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MCNPX Simulation of a CT System for the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant Waste Barrels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Supervisor)
Each year, large quantities of low/intermediate operational radioactive wastes are produced in different matrices. Usually, these wastes are temporarily stored within the plants and after a certain period, they have to be transferred to landfill sites for final disposal. According to international regulations recommended by IAEA as well as, requirements imposed by national regulatory bodies, waste packages must clear certain requirments called Waste Acceptance Criteria. As such, all waste packages are subject to certain inspections in plant or at disposal facilities. Computerized Tomography (CT) is proven to be one of the most efficient inspection tools for waste packages that can reveal...
Corrosion Detection by Non-destructive Tests
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Advisor)
Non-destructive Testing (NDT) methodsare among the most important ways that are used for inspection of industrial products. It can measure non-visible properties of material such as defect size and inclusions that is inside of the object.NDT is included several tests such as visual examination, eddy current testing, ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing.Radiography is one of the most common NDT methods that are used to detect the defects in objects by registering an image of the object on the radiography film. Corrosion is one of the most important defects in pipelines, where the most important concern is measuring the remaining thickness in corroded zone.
In this study, some...
In this study, some...
Determination of Optimum Material and Thickness of Filter Based on Radiation Energy in Digital Industrial Radiography (CR) Using MCNP Monte Carlo Simulation Code
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi, Naser (Supervisor) ; Rokrok, Behrouz (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Supervisor)
In this study, the effect of external filter on the various parameters of image quality in digital industrial radiography by CR method for steel and aluminum piece has been investigated. The filter reduces the noise of scattered beams by absorbing the low-energy beams in the X-ray spectrum that are most likely to be scattered, but high filter thicknesses can attenuate the more energetic beams and have a negatively effect on the image quality. On the other hand, the absorption of those low-energy beams increases the average spectrum energy and thus reduce the contrast, so it is necessary to use the appropriate material and thickness of the filter. For this purpose, to examine the filter...
Investigation of the Photonic Scattering Error in Radiography of Pipes and its Evaluation by Mote- carlo Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Advisor) ; Kermani, Abotaleb (Co-Advisor)
Non-destructive testing method is for detect specimen flaws such as (crack, porosity, impure, welding defects, corrosion etc.) without destruction the specimen under inspection. Particular characteristic of radiography is an image product from specimen inside under testing where help to identity and better comprehend at flaw nature. Photon scattering is one of important factor to reduce image quality and signal to noise ratio. Scattered photons can due toexistent ingredient in the radiography environment and curvature of material transmission pipe where cause the disorder creation in the radiography images. In this research, pipe radiography simulated using the TIC and TIR radiography...
Modeling Cesium-137 Deposition and Absorption on Soil and Plants
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi, Naser (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Advisor) ; Yahagi, Effat (Supervisor)
Cesium-137 is one of the more important radionuclides in the environment because it is relatively abundant, it has a moderately long half-life (~30 y), its decay produces highly penetrating gamma radiation in addition to beta particles, and its biogeochemical properties allow it to move readily through food chains. It is a radioactive isotope of cesium which is formed as one of the more common fission product by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 and other fissionable isotopes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
In this reseach a model is introduced that could simulate a nuclear accident, its distribution into air, deposition into soil and absorption by plant. Nuclear accident and...
In this reseach a model is introduced that could simulate a nuclear accident, its distribution into air, deposition into soil and absorption by plant. Nuclear accident and...
In-service corrosion evaluation in pipelines using gamma radiography - A numerical approach
, Article Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring ; Volume 46, Issue 7 , 2004 , Pages 396-398 ; 13542575 (ISSN) ; Rastkhah, N ; Kermani, A ; Seidi, M ; Movafeghi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Wall thickness measurement and deterioration determination of 6 and 10 inch pipes due to corrosion/erosion/pitting was evaluated by using radiographic film density measurements. Special reference blocks were prepared with defined step wall reductions and artificial defects. Gamma radiography with a Ir-192 source was used. A double-wall technique with longitudinal film arrangement was used for this purpose. Formulae were developed from the experiments for numerical calculations. It was observed that this method can determine remaining wall thickness as well as pitting corrosion in insulated and non-insulated pipes with differential and absolute density measurements. The purpose of the work...
A general model for I/O system theory, Proceedings of AIMC31 [electronic resource]
, Article Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ; 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 1-19 ; Hashem, Amir ; Sharif University of TechnologyA radiographic calibration method for eddy current testing of heat exchanger tubes
, Article Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring ; Volume 46, Issue 10 , 2004 , Pages 594-597 ; 13542575 (ISSN) ; Kargarnovin, M. H ; Soltanianzadeh, H ; Edalati, K ; Rokrok, B ; Kermani, A ; Seidi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The most technically available NDT method for in-service inspection of heat exchanger tubes is eddy current testing. Using a differential ID bobbin probe, tubes can be tested with high speed, but for accurate estimation of tube condition, precisely machined calibration blocks from the same material are necessary. The purpose of this work was to calibrate the eddy current system by radiography without the use of expensive calibration blocks. Wall thickness measurement and deterioration determination due to corrosion/erosion/pitting was evaluated in this study by using radiograph ie film density measurements. It was found that this method can determine the remaining wall thickness as well as...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Spray Combustion under Hot-diluted Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
In this thesis, combustion of liquid fuel spray under the condition of hot and diluted oxidizer, has been investigated. To this end, a novel type laboratory-scale test rig was designed to study the physics governing the MILD-Spray combustion conditions with an applied approach. The underlined test rig eliminates the operational problems of its predecessor test stands and is used for a heavier fuel with much more complex chemical composition (kerosene). The test section is axially symmetrical, in which the fuel is injected by a pressure-swirl atomizer in the direction of hot and diluted co-flowing air. With the use of the aforesaid test rig, the effect of variables such as oxygen...
General theory of translation invariant systems [electronic resource]
, Article Mathematics and Its Applications ; Volume 329, 1995, pp 77-89 ; Sharif University of Technology
The basic goal of this article is to present an abstract system-theoretic approach to morphological filtering and the theory of translation invariant systems which is mainly based on residuated semigroups. Some new results as well as a number of basic questions are also introduced
Duality in a generalized model for translation invariant systems [electronic resource]
, Article Fuzzy Sets and Systems ; 1996, Volume 83, Issue 3, Pages 347–352 ; Sharif University of Technology
In a previous paper we introduced a generalized model for translation invariant (TI) operators. In this model we considered the space, φ of all maps from an abelian group G to ω U {-∞}, called LG-fuzzy sets, where ω is a complete lattice-ordered group; and we defined TI operators on this space. Also, in that paper, we proved strong reconstruction theorem to show the consistency of this model. This theorem states that for an order-preserving TI operator Y one can explicitly compute Y(A), for any A, from a specific subset of φ called the base of Y. In this paper duality is considered in the same general framework, and in this regard, continuous TI operators are studied. This kind of operators...
Reconstruction in a generalized model for translation invariant systems [electronic resource]
, Article Fuzzy Sets and Systems ; 1996, Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 51–55 ; Sharif University of Technology
We consider translation invariant (TI) operators on Φ, the set of maps from an abelian group G to Ω ∪ {−∞} , called LG-fuzzy sets, where 0 is a complete lattice ordered group. By defining Minkowski and morphological operations on Φ and considering order preserving operators, we prove a reconstruction theorem. This theorem, which is called the Strong Reconstruction Theorem (SRT), is similar to the Convolution Theorem in the theory of linear and shift invariant systems and states that for an order preserving TI operator Y one can explicitly compute Y ( A ), for any A , from a specific subset of Φ called the base of Y . The introduced framework is a general model for the theory of translation...
Residuated semigroups and morphological aspects of translation invariant systems [electronic resource]
, Article 1997, Volume 90, Issue 1, Pages 69–81 ; Fuzzy Sets and Systems ; Sharif University of Technology
The main goal of this paper is to verify classical properties of morphological operators within the general model of translation invariant (TI) systems. In this model, TI operators are defined on the space of LG-fuzzy sets Φ i.e. Φ = {A: G → Ω ∪ {− ∞}} in which G is an abelian group and Ω is a complete lattice ordered group. A TI operator Y is an operator on Φ which is invariant under translation on G and Ω as groups. We consider the generalization of Minkowski addition (D on Φ and we emphasize that (Φ,⊛) is an involutive residuated topological monoid. We verify all properties of traditional (set-theoretic) morphological operators as well as classical representations (Matheron, 1967) for...
Forcing structures and cliques in uniquely vertex colorable graphs [electronic resource]
, Article SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ; 2001, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 433-445 ; Sharif University of Technology
Let G be a simple undirected uniquely vertex k-colorable graph, or a k-UCG for short. M. Truszczyński [Some results on uniquely colorable graphs, in Finite and Infinite Sets, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 733--748] introduced $e^{^{*}}(G)=|V(G)|(k-1)-{k \choose 2}$ as the minimum number of edges for a k-UCG and S. J. Xu [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 50 (1990), pp. 319--320] conjectured that any minimal k-UCG contains a Kk as a subgraph. In this paper, first we introduce a technique called forcing. Then by applying this technique in conjunction with a feedback structure we construct a k-UCG with clique number k-t, for each $t \geq 1$ and each k, when k is large enough. This also...
Graph homomorphisms and nodal domains [electronic resource]
, Article Linear Algebra and its Applications ; 2006, Volume 418, Issue 1, Pages 44–52 ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we derive some necessary spectral conditions for the existence of graph homomorphisms in which we also consider some parameters related to the corresponding eigenspaces such as nodal domains. In this approach, we consider the combinatorial Laplacian and co-Laplacian as well as the adjacency matrix. Also, we present some applications in graph decompositions where we prove a general version of Fisher’s inequality for G-designs
On defining numbers of circular complete graphs
, Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 307, Issue 2, 28 January 2007, Pages 173–180 ; Sharif University of Technology
Let d(σ)d(σ) stand for the defining number of the colouring σσ. In this paper we consider View the MathML sourcedmin=minγd(γ) and View the MathML sourcedmax=maxγd(γ) for the onto χχ-colourings γγ of the circular complete graph Kn,dKn,d. In this regard we obtain a lower bound for dmin(Kn,d)dmin(Kn,d) and we also prove that this parameter is asymptotically equal to χ-1χ-1. Also, we show that when χ⩾4χ⩾4 and s≠0s≠0 then dmax(Kχd-s,d)=χ+2s-3dmax(Kχd-s,d)=χ+2s-3, and, moreover, we prove an inequality relating this parameter to the circular chromatic number for any graph G
Modeling Driving Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Monitoring driving behaviors of drivers, would avoid their dangerous behaviors and remarkably raise the safety. Nowadays real-time supervision is considered as one of the modern methods of controlling driving behaviors. Previously, due to expensive costs of required equipments and other restrictions, this kind of supervision hasn't been considered fairly. Nowadays increasing usage of smart phones, which contain multiple sensors, enables this type of supervision with lower costs. In the present study we would present some models, to assess the driving behavior via smart phone sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope and rotation vector
Flaw detection improvement of digitised radiographs by morphological transformations
, Article Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring ; Volume 47, Issue 10 , 2005 , Pages 625-630 ; 13542575 (ISSN) ; Kargarnovin, M. H ; Soltanian Zadeh, H ; Taheri, M ; Ghasemi, F ; Rokrok, B ; Edalati, K ; Rastkhah, N ; Sharif University of Technology
Radiographic inspection is one of the most appreciated techniques among non-destructive testing methods due to the production of a film which acts as a unique fingerprint record. Converting radiographs to a digital format and further digital image processing is the best method of enhancing the image quality and assisting the interpreter on his evaluation. In this research, different algorithms were used for image enhancement and radiograph interpretation in MATLAB environment. A graphical user interface (GUI) was created for implementation of different algorithms. Both spatial and frequency domains techniques were used for image enhancement. The main enhancement technique was a spatial...
Crack Propagation Modeling in Arched Concrete Structures Reinforced by FRP Using XFEM and Damage Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Supervisor)
In practice, structures made of concrete are full of cracks. The strength of concrete is mainly determined by the tensile strength, which is about 10% of the compressive strength. As long as cracking in concrete is unavoidable, we have to try to minimize their detrimental effects. This objective can be achieved by resisting (or limiting) propagation of existing cracks. Because of this, reinforcement (mostly steel) is used to increase the carrying capacity of the material and to control the development of cracks. Concrete structures that fail, already shows a large number of large and small cracks before their maximum carrying capacity is reached. The failure of concrete can be characterized...
Structural Health Monitoring Using Optimal Finite Element Model Based on Digital Image Correlation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khaloo, Alireza (Supervisor)
The purpose of this research is to monitor the health of structures using the updated finite element model, in which digital images are used to optimize the numerical model. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is always an important and significant issue that has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years. In general, some researches have been conducted in this field using physical sensors that provide discrete data to the system for analysis. Using cameras to monitor the structure makes it possible to extract continuous and integrated data from the structure using digital images, which is a significant advantage compared to physical sensors.In this research, a steel...