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    An approach to optimal dispatch of bilateral electricity contracts regarding voltage stability

    , Article Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006 ; Volume 39, Issue 7 , 2007 , Pages 65-70 ; 9780080466200 (ISBN) Mozafari, B ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Mozafari, A ; Amraee, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2007
    This chapter proposes a methodology for optimal dispatch of bilateral electricity contracts, which may endanger the system voltage stability in light of short-term operational planning of a deregulated power system. In this framework the value that each owner of a transaction is willing to pay reflects how much the electricity contract is important to be implemented physically. The proposed model dispatches optimally the bilateral transactions regarding the prices offered by owners of bilateral contracts for reactive power and transmission capacity utilization in one hand and, the total operational costs of reactive power resources in the other hand. The model also includes the limits... 

    An approach to optimal dispatch of bilateral electricity contracts regarding voltage stability

    , Article IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) ; Volume 5, Issue PART 1 , 2006 , Pages 65-70 ; 14746670 (ISSN); 9783902661081 (ISBN) Mozafari, B ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Mozafari, A ; Amraee, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    IFAC Secretariat  2006
    This paper proposes a methodology for optimal dispatch of bilateral electricity contracts, which may endanger the system voltage stability in light of short-term operational planning of a deregulated power system. In this framework the value that each owner of a transaction is willing to pay will reflect how much the electricity contract is important to be implemented physically. The proposed model dispatches optimally the bilateral transactions regarding the prices offered by owners of bilateral contracts for reactive power and transmission capacity utilization in one hand and, the total operational costs of reactive power resources in the other hand. The model also includes the limits... 

    Reactive power management in a deregulated power system with considering voltage stability: Particle swarm optimisation approach

    , Article Eighteenth International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2005, Technical Reports - Session 1: Network Components, Turin, 6 June 2005 through 9 June 2005 ; Volume 6, Issue 2005-11034 , 2005 , Pages 55-58 ; 05379989 (ISSN) Mozafari, B ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Shirani, A. R ; Mozafari, A ; Sharif University of Technology

    Improvement of Corrosion Resistance of Concrete Sewer Pipes Against Microbial Corrosion

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mozafari, Ali (Author) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of concrete sewer ptpes and wastewater collection systems has been reported in many places of the world. Recently, numerous copper compounds have been used for bacterial growth control in sewer pipes. In this thesis, bath parameterswere optimized in order to maximize copper osmosis to the porous concrete matrix.Concrete pipes were electrochemically coated inCopper Lactate bath in a constant current mode (1=0.6 A), while temperature was set to 25, 50, 75 and 95
    °Cand pH to 9,10 and 11. Specimens were then characterized by scanning electron

    microscopy, optical microscopy, XRD andAAS. Copper Osmosis was highest in pH=9 and... 

    Solving the Network Design Problem by Surrogate Functions and Lower and Upper Bounds on the Objective Function at Different Levels of Budget

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mozafari, Hamid (Author) ; Poorzahedy, Hossein (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this research is to provide a method for finding a “good” solution to the network design problem with less computational efforts, faster than the existing conventional methods of solving this problem. Network design problem is the problem of selecting a subset of projects from a set of alternative projects so that to optimize the objective function (e.g., the total travel time in the network) subject to the set of existing constraints (e.g., budget). Due to the combinatorial and non-convex nature of the problem, its solution could be very cumbersome and time-consuming. Various methods have been proposed to solve this problem efficiently, providing good solutions at high... 

    Seizure Detection in Generalized and Focal Seizure from EEG Signals

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mozafari, Mohsen (Author) ; Hajipour, Sepideh (Supervisor)
    Epilepsy is one of the diseases that affects the quality of life of epileptic patients. Epileptic patients lose control during epileptic seizures and are more likely to face problems. Designing and creating a seizure detection system can reduce casualties from epileptic attacks. In this study, we present an automatic method that reduces the artifact from the raw signals, and then classifies the seizure and non-seizure epochs. At all stages, it is assumed that no information is available about the patient and this detection is made only based on the information of other patients. The data from this study were recorded in Temple Hospital and the recording conditions were not controlled, so... 

    Percolation theory in reservoir engineering

    , Book King, P. R ; Masihi, Mohsen
    World Scientific  2018

    Effects of regeneration heat exchanger on entropy, electricity cost, and environmental pollution produced by micro gas turbine system

    , Article International Journal of Green Energy ; Volume 9, Issue 1 , Jan , 2012 , Pages 51-70 ; 15435075 (ISSN) Mozafari, A ; Ehyaei, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A new method has been employed in this research that optimizes a power generation system by maximizing the first and second law efficiencies and minimizing the entropy generation. Mass flow rates of pollutants and related external social cost of air pollution have been considered in estimating the electricity production cost. The effects of regenerative and CHP heat exchangers on power production, efficiencies, and production cost have been evaluated. The results show that a single regenerative heat exchanger lowers NOx, CO, and CO 2 emissions by 15%, 40%, and 0.4%, respectively, and decreases the electricity production cost by nearly 18%. A single CHP heat exchanger has little influence on... 

    A new type of hybrid features for human detection

    , Article Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 237-240 ; 9781467329514 (ISBN) Mozafari, A. S ; Jamzad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Human detection is one of the hard problems in object detection field. There are many challenges like variation in human pose, different clothes, non-uniform illumination, cluttered background and occlusion which make this problem much harder than other object detection problems. Defining good features, which can be robust to this wide range of variations, is still an open issue in this field. To overcome this challenge, in this paper we proposed a new set of hybrid features. We combined the Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) with the new features called Histogram of Small Edges (HOSE) which is introduced in this paper. These two kinds of features have two different approaches for... 

    Automatic epileptic seizure detection in a mixed generalized and focal seizure dataset

    , Article 26th National and 4th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2019, 27 November 2019 through 28 November 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 172-176 ; 9781728156637 (ISBN) Mozafari, M ; Hajipour Sardouie, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    Detection of seizure periods in an epileptic patient is an important part of health care. However, due to the variety in types of seizures and location of them, real-time seizure detection is not straight forward. In this paper, we propose a method for seizure detection from EEG signals in datasets which have both generalized and focal seizures. The proposed method is useful in the situations that we have no prior knowledge about the location of the patient's seizure and the pattern of evolution of seizure location. In the proposed method, first, the artifacts are automatically reduced by Blind Source Separation (BSS) methods. Then, the channels are clustered into two clusters. After that,... 

    Cluster-based adaptive SVM: a latent subdomains discovery method for domain adaptation problems

    , Article Computer Vision and Image Understanding ; Volume 162 , 2017 , Pages 116-134 ; 10773142 (ISSN) Sadat Mozafari, A ; Jamzad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Machine learning algorithms often suffer from good generalization in testing domains especially when the training (source) and test (target) domains do not have similar distributions. To address this problem, several domain adaptation techniques have been proposed to improve the performance of the learning algorithms when they face accuracy degradation caused by the domain shift problem. In this paper, we focus on the non-homogeneous distributed target domains and propose a new latent subdomain discovery model to divide the target domain into subdomains while adapting them. It is expected that applying adaptation on subdomains increase the rate of detection in comparing with the situation... 

    Modeling and Control of gas turbine combustor with dynamic and Adaptive Neural networks

    , Article International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications ; Volume 21, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 71-84 ; 1728-144X (ISSN) Mozafari, A. A ; Lahroodi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Materials and Energy Research Center  2008
    This paper presents an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based modeling technique for prediction of outlet temperature, pressure and mass flow rate of gas turbine combustor. Results obtained by present modeling were compared with those obtained by experiment. The results showed the effectiveness and capability of the proposed modeling technique with reasonable accuracies of about 95 percent. This paper describes a nonlinear SVFAC (State Vector Feedback Adaptive Control) controller scheme for gas turbine combustor. In order to achieve the satisfied control performance, we have to consider the effect of nonlinear factors contained in controller. The controller is adaptively trained to force the... 

    Performance Simulation of HCCI Engine Equipped with Direct Injection System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mozaffari, Behnam (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    HCCI engines have lower NOX and PM emissions and higher thermal efficiency compared to spark ignition engines. But these engines have some deficiencies which up to now have prevented their widespread employment. These engines have not been very successful at high loads and speeds and in these conditions normally produce high pollution and noise. In order to solve this problem the present research proposes to equip the HCCI engines with fuel injection system so that at low loads and speeds operate at HCCI engine mode and at loads and speeds higher than pre-set limits, use the fuel injection system in order to operate at a combined HCCI and compression ignition engine mode and provide a... 

    Mild Hybrid Vehicle Performance

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Keshavarz, Mostafa (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    Many studies on hybrid vehicles have been done in the past few years. The Full hybrid vehicles need a large number of batteries creating up to 300V to meet the required voltage of electric motor. The size and weight of the batteries cause some problems. This research investigates the mild hybrid vehicle. This vehicle includes a small electric motor and a high power internal combustion engine. In most cases the car’s driving force is created by internal combustion part. A small electric motor, which can operate as engine starter, generator and traction motor, is located between the engine and automatically shifted multi-gear transmission (gearbox). The clutch is used to disconnect the gearbox... 

    Prediction of Homogeneos Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines Performance Using Multi-Zone Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahzadi, Hossein (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    Some researches have been carried out in the last 20 years in order to increase the present IC engines thermal efficiency and their optimum performance. (HCCI) engine is viewed as a combination of spark-ignition (SI) and compression-ignition (CI) engines. This is because HCCI engines use premixed fuel/air mixture like SI engines and have auto ignition combustion after the mixture is compressed like CI engines. Control of combustion and ignition timing are the main challenges of these engines. Ignition delay, compression ratio, fuel air equivalence ratio and intake temperature and pressure are considered to be the most effective parameters on HCCI combustion.HCCI engines have great potentials... 

    “Prediction of Stratified Charge Engine Performance Using HC Fuels”

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aliramezani, Masoud (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    The partially stratified charge (PSC) approach involves micro-direct-injection of pure fuel or a fuel air mixture, to create a rich zone in the region around the spark plug. A theoretical model is presented in this research to predict ignition delay and combustion process in partially stratified charge engine. It considers flame progress through rich and lean regions. Step by step calculations will be carried out in both regions. The process continues to the point where all the fuel is burned. At each step for one degree rotation of the crank shaft, there is a change in cylinder volume and mole fraction burned due to burning of a fraction of the mixture. Considering heat transfer from the... 

    An experimental and theoretical study of the effects of excess air ratio and waste gate opening pressure threshold on NOx emission and performance in a turbocharged CNG SI engine

    , Article International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications ; Volume 28, Issue 2 , March , 2015 , Pages 251-260 ; 1728-144X (ISSN) Kharazmi, S ; Benisi, A. H ; Mozafari ; Sharif University of Technology
    Materials and Energy Research Center  2015
    In this research, effects of excess air ratio and waste gate opening pressure threshold on NOx emission and performance in a turbocharged CNG SI engine are studied experimentally at 13-mode ECE-R49 test cycle. The engine power, boost ratio and charge air temperature are investigated experimentally at the cycle for different waste gate pressure thresholds. A code is developed in MATLAB environment for predicting engine performance and NOx and the results are validated with the research experiments. The effects of excess air ratio on the engine indicated power and specific fuel consumption as well as NOx emission are numerically investigated at WOT by the code. NOx emission of WOT is max at... 

    Numerical Models with Discrete Approach for Simulating Seawater Intrusion in Fractured and Karst Coastal Aquifers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mozafari, Behzad (Author) ; Ataie Ashtiani, Behzad (Supervisor)
    In many countries of the world, especially dry and semi-arid areas, coastal aquifers are used to provide fresh water. Many of these areas have also become urbanaized, which has made the need for freshwater more important. Seawater Intrusion (SWI) is the greatest limitation that influences the exploitation of groundwater in coastal aquifers, where with SWI, the amount of freshwater supply and other existing pumping wells are not used. The present study attempts to model SWI in karst and fractured coastal aquifers. For this purpose, two models with Discrete Fracture/Conduit Network approach in Fortran and also in COMSOL Multiphysics software have been developed to study the density-variable... 

    Towards IoT-enabled multimodal mental stress monitoring

    , Article 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems, COINS 2020, 31 August 2020 through 2 September 2020 ; 2020 Mozafari, M ; Firouzi, F ; Farahani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    Stress is a body's natural way of responding to any kind of demand or challenge that everyone experiences from time to time. Although short-Term stress typically does not impose a health burden, exposure to prolonged stress can lead to significant adverse physiological and behavioral changes. Coping with the impact of stress is a challenging task and in this context, stress assessment is essential in preventing detrimental long-Term effects. The public embracement of connected wearable Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as well as the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, have generated new opportunities for personalized stress tracking and... 

    Study On Performance Of Ic Engines Using Hydrogen As Fuel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kavianpour, Maziar (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    Hydrogen is one of the favorite substitute for fossil fuels due to various properties including the flammability, ubiquity, and easy extraction from plain water. These properties have made it an appropriate alternative source of energy that can be used in internal combustion engines. Compared with fossil fuel energy, in addition to much lower emissions, hydrogen has proved to be much more efficient when applied as a clean source of energy. The main purpose of the present project is to study the effect of applying hydrogen on performance of compression - ignition as internal combustion engines as an alternative fuel. These studies encompass the results derived from the experiment of using...