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The Role of Socio-Political Institutions in Economic Performance of Developing Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
Findings of economics in last decade shows that social and economic institutions have direct influence on economic performance of a society. However, these institutions are determined by the state. In different regimes, the political power is in the hand of different social groups with different preferences and goals; as a result, different social and economic policies and institutions are take place in different political regimes. In this research, we study economic performance of a society under control of two different political regimes: in first, the majority rules the state and in second, there is a totalitarian regime in which; the political power is concentrated in hand of a group of...
A Brief Investigation on the Effects of Metallic and Composite Patches on the Behavior of Aged Parts Using Numerical Methods (FEM) and Lamb Waves Propagation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abedian, Ali (Supervisor)
The main purpose of this text is to develop a method for health monitoring of patch-repaired structures. The method consists of usage of piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) in the mean of stress waves in plate-like structures and processing the obtained results gathered from these sensors using finite element method. During this analysis, effect of different parameters has been investigated by sensitivity analysis methods. The main kind of stress waves that used are lamb wave of different kind. The behavior of main structure due to propagation of symmetric and anti-symmetric modes of lamb wave was investigated. Beginning with finding the results of un-damaged and un-repaired...
Measuring Dielectrophoresis Force Excerted on Polystyrene Micro-Beads using Optical Tweezers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Seyyed Reihani, Nader (Supervisor)
The base of dielectrophoresis(DEP) technique has been demonstrated through electro-dynamic interactions between an applied non-uniform AC electric field and induced distributed dipoles within a polarized. In particle manipulation and/or separation using the DEP method, knowledge of precise DEP force of a particle is essential in designing a DEP device and improving its separation efficiency and accuracy. In most DEP studies related to particle manipulation and/or separation, however their absolute DEP forces remain unknown[2]. Insufficient information regarding the DEP behavior of particles can result in preventing a strategic maneuver for efficient particle manipulation and/or separation...
Finding tuning frequency for symmetric and anti-symmetric lamb waves using FEM
, Article Export | Download | More... 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2012, ICAS 2012 ; Volume 3 , 2012 , Pages 2412-2416 ; 9781622767540 (ISBN) ; Moosavi, M. R ; Abedian, A ; Golzad, I ; Sharif University of Technology
In the area of life assessment, none-destructive methods of inspection and evaluation (NDI/NDE) play important role to ensure if astructure is still healthy enough to get used of. Using ultrasonic stress waves is one of the easiest and cheapest methods of NDI. Accordingly, different modes of lamb wave are mostly of interest..There are various methods for generating lamb waves. One of these methods is using piezoelectric wafer actuator/sensors (PWAS). Accordingly, one of the most important parts of this method is to generate right mode via an appropriate choose of actuating frequency. In this text using a new method for finding tuning frequencies of different lamb wave modes proposed. For...
A simple low pressure method for the synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes and nanofibers and their application in DSSCs
Electronic Materials Letters
Volume 11, Issue 4
Pages 625-632
17388090 (ISSN)
; Mashhoun, S
; Mollaei, M
; Molaei, M
; Taghavinia, N
Sharif University of Technology
Kluwer Academic Publishers
TiO2 nanotubes were synthesized using a modified autoclave-free thermal method from as-prepared initial powders. The size of initial powders (IP) was found to be critical in determining the morphology and crystal structure of the final product. Oleylamine (OA) was used as the polymer agent in the preparation of initial powders with different mol ratios of OA/Ti: 1, 5, and 10. X-ray diffraction analysis depicted that the increase of mole ratio up to 10 resulted in smaller nanoparticles with the sizes of about 8 nm. It was also deliberated that low temperature thermally treated IP showed the characteristic diffraction pattern of titanate phase of nanotubes. Scanning electron...
Proper measurement of pure dielectrophoresis force acting on a RBC using optical tweezers
, Article Biomedical Optics Express ; Volume 10, Issue 11 , 2019 , Pages 5639-5649 ; 21567085 (ISSN) ; Azadbakht, A ; Mollaei, P ; S. Reihani, N. S ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
The force experienced by a neutral dielectric object in the presence of a spatially non-uniform electric field is referred to as dielectrophoresis (DEP). The proper quantification of DEP force in the single-cell level could be of great importance for the design of high-efficiency micro-fluidic systems for the separation of biological cells. In this report we show how optical tweezers can be properly utilized for proper quantification of DEP force experienced by a human RBC. By tuning the temporal frequency of the applied electric field and also performing control experiments and comparing our experimental results with that of theoretically calculated, we show that the measured force is a...
Iran’s oil development scenarios by 2025 [electronic resource]
, Article Energy Policy ; Volume 56, May 2013, Pages 612-622 ; Sharif University of TechnologySoap-film flow induced by electric fields in asymmetric frames
, Article Physical Review E ; Volume 97, Issue 4 , 2018 ; 24700045 (ISSN) ; Nasiri, M ; Soltanmohammadi, N ; Shirsavar, R ; Ramos, A ; Amjadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
Net fluid flow of soap films induced by (ac or dc) electric fields in asymmetric frames is presented. Previous experiments of controllable soap film flow required the simultaneous use of an electrical current passing through the film and an external electric field or the use of nonuniform ac electric fields. Here a single voltage difference generates both the electrical current going through the film and the electric field that actuates on the charge induced on the film. The film is set into global motion due to the broken symmetry that appears by the use of asymmetric frames. If symmetric frames are used, the film flow is not steady but time dependent and irregular. Finally, we study...
Imaging Method To Detect Low Probability of Intercept Radars
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Nayebi, Mohammad Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Norouzi, Yaser (Co-Advisor)
In this thesis, a new passive method suitable for Geolocating LPI radars is introduced. The method uses two Electronic Support (ES) receivers placed on a fast moving platform (e.g., an airplane or a satellite). The proposed method has a high processing gain, which makes it highly suitable for very weak LPI signals. The processing gain of the method was analytically derived and illustrated with simulation to determine if the proposed method can detect LPI radars in much lower SNRs compared to regular time-frequency LPI detection methods. Also, the resolution of the proposed method in both range and cross-range direction in radar location finding was analyzed. Furthurmore, the effect of the...
Modelling the Physics of Collective Decision Making and Commuication by Signal Exchange
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Rouhani, Shahin (Supervisor) ; Roudi, Yaser (Co-Supervisor)
In many biological populations, information about environmental conditions is acquired collectively, through information sharing among individuals, by exchanging signals. In order to achieve a better understanding of such systems, using methods borrowed from statistical physics, we introduce two mathematical models. First, a collective decision making model, for a community of individuals residing on a communication network, who live in an uncertain environment, in which individuals try to collectively find the environmental state. In the second model, a collective movement model, we consider a population of collectively moving individuals, in which individuals try to collectively find and...