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    Carbon-based Solar Cell with different Configuration of the Layers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Motevalian, Saeme (Author) ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Seyyed Reyhani, Morteza (Supervisor)
    Last generation of solar cells which are organo-metal halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with power conversion efficiency over 20% are increasingly comparable to the silicon types, these PSCs are poorly stable under working environment. Carbon-based PSCs with lower cost and more stability seem a better choice for commercialization in future. In these PSCs TiO2 and NiO are working as electron and hole transporting materials, respectively. In addition, ZrO2 film between two mentioned layers works as a buffer layer to prevent direct contact. In this thesis, the initial powder, necessary for fabricating the buffer layer is synthesized at the first place. Then, since the printing method is a... 

    The evaluation of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 concentrations during the Middle Eastern Dust (MED) events in Ahvaz, Iran, from april through september 2010

    , Article Journal of Arid Environments ; Volume 77, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 72-83 ; 01401963 (ISSN) Shahsavani, A ; Naddafi, K ; Jafarzade Haghighifard, N ; Mesdaghinia, A ; Yunesian, M ; Nabizadeh, R ; Arahami, M ; Sowlat, M. H ; Yarahmadi, M ; Saki, H ; Alimohamadi, M ; Nazmara, S ; Motevalian, S. A ; Goudarzi, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this study, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 concentrations were measured from April through September 2010. These measurements were made every six days and on days with dust events using a Grimm Model 1.177 aerosol spectrometer. Meteorological data were also collected. Overall mean values of 319.6 ± 407.07, 69.5 ± 83.2, and 37.02 ± 34.9 μg/m3 were obtained for PM10, PM2.5, and PM1, respectively, with corresponding maximum values of 5337.6, 910.9, and 495 μg/m3. The presence of the westerly prevailing wind implied that Iraq is the major source of dust events in this area. A total of 72 dust days and 711 dust hours occurred in the study area. The dust events occurred primarily during July. The longest... 

    Characterization of ionic composition of TSP and PM10 during the Middle Eastern Dust (MED) storms in Ahvaz, Iran

    , Article Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ; Volume 184, Issue 11 , November , 2012 , Pages 6683-6692 ; 01676369 (ISSN) Shahsavani, A ; Naddafi, K ; Jaafarzadeh Haghighifard, N ; Mesdaghinia, A ; Yunesian, M ; Nabizadeh, R ; Arhami, M ; Yarahmadi, M ; Sowlat, M. H ; Ghani, M ; Jonidi Jafari, A ; Alimohamadi, M ; Motevalian, S. A ; Soleimani, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
    Because of the recent frequent observations of major dust storms in southwestern cities in Iran such as Ahvaz, and the importance of the ionic composition of particulate matters regarding their health effects, source apportionment, etc., the present work was conducted aiming at characterizing the ionic composition of total suspended particles (TSP) and particles on the order of ∼10 μm or less (PM10) during dust storms in Ahvaz in April-September 2010. TSP and PM10 samples were collected and their ionic compositions were determined using an ion chromatography. Mean concentrations of TSP and PM10 were 1,481.5 and 1,072.9 μg/m 3, respectively. Particle concentrations during the Middle Eastern...