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An investigation on the soldering of Al 3003/Zn sheets
, Article Materials Characterization ; Volume 60, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 441-446 ; 10445803 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
In this research, Al 3003/Zn sheets with different Zn layer thicknesses (as filler layer) have been soldered to the monolithic Al 3003 sheets. The effects of Zn layer thickness and soldering time at the peak temperature on the joint strength of soldered Al 3003 alloy by pure Zn filler (as the soldering sheets) have been evaluated. Furthermore, microstructure and fracture mechanism of Al 3003/Zn/Al 3003 soldered joints have been studied. The results indicate that by decreasing the Zn layer thickness and increasing the holding time at the peak temperature of soldering, the joint strength improves. Additionally, microscope examinations show that the fracture type of the Al 3003/Zn/Al 3003...
The influence of roll bonding parameters on the bond strength of Al-3003/Zn soldering sheets
, Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 487, Issue 1-2 , 25 July , 2008 , Pages 417-423 ; 09215093 (ISSN) ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Kokabi, A. H ; Sharif University of Technology
Al-3003/Zn bi-layer soldering sheets were produced using roll bonding process at different reductions in both cold and hot conditions. The bond strengths of the bi-layer sheets were measured by peel test before and after supplemental annealing treatment. The peeled surfaces were examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicate that by increasing the reduction in thickness during rolling and/or the annealing treatment the bond strength improves. Additionally, the decrease of initial sheet thickness and increase of rolling temperature can effectively improve the bond strength. Microscopic examinations show that the fracture type of Al-3003/Zn sheets is...
Enhanced resistance to liquation cracking during fusion welding of cast magnesium alloys: Microstructure tailoring via friction stir processing pre-weld treatment
, Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 798 , 2020 ; Pouranvari, M ; Movahedi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Magnesium alloys provide critical opportunities for energy and lightweight-materials challenges. The alloy design approach based on utilizing the second phase strengthening mechanism plays an essential role in producing low-density high strength Mg-based alloys. However, the second phase in the microstructure (e.g., Mg17Al12 phase in Mg–Al–Zn alloys) can deleteriously affect the weldability of the metallic materials by promoting the liquation and liquation cracking during fusion welding. The lack of sufficient weldability of Mg-based alloys is a crucial barrier to their potential use in safety-critical applications. In this paper, it is shown that the severe plastic deformation induced by...
Effect of liquation on the tensile properties of cast Mg–9Al–1Zn Alloy fusion welds
, Article Science and Technology of Welding and Joining ; Volume 25, Issue 8 , 2020 , Pages 698-705 ; Jiryaei Sharahi, H ; Movahedi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
This paper aims at understanding the role of liquation and solidification phenomena on the tensile properties of arc welded cast AZ91 magnesium alloy. Owing to its refined microstructure, the fusion zone exhibited improved ductility/strength compared to the base metal. It is demonstrated that the partially melted zone (PMZ) which is characterised by constitutional liquation of eutectic β-Mg17Al12 phase is the weakest link in the weldment. The reduced strength and ductility associated with the liquation phenomena are due to the increased volume fraction and thickness of the eutectic β-Mg17Al12 in the PMZ as well as the formation of liquation micro-cracks in a network of brittle intermetallic...
Combined effect of cooling slope angle and mould vibration on semisolid microstructures of wrought aluminium alloy 7075
, Article International Journal of Cast Metals Research ; Volume 20, Issue 4 , July , 2007 , Pages 221-227 ; 13640461 (ISSN) ; Karimi Taheri, A ; Niamanesh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Semisolid casting and forming have attracted growing attention of both research and industry. A suitable semisolid microstructure consists of globular grains in a matrix of lower melting point phase and may be produced by various methods, including the cooling slope technique. The combined effect of cooling slope angle and mould vibration on the semisolid microstructures of AI7075 is reported. The results indicate that mould vibration decreases average grain size significantly and that the effect increases with increasing size of primary crystals entering the mould through the cooling slope. Mould vibration was also found to improve the shape factor of alloy grains after appropriate...
Study on joint interface and mechanical properties of cu/pb-sn/cu lap joint produced by friction stir soldering process
, Article Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ; Volume 24, Issue 5 , May , 2015 , Pages 2158-2169 ; 10599495 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Movahedi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer New York LLC
In this work, friction stir soldering (FSS) as a new approach for fabrication of copper/copper lap joints was introduced. This process is principally based on the friction stir processing (FSP) that can be performed using FSP tools with and without pin on the top sheet. In the present study, Pb-Sn foil was used as a solder which would be melted and then extruded in the area between the copper sheets during FSS process. This process was carried out using tools with and without pin at various rotation speeds of 1200, 1400, and 1600 rpm and traverse speed of 32 mm/min. Also, the same joint was fabricated using furnace soldering to compare the mechanical properties obtained with FSS and furnace...
Effect of tool travel and rotation speeds on weld zone defects and joint strength of aluminium steel lap joints made by friction stir welding
, Article Science and Technology of Welding and Joining ; Volume 17, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 162-167 ; 13621718 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Seyed Reihani, S. M ; Najafi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, Al-5083 and St-12 alloy sheets were friction stir lap welded at different travel (7- 23 cm min -1) and rotation (750-1125 rev min -1) speeds of the welding tool. The welded joints were characterised by various methods including shear tensile and Vickers microhardness tests, optical and scanning electron microscopies and X-ray diffraction analysis. The results showed that the weld zone defects decreased, and the joint strength also improved significantly with the reducing tool travel speed from 23 to 7 cm min -1. The travel speed of 11 cm min -1 was an optimum speed within the travel speeds investigated in this work. Additionally, raising the tool rotation speed enhanced the...
Roll bonding behaviour of Al-3003/Al-4043 and Al-3003/Zn sheets
, Article Metals and Materials International ; Volume 17, Issue 4 , 2011 , Pages 665-670 ; 15989623 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Kiani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In the present study, the roll bonding behaviour of Al-3003/Al-4043 and Al-3003/Zn sheets were compared. The bi-layer sheets were produced by a roll bonding process at different reductions in thickness and rolling temperatures. The joint strengths of the sheets were evaluated by peel and bend testing before and after supplemental annealing treatment. The peeled surfaces were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The results indicated that the Al-3003/Al-4043 sheets were bonded with higher joint strength and lower threshold reductions in thickness with respect to the Al-3003/Zn sheets. In contrast to the Al-3003/Zn sheets, significant improvement was observed in the joint strength of...
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of A1-5083/St-12 lap joints made by friction stir welding
, Article Procedia Engineering, 5 June 2011 through 9 June 2011 ; Volume 10 , June , 2011 , Pages 3297-3303 ; 18777058 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Seyed Reihani, S. M ; Najafi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Al-5083 and St-12 alloys sheets were friction stir lap welded at various travel and rotation speeds of the welding tool. Microscopic examinations indicate that the joint strength is due to the macroscopic and microscopic mechanical lockings and also atomic diffusion. The reaction zone of the welded joints consists of mixed layers of ultra-fine grains and the intermetallic compounds. The microhardness and nano indentation results prove that the intermetallic phase layer is more brittle in comparison to base metals and ultra-fine grain region. The fracture surfaces are a combination of brittle and ductile fractures. The fracture loads show that the joint strength improves significantly by...
Investigation on friction stir lap welding of aluminium to aluminium clad steel sheets
, Article Science and Technology of Welding and Joining ; Volume 17, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 231-236 ; 13621718 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Seyed Reihani, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, the feasibility of friction stir lap welding an aluminium alloy (Al-5083) to the aluminium clad steel sheet was studied. The welded joints were characterised by various methods including shear-tensile test and optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that sound and defect free joints were obtained. The fracture loads of the samples reached up to 94% compared with that of the steel base metal. Moreover, the joint strength linearly increased with the decrease in thickness of the aluminium layer roll bonded on the steel sheet. It was also shown that welding rotation and travel speed variation did not considerably impact the fracture loads in the...
Investigation on the bond strength of Al-1100/St-12 roll bonded sheets, optimization and characterization
, Article Materials and Design ; Volume 32, Issue 6 , 2011 , Pages 3143-3149 ; 02641275 (ISSN) ; Kokabi, A. H ; Seyed Reihani, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Al-1100/St-12 aluminum clad steel sheets were produced using roll bonding process at different reductions in thickness and with various supplemental annealing treatments. Experiments were conducted by applying the Taguchi method to obtain optimum condition for maximizing the joint strength. The joint strengths of the bi-layer sheets were evaluated by peel test. The Al/Fe intermetallic phases at the joint interface and the peeled surfaces were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and Vickers microhardness test were performed to characterize the intermetallic compounds. The results indicate that at the optimum condition of 0.50 reduction in...
Effect of plasma electrolytic oxidation on joining of AA 5052 aluminium alloy to polypropylene using friction stir spot welding
, Article Surface and Coatings Technology ; Volume 313 , 2017 , Pages 274-281 ; 02578972 (ISSN) ; Ghorbani, M ; Skeldon, P ; Karami, H ; Movahedi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
The effect of a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) pre-treatment on joining of AA 5052 aluminium alloy and polypropylene by friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is investigated using lap tensile shear tests. Two surface conditions of the AA 5052 alloy are compared, one with a PEO pre-treatment in a silicate-based electrolyte, another without any pre-treatment. The resultant specimens are examined by high resolution scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and attenuated total reflectance-infrared spectroscopy. The PEO treatment generated a thermally-insulating, porous ceramic coating, which has a highly porous, rough surface that is favourable for incorporating polypropylene...
Estimating the mixing matrix in Sparse Component Analysis (SCA) based on multidimensional subspace clustering
, Article 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, Penang, 14 May 2007 through 17 May 2007 ; February , 2007 , Pages 670-675 ; 1424410940 (ISBN); 9781424410941 (ISBN) ; Mohimani, G. H ; Babaiezadeh, M ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper we propose a new method for estimating the mixing matrix, A, in the linear model X = AS, for the problem of underdetermined Sparse Component Analysis (SCA). Contrary to most existing algorithms, in the proposed algorithm there may be more than one active source at each instant (i.e. in each column of the source matrix S), and the number of sources is not required to be known in advance. Since in the cases where more than one source is active at each instant, data samples concentrate around multidimensional subspaces, the idea of our method is to first estimate these subspaces and then estimate the mixing matrix from these estimated subspaces. ©2007 IEEE
Machine learning and network analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories reveal two chains of red/Ox-specific residue interactions in human protein disulfide isomerase
, Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , 2017 ; 20452322 (ISSN) ; Karimi Jafari, M. H ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Chitsaz, H ; Salekdeh, G. H ; Moosavi Movahedi, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
The human protein disulfide isomerase (hPDI), is an essential four-domain multifunctional enzyme. As a result of disulfide shuffling in its terminal domains, hPDI exists in two oxidation states with different conformational preferences which are important for substrate binding and functional activities. Here, we address the redox-dependent conformational dynamics of hPDI through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Collective domain motions are identified by the principal component analysis of MD trajectories and redox-dependent opening-closing structure variations are highlighted on projected free energy landscapes. Then, important structural features that exhibit considerable differences...
Assessment of Seismic Retrofit Policies for Buildings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
Occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquake could seriously damage most buildings especially those with insufficient resistance located in urban worn-out textures. In order to reduce unpleasant consequences of an earthquake, appropriate policies need to be considered to persuade the beneficiaries to follow retrofitting standards in the process of planning, designing, and construction of buildings. These policies shall be implemented through institutions in arbitrary or obligatory forms, by encouragement or penalty mechanisms. In order to consider these policies, first of all we need to identify the beneficiaries and their particulars. By studying and considering subjects discussed in...
Wear Behavior of Al-Fe-Cu Composite Produced by Friction Stir Processing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
Composite production is an important method for increasing abrasion resistance in materials. Friction stir processing (FSP) is a solid composite production method which has eliminated the problems of liquid composite production. This research used FSP to study the possibility of in situ production of 1050 aluminum composite with a mixture of copper and iron powder with micrometer sizes of 25-14 and 10 μm, respectively, as reinforcing particles. The following weight percentages of reinforcing powder was added to the sample: 75% iron-25% copper, 50% iron-50% copper and 25% iron-75% copper. In addition, 3 and 5 process passes were considered as another variable in this study. Afterward, the...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
Martensitic stainless steels with high strength, good corrosion resistance and formability in the annealed condition are good choices for automotive applications, but they suffer from low weldability due to high hardenability and formation of brittle martensite without tempered structure in the weld metal and heat affected zone (HAZ). In other word, martensitic stainless steels have the worst weldability among all kinds of stainless steels. On the other hand, resistance spot welding is the main method for joining sheets in the automotive industry. Therefore, in the present work, microstructure and mechanical properties of the resistance spot welds of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel in...
Upset Resistance Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel to Martensitic Stainless Steel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
Upset Resistance Welding (URW) is a solid-state joining process which can be used to join a variety of parts and profiles including railways, wheel rims and pipes used in oil and petrochemical industries. This process has three primary parameters, welding current, current passage time and mechanical pressure. Martensitic Stainless Steels (MSSs) due to high strength and wear resistance, good atmospheric corrosion resistance and relatively low price and Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) because of higher strength and better corrosion resistance in chlorine environments, are widely used in different industries. Dissimilar MSS/DSS joints are of great importance for piping, specially in oil and...
Friction Stir Spot Welding via Consumable Pin
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) as a solid-state process is able to tackle some problems of fusion welding. On the contrary, FSSW has some drawbacks such as the low area of connection and weakness in fatigue behavior. In this study, an innovative method called friction stir spot welding via consumable pin (CP-FSSW) was used, which was able to eliminate the exit-hole. In this process, at the first stage, a hole is created in the center of the overlap area of the sheets; such that the hole is complete in the upper sheet and up to the half thickness of the lower sheet. Then, the rotating tool composed of a consumable pin with diameter length as much as the created hole and same type of the...
Experimental and CFD simulation of slurry flow in the annular flow path using two-fluid model
, Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 198 , 2021 ; 09204105 (ISSN) ; Jamshidi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
The current study is allocated to experimental evaluation of the multiphase flow of fine solid particles (FSPs) as well as comprehensive numerical study in an annular space under static, laminar, and turbulent flow conditions with consideration of the inner pipe eccentricity and rotation. The experimental investigation was carried out using an annular pipe flow loop. The numerical modeling and simulation of the multiphase flow in the annular space have been performed using the Euler-Euler approach. The unsteady-state multiphase model based on the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is developed to investigate the particulate flow characteristics in the annular space. Moreover, Standard...