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BRST quantization of noncommutative gauge theories
, Article Physical Review D ; Volume 68, Issue 10 , 2003 ; 05562821 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
In this paper, the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) symmetry transformation is presented for the noncommutative U(N) gauge theory. The nilpotency of the charge associated with this symmetry is then proved. As a consequence of the spacelike noncommutativity parameter, the Hubert space of physical states is determined by the cohomology space of the BRST operator as in the commutative case. Further, the unitarity of the S-matrix elements projected onto the subspace of the physical states is deduced. © 2003 The American Physical Society
BRST quantization of noncommutative gauge theories
, Article Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology ; Volume 67, Issue 10 , 2003 ; 15507998 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) symmetry transformation is presented for the noncommutative [Formula Presented] gauge theory. The nilpotency of the charge associated with this symmetry is then proved. As a consequence of the spacelike noncommutativity parameter, the Hilbert space of physical states is determined by the cohomology space of the BRST operator as in the commutative case. Further, the unitarity of the S-matrix elements projected onto the subspace of the physical states is deduced. © 2003 The American Physical Society
Unsteady Analysis of a Slinger Combustion Chamber by the Chemical Reactor Network Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Up to early seventies, Gas turbine combustor design was very time consuming and costly process including trial and errors through test rigs. Over the time analytical-experimental relationships take place as one of the key rules in the design processes. With the increasing power of computer calculations, computational fluid dynamics find its way in the procedure. Obtaining a deeper understanding of flow conditions and geometry inside the chamber, a great reduction in production time and cost of revisions to rigs and samples were achieved. Finding a precise prediction of polluting elements like NOx (less than 10 ppm) after many run hours and enormous computing resources, CFD methods must...
Workspace measurement of the surgeon's upper limb during an arthroscopy and three laparoscopy operations using inertial sensor systems
, Article 2013 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference, EHB 2013 ; 2013 ; 9781479923731 (ISBN) ; Farahmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The aim of this study was to determine the workspace of surgeon's body for designing more efficient surgical robots in the operation rooms. Five wearable inertial sensors were placed near the wrist and elbow joints and also on the thorax of surgeons to track the orientation of upper limb. Assuming that the lengths of five segments of an upper limb were known, measurements of the inertial sensors were used to determine the position of the wrist and elbow joints via an established kinematic model. subsequently, to assess the workspace of surgeon upper body, raw data were collected in the arthroscopy and laparoscopy operations. Experimental results demonstrated that the workspaces of surgeon's...
Modeling and Simulation of Alcoholic Fermentation of Sugarcane Blackstrap Molasses
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Yaghmaee, Sohila (Supervisor)
Fed-batch fermentation is a valuable and cost-effective method for bio-based production of various products such as ethanol, which has various applications in various industries.In recent years, bioethanol production has been given special attention in many countries. For this reason, the mathematical modeling of production of these products is very important for their optimal and cost-effective production. Given the transient and dynamic nature of fermentation and its specific complexity, mathematical modeling of fed-batch bioreactors is difficult and complicated. In this research, an unstructured model was used to predict the production of ethanol from blackstrap sugar cane molasses based...
Effect of capillary tube's shape on capillary rising regime for viscos fluids
, Article 2017 International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials, ICNB 2017, 11 December 2017 through 13 December 2017 ; Volume 350, Issue 1 , 2018 ; 17578981 (ISSN) ; Moosavi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics Publishing
When properties of the displacing fluid are considered, the rising profile of the penetrating fluid in a capillary tube deviates from its classical Lucas-Washburn profile. Also, shape of capillary tube can affect the rising profile in different aspects. In this article, effect of capillary tube's shape on the vertical capillary motion in presence of gravity is investigated by considering the properties of the displacing fluid. According to the fact that the differential equation of the capillary rising for a non-simple wall type is very difficult to solve analytically, a finite element simulation model is used for this study. After validation of the simulation model with an experiment that...
Detection of change to SSVEPs using analysis of phase space topological : a novel approach
, Article Neurophysiology ; Volume 51, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 180-190 ; 00902977 (ISSN) ; Maghooli, K ; Pisheh, N. F ; Mohammadi, M ; Soroush, P. Z ; Tahvilian, P ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer New York LLC
A novel method based on EEG nonlinear analysis and analysis of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) has been processed. The EEG phase space is reconstructed, and some new geometrical features are extracted. Statistical analysis is carried out based on ANOVA, and most significant features are selected and then fed into a multi-class support vector machine (MSVM). Both offline and online phases are considered to fully address SSVEP detection. In the offline mode, the whole design evaluation, feature selection, and classifier training are performed. In the online scenario, the proposed method is evaluated and the detection rate is reported for both phases. Subject-dependent and...
Photoresponse enhancing in nanostructured WO3films by slight change in heating ambient
, Article Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; Volume 693 , 2017 , Pages 871-875 ; 09258388 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Providing solar hydrogen as a clean energy resource is one of the human challenges for future. Controlling oxygen vacancies as well as surface morphology in metal oxide semiconductors enables developing PEC H2production in some understood ways. Here, the influence of simple change in annealing atmosphere, air and pure oxygen, on photoresponse of nanocrystalline WO3has been studied completely. Results revealed that such slight change in annealing procedure increases effective surface interface and donor density by 77 and 72%, respectively. These effects and also retarding recombination of photogenerated electro-hole pair resulted in photocurrent enhancement under solar like illumination more...
How to synchronize and register an optical-inertial tracking system
, Article Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Volume 332 , 2013 , Pages 130-136 ; 16609336 (ISSN) ; 9783037857335 (ISBN) ; Akbar, M ; Farahmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Multi-sensor tracking is widely used for augmentation of tracking accuracy using data fusion. A basic requirement for such applications is the real time temporal synchronization and spatial registration of two sensory data. In this study a new method for time and space coordination of two tracking sensor measurements has been presented. For spatial registration we used a body coordinate system and then applied the effect of the level arm. The time synchronization was done based on least mean square (LMS) error method. This method was implemented to synchronize the position and orientation of an object using Inertial (1IMU) and Optical (Optotrak) tracking systems. The results of synchronized...
Design and implementation of an improved real-time tracking system for navigation surgery by fusion of optical and inertial tracking methods
, Article Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Volume 186 , 2012 , Pages 273-279 ; 16609336 (ISSN) ; 9783037854440 (ISBN) ; Farahmand, F ; Salarieh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
The fusion of the optical and inertial tracking systems seems an attractive solution to solve the shadowing problem of the optical tracking systems, and remove the time integration troubles of the inertial sensors. We developed a fusion algorithm for this purpose, based on the Kalman filter, and examined its efficacy to improve the position and orientation data, obtained by each individual system. Experimental results indicated that the proposed fusion algorithm could effectively estimate the 2 seconds missing data of the optical tracker
A non-user-based BCI application for robot control
, Article 2018 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2018, 3 December 2018 through 6 December 2018 ; 2019 , Pages 36-41 ; 9781538624715 (ISBN) ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) based Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) can be great assistance for people suffering from physical disabilities due to their high accuracy, high speed, an acceptable number of possible targets, etc. Many researchers have managed to design such systems. Most of these BCIs utilize methods for frequency detection which cause the system to need a training phase for each new user, making the system a user-based one. That is why our goal was to design a BCI that not only has accuracy and speed comparable to similar systems, but also does not need any training phase and thus can be used by new users right away. Our final design got a mean accuracy of...
Investigation on Seismic Performance of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Vertical Post-tensioned Cables
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Although the moment frame can show deformable behavior against seismic loads, but its flexibility and low stiffness, especially in tall structures, cause the governance criterion to be designed. The use of eccentrically braced frames was able to solve the displacement problem to some extent, because it has the characteristics of both flexural frame systems and conccentric bracing. Different methods have been proposed to eliminate residual displacements in this type of system, one of which is the use of post tensioned cables. The aim of this study was to investigate the seismic behavior of a steel structure with a eccentrically braced frame system with post tension cable.The cables are anchor...
Induction of fuzzy classification systems using evolutionary ACO-Based algorithms
, Article 1st Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation - Asia Modelling Symposium 2007, AMS 2007, 27 March 2007 through 30 March 2007 ; 2007 , Pages 346-351 ; 0769528457 (ISBN); 9780769528458 (ISBN) ; Habibi, J ; Soroush, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper we have proposed an evolutionary algorithm to induct fuzzy classification rules. The algorithm uses an ant colony optimization based local searcher to improve the quality of final fuzzy classification system. The proposed algorithm is performed on Intrusion Detection as a high-dimensional classification problem. Results show that the implemented evolutionary ACO-Based algorithm is capable of producing a reliable fuzzy rule based classifier for intrusion detection. © 2007 IEEE
Effects of COVID-19-related psychological distress and anxiety on quality of sleep and life in healthcare workers in Iran and three European countries
, Article Frontiers in Public Health ; Volume 10 , 2022 ; 22962565 (ISSN) ; Tahvilian, P ; Koohestani, S ; Maghooli, K ; Jafarnia Dabanloo, N ; Sarhangi Kadijani, M ; Jahantigh, S ; Zangeneh Soroush, M ; Saliani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Frontiers Media S.A
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected human beings most of whom are healthcare workers (HCWs) combating the disease in the front line. Methods: This cross-sectional study aims to explore the effects of stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19 on the quality of sleep and life in HCWs, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare staff. In this global study, we asked 1,210 HCWs (620 and 590 volunteers from Iran and European countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy, respectively), who age 21–70, to participate in the test. Several measures of COVID-related stress, anxiety, sleep, and life quality, including the 12-item General Health Questionnaire...
Performance Management of HSE Management System based on BSC Framework-the Case Study of Mapna Corporation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sepehri, Mehran (Supervisor)
A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model is proposed to evaluate performance of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management systems. This model includes key performance indicators at three integrated levels. It has been tested and verified in a project-based organization in Iran, active in the area of power and energy. Results show that the company has done well in implementing HSE management processes, but no so well in growth and learning. This model may be used as a basis for comparing different companies and various proposed programs in the field of HSE management systems. The model includes indicators and sub-indicators in each category particularly related to stakeholders, processes, and...
Kinetic Modeling of Hydrocracking of Synthetic Wax from Fischer-Tropsch
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khorasheh, Farhad (Supervisor)
Fischer-Tropsch process (FT ) is one of the most important processes gas-to-liquid (GTL) conversion. This process converts synthesis gas into hydrocarbons. Depending on the catalyst and operating conditions of the process, heavy paraffins (Wax) are the most important products in this process. These products can be used to heavy paraffin catalyst hydrocracking in a process for the production of diesel fuel and gasoline to lighter products are suitable to be converted. The aim of this project is to develop a suitable kinetic model to describe the process of producing heavy paraffin hydrocracking process Fisher - Tropsch to be lighter products. In this regard, each 5 continuous mass model...
Modeling of the Biomechanical Properties of Articular Cartilage
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Firoozbakhsh, Keikhosrow (Supervisor)
Articular cartilage Function is vital to joint tasks and its motion. The main biomechanical tasks of articular cartilage are a) the distribution of loads occurred in joints; b) providing joints with frictionless surface. The particular mechanical properties of articular cartilage make it possible for the Cartilage tissue to do its duty successfully. The biological factor that causes articular cartilage to damage is still unknown. It is believed that mechanical factors are the main reason for the cartilage destruction in osteoarthritis. Factors like age, heavy exercises and impact can begin tissue destructions and result in change in mechanical properties. To study the process of the...
Line Simplifcation Using the Hausdorff Distance as Error Metric
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zarei, Alireza (Supervisor)
Due to recent advancements and wide usage of location detection devices, huge amount of data are collected by GPS and cellular technologies which exhibits moving objects trajectories. Using this information, it is possible to track a set of objects over a long period of time, as happens for instance in studying animal migration. Always, in these situations it is undesirable or even impossible (due to process and storage limits) to store the complete stream of positioning data. Then, simplifying a trajectory as a data reduction technique is the option for resolving such problems. Moreover, there is an increasing interest in queries capturing ”aggregate” behavior of trajectories as groups like...
Optimizing Co Nanoflakes Growth Parameters and Modifying Their Electro-catalytic Performance Using Carbon Nanostructures for Water Oxidation Reaction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Naseri, Naimeh (Supervisor)
Ease of solar hydrogen production using water splitting and its environmental benefits, distinct hydrogen from other energy carriers. Hydrogen is the most abundant material in the world that make up more than 90% of the world compounds. So applying this material as a clean fuel is the best way to prevent environmental problems caused by fossil fuels. For efficient hydrogen production from water, a suitable electrocatalyst with low overpotential, high mechanical strength and reasonable catalytic activity must be utilized. In this research, cobalt based electrocatalyst was used considering that electrodepositon conditions play an important role in its final efficiency. On the other hand,...
Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Study of a New Heterobinuclear Bis(Cyclometalated) Complex Containing Pt(II) and Au(I)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jamali, Sirous (Supervisor)
The bis-cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes [Pt(ptpy)2], 3, and [Pt(fppy)2], 4, in which, ptpy = 2-(p-tolyl)pyridine and fppy = 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyridine have been prepared. The reaction of 3 with one equiv [Au(PPh3)]+ (prepared from the reaction between AuCl(PPh3) and AgOTf) gave the heterobinuclear complex [Pt(ptpy)2Au(PPh3)].OTf, 5, by formation of a Pt→Au dative bond. The structure of all complexes were characterized using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in solution phase and the structures of 4 and 5 determined using X-ray crystallography in solid state. The structure of heterobinuclear complex 5 shows an unusual Pt-Au bond that supported by Au-Cipso bond. The absorption and...