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    The Effect of Speed on Kinematic Variability and Dynamic Stability of Trunk in Subjects with and without Nonspecific Low back Pain during a Sagittal Repetitive Flexion Extension Movements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asgari, Morteza (Author) ; Parnianpour, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Rouya (Supervisor) ; Sanjari, Mohammad Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Low back pain is one the most prevalent disease and major economic issue facing modern countries. Epidemiological studies suggest that maximum trunk flexion, the angular velocity of trunk and the rate of repetitive movements (such as flexion-extension), are associated with low-back disorders. From biomechanical point of view, lack of stability during dynamic repetitive movements, increases the risk of injuries. On the other hand, some researchers suggest increasing motor variability could be an intrinsic factor to intervene muscuskeletal disorders during repetitive movements. Pace of repetitive occupational tasks could affect both, motor variability and dynamic stability. The goal of this... 

    Development of a wearable measuring system for respiratory plethysmography

    , Article Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Biomed 2011, 16 February 2011 through 18 February 2011 ; February , 2011 , Pages 295-299 ; 9780889868663 (ISBN) Mokhlespour, M. I ; Ramezanzadeh, M ; Narimani, R
    Assessment of respiratory volume is widely used in clinical application in order to assess the case of respiratory illness, and the progression of the respiratory syndrome. Respiratory plethysmography is used to determine the changes of chest volume to monitor the breathing. A wearable respiration measuring system has been introduced for detection of volume variations of chest. The system consists of a flexible sensor, stretchable cloth and electrical board. The flexible sensor, whose electrical voltage is produced by body movements, is installed inside the shirt and closely contacts the chest. The low frequency components of body movements recorded by the sensor are mainly generated by... 

    A survey and improvement on Protein Sequence Alignment using Evolutionary Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Zahra (Author) ; Abolhassani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Protein multiple sequence alignment is one of important problems in biology which no polynomial time algorithms is known for it yet. Due to importance of this problem, several methods have been developed to find an approximate solution for it. Approximation algorithms, Evolutionary algorithms and Probabilistic methods are some of these methods. According to evolutionary nature of this problem, evolutionary algorithms and specifically genetic algorithms can be a potential good solution method for this problem. In this project we have a survey on using genetic algorithms for this problem and after mentioning benefits and draw backs of existing methods, we develop a method for improving one of... 

    Aeroelastic Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Flapping Wing with Unsteady Aerodynamic Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Mehrdad (Author) ; Pourtakdoost, Hossein (Supervisor)
    At this project we proceed to aero elastic modelling of a flapping wing using unsteady aerodynamic approach. Solving this model according to aerodynamic and structure coupling needs to simultaneously solve of aerodynamic and wing structure. Left side and right side of wing, each on divided into 18 elements. each element is interacting with sides element in terms of structural force and moment. In this modeling aerodynamic was modeling with unsteady aerodynamic approach (using modify theodersen function), also structure is flexible in to direction, bending and twisting. In the following it is proved that with change in flapping pattern better performance can be achieved. the effect of change... 

    Scientific and Philosophical Challenges of Theory of Evolution

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Nima (Author) ; Azadegan, Ebrahim (Supervisor)
    This dissertation consists of three chapters. In the first chapter, a description of formation of Darwin's theory of Evolution is expressed. After that, the process of formation of modern theory of Evolution, along with an explanation of the theory of evolution and the evidence for it was mentioned. In the second season, which is responsible for the scientific study of the theory, at some point the evidence of this theory has been reviewed. After that, some of the challenges raised against this theory have been studied. The major scientific challenges described in this chapter is based on recent advances made in biology, based on that, the mechanism of theory can’t explain the complex... 

    Three-dimensional primary and coupled range of motions and movement coordination of the pelvis, lumbar and thoracic spine in standing posture using inertial tracking device

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 69 , March , 2018 , Pages 169-174 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Narimani, M ; Arjmand, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    Evaluation of spinal range of motions (RoMs) and movement coordination between its segments (thorax, lumbar, and pelvis) has clinical and biomechanical implications. Previous studies have not recorded three-dimensional primary/coupled motions of all spinal segments simultaneously. Moreover, magnitude/direction of the coupled motions of the thorax/pelvis in standing posture and lumbopelvic rhythms in the frontal/transverse planes have not been investigated. This study, hence, used an inertial tracking device to measure T1, T5, T12, total (T1-T12) thoracic, lower (T5-T12) and upper (T1-T5) thoracic, lumbar (T12-S1), and pelvis primary and coupled RoMs as well as their movement coordination in... 

    The Impact of Human Capital on Labour Productivity in Manufacturing Sectors of Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Meysam (Author) ; Sepahvand, Mehrdad (Supervisor)
    This research has been surveyed the impact of intermediate skilled and high skilled human labor force on the productivity of manufacturing sectors by the Nelson & Phelps and also Lucas approaches. first model is related to the level of productivity and the second model is related to the growth of it. We has been prepared the needed statistics from the raw figures of iran statistics center. regression analysis has been done on the basis of panel data model by the use of stata software. the results show that not good efficiency to optimize technology factor of Cobb-Douglas model although it shows higher marginal labor productivity of high skilled human labor force. we has proposed some... 

    A new genetic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment

    , Article International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications ; Volume 11, Issue 4 , December , 2012 ; 14690268 (ISSN) Narimani, Z ; Beigy, H ; Abolhassani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is one of the basic and important problems in molecular biology. MSA can be used for different purposes including finding the conserved motifs and structurally important regions in protein sequences and determine evolutionary distance between sequences. Aligning several sequences cannot be done in polynomial time and therefore heuristic methods such as genetic algorithms can be used to find approximate solutions of MSA problems. Several algorithms based on genetic algorithms have been developed for this problem in recent years. Most of these algorithms use very complicated, problem specific and time consuming mutation operators. In this paper, we propose a... 

    A comprehensive analysis on the resilience of adiabatic logic families against transient faults

    , Article Integration ; Volume 72 , May , 2020 , Pages 183-193 Narimani, R ; Safaei, B ; Ejlali, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    With the emergence of various battery operated technologies in different computing domains and the challenge of heating in such technologies, the issue of energy dissipation has become more critical than ever before. In such systems, energy constraints in one hand, and heat generation, on the other hand, necessitates the employment of energy efficient technologies in the fabrication of digital circuits. One possible solution for mitigating the energy dissipation in digital circuits is the use of adiabatic families in the process of designing computing devices. Adiabatic circuits are designed mainly based on the principles of thermodynamics and provide a paradigm shift in the design of... 

    A low-waste reliable adiabatic platform

    , Article Computers and Electrical Engineering ; Volume 89 , 2021 ; 00457906 (ISSN) Narimani, R ; Safaei, B ; Ejlali, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    Given the importance of reducing energy consumption and the challenge of heat generation in classic CMOS circuits, adiabatic circuits are believed as an appropriate alternative. Most of the adiabatic circuit families come with a dual-rail structure, which provides them with an inherent hardware redundancy. Although this redundancy could be used for improving their reliability, no studies have been previously conducted to exploit this feature. In this regard, in this paper, we show that by exploiting the inherent hardware redundancy in adiabatic circuits, their reliability could be improved, while imposing a relatively low amount of energy overhead. Subsequently, with utilizing the outcome... 

    Preliminary Investigation of Active Control of a Flared Folding Wingtip using Model Predictive Control

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Pourtakdoust, Hossein (Supervisor)
    One of the ways to optimize fuel consumption and improve aircraft performance can be realized by reducing drag, and a major part of this force is the lift-induced drag, which is reduced by increasing the wing span. On the other hand, increasing the wingspan has physical limitations on the allowed dimensions of the aircraft, increasing the weight and reducing the maneuverability of the aircraft, especially in the roll maneuver. Therefore, in order to benefit from the advantages of increasing the wing span and not facing the mentioned limitations, the idea of using a Folding Wing-Tip (FWT) has been proposed by aircraft manufacturing companies and experts. In this way, in normal flight such as... 

    Analysis of Creep Behavior and Stability of Underground Fuel Storage in Rock Salt

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Narimani, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Sadaghiani, Mohammadhosein (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the stability and creeping behavior of rock salt in underground gas and oil reservoirs. Preparation of natural salt caverns and operating them can manipulate the initial state of previously existed stress and to produce deviatoric stresses around the cavern. New state of stress and with creeping behavior of rock salt, causes a significant decrease in cavern’s volume and damages the surrounding area. Reduction of internal minimum pressure of cavern, increases the intensity of mentioned problems. Geometrical characteristics of cavern can also be significantly effective in the magnitude of damages around the reservoir. For instance, Deflection of cavern... 

    Vibration measurment and analysis using image processing method

    , Article Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis - 2004, Manchester, 19 July 2004 through 22 July 2004 ; Volume 2 , 2004 , Pages 513-518 ; 0791841731 (ISBN); 9780791841730 (ISBN) Narimani, R ; Abadpour, A ; Hoviattalab, M ; Yadolahi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A large number of people are exposed to whole body vibration in their occupational life. Measuring vibration is an important tool in rehabilitation and biomechanical fields of research. We have proposed image processing as a new method to record and determine the frequency response of human body. The arranged set up for forced vibration consisted of an AC motor, a variable speed drive unit and a shaking table for producing one directional sinusoidal vibration. Volunteers were asked to stand on the shaking table at a relaxed posture. Two digital camcorders were used to capture the motion of colored pencil-dot markers on the skin of human body (forehead) and on the edge of the shaking table.... 

    New image-based system for vibration measurment, specially developed for forced human vibration analysis

    , Article 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE, Anaheim, CA, 13 November 2004 through 19 November 2004 ; 2004 , Pages 203-204 ; 03609960 (ISSN) Hoviattalab, M ; Yadolahi, A ; Narimani, R ; Abadpour, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  2004
    The human being in the environments of modern technology has to endure stresses of many and varied kinds of vibrations. Measuring vibration is an important tool in rehabilitation and biomechanical fields of research. We have proposed image processing as a new method to record and determine the frequency response of human body. The subjects were exposed to whole body periodical vibration while standing on a shaking table. Two digital camcorders were used to capture the motion of colored pencil-dot markers on the skin of human body (forehead) and on the edge of the shaking table. After color spotting each frame, the binary image results were processed using new circle factor criteria proposed... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehravar, Mohammad (Author) ; Parnianpour, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Roya (Supervisor)
    Injuries of neuro-musculoskeletal system impose large costs to the modem societies. Studying the strategies of CNS in planning and control of movements can be helpful in developing diagnoSiS, prognosis and treatment procedures in clinical view and also in designing rehabilitation system and humanoid robots. Tow important features of human movements are redundancy problem and structured variability. Previous studies solved the redundancy problem mainly with optimization methods. Also optimal feedback control theory is the only method that successfully modeled structured variability in voluntary movements. Despite the appropriate outputs this methods are not based on physiological facts... 

    A prototype system to measure the trunk angle in sagital plane

    , Article Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Biomed 2011, 16 February 2011 through 18 February 2011, Innsbruck ; 2011 , Pages 300-304 ; 9780889868663 (ISBN) Mokhlespour, M. I ; Ramezanzadeh, M ; Narimani, R ; Soroush, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The most prevalent musculoskeletal condition and one of the most disabilities are caused by low back pain. In the low back pain, a large variety of evaluation tools is presented to assess the results of the treatment; therefore, it is important to measure the trunk angle in order to determine the progress during patient's treatment. In this project, we developed a low cost prototype system for flexion-extension movement to measure the angle of the trunk in sagital plane. The system consists of clothing that is stretchable; a Rubbery Ruler sensor (RRs) attached on clothing, data acquisition system. Inertial Magnetic Unit (IMU) sensor installed on spine is used to calibrate the orientation for... 

    Modeling Neuromuscular Control System of Human Arm for Trajectory Tracking Using an Optimal Controller

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asghari, Mehran (Author) ; Behzadipour, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Roya (Co-Advisor)
    The behavior movement of human is fundamentally concerned with the relationship between the central nervous system of motor control، and musculoskeletal system of a human. Optimal control was employed to relate these structures together. Movement is one of the important part of human life، CNS is important because it has the fundamental role in the movement. Investigators believe that CNS is learned by iteration movements from childhood and finally it chooses the movement that makes a cost function minimum value of itself. Researching for CNS modeling grows in recent years on the different part of human body. Because upper body have less difficulty in movements، it is more useful for CNS... 

    Classification of Cerebral Palsy Patients based on Muscle Synergies

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shojaeefard, Mahya (Author) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Roya (Supervisor)
    Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common motor disability among children that caused by damage to brain or defective development of brain before, during or just after birth. Due to this damage, children with CP have cognitive and motor problems. As an important activity of daily living, walking enhances independence, social activities and quality of life. Much of therapy for children is aimed to improve their gait. A usual technique to evaluate how a person walk and detect abnormal features in walking pattern is gait analysis. Lots of studies have been done on gait kinematics of CPs and classified them based on their kinematis. The purpose of this thesis is studying muscles activity of... 

    Analysis of Kinematic Synergies in Description of Cerebral Palsy Patients' Gait

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavassoli, Shahab (Author) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Roya (Co-Supervisor)
    Cerebral palsy (CP) is one the most prevalent neuromusculoskeletal disease amongst children. Damage in the central nervous system (CNS) causes defective growth of the musculoskeletal system during infancy to maturity, then leading to impairment of selective motor control (SMC), spasticity and sometimes contracture of musculotendinous junction. Treatment of Cerebral Palsy is limited to reduce complications. Medical procedures such as neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgeries or rehabilitation used as a common operation. Recently studies in the field of synergy directed a new path to understanding of human motor control complexity besides identification of functionality of musculoskeletal... 

    Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the gait cycle of above-knee amputees

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 13, Issue 3 , 2006 , Pages 261-271 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Farahmand, F ; Rezaeian, T ; Narimani, R ; Hejazi Dinan, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2006
    The change of gait pattern and muscular activity following amputation is thought to be responsible for the higher incidence of joint degenerative disorders observed in amputees. Considering the lack of consistent data in the literature, the purpose of the present study was to measure and analyze the spatio-temporal variables, the kinematics and, particularly, the net joint moments of the intact and prosthetic limbs of above knee amputee subjects during walking and to compare the results with those of normals. The gait characteristics of five transfemoral amputees and five normal subjects were measured using videography and a force platform. The human body was modeled as a 2-D sagittal plane...