bahareh (Author) ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
    Globally, bicycle sharing is one of the fast-growing solutions to climate change in the transport sector. However, what inequities may be reflected, exacerbated, or arose from its adoption and use? Relying on a qualitative research design involving interviews with bicycle sharing users, non-adopters, and daily observers of the cycling infrastructure (N = 36), site visits, and a literature review, we examine distributive, procedural, and recognition injustices in association with Bdood, an operating BSS in Iran, a developing country that allows for less-documented types of injustice to arise. In doing so, we utilize a comprehensive transport/mobility justice framework, drawn from the fields...