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    Brain Decoding Across Subjects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasiri Ghosheh Bolagh, Samaneh (Author) ; Shamsollahi, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
    In recent years, techniques in articial intelligence have become an important tool in the analysis of physiological signals. While the application of machine learning techniques has proved useful in other elds, researchers have had difficulty proving its utility for the analysis of physiological signals. A major challenge in applying such techniques to the analysis of physiological signals is dealing effectively with inter-patient differences. The morphology and interpretation of physiological signals can vary dep ending on the patient. This poses a problem, since statistical learning techniques aim to estimate the underlying system that produced the data. If the system (or patient) changes... 

    Unsupervised cross-subject BCI learning and classification using riemannian geometry

    , Article 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, ESANN 2016, 27 April 2016 through 29 April 2016 ; 2016 , Pages 307-312 ; 9782875870278 (ISBN) Nasiri Ghosheh Bolagh, S ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Jutten, C ; Congedo, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    i6doc.com publication  2016
    The inter-subject variability poses a challenge in cross-subject Brain-Computer Interface learning and classification. As a matter of fact, in cross-subject learning not all available subjects may improve the performance on a test subject. In order to address this problem we propose a subject selection algorithm and we investigate the use of this algorithm in the Riemannian geometry classification framework. We demonstrate that this new approach can significantly improve cross-subject learning without the need of any labeled data from test subjects  

    Fabrication of porous scaffolds with decellularized cartilage matrix for tissue engineering application

    , Article Biologicals ; Volume 48 , 2017 , Pages 39-46 ; 10451056 (ISSN) Nasiri, B ; Mashayekhan, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2017
    Due to the avascular nature of articular cartilage, damaged tissue has little capacity for spontaneous healing. Three-dimensional scaffolds have potential for use in tissue engineering approach for cartilage repair. In this study, bovine cartilage tissue was decellularized and chemically crosslinked hybrid chitosan/extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds were fabricated with different ECM weight ratios by simple freeze drying method. Various properties of chitosan/ECM scaffolds such as microstructure, mechanical strength, swelling ratio, and biodegradability rate were investigated to confirm improved structural and biological characteristics of chitosan scaffolds in the presence of ECM. The... 

    Benchmarking of Monte Carlo model of Siemens Oncor® linear accelerator for 18MV photon beam: determination of initial electron beam parameters

    , Article Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology ; Volume 27, Issue 6 , 2 January , 2020 , Pages 1047-1070 Najafzadeh, M ; Hoseini Ghafarokhi, M ; Bolagh, R. S. M ; Haghparast, M ; Zarifi, S ; Nickfarjam, A ; Farhood, B ; Chow, J. C. L ; Sharif University of Technology
    IOS Press  2020
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to benchmark a Monte Carlo (MC) model of the 18 MV photon beam produced by the Siemens Oncor® linac using the BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc codes. METHODS: By matching the percentage depth doses and beam profiles calculated by MC simulations with measurements, the initial electron beam parameters including electron energy, full width at half maximum (spatial FWHM), and mean angular spread were derived for the 10×10 cm2 and 20×20 cm2 field sizes. The MC model of the 18 MV photon beam was then validated against the measurements for different field sizes (5×5, 30×30 and 40×40 cm2) by gamma index analysis. RESULTS: The optimum values for electron energy, spatial FWHM and mean... 

    Exploring contraction–expansion inertial microfluidic-based particle separation devices integrated with curved channels

    , Article AIChE Journal ; Volume 65, Issue 11 , 2019 ; 00011541 (ISSN) Shamloo, A ; Abdorahimzadeh, S ; Nasiri, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2019
    Separation of particles or cells has various applications in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Inertial cell separation, in particular, has been gaining a great attention in the recent years since it has exhibited a label-free, high-throughput and efficient performance. In this work, first, an inertial contraction–expansion array microchannel device, capable of passively separating two particles with diameters of 4 and 10 μm, was numerically studied. Then, the validated model was combined with curved geometries in order to investigate the effect of curve features on the separation process. The overall purpose was to investigate the interaction between the two different... 

    Evaluation of distributed stream processing frameworks for IoT applications in smart cities

    , Article Journal of Big Data ; Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2019 ; 21961115 (ISSN) Nasiri, H ; Nasehi, S ; Goudarzi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    SpringerOpen  2019
    The widespread growth of Big Data and the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable cities to obtain valuable intelligence from a large amount of real-time produced data. In a Smart City, various IoT devices generate streams of data continuously which need to be analyzed within a short period of time; using some Big Data technique. Distributed stream processing frameworks (DSPFs) have the capacity to handle real-time data processing for Smart Cities. In this paper, we examine the applicability of employing distributed stream processing frameworks at the data processing layer of Smart City and appraising the current state of their adoption and maturity among the IoT... 

    Analytical Modelling and Optimization of Disk Type, Slot Less Resolver

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moheyseni, Atefeh (Author) ; Nasiri Gheidari, Zahra (Supervisor)
    Resolvers, due to their robust structure, are widely used in automation systems. Among the types of resolvers, the accuracy of the Wound Rotor (WR) resolver in the occurrence of common mechanical errors is higher than other types of resolvers. therefore, in this thesis, an AFWRR is studied to improve the performance. Increasing the number of poles in WR resolvers is a good solution for increasing the accuracy of these electromagnetic position sensors. However, high-speed WR resolvers due to employing fractional slot windings suffer from rich sub-harmonics in the induced voltages. A common solution for suppressing the undesirable sub-harmonics is using multi-layer winding with appropriate... 

    Invariant wideband spectrum sensing under unknown variances

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ; Volume 8, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 2182-2186 ; 15361276 (ISSN) Taherpour, A ; Gazor, S ; Nasiri Kenari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we divide a wide frequency range into multiple subbands and in each subband detect whether in a primary user (PU) is active or not. We assume that PU signal at each subband and the additive noise are white zeromean independent Gaussian random processes with unknown variances. We also assume that at least a minimum given number of subbands is vacant of PU signal and propose an invariant Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) detector. The concept of the grouping of subbands allows faster spectrum sensing of a subset of subbands which may be occupied by a specific PU. Also, we evaluate trade-offs involved in the proposed algorithms by simulation. © 2009 IEEE  

    Wideband spectrum sensing in unknown white Gaussian noise

    , Article IET Communications ; Volume 2, Issue 6 , 2008 , Pages 763-771 ; 17518628 (ISSN) Taherpour, A ; Gazor, S ; Nasiri Kenari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The spectrum sensing of a wideband frequency range is studied by dividing it into multiple subbands. It is assumed that in each subband either a primary user (PU) is active or absent in a additive white Gaussian noise environment with an unknown variance. It is also assumed that at least a minimum given number of subbands are vacant of PUs. In this multiple interrelated hypothesis testing problem, the noise variance is estimated and a generalised likelihood ratio detector is proposed to identify possible spectrum holes at a secondary user (SU). Provided that it is known that a specific PU can occupy a subset of subbands simultaneously, a grouping algorithm which allows faster spectrum... 

    Vehicle longitudinal velocity estimation during the braking process using unknown input Kalman filter

    , Article Vehicle System Dynamics ; Volume 53, Issue 10 , Jul , 2015 , Pages 1373-1392 ; 00423114 (ISSN) Moaveni, B ; Khosravi Roqaye Abad, M ; Nasiri, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2015
    In this paper, vehicle longitudinal velocity during the braking process is estimated by measuring the wheels speed. Here, a new algorithm based on the unknown input Kalman filter is developed to estimate the vehicle longitudinal velocity with a minimum mean square error and without using the value of braking torque in the estimation procedure. The stability and convergence of the filter are analysed and proved. Effectiveness of the method is shown by designing a real experiment and comparing the estimation result with actual longitudinal velocity computing from a three-axis accelerometer output  

    A novel graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor with two different gate insulators

    , Article Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; Volume 66 , 2015 , Pages 133-139 ; 13869477 (ISSN) Akbari Eshkalak, M ; Faez, R ; Haji Nasiri, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2015
    In this paper, a novel structure for a dual-gated graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNRFET) is offered, which combines the advantages of high and low dielectric constants. In the proposed Two Different Insulators GNRFET (TDI-GNRFET), the gate dielectric at the drain side is a material with low dielectric constant to form smaller capacitances, while in the source side, there is a material with high dielectric constant to improve On-current and reduce the leakage current. Simulations are performed based on self-consistent solutions of the Poisson equation coupled with Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) formalism in the ballistic regime. We assume a tight-binding Hamiltonian in... 

    Modeling in-and-out-of-water impact on all-electric ship power system considering propeller submergence in waves

    , Article 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, ITEC 2021, 21 June 2021 through 25 June 2021 ; 2021 , Pages 533-538 ; 9781728175836 (ISBN) Nasiri, S ; Peyghami, S ; Parniani, M ; Blaabjerg, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2021
    Despite the advantages of employing an electric propulsion system in All-Electric Ships (AES), additional power fluctuation sources have emerged in the ship power system as a result. Since the propellers are the primary power consumers in the AES, these fluctuations may significantly affect its power system power quality. Thus, for optimal performance of the ship power system, these fluctuations need to be rigorously investigated at the design level of vessels. Waves collision is one of the critical conditions where propellers inject power fluctuations into the ship power system. Therefore, a comprehensive model is essential to analyze the propellers in-and-out-of-water effect on the ship... 

    An open-water efficiency based speed change strategy with propeller lifespan enhancement in all-electric ships

    , Article IEEE Access ; Volume 9 , 2021 , Pages 22595-22604 ; 21693536 (ISSN) Nasiri, S ; Peyghami, S ; Parniani, M ; Blaabjerg, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2021
    In recent years, utilizing the electrical propulsion system in the marine industry has become widely popular. Control of the propeller has been a high-priority design challenge in this industry. One of the essential issues in propeller control is the speed control of the ships. A suitable control strategy for the propeller should be economically-efficient while ensuring stability, reliability, and power quality of the ship's power system. This article proposes an improved propeller control strategy for increasing/decreasing the ship's speed. This scheme consists of two strategies: a maximum acceleration strategy and an efficient operation strategy. The maximum acceleration strategy aims to... 

    A comprehensive theoretical approach for analysing manoeuvring effects on ships by integrating hydrodynamics and power system

    , Article IET Electrical Systems in Transportation ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , 2022 , Pages 89-101 ; 20429738 (ISSN) Nasiri, S ; Peyghami, S ; Parniani, M ; Blaabjerg, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2022
    Ship motions affect the propulsion system, which causes fluctuations in the power system. Mutually, the power system variations impact the ship velocity by generating speed changes in the propeller. Therefore, interconnecting the ship hydrodynamic and power system has paramount importance in designing and analysing an all-electric ship (AES). The lack of an integrated model that can be evaluated in various operating conditions, such as manoeuvring, is evident. This paper explores the required perceptions for the power system and hydrodynamic analysis of an AES. Then, an integrated theoretical model comprising both the ship motion and power system is proposed. In addition to providing an... 

    Power management strategies based on propellers speed control in waves for mitigating power fluctuations of ships

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification ; Volume 8, Issue 3 , 2022 , Pages 3247-3260 ; 23327782 (ISSN) Nasiri, S ; Peyghami, S ; Parniani, M ; Blaabjerg, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    This article proposes two novel power management strategies (PMSs) to enhance the electrical power quality in twin-screw all-electric ships (AESs) during vessel-wave encountering. Soothing PMS (SPMS) focuses on mitigating power fluctuations of the propulsion system since it has significant impacts on the power system in extreme conditions. For this purpose, the PMS modifies propellers' speed based on the in-and-out-of-water effect loss factor (LF) in wave collisions. This method does not require typical equipment, such as energy storage systems (ESSs), to moderate the variations. Hence, it decreases the ESS demand capacity and maintenance costs at the design and operation levels. An... 

    Analysis of all-electric ship motions impact on PV system output power in waves

    , Article 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, ITEC 2022, 15 June 2022 through 17 June 2022 ; 2022 , Pages 450-455 ; 9781665405607 (ISBN) Nasiri, S ; Parniani, M ; Blaabjerg, F ; Peyghami, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    Waves encountering can cause significant ship motions and affect the photovoltaic power generation capacity in All-Electric Ships (AES) during extreme conditions. In this paper, a comprehensive strategy is proposed to examine the impact of modern vessels' movements on the PV system output and the ship power quality during various operating scenarios. The proposed theoretical model-based technique determines ship angles in a wave collision and assesses sun-related angles concerning the vessel motions. Based on the panel angles, the solar irradiance and the PV system power variations can be derived. The developed method can simultaneously evaluate the effect of ship motions on the photovoltaic... 

    Time domain analysis of graphene nanoribbon interconnects based on transmission line model

    , Article Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; Volume 8, Issue 1 , Dec , 2012 , Pages 37-44 ; 17352827 (ISSN) Nasiri, S. H ; Moravvej-Farshi, M. K ; Faez, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Time domain analysis of multilayer graphene nano ribbon (MLGNR) interconnects, based on transmission line modeling (TLM) using a six-order linear parametric expression, has been presented for the first time. We have studied the effects of interconnect geometry along with its contact resistance on its step response and Nyquist stability. It is shown that by increasing interconnects dimensions their propagation delays are increased and accordingly the system becomes relatively more stable. In addition, we have compared time responses and Nyquist stabilities of MLGNR and SWCNT bundle interconnects, with the same external dimensions. The results show that under the same conditions, the... 

    Compact formulae for number of conduction channels in various types of graphene nanoribbons at various temperatures

    , Article Modern Physics Letters B ; Volume 26, Issue 1 , 2012 ; 02179849 (ISSN) Nasiri, S. H ; Faez, R ; Moravvej Farshi, M. K ; Sharif University of Technology
    We present two compact analytic formulae for calculating the channel number in graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), in terms of GNRs' width and Fermi energy. Numerical data obtained from these analytic formulae fit those obtained numerically from the exact formula, with accuracies within 1%. Using appropriate fit parameters, the compact formulae are valid for zigzag, armchair-metallic, and armchair-semiconducting GNRs, at room, liquid nitrogen, and liquid helium temperatures (i.e. 300, 77 and 4.2 K)  

    Effect of varying aspect ratio on relative stability for graphene nanoribbon interconnects

    , Article Applied Mechanics and Materials, 24 July 2012 through 26 July 2012 ; Volume 229-231 , November , 2012 , Pages 205-209 ; 16609336 (ISSN) ; 9783037855102 (ISBN) Farrokhi, M ; Faez, R ; Nasiri, S. H ; Davoodi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Achieving dense off-chip interconnection with satisfactory electrical performance is emerging as a major challenge in advanced system engineering. Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have been recently proposed as one of the potential candidate materials for both transistors and interconnect. In addition, development is still underway for alternative materials and processes for high aspect ratio (AR) contacts. Studding the effect of varying aspect ratio on relative stability of graphene nanoribbon interconnects is an important viewpoint in performance evaluation of system. In this paper, Nyquist stability analysis based on transmission line modeling (TLM) for GNR interconnects is investigated. In... 

    Effect of varying dielectric constant on relative stability for graphene nanoribbon interconnects

    , Article Applied Mechanics and Materials, 24 July 2012 through 26 July 2012, Kuala Lumpur ; Volume 229-231 , July , 2012 , Pages 201-204 ; 16609336 (ISSN) ; 9783037855102 (ISBN) Farrokhi, M ; Faez, R ; Nasiri, S. H ; Davoodi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    The remarkable properties of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) make them attractive for nano-scale devices applications, especially for transistor and interconnect. Furthermore, for reduction interconnects signal delay, low dielectric constant materials are being introduced to replace conventional dielectrics in next generation IC technologies. With these regards, studding the effect of varying dielectric constant (e{open}r) on relative stability of graphene nanoribbons interconnect is an important viewpoint in performance evaluation of system. In this paper, Nyquist stability analysis based on transmission line modeling (TLM) for graphene nanoribbon interconnects is investigated. In this...