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Rigidity and Wide Scope
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mousavian, Nasrollah (Supervisor)
In this dissertation, we are considering the following question: can the Rigidity Thesis (RT) be reduced to the Wide Scope Thesis (WT). According to the RT, proper names of natural language are rigid designators and most of the definite descriptions of natural language are not rigid designators. Thus, the Descriptive Theory of Proper Names (DTPN), according to which the semantic content of a proper name is a (set of) definite description(s), is false. According to WT, the semantic content of a sentence containing a proper name is given by a (set of) definite description(s) with wide scope (over intensional operators, modal operators included). Such a semantic content can explain the...
Avicenna on the primary propositions
, Article History and Philosophy of Logic ; Volume 39, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 201-231 ; 01445340 (ISSN) ; Ardeshir, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
Avicenna introduces the primary propositions (or the primaries, for short) as the most fundamental principles of knowledge. (In this paper, we are not primarily concerned with the primary/first intelligibles as concepts/conceptions.) However, as far as we are aware, Avicenna’s primaries have not yet been independently studied. Nor do Avicenna scholars agree on how to characterize them in the language of contemporary philosophy. It is well-known that the primaries are indemonstrable; nonetheless, it is not clear what the genealogy of the primaries is (§2), how, epistemologically speaking, they can be distinguished from other principles (§3), what their phenomenology is (§4), what the cause of...
Design and Implementation of a Solar Charger with Maxim Power Point Tracking Ability
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
In regard to the benefits of solar energy such as endlessness and pureness, design and implementation of a convertor for absorbing energy from solar cells is of interest. Thus, a suitable convertor with acceptable efficiency is designed to charge the batteries. In order to increase the efficiency and to decrease the electromagnetic interference, a novel method is proposed for soft switching. Due to the nonlinear behavior of solar cells and also variations of their input energy with respect to the change of solar emission and temperature, two controllers - one for maximum power point tracking from solar cells and the other to appropriately charge the 48-volt batteries - are designed....
Empty Names
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mousavian, Nasrollah (Supervisor)
The direct reference theory about proper names considers the references of proper names as their contents. This view is persuasive for many philosophers. However, it encounter with some difficulties. Some of these difficulties are related to nonrefering names, called empty names sometimes. If natural language contains such names, the direct refernce theory shall propose some solutions to solve mistakes raised by them. In this project, in chapter one, I will assess the direct reference theory. In chapter two, I will argue that at least some names from natural language are empty. And finally, in chapter three and four, I will put forward some ways to take out of difficulties raised by empty...
Noninvasive fetal ECG extraction using doubly constrained block-term decomposition
, Article Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering ; Volume 17, Issue 1 , 2020 , Pages 144-159 ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Fatemizadeh, E ; Sharif University of Technology
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) monitoring is a beneficial method for assessing fetal health and diagnosing the fetal cardiac condition during pregnancy. In this study, an algorithm is proposed to extract fECG from maternal abdominal signals based on doubly constrained block-term (DoCoBT) tensor decomposition. This tensor decomposition method is constrained by quasi-periodicity constraints of fetal and maternal ECG signals. Tensor decompositions are more powerful tools than matrix decomposition, due to employing more information for source separation. Tensorizing abdominal signals and using periodicity constraints of fetal and maternal ECG, appropriately separates subspaces of the mother, the...
Evaluation of natural circulation phenomena in WWER-1000 geometry
, Article 2nd International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2003, Cordoba, 4 May 2003 through 7 May 2003 ; 2003 ; D'Auria, F ; Salehi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
American Nuclear Society
Using of natural circulation concepts in nuclear and non-nuclear industry is very important. One of important methods in new designs of "innovative" fission reactor technologies is natural circulation scene. Natural circulation is based on buoyancy force; density differences between hot and cold legs including core and steam generators, and height of hot and cold zones. In this paper we studied natural circulation phenomena in two different heights of hot and cold zones by using of RELAP5 system code. Natural circulation Flow Map (NCFM) made for both cases and compared with experimental data. We have considered main components and systems of WWER-1000 plant in our model, such as pressure...
Analysis of natural circulation phenomena in VVER-1000
, Article Nuclear Engineering and Design ; Volume 229, Issue 1 , 2004 , Pages 25-46 ; 00295493 (ISSN) ; D'Auria, F ; Salehi, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
In all light water reactors (LWR), natural circulation is an important passive heat removal mechanism. In the present paper, the natural circulation phenomena are studied with reference to step-wise coolant inventory reduction and a small break loss-of-coolant-accident (SBLOCA) in the cold leg of VVER-1000. The natural circulation flow map (NCFM) approach is considered to evaluate the natural circulation performance of the VVER-1000 NPP also comparing VVER-1000 and PWR systems. Three different elevations between heat source (core) and heat sink (steam generators) zones have been considered in order to characterize the buoyancy force in a VVER-1000. The influence of power and the cold legs...
Modelling and Simulation of Heat Transfer in the Moicrowave Sintering Process of Uranium Dioxide
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Mousavian, Khalil (Supervisor)
One of the steps in the production of nuclear fuel pellets used in the core of a nuclear reactor is sintering. Sintering means the consolidation of a pressed powder sample into an integrated solid. This process can be done in different ways, such as traditional sintering, microwave, spark plasma, etc. In the process of fabrication of nuclear fuel pellets, after producing uranium dioxide in powder form and making corrections on the size distribution of powder grains, it would be nolded and then sintered. In this research, the temperature evolution of the green pellets introduced to microwave heating were investigated. In this report, a brief overview of the principles of microwave heating is...
A novel ZVT/ZCT PWM converter used for solar battery chargers with reduced conduction loss
, Article 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 20 September 2015 through 24 September 2015 ; 2015 , Pages 5357-5362 ; 9781467371506 (ISBN) ; Bakhshai, A ; Jain, P ; Zolghadri, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper a novel structure of a zero- voltage transition PWM boost converter is proposed. The main switch and diode of the converter are turned on and off under zero voltage transition. In addition the auxiliary switch and both diodes operate in ZCT condition. The auxiliary circuit consists of a transformer, a snubber capacitor and two diodes. Without imposing much current stress, the switching loss reduces significantly. So a higher efficiency converter is achieved. The simple structure and a wide range of operating current are the advantages of the proposed converter, which make it useful for solar battery chargers etc. The operation principles of the proposed converter are explained...
Transient and stability analysis in single-phase natural circulation
, Article Annals of Nuclear Energy ; Volume 31, Issue 10 , 2004 , Pages 1177-1198 ; 03064549 (ISSN) ; Misale, M ; D'Auria, F ; Salehi, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper presents the mathematical modeling of single-phase natural circulation of the University of Genoa's rectangular loop (LOOP#1) by a computer program and using RELAP5 system code. The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations in transient form were solved numerically using the finite difference method. One-dimensional linear stability analysis was performed for the single-phase natural circulation loop and the numerical perturbation technique was used in this analysis. The Nyquist criterion was employed to find the stability map of the LOOP#1. The obtained transient results using the first order upwind scheme of the fluid temperatures in various sectors of the LOOP#1 are...
Quasi-noraml and Multipole Moment for Cosmological Black Holes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mansouri, Reza (Supervisor) ; Taghizadeh Firouzjaee, Javad (Co-Advisor)
Isolated black holes in equilibrium are intrinsically simple objects: They are much simpler than ordinary matter around us because they can be described by only a few parameters such as their mass, angular momentum, and charge. This simplicity, however, is apparent only because one never has an isolated black hole. Black holes in centers of galaxies or intermediate-mass black holes always have complex distributions of matter around them, such as galactic nuclei, accretion disks, strong magnetic fields, other stars, planets, etc., and are therefore actively interacting with their surroundings. However, even having been removed from all macroscopic objects and fields in space, a black hole...
Does the short-term boost of renewable energies guarantee their stable long-term growth? Assessment of the dynamics of feed-in tariff policy
, Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 159 , October , 2020 , Pages 1252-1268 ; Hamed Shakouri, G ; Mashayekhi, A. N ; Kazemi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Feed-in tariff (FiT) is one of the most efficient ways that many governments throughout the world use to stimulate investment in renewable energies (REs) technology. For governments, financial management of the policy could be challenging as it needs a considerable amount of budget to support RE producers during the long remuneration period. In this paper, it has been illuminated that the early growth of REs capacity could be a temporary boost. And the socio-economic structure of the system will backlash the policy if some social mechanisms are not considered. Social tolerance for paying REs tax and potential investors’ trust emanated from budget-related mechanisms -which have rarely been...
StrongestPath: a Cytoscape application for protein-protein interaction analysis
, Article BMC bioinformatics ; Volume 22, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 352- ; 14712105 (ISSN) ; Khodabandeh, M ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Nadafian, A ; Mahmoudi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
NLM (Medline)
BACKGROUND: StrongestPath is a Cytoscape 3 application that enables the analysis of interactions between two proteins or groups of proteins in a collection of protein-protein interaction (PPI) network or signaling network databases. When there are different levels of confidence over the interactions, the application is able to process them and identify the cascade of interactions with the highest total confidence score. Given a set of proteins, StrongestPath can extract a set of possible interactions between the input proteins, and expand the network by adding new proteins that have the most interactions with highest total confidence to the current network of proteins. The application can...
Uncertainty Analysis of LB-LOCA in VVER-1000 Geometry
, Article International Conference - Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2003, Proceedings, Portoroz, 8 September 2003 through 11 September 2003 ; 2003 , Pages 361-371 ; D'Auria, F ; Galassi, G. M ; Petruzzi, A ; Salehi, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
Evaluation of nuclear power plant performances during accidents is important in view of safety analysis. Several complex thermal-hydraulic system codes are developed for simulation of accidents and transients. Until 1989, only highly conservative methods were approved for evaluating the response of a nuclear power plant to a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LB-LOCA). The conservative evaluation models did not simulate the actual phenomena occurring during a postulated LB-LOCA accurately. Therefore, many countries such as US (CIAU), France (IPSN), Germany (GRS), England (AEA), Spain (ENUSA) and Italy (CIAU) developed methods for calculating the uncertainty in the predictions of advanced...
Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Dry Storage Cask of the Spent Nuclear Fuel and Construction of a Prototype Experimental Setup for its Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Mousavian, Khalil (Supervisor) ; Rezaeian, Mahdi (Co-Supervisor)
Storage of the spent nuclear fuels is one of the topics of interest in recent years and many researches have been conducted in this field in order to design storage casks for spent nuclear fuels. In this study, thermal-hydraulic analysis of a dry storage cask for Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant spent nuclear fuels is carried out. Geometry of the analyzed cask is taken from a Russian transportation cask TK-13. Drawing of the geometry is achieved with SolidWorks and it’s meshing is completed in Gambit. 3 different cases were considered for cask’s geometry and design: cask without spacers inside, cask with spacers inside, and cask with spacers inside and fins on the outside surface of the cask....
Modeling & Evaluation of Residual Heat Removal System in Bushehr Nuclear Power plant with using the Relap5 system code
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghofrani, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor) ; Mousavian, Khalil (Supervisor)
In this study the modeling of low pressure injection system to remove heat from the reactor core of Bushehr nuclear power plant(BNPP) after it has been paid off. After a full assessment of the primary circuit and the Bushehr nuclear power plant emergency cooling system, all the information needed to model the primary circuit and the low pressure injection system and the plant were collected in the available evidence. Then, according to the code, a code RELAP5 standards for light-water reactors(LWR) in steady state and transient parameters termohydraulic is a component of the hydrodynamic and thermal structures suitable for modeling of low-pressure injection system and primary circuit...
Down from the pedestal: Revisiting the exploit of literature in EFL language classes
, Article International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature ; Volume 4, Issue 2 , 2015 , Pages 158-168 ; 22003592 (ISSN) ; Lari, Z ; Mosalli, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Australian International Academic Centre PTY LTD
According to Arthur (2006, p. 200), “Through the use of literature, a language learning experience might become at the same time a source of immediate pleasure and satisfaction for the student. This possibility makes literature an appealing teaching device for ESL teachers”. However, numerous factors may contribute to the teachers’ lack of interest in using literary texts as a teaching tool. This study was an attempt to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ attitude toward using literature in language classes and their perception toward the probable reasons of some teachers’ lack of interest in doing so. Altogether forty-four language teachers (19 females and 25 males, with a mean age of 26)...
Inclusion of carbon nanotubes in a hydroxyapatite sol-gel matrix
, Article Ceramics International ; Volume 35, Issue 7 , 2009 , Pages 2987-2991 ; 02728842 (ISSN) ; Nemati, Z. A ; Sadeghian, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, the inclusion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the second phase in the hydroxyapatite matrix, in order to improve the mechanical strength, has been performed via the sol-gel process. The stability of carbon nanotube sol with the changes of pH and dispersant values (sodium dodecyl sulfate) was evaluated by zeta potential analysis. The results indicated that synthesis of hydroxyapatite particles in the presence of the carbon nanotubes had the best result in homogenization of the carbon nanotube dispersion and faster crystallization of hydroxyapatite. The crystallization of hydroxyapatite phase was investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction...
Fourier optics approach in evaluation of the diffraction and defocus aberration in three-dimensional integral imaging
, Article Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III - Proceedings of the International Symposium, CompIMAGE 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 81-84 ; 9780415621342 (ISBN) ; Kavehvash, Z ; Mehrany, K ; Sharif University of Technology
The unwanted effects of diffraction and defocus aberration in three-dimensional integral imaging are taken into account by using the Fourier optics approach. The concepts of point spread function and optical transfer function widely in use for conventional two-dimensional imaging are generalized and applied to three-dimensional integral imaging systems. The effects of diffraction and defocus aberration are then studied and the performance of the conventional single lens imaging system is compared against that of the integral imaging
Multi-target sputter deposition of Ni50Ti 50 - XHfx shape memory thin films for high temperature microactuator application
, Article Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical ; Volume 121, Issue 2 , 2005 , Pages 543-548 ; 09244247 (ISSN) ; Cao, Y. Z ; Barber, Z. H ; Sharif University of Technology
High temperature shape memory NiTiHf thin films with varying hafnium contents up to 28.7 at.% were fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering using simultaneous sputter deposition from separate elemental targets. The required film composition was achieved by adjusting the power ratio to the targets. The as-deposited films were amorphous; a post deposition annealing was performed at 550 °C to crystallize the films. Two-micron thick films were characterized by energy dispersive spectroscopy in a scanning electron microscope, temperature controlled X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and atomic force microscopy. The results showed that above 10 at.% Hf additions the transformation...