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The Effects of an IPO on Operational Performance of Rival Firms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Talebian, Masoud (Supervisor) ; Haghbaali, Mehdi (Supervisor)
In this research, we tried to investigate the effect of a firm’s IPO on the operational performance of its rivals. We used a dynamic structural oligopoly model to distinguish between hypotheses that can explain the industry evolution after the initial public offering, to estimate the value of rival firms’ post-IPO. The results showed that rival firms suffered losses in most IPO events and these losses were caused by industry trends. However, in some IPOs, the initial impact of an IPO on rival firms was through changing production technologies or reducing product homogenization, which increased their profitability. A much smaller percentage of observations also found evidence of competitive...
Decentralized Control of a Multi-DG Microgrid in Islanded Mode of Operation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimi, Houshang (Supervisor) ; Karimi, Masoud (Supervisor)
A control strategy for islanded (autonomous) operation of a microgrid consisting of two Distributed Generation (DG) units is proposed in this thesis. The DG units are connected together in a radial configuration. Each DG unit utilizes a voltage-sourced converter (VSC) to interface to its dedicated load. The DG units and the loads are to operate in the islanded mode of operation. To provide autonomous operation for the microgrid, voltage and frequency of the loads should be regulated. The proposed control strategy utilizes (i) an internal oscillator for frequency control in an open loop manner and (ii) a decentralized servomechanism controller to regulate the load voltage. The microgrid is...
Prediction of wax disappearance temperature using artificial neural networks
, Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 108 , 2013 , Pages 74-81 ; 09204105 (ISSN) ; Mohadesi, M ; Moradi, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, the artificial neural network (ANN) was used for the prediction of WDT. The inputs to network are molar mass and pressure, and the output is WDT at each input. A two-layer network with different hidden neurons and different learning algorithms such as LM, SCG, GDA and BR were examined. The network with 16 hidden neurons and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) train function showed the best results in comparison with the other networks. Also, the predicted results of this network were compared with the thermodynamic models and better accordance with experimental data for ANN was concluded
Biodiesel production using CaO/γ-Al2 O3 catalyst synthesized by sol-gel method
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Volume 93, Issue 9
Pages 1531-1538
00084034 (ISSN)
; Mohadesi, M
; Rezaei, R
; Moradi, R
Sharif University of Technology
Wiley-Liss Inc
In this study, 40% CaO/γ-Al2 O3 catalyst was used for biodiesel production from corn oil. A transesterification reaction was done for 5h at a temperature of 65°C in the presence of corn oil, methanol (methanol to oil molar ratio of 12:1), and CaO/γ-Al2 O3 catalyst (0.06g/g (6wt%)). Catalyst used in this study was synthesized using the sol-gel method. In this method, two parameters of gelation temperature and nitric acid concentration were used as variables in the catalyst synthesis step, and experiments were designed using central composite design (CCD). The results indicate that the optimal point is achieved at a gelation temperature of 70°C and...
DM Water Plant Sedimentation as a Cheap and Waste Source of Catalyst for Biodiesel Production
, Article International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering ; Volume 14, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 113-124 ; 15426580 (ISSN) ; Mohadesi, M ; Hosseini, S ; Davood Beygi, Y ; Moradi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Transesterification reaction was performed in the presence of soybean oil, methanol, and Demineralized water plant sedimentation catalyst at 60°C for 8 h in this study. Central composite design method was used to study the effect of catalyst concentration and methanol to oil molar ratio on purity and yield of produced biodiesel. The results showed catalyst concentration of 9.08 wt% and methanol to oil molar ratio of 22.49 as the optimum condition in which the values of purity and yield of the produced biodiesel in the second-order models were 99.89% and 81.83%, respectively. Experiments are in good agreement with the mentioned values as corresponded values are 99.95% and 86.68%,...
Vibration Analysis of Dolid-Fluid Interaction to Improve the Aerodynamic Performance of Airfoils with Deflectable Skins
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
Progress aerodynamic and structural applications has lead to solid-fluid interaction (SFI) engineering. One major application of SFI is to improve of aerodynamic characteristics of airplanes. One option is to use elastic shells.this field of study is so novel and a challenge for future researches. This what current thesis is focused on We use numerical simulation in both fluid and solid parts.In other word, we employ the finite –element method to solve the solid mechanics governing equation and the finite volume element method to treat the fluid dynamics governing equations. The fluid governing equations are 2D navier- stokes equations and the solid part is the 1D Euler – Bernoulli equations...
Developing a Parallel DSMC Algorithm for Simulating Flow in Micro-Nano Propulsion Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
With the rapid development of mico-nano propulsion systems in micro-spacecrafts and micro-sattelites, precise investigation of flow field in these devices has become necessary. Micro propulsion systems usually have a thrust in order of mili Newton, and they can be used for maneuvers of spacecrafts with mass of less than 10 kg. Micro propulsion systems are usually classified according to their thrust generation mechanism to different classes like cold gas, and chemical propulsion systems. Cold gas micro propulsion systems obtain their energy from thermodynamic expansion of gas and not by combustion. If the flow fiel dimensionare comparable to mean free path, rarefaction effects are observed...
Simulating Flow over Nanoparticles through Microchannels Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
Novel manufacturing technologies in micro scales, such as micro machining, guide us through constructing micro scale systems known as MEMS. These systems have a wide range of applications, from fabrication of electrostatic, magnetic, pneumatic sensors and actuators to micro mechanical gears and motors. Also, MEMS applications involve the manipulation of one or more fluids, known as microfluids. Simulation of flow through microchannels over nano particles has important applications in solid particles transport. In this flow, the rarefaction phenomenon will affect the flow behavior and its subsequent impacts such as aerodynamic drag forces. In this work, we use the Lattice Boltzmann method...
Nonlinear Performance of 3-D Steel Structures by Scaled Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Mofid, Masoud
It is well known that the most rigorous method to assess the performance and to predict the seismic demands of a structure subjected to earthquake is nonlinear time history analysis. However, this technique is accompanied by complexities and difficulties in evaluating the seismic demands of structures and requires superior knowledge and skill. As a result, in recent years, nonlinear static analysis has been proposed in performance based design procedures. One of the primary assumptions of nonlinear static procedures is that the behavior of a structure with multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) subjected to seismic ground motion can be estimated from the response of an oscillator with a single...
A Feasibility Study in Fuel Cell Hydrogen Storage Capacity Increase Using Carbon Nanotubes Technology and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
Hydrogen fuel cell is one important choice to supply energy for vehicles in near future. The lack of a safe but inexpensive technology to store hydrogen in a vehicle tank is a serious challenge to commercialize the application of fuel cells. Past experiments have shown that carbon nanostructures, especially single walled carbon nanotubes, have considerable capacity to boost up hydrogen storage. Therefore, many studies have been performed to investigate the possibility of higher hydrogen storage capability using nanostructures for the past decade. Molecular dynamics method which is considered as one of the most important tools in studying nanostructures has shown vast applications in these...
Numerical Modeling of Terrestrial Planet Temperature Distribution Effect on Polar Vortex Forming: Venus Modeling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
A global rotating atmosphere with polar vortex and super rotation is simulated using a simplified Venus General Circulation Model (GCM). The polar vortex is maintained strongly by meridional circulation develops in the form of a simple Hadley cell, extending from the equator to the pole in both hemispheres and rotation terrestrial planet. Venus Total Polar Vortex Parameter (PVP) was defined like globally integrated super-rotation but at polar skullcaps (60-90 deg). Venus Polar Vortex Parameter is PVP=1.5 that’s qualitatively similar to observed polar vortex. Then with study in terrestrial planet and Titan modeling, we appointed the Polar Vortex Parameter and critical limit of Polar Vortex...
On the Dynamic Response of Funicular Shells and Evaluation of the Behavior Factor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mofid, Masoud (Supervisor)
Dynamic behavior of space structures are of great complexities. On the event of severe earthquake these structures exhibit high resistance and on the other hand, their high rigidity and small deformation makes it necessary to pay attention to their dynamic behavior, especially when combined with other types of structural systems. Also due to lack of sufficient codes and references, their dynamic behavior is still unknown to a great extend. Among these kinds of structures, reinforced concrete double curvature shells, and especially funicular shells, are much more important than others. In this thesis, dynamic response of these kind of structures, especially reinforced concrete domes, in...
Numerical Simulation of Nano-Impinging-Jet in Electronic Cooling Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
With a fast progress in nanotechnology devices and components, e.g., MEMS/NEMS, heat transfer study in micro/nanoscales has become so critical for the systematic design and precise control of such miniaturized devices towards the integration and automation of Lab-on-a-chip devices. Demands in high heat transfer rates have returned the concerns to impinging jet cooling systems. However, studying impinging jets in the micro/nano scales is requires the molecular dynamics knowledge to analyze the true micro/nanoscale flow behavior accurately. According to the importance of this subject, we use direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to simulate nano impinging jet gas flows. The thesis is...
The Role of Socio-Political Institutions in Economic Performance of Developing Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
Findings of economics in last decade shows that social and economic institutions have direct influence on economic performance of a society. However, these institutions are determined by the state. In different regimes, the political power is in the hand of different social groups with different preferences and goals; as a result, different social and economic policies and institutions are take place in different political regimes. In this research, we study economic performance of a society under control of two different political regimes: in first, the majority rules the state and in second, there is a totalitarian regime in which; the political power is concentrated in hand of a group of...
The Political Economy Aspects of the Redistributive Role of Government in a General Equilibrium Micro-founded Macro Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
The role of government in economy has been a controversial subject in economics. Lately, there has been some fundamental change in evaluating this subject. One could mention two of these as 1) realizing the importance of micro-founded macro model for evaluating policy, and 2) taking into consideration the rent-seeking behavior of politicians. In this research, a general equilibrium in a micro-founded macro model will be discussed and then in political economics framework, the effect of government on this equilibrium will be investigated. Only the redistribution role of government has been considered. First, the model in which a benevolent government is seeking optimal policy is Discussed....
Modelling Point and non Point Source of Nitrate with SWAT in the Jajrood River Watershed
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tajrishy, Masoud (Supervisor)
To investigate boiling heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids, transient quenching¬ experiments of a high temperature silver sphere in water-based nanofluids with Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles were performed. A silver sphere of 10 mm in diameter at the initial temperature of 700o C was quenched in the nanofluids at the temperature of 90o C. The results showed considerable reduction in the quenching ability of nanofluids compared to that of pure water. The presence of nanoparticles in water caused film boiling mode to vanish at lower temperatures depending on the mixture concentration. Computed heat transfer rates in nanofluids were lower than those in pure water. In the quenching...
Water Quality Modeling of Urban Streams
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tajrishy, Masoud (Supervisor)
With altering natural state and increasing impervious surfaces, traditional urbanization leads to deteriorating the environment and water catchments. During the years most efforts in order to control the urban runoff outflow, have been focused on quantity; and awareness about improving water quality has been raised just in the last few years and, which emphasizes on pollution source control. Standard water quality sampling methods are time consuming, expensive and because of sampling in broad geographic areas, difficult; however modeling is a more efficient way in assessing water quality and as worries about non-point source pollution grows, different kinds of models have been used to...
Long Term Effective Factors on House Price of Metropolises of Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
The notable share of housing sector in GDP (approximately five percent) shows this sector’s relation with macroeconomic activities. On the other hand, House as an asset leads housing sector to be affected by monetary and fiscal variables. A dynamic panel data was used in this study to evaluate the relations between housing sector and some macroeconomic variables in metropolises of Iran. As results show, in long term growth of liquidity, GDP per capita and sharp ratio have positive effects, and land per capita has negative effect on housing price in metropolises of Iran. Price increases have not been equal in different cities. Inequality of land price between metropolises and between...
Measurement of Gini Coefficients by Means of Household’s Special CPI in Iran(1984-2005)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
Gini coefficient is the most prevalent index for the measurement of inequality and is usually extracted by means of nominal variables based on income or expenditures of households. In this study we have extracted more accurate Gini coefficients. By using the raw data of Households Budget Survey (HBS) and STATA software, a special CPI for each household of the sample is extracted. Subsequently nominal expenditures are deflated by these special CPIs, and at last, Gini coefficients are extracted from real expenditures. Our findings indicate that in recent years, extracted Gini coefficients are remarkably higher than prevailing ones.
Estimating an Index of Iran’s Informal Economy in 1350-1386 With Concentration on the Impact of Government’s Intervention by EMIMIC Model (The Multiple Indicators-Multiple Causes Model and Error-Correction Model)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nili, Masoud (Supervisor)
In this research, an Index of Iran informal economy in response to the government interventions in credit, labor and product markets is stimated by EMIMIC model. To do this, first these interventions are measured using principal components analysis. In the model, the variables GDP and employment are used as indicators and taxation rates, government distortions in credit, labor and product markets, government expenditure, per capita income, unemployment and inflation as causes of the informal economy. We conclude these government interventions have affected Iran informal economy and their influence is more than indirect interventions influence such as taxation. The estimated index of Iran...