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    Improving the energy efficiency of reversible logic circuits by the combined use of adiabatic styles

    , Article Integration, the VLSI Journal ; Volume 44, Issue 1 , January , 2011 , Pages 12-21 ; 01679260 (ISSN) Khatir, M ; Ejlali, A ; Moradi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    One of the most prominent issues in fully adiabatic circuits is the breaking reversibility problem; i.e., non-adiabatic energy dissipation in the last stage adiabatic gates whose outputs are connected to external circuits. In this paper, we show that the breaking reversibility problem can result in significant energy dissipation. Subsequently, we propose an efficient technique to address the breaking reversibility problem, which is applicable to the usual fully adiabatic logic such as 2LAL, SCRL, and RERL. Detailed SPICE simulations are used to evaluate the proposed technique. The experimental results show that the proposed technique can considerably reduce (e.g., about 74% for RERL, 35% for... 

    A sequential implicit discrete fracture model for three-dimensional coupled flow-geomechanics problems in naturally fractured porous media

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 150 , 2017 , Pages 312-322 ; 09204105 (ISSN) Moradi, M ; Shamloo, A ; Dezfuli, A. D ; Sharif University of Technology
    A sequential implicit numerical method based on discrete-fracture model and the Galerkin Finite Element method, for time-dependent coupled fluid flow and geomechanics problems in fractured subsurface formations is presented. Discrete-fracture model has been used to explicitly represent the fracture network inside porous media. The Galerkin Finite Element method with adaptive unstructured gridding is implemented to numerically solve the spatially three-dimensional and time-dependent problem. The presented method is validated with previously obtained solutions. Two problems are numerically solved by applying the presented methodology in a three-dimensional fractured petroleum reservoir under... 

    A Generic error-free AI-based encoding for FFT computation

    , Article Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing ; Volume 38, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 699-715 ; 0278081X (ISSN) Moradi, M ; Jahangir, A. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Birkhauser Boston  2019
    This paper studies the challenge of accurate FFT computation. A generic and error-free encoding is proposed based on the algebraic integers (AIs). A wise AI-based encoding may greatly decrease the error due to the non-trivial twiddle factors in the FFT computation. Further, a new method for predicting the well-pruned architecture is presented which helps designing an optimized and low-cost architecture when using the AI-based encoding. In order to examine the proposed AI-based FFT computation and also the procedure of designing an optimized architecture, a custom AI-based 16-point radix-2 2 FFT architecture has been designed and implemented using 180-nm CMOS technology. Experimental results... 

    A new delay attack detection algorithm for PTP network in power substation

    , Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 133 , 2021 ; 01420615 (ISSN) Moradi, M ; Jahangir, A. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    Time synchronization is one of the main issues for guaranteeing the correctness of actions depending on the time of measured data or detected events by electronic devices across industrial networks. According to the accuracy needed in different applications and networks, several synchronization protocols or algorithms have been proposed so far. The Precision Time Protocol, PTP, is one of the most accurate synchronization protocols introduced for automation applications. It has also been used in power grids and digital substations. However, due to the variety of cyber-attacks in electrical power systems in recent years, its security should be considered and evaluated as other substation... 

    Production of chlorosulfonated rubber from postconsumer polyethylene and evaluation of produced rubber properties

    , Article Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering ; Volume 47, Issue 5 , 2008 , Pages 508-514 ; 03602559 (ISSN) Moradi, A ; Ramazani, S. A. A ; Shahrokhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In order to convert the postconsumer polyethylene to a valuable product, chlorosulfonation of virgin and highly degraded polyethylene has been carried out in the solution phase under atmospheric pressure. Produced chlorosulfonated polyethylene samples from virgin and degraded HDPE are compounded and cured at different temperatures and their mechanical properties are determined. The results show that degradation of used polyethylene does not have noticeable negative effects on the final mechanical properties of produced chlorosulfonated rubbers. Therefore, it can be concluded that chlorosulfonation can be considered as an effective new method for polyolefin recycling  

    Radical chlorination of polyethylene and molecular structure characterization of reaction products

    , Article Polymer Journal ; Volume 37, Issue 9 , 2005 , Pages 661-668 ; 00323896 (ISSN) Moradi, A ; Ramazani S. A., A ; Shahrokhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research the radical chlorination reaction of polyethylene has been carried out in perchloroethylene solvent under atmospheric pressure, using chlorine gas and UV light. In order to characterize the structural configuration of chlorinated polymer and study the reaction rate, different samples have been taken in equal periods of time during the reaction time. The FT-IR and H NMR spectra of these samples have been recorded and interpreted. The sequences of methylene groups between two subsequent chloromethylene groups in the polymeric chains have been determined through H NMR spectra and the obtained results have been confirmed with the data of some model compounds. The relative... 

    Signal and noise analysis in sliced model of a fet mixer

    , Article 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2000, 14 September 2000 through 16 September 2000 ; 2000 , Pages 5-8 ; 0780357434 (ISBN); 9780780357433 (ISBN) Moradi, G ; Abdipour, A ; Ghorbani, A ; Farzaneh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2000
    This paper presents nonlinear signal and noise analysis of a wide gate FET mixer. The study is performed using nonlinear sliced modeling. The FET is taken into account as a distributed element and divided into several smaller pieces so that in each slice a lumped model can be applied. Calculation of passive and active elements of each slice is performed using proper scaling approach. For noise analysis, appropriate noise sources are added to the distributed circuit The wide gate FETs have been suggested for high power, wideband and high gain devices such as travelling wave amplifier. The nonlinear application is suggested for a novel device named travelling wave mixer. © 2000 IEEE  

    Signal and noise improvement of travelling wave fet mixers

    , Article 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2000, 14 September 2000 through 16 September 2000 ; 2000 , Pages 76-79 ; 0780357434 (ISBN); 9780780357433 (ISBN) Moradi, G ; Abdipour, A ; Farzaneh, F ; Ghorbani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2000
    The influence of the loading of the FET electrodes, on signal and noise performances of the device in mixer application is studied. It is shown that exciting the input signal from one end of the gate and extracting the output signal from the opposite ends of the gate can improve the device characteristics, provided that the two remaining ends of the gate and the drain are properly loaded. This structure makes the lines (i.e. the gate and the drain electrodes) to be matched with the loads. Therefore it leads to a travelling wave FET mixer, which is a good candidate for high power mm-wave application. © 2000 IEEE  

    Suppression of harmonic perturbations and bifurcation control in tracking objectives of a boiler-turbine unit in power grid

    , Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; Vol. 76, Issue. 3 , 2014 , pp. 1693-1709 ; ISSN: 0924090X Moradi, H ; Vossoughi, G ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the presence of harmonic disturbances, boiler-turbine units may demonstrate quasi-periodic behaviour due to the occurrence of various types of bifurcation. In this article, a nonlinear model of boiler-turbine unit is considered in which drum pressure, electric output and drum water level are controlled via manipulation of valve positions for fuel, steam and feed-water flow rates. For bifurcation control in tracking problem, two controllers are designed based on gain scheduling and feedback linearization (FBL). To investigate the efficiency of control strategies, three cases are considered for desired tracking objectives (a sequence of steps, ramps/steps, and a combination of them).... 

    Nonlinear dynamics and control of bifurcation to regulate the performance of a boiler-turbine unit

    , Article Energy Conversion and Management ; Vol. 68 , 2013 , pp. 105-113 ; ISSN: 01968904 Moradi, H ; Alasty, A ; Vossoughi, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    The economical operations of power plants and environmental awareness are the major factors affecting the importance of control in boiler-turbine units. In this paper, a multivariable nonlinear model of boiler-turbine unit is considered. Drum pressure, electric output and water level of drum (as output variables) are adjusted at desired values by manipulation of valve positions for fuel, steam and feed-water flow rates (as input variables). Nonlinear dynamics of the unit is investigated through the concepts of bifurcation and limit cycles behaviour. In the presence of harmonic disturbances, some coefficients of the dynamic model, fuel and steam flow rates play as the bifurcation parameters.... 

    Suppression of harmonic perturbations and bifurcation control in tracking objectives of a boiler-turbine unit in power grid

    , Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; Volume 76, Issue 3 , May 2014 , Pages 1693-1709 Moradi, H ; Vossoughi, G ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    May 2014
    In the presence of harmonic disturbances, boiler-turbine units may demonstrate quasi-periodic behaviour due to the occurrence of various types of bifurcation. In this article, a nonlinear model of boiler-turbine unit is considered in which drum pressure, electric output and drum water level are controlled via manipulation of valve positions for fuel, steam and feed-water flow rates. For bifurcation control in tracking problem, two controllers are designed based on gain scheduling and feedback linearization (FBL). To investigate the efficiency of control strategies, three cases are considered for desired tracking objectives (a sequence of steps, ramps/steps, and a combination of them).... 

    Nonlinear dynamics and control of bifurcation to regulate the performance of a boiler-turbine unit

    , Article Energy Conversion and Management ; Volume 68 , 2013 , Pages 105-113 ; 01968904 (ISSN) Moradi, H ; Alasty, A ; Vossoughi, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    The economical operations of power plants and environmental awareness are the major factors affecting the importance of control in boiler-turbine units. In this paper, a multivariable nonlinear model of boiler-turbine unit is considered. Drum pressure, electric output and water level of drum (as output variables) are adjusted at desired values by manipulation of valve positions for fuel, steam and feed-water flow rates (as input variables). Nonlinear dynamics of the unit is investigated through the concepts of bifurcation and limit cycles behaviour. In the presence of harmonic disturbances, some coefficients of the dynamic model, fuel and steam flow rates play as the bifurcation parameters.... 

    Minimum weight wireless power transfer coil design

    , Article 7th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, PEDSTC 2016, 16 February 2016 through 18 February 2016 ; 2016 , Pages 571-576 ; 9781509003754 (ISBN) Moradi, A ; Tahami, F ; Poorfakhraei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2016
    In optimum designing of wireless power transfer(WPT) coils, maximum efficiency and maximum power transfer capability of coils should be considered. In this paper, a novel technique for optimum design of WPT coils based on maximum efficiency with considering required power transfer capability has been given. Optimum selection of system parameters including coil and wire dimensions, number of turns of coils and compensation capacitor selection based on minimum weight of copper mass is also given. For evaluation purpose a 100W experimental sample is designed and tested in 20cm range  

    PID-Fuzzy control of air handling units in the presence of uncertainty

    , Article International Journal of Thermal Sciences ; Volume 109 , 2016 , Pages 123-135 ; 12900729 (ISSN) Moradi, H ; Setayesh, H ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Masson SAS  2016
    Air-handling unit (AHU) is one of the most complex installations that its control is necessary for maintaining satisfactory comfort conditions in buildings with low energy utilization. In this paper, a multivariable nonlinear and minimum phase model of the AHU is considered in the presence of uncertainties. The controller design is divided into two types. The first controller type is for the linearized plant based on decoupled PID-Fuzzy and PD-type Fuzzy controllers. The second type is based on full matrix PID-Fuzzy and pole-placement controllers in which interaction effects are considered. The indoor temperature and relative humidity are controlled via manipulation of valve positions of air... 

    Using sliding mode control to adjust drum level of a boiler unit with time varying parameters

    , Article ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010, 12 July 2010 through 14 July 2010, Istanbul ; Volume 5 , 2010 , Pages 29-33 ; 9780791849194 (ISBN) Moradi, H ; Bakhtiari Nejad, F ; Saffar Avval, M ; Alasty, A
    Stable control of water level of drum is of great importance for economic operation of power plant steam generator systems. In this paper, a linear model of the boiler unit with time varying parameters is used for simulation. Two transfer functions between drum water level (output variable) and feed-water and steam mass rates (input variables) are considered. Variation of model parameters may be arisen from disturbances affecting water level of drum, model uncertainties and parameter mismatch due to the variant operating conditions. To achieve a perfect tracking of the desired drum water level, two sliding mode controllers are designed separately. Results show that the designed controllers... 

    Pt nanoparticles decorated Bi-doped TiO2 as an efficient photocatalyst for CO2 photo-reduction into CH4

    , Article Solar Energy ; Volume 211 , 15 November , 2020 , Pages 100-110 Moradi, M ; Khorasheh, F ; Larimi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    Pt@Bi-TiO2 photocatalysts with different Bi (0–5 wt%) and Pt (0–2 wt%) contents were prepared by a two-step sol-gel and photo-deposition technique and were used in photo-reduction of CO2. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), nitrogen sorption measurement (BET), Raman spectroscopy, Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). CO2 photo-reduction results revealed that the introduction of Bi into TiO2 structure and subsequent loading of Pt on its surface significantly increased the methane yield.... 

    Signal and noise improvement of a distributed FET mixer

    , Article 10th IEEE International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications, EDMO 2002, 18 November 2002 through 19 November 2002 ; Volume 2002-January , 2002 , Pages 284-288 ; 0780375300 (ISBN) Moradi, G ; Abdipour, A ; Farzaneh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2002
    A traveling wave distributed mixer is studied. It is shown that increasing the drain-source capacitances in a distributed FET mixer simultaneously improves its conversion gain and noise figure. Besides, it is shown that proper loading of input and output elements can improve the device performance. The simulation results are well matched with the measurements and also with the results of the existing certified simulators. © 2002 IEEE  

    Three dimensional pressure transient behavior study in stress sensitive reservoirs

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 152 , 2017 , Pages 204-211 ; 09204105 (ISSN) Moradi, M ; Shamloo, A ; Asadbegi, M ; Dezfuli, A. D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2017
    Stress sensitivity is a phenomenon that affects reservoir rock properties, such as permeability and therefore changes the well pressure transient behavior. This paper aims to study these behaviors in stress sensitive reservoirs and evaluate the pressure loss in such reservoirs during the process of hydrocarbon production. A power model is used to correlate the changes in permeability with pore pressure. A novel semi-implicit three-dimensional finite element method has been employed to numerically solve the flow problem. The numerical results have been validated by analytical results obtained in a non-sensitive reservoir. Pressure drawdown test for different scenarios has been studied. The... 

    Effect of utilizing glass fiber-reinforced polymer on exural strengthening of rc arches

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 26, Issue 4A , 2019 , Pages 2299-2309 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Moradi, H ; Khaloo, A. R ; Shekarchi, M ; Kazemian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2019
    An experimental study of the. flexural behavior of Reinforced-Concrete (RC) arches strengthened with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) layers was performed. A total of 36 specimens including 3 un-strengthenod (control) and 33 strengthened RC arches were tested under centrally concentrated point load. The variables of this study were steel reinforcement ratio, number of GFRP layers, and location and arrangement of GFRP layers. Failure mode, load-displacement response of specimens, crack propagation patterns, and GFRP debonding were examined. The extrados strengthening method was shown to Ix1 more effective than the intrados strengthening one in improving the failure load and rigidity of... 

    Effect of utilizing glass fiber-reinforced polymer on exural strengthening of rc arches

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 26, Issue 4A , 2019 , Pages 2299-2309 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Moradi, H ; Khaloo, A. R ; Shekarchi, M ; Kazemian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2019
    An experimental study of the. flexural behavior of Reinforced-Concrete (RC) arches strengthened with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) layers was performed. A total of 36 specimens including 3 un-strengthenod (control) and 33 strengthened RC arches were tested under centrally concentrated point load. The variables of this study were steel reinforcement ratio, number of GFRP layers, and location and arrangement of GFRP layers. Failure mode, load-displacement response of specimens, crack propagation patterns, and GFRP debonding were examined. The extrados strengthening method was shown to Ix1 more effective than the intrados strengthening one in improving the failure load and rigidity of...