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    Velocity Control of an A-shaped Microrobot with Nonlinear and Hybrid Dynamic

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradian, Hossein (Author) ; Vossoughi, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Microrobots are generally suitable for implementation of certain works in miniature dimensions such as micro assembly, microsurgery, adaption with small animals and so on. In this way, there is special position for mobile microrobots capable of moving in the range of more than theirs dimensions. Achivieng to high resolution and high speed locomotion are the challenging issues in the microrobot’s development in which much effort has been done.The goal of this project is dynamic modeling and velocity control of an A-shaped microrobot with with nanometric locomotion. During this project, first the dynamic modeling of microrobot is investigated and simplified based on the previous studies.... 

    Throughput analysis of a slotted Aloha-based network with energy harvesting nodes

    , Article IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC ; 2012 , Pages 351-356 ; 9781467325691 (ISBN) Moradian, M ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we evaluate the effect of energy constraints on the performance of a simple network comprised of wireless nodes with energy harvesting capability. In this scenario, wireless nodes contend with each other based on slotted Aloha protocol in order to transmit a packet. Packet transmission occurs provided that enough energy exists in the energy buffer. We propose an analytical model based on a closed queueing network (QN) to include details of data and energy buffers as well as random access MAC protocol. We show how energy limitation affects the MAC design parameters, e.g., contention window size, in order to optimize the performance of the network. Moreover, we evaluate the... 

    Throughput analysis of a cognitive IEEE 802.11 WLAN sharing the downlink band of a cellular network

    , Article IEEE International Conference on Communications, 5 June 2011 through 9 June 2011 ; June , 2011 ; 05361486 (ISSN) ; 9781612842332 (ISBN) Moradian, M ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we propose an analytical model to evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a cognitive IEEE 802.11-based WLAN sharing the downlink band of a cellular network. Our model has been found on an open queueing network which includes both asymmetric and non-saturated aspects of secondary nodes as well as the time-varying nature of the channel due to intermittent primary nodes. By mapping the details of MAC scheme of the cognitive WLAN, regarding the dynamic nature of spectrum opportunities, onto suitable parameters of the proposed queueing network and writing the corresponding traffic equations, we are able to find the maximum stable throughput, i.e., the maximum rate of packet... 

    Energy Harvesting in Wireless Communication Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Moradian, Masoumeh (Author) ; Ashtiani, Farid (Supervisor)
    In this dissertation, we focus on two types of EH cooperative networks. In the first type, the source and relay nodes access a shared channel according to a random access protocol. Also, they harvest energy from non-RF environmental resources. The relay node has data and energy buffers to store the packets of the source and the harvested energy, respectively. Our main goal is to find the optimal relaying protocol at the relay node. In this regard, the first type of the EH cooperative networks are investigated in two different scenarios. In the first one, the MAC channels of the nodes are independent of the applied policy at the relay node, and thus the throughput of the network is fixed.... 

    Optimal relaying in a slotted aloha wireless network with energy harvesting nodes

    , Article IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ; Volume 33, Issue 8 , 2015 , Pages 1680-1692 ; 07338716 (ISSN) Moradian, M ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    In this paper, we derive optimal policies for cooperation of a wireless node in relaying the packets of a source node, in a random access environment. In our scenario, the source node sends its packets by its harvested energy and the relay node exploits its harvested energy in relaying the source packets not detected successfully at the destination. The relaying policies determine whether the relay node accepts or rejects the unsuccessfully transmitted source packets and how the relay node prioritizes the accepted source packets to its own packets. The optimization goal is to minimize the average transmission delay of source packets with and without a constraint on the average transmission... 

    On tradeoff between collision and cooperation in a random access wireless network with energy harvesting nodes

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; Volume 67, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 2501-2513 ; 00189545 (ISSN) Moradian, M ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    In this paper, we investigate an energy harvesting cooperative network in which the cooperation is done in a random access environment. Although the cooperation provides an extra harvested energy supply for transmissions of the source, it causes probable collisions for the transmitted source packets. Thus, this kind of cooperation can improve or degrade the QoS of the source packets. We find the optimal policy in such a scenario to maximize the source throughput and derive the necessary and sufficient condition for no-cooperation policy to be throughput-optimal. Then, we prove that the maximum throughput is obtained by considering no-cooperation or full-cooperation policy depending on the... 

    Robust velocity control for an A-shaped micro-robot with stick-slip locomotion

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science ; Volume 230, Issue 14 , 2016 , Pages 2413-2426 ; 09544062 (ISSN) Moradian, H ; Vossoughi, G. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2016
    In this paper, the problem of velocity control of a micro-robot's locomotion with nanometric resolution has been investigated. A sliding, A-shaped micro-robot, used in precision positioning applications is analyzed. This micro-robot is actuated by means of a piezoelectric stack actuator in order to produce translational and periodic motion. A dynamic model of the robot is proposed assuming linear behavior for the piezoelectric stack and Coulomb friction model. Then, in order to control the velocity of micro-robot, first a robust sliding mode control is used so that the relative angle between the legs in the micro-robot tracks a periodic reference signal. The velocity tracking for the... 

    Electrohydrodynamically enhanced nucleation phenomenon: A theoretical study

    , Article Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer ; Volume 15, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 1-15 ; 10655131 (ISSN) Moradian, A ; Saidi, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Chaotic behavior of bubbles and their random motion because of the effects of an electric field (EF) motivates statistical approaches for investigating electrohydrodynamically (EHD) enhanced heat transfer. A theoretical model for boiling heat transfer under EHD is presented. The model is based on integral balance of momentum, energy, and interfacial area density, and consists of a system of three coupled equations: conservation of void fraction, bubble number density, and momentum of bubbles. Theoretical results are in qualitative agreement with the available experimental observations in the literature. © 2008 by Begell House, Inc  

    Synthesis of new modified MCM-41/PSF nanocomposite membrane for improvement of water permeation flux

    , Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 41, Issue 1-3 , 2012 , Pages 53-61 ; 19443994 (ISSN) Jomekian, A ; Shafiee, A ; Moradian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The preparation of MCM-41 nanoparticles was made using tetraethylorthosilicate as silica source and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as surfactant. The X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, laser particle size analysis and N2 adsorption techniques were used for characterization of nanoparticles. The dimethyldichlorosilan (DMDCS) was applied to improve the dispersion of MCM-41 nanoparticles into the polysulfone (PSF) matrix. The investigation on the thermal stability with thermogravimetric analysis showed the enhanced stability of membranes possessing higher loading of MCM-41 nanaoparticles. The scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluate the quality of particles dispersion... 

    Improving the performance of a nonlinear boiler–turbine unit via bifurcation control of external disturbances: a comparison between sliding mode and feedback linearization control approaches

    , Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; Volume 85, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 229-243 ; 0924090X (ISSN) Moradi, H ; Abbasi, M. H ; Moradian, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2016
    Boiler–turbine units may show quasiperiodic behavior due to the bifurcation occurrence in the presence of harmonic disturbances. In this study, a multi-input–multi-output nonlinear dynamic model of a boiler–turbine unit is considered. Drum pressure, electric output, and fluid density are the state variables and adjusted at the desired values by manipulation of the input variables. Control inputs are the valve positions for fuel, steam and feed-water flow rates. To improve the quasiperiodic behavior of the system and bifurcation control in tracking problem, two controllers are designed: feedback linearization control and nonlinear sliding mode control (SMC). The feedback linearization... 

    Optimal relaying in energy harvesting wireless networks with wireless-powered relays

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking ; Volume 3, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 1072-1086 ; 24732400 (ISSN) Moradian, M ; Ashtiani, F ; Zhang, Y. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    In this paper, we consider a wireless cooperative network with a wireless-powered energy harvesting (EH) relay. The relay employs a time switching (TS) policy that switches between the EH and data decoding (DD) modes. Both energy and data buffers are kept at the relay to store the harvested energy and decoded data packets, respectively. In this paper, we derive static and dynamic TS policies that maximize the system throughput or minimize the average transmission delay. In particular, in the static policies, the EH or DD mode is selected with a pre-determined probability. In contrast, in a dynamic policy, the mode is selected dynamically according to the states of data and energy buffers. We... 

    Sequential topic modeling for efficient analysis of traffic scenes

    , Article 9th International Symposium on Telecommunication, IST 2018, 17 December 2018 through 19 December 2018 ; 2019 , Pages 559-564 ; 9781538682746 (ISBN) Ahmadi, P ; Pir Moradian, E ; Gholampour, I ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    A two-level Sparse Topical Coding (STC) topic model is proposed in this paper for analyzing video sequences of traffic surveillance containing hierarchical patterns accompanied by complicated motions and co-occurrences. In order to automatically cluster optical flow features into motion patterns, a first level STC model is used. Next, the second level STC model is applied for clustering motion patterns into traffic phases. The effectiveness of the suggested method is proved by experiments on a traffic dataset in the real world. Our simulations show that the proposed two-level STC is able to extract the motion patterns and traffic phases accurately, leading to realistic describing the traffic... 

    Adaptive sliding mode control of regenerative chatter and stability improvement in boring manufacturing process with model uncertainties

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science ; Volume 234, Issue 6 , 2020 , Pages 1171-1181 Moradian, H ; Abbasi, M. H ; Moradi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2020
    In the machining processes, vibration suppression is crucial in order to achieve the high precision as well as high-quality surface and increase of the material removal rate. In this paper, an adaptive sliding mode control approach is presented to supress the chattering phenomenon in the boring process in the presence of model uncertainties and unmodeled dynamics. The boring bar is modeled as a cantilever Euler–Bernoulli beam, which is actuated by a piezo-actuator located at the bar's end. As a more realistic model, the cutting tool is modeled as an added mass at the bar's end. In order to derive the equations of motion, mode summation method with inclusion the first three modes of vibration... 

    An efficient tabu search algorithm for the single row facility location problem [electronic resource]

    , Article European Journal Of Operational Research ; Vol. 205, No. 1, pp. 98-105 Samarghandi, H. (Hamed) ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Sharif University of Technology
    The general goal of the facility layout problem is to arrange a given number of facilities to minimize the total cost associated with the known or projected interactions between them. One of the special classes of the facility layout problem is the Single Row Facility Layout Problem (SRFLP), which consists of finding an optimal linear placement of rectangular facilities with varying dimensions on a straight line. This paper first presents and proves a theorem to find the optimal solution of a special case of SRFLP. The results obtained by this theorem prove to be very useful in reducing the computational efforts when a new algorithm based on tabu search for the SRFLP is proposed in this... 

    Sensitivity analysis of matching pennies game [electronic resource]

    , Article Mathematical and Computer Modelling ; Volume 51, Issues 5–6, March 2010, Pages 722–735 Yarmand, H. (Hamed) ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we have discussed the results of sensitivity analysis in a payoff matrix of the Matching Pennies game. After representing the game as a LP model, the sensitivity analysis of the elements of the payoff matrix is presented. The game value and the optimal strategies for different values of parameters are determined and compared  

    Mining Social Network for Semantic Advertisement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradian Zadeh, Pooya (Author) ; Sadighi Moshkenani, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Networked computers are expanding more and more around the world, and digital social networks becoming of great importance for many people's work and leisure. Emails, Weblogs and Instant Messengers are popular instances of social networks. In this thesis, the main target is to have an advertisement according to user favorites and interests by mining his/her interactions in digital social networks. Briefly, in our method social network users are categorized based on the topics exchanges between them in the network, these topics discovered by mining of flowing data in that environment, considering that these topics shows the user willing, finally relevant advertisements will be represented to... 

    Treatment of Surfactant Wastewater by IFAS Bioreactors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradian, Amin (Author) ; Borgheei, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Moslehi, Parivash (Supervisor)
    In the modern societies, wastewater treatment is essential in achieving high level of standard in environmental protection and disposal. Recently, many researches are performed to study the surfactants’ biological decomposition in wastewater treatment process. In this project, fixed bed aerobic reactors are used in order to remove surfactant from wastewater. Integrated fixed film activation sludge reactor (IFAS) is used to remove surfactants and organic matters. It also used to study the capability of micro organisms in organic load removal in fixed bed biofilm for biological treatment of industrial wastewater. Pumice stone were used as the support in the reactor. The pumice stone is a... 

    Estimation of Mutual Funds’ Transaction Costs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradian, Hamed (Author) ; Barakchian, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Ebrahimnejad, Ali (Supervisor)
    The average annual turnover of Iranian mutual funds is 330 percent during the years 2011 to 2017. Such a high-volume trading imposes substantial transaction costs on the funds and their investors. Transaction costs comprise four different types of costs: In addition to taxes and commissions, there are other transaction costs originating from bid-ask spread and price impact, which need more complicated procedures to assess. By using high-frequency data and the information in the fund’s seasonal financial statements, the transaction costs of fifteen Iranian mutual funds are estimated. These funds spent 11 percent of their value on the trading costs per anum. Furthermore, the relation between... 

    Mining social network for extracting topic of textual conversations

    , Article 5th International Conference on Soft Computing As Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, CSTST '08, Cergy-Pontoise, 28 October 2008 through 31 October 2008 ; October , 2008 , Pages 232-237 ; 9781605580463 (ISBN) Moradian Zadeh, P ; Mohi, M ; Moshkenani, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Developing internet usage and services urged play strong role for social network. Social networks are environment which uses internet as interface to provide relations between people, in the other word to interchange data and information between persons. Email and Instant Messengers are popular examples of them. Whereas these environments are continuously and instantly developing, revising and viewing by humans, they are good places for mining. In this paper, the topic of exchanged information between users in this type of networks will be our target. Our method is to use a hierarchical dictionary of semantically related topics and words that is mapped to a graph. Then extracted keywords... 

    Modeling and Analysis of Two Wireless Networks with Opportunistic and Primary Spectrum Access

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradian, Masoumeh (Author) ; Ashtiani, Farid (Supervisor) ; Nasiri Kenari, Masoumeh (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we propose an analytical model to evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a cognitive IEEE 802.11-based WLAN overlaid on a cellular network. In the considered scenario, the secondary nodes operate in uplink frequency band of primary network and transmit on their own idle detected primary channels using OFDM technique. The activity of primary nodes is modeled independently by ON-OFF alternating states with negative exponential distributed durations. The main feature of the proposed analytical model is to include different status of the secondary users, i.e., different spectrum opportunities for different cognitive users, as the result of dynamic nature of primary users as...