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Modelling the temperature rise effect through high-pressure torsion
, Article Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom) ; Volume 32, Issue 12 , 2016 , Pages 1218-1222 ; 02670836 (ISSN) ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
An approach composed of the thermodynamics-based dislocation model and the Taylor theory is used to investigate the evolution of microstructure and flow stress during high-pressure torsion (HPT). The incremental temperature rise is considered through the modelling of HPT. The temperature can affect the annihilation of dislocations and thus the dislocation density. The model predicts the dislocation density, sub-grain size and flow stress during HPT. The modelling results are compared with the experimental data and the modelling results without considering the incremental temperature rise. A remarkable agreement is observed between the modelling results with considering the temperature rise...
Two-internal variable thermodynamics modelling of severe plastic deformation: Dislocation and flow stress evolutions
, Article Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom) ; Volume 31, Issue 14 , Jan , 2015 , Pages 1788-1793 ; 02670836 (ISSN) ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Maney Publishing
Two-internal variable thermodynamics model is presented to investigate the evolution of microstructure and flow stress during severe plastic deformation. Previous studies have shown that due to heterogeneous distribution of dislocations during severe plastic deformation, the use of multivariable models is needed. In this regard, a two-internal variable model is presented. In the present paper, the dislocation densities in the subgrain boundaries and interiors are considered as internal variables. The model uses general laws of thermodynamics and describes the evolution of the dislocation densities on the basis of parameters such as the self-diffusion activation energy and the stacking fault...
Dependency modeling of steady state grain size on the stacking fault energy through severe plastic deformation
, Article Materials Letters ; Volume 159 , November , 2015 , Pages 410-412 ; 0167577X (ISSN) ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Recent investigations have shown that the steady state grain size of severely deformed materials is dependent on the stacking fault energy. In this paper, a model is presented to investigate such a dependency which uses thermodynamics based calculations. The present model shows that the relationship between the steady state grain size and the stacking fault energy of material is in power law form, directly. Furthermore, the model shows that the steady state grain size has an exponential relationship with the self-diffusion activation energy and a decrease in the self-diffusion activation energy increases the steady state grain size. The model predictions are in good agreement with the...
Production of Copper-Graphene Nanocomposites Via Molecular Level Mixing, Evaluation of the Effect of Some Processing Parameters on Micro-Structure and Physical-Mechanical Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
This research aimed at production of Cu-rGO via the combination of Molecular-Level-Mixing (MLM) method and powder metallurgy route (PM). First, Cu-GO composite powder was produced via MLM method. Subsequently, the resultant powder was mixed with electrolytic copper powder.Synthesis process included adjustment of the solution containing copper sulfate and 2Na.EDTA using NaOH solution. In the next step, GO suspension was added to the aforementioned solution. Finally, reduction of copper powder and formation of nanocomposite powder completed via the addition of Sodium Borohydrate. Nanocomposite powder was washed and dried in vacuum oven in 70˚C. GO reduction process took place using a tube...
Limiting grain size through high-pressure torsion of different materials
, Article Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom) ; Volume 36, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 245-250 ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
The main goal of high-pressure torsion (HPT) process is to reduce the grain size. Experiments have shown that this aim is achievable, but there is a limit in reducing the grain size. The present paper investigates this limit through a thermodynamics-based model. However, this was investigated by other researches through dislocation density-based model. At first, the validity of the model in description of the limiting grain size obtainable by HPT of different materials is examined. Then, the influence of inherent material parameters is investigated. Finally, the present results are compared with those obtained by equal channel angular pressing. © 2019, © 2019 Institute of Materials, Minerals...
Drop formation from a capillary tube: comparison of different bulk fluid on newtonian drops and formation of newtonian and non-newtonian drops in air using image processing
, Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 124 , 2018 , Pages 912-919 ; 00179310 (ISSN) ; Zadkazemi Derakhshi, A ; Nazari, A ; Firoozabadi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
The formation of water drops as a Newtonian fluid and formation of a shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluid, Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC) from a capillary into different bulk fluids are experimentally investigated. A high speed camera is used to visualize the images of the drops and an image-processing code employed to determine the drop properties from each image. It was found that the properties of the water drops when they are drooped into the liquids bulk fluids such as toluene and n-hexane are almost the same while they differed substantially when they were drooped into the air bulk fluid. It is shown that during the formation of water drop in all three kinds of bulk fluids, the drop...
Modeling the Effect of Stacking Fault Energy on Severe Plastic Deformation of Metals
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazeminezhad, Mohsen (Supervisor)
Nowadays, modeling the deformation behavior of materials is an indispensable tool to describe the evolutions of microstructure and mechanical properties of materials during deformation. As previous investigations have shown, the dislocation density is the most appropriate parameter for investigating the deformation behaviour of materials. In present research, considering the effect of stacking fault energy (SFE), the deformation behavior is investigated. In this regard, at first a thermodynamics based modeling of deformation is presented. Previous studies have shown that due to heterogeneous distribution of dislocations during severe plastic deformation, it is needed to use multi-variable...
Developing Dislocation Density Based Model for Severe Plastic Deformation Considering Strengthening Mechanism
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Kazeminezhad, Mohsen (Supervisor)
In recent years, severe plastic deformation has received significant attention as a technique for improving the mechanical properties of materials. In this regard, modeling the deformation behavior of materials during severe plastic deformation is of importance. As previous investigations have shown, dislocation density is one of the most applicable parameters for the mentioned purpose. On the other hand, strengthening mechanisms and the presence of strengthening agents in the material are important metallurgical phenomena that can play a significant role during severe plastic deformation. In this regard, the present research investigates the development of a dislocation density-based model...
Pressure dependence of the small-signal gain and saturation intensity of a copper vapor laser
, Article Applied Optics ; Volume 42, Issue 6 , 2003 , Pages 1013-1018 ; 1559128X (ISSN) ; Sadighi, R ; Parvin, P ; Sharif University of Technology
The small-signal gain coefficient and the saturation intensity of a copper vapor laser have been measured for both 510.6- and 578.2-nm transitions through the implementation of a discharge driven oscillatoramplifier configuration. Pressure dependence of the gain and saturation property of the laser has been investigated. © 2003 Optical Society of America
The effect of Cobalt Replacement by Nickel on Microstructure, Physical and Mechanical Properties of WC-Co Hardmetals
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourazerang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
WC-Co hardmetals that are produced through powder metallurgy rout are vastely used as wear resistant parts. In these materials hard particles of wolfram carbide are embodied in a cobalt binder. Because of their high hardness and adequate toughness, hardmetals have found wide range of applications in cutting tool industry. During the last decades a number of researches have been carried out to improve their mechanical and wear properties by different binders and carbide particle sizes. Because of high hardness, Tungsten carbide has a good wear resistant. It has very low thermal expansion coefficient and high wetting ability with molten metals. Unlike high hardness, it has limited toughness....
Preparation of Cu-TiC Nanocomposite and Investigation of Microstructure, physical and Mechanical Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourazarang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Co-Advisor)
In this study, Cu-TiC nanocomposites were produced by high energy ball milling of elemental powders and in situ formation of TiC in the copper base. Cu and 5,10,20 and 40 wt% Ti powder blend were milled for 60 h, then graphite powders were added and milling was continued for 10 h again and Finally Cu-TiC composite powders with 10.68, 20.16, 36.24 and 60.25 vol% of reinforcements (6.18, 12.2, 23.82 and 45.47 wt%) were produced. The effect of time on the solution of titanium in the copper was studied by X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD). crystallite size and lattice strain of copper were determined 12nm and 1.04% subsequently for Cu-40wt%TiC after 60 h milling. to ensure the formation of...
production of Nickel- Aluminide Nanocomposite Reinforced with Al2O3 Nanoparticles Via Mechanical Alloying Route and Field Activated Sintering Technique
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor) ; Pourazarang, Kazem (Supervisor)
Nickel aluminides are intermetalics with complex structures that have high metlting points. However, brittlement at room temperature and low high_temperature strength (above 700 ̊C) can be mentioned as their short comings. Nowadays, many efforts have been proceeded to produce theirs composites, so that one can benefit from ceramics and intermettalics properties simultaneously. In this project, the main was aim to produce NiAl matrix nanocomposite reinforced with Alumina Al2O3. The composite is processed using milling and mechanical alloying. This is a good way to produce intermetallics and their composites with high melting points without any need to supply high temperature during...
Modeling the Effect of Pressure on the Shrinkages Distribution
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Davami, Parviz (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
Due to the shrinkage defects, casting parts is sometimes unusable; as a result, researchers is tackling porosity removal problem, so that they would be able to cast parts in a way that have the least porosity. Nowadays, simulation is used to predict the location of the porosity. The design and the elimination of defects, which leads to additional costs, can reduce the overall costs in the projects.
In this thesis, we focus on shrinkage defects. The main cause of porosity is the drop of pressure. As a matter of fact, the thermal agitation of the molecules is weaker than the strong intermolecular forces that would pull the molecules; therefore, the molten metals’ density will be increased...
In this thesis, we focus on shrinkage defects. The main cause of porosity is the drop of pressure. As a matter of fact, the thermal agitation of the molecules is weaker than the strong intermolecular forces that would pull the molecules; therefore, the molten metals’ density will be increased...
Producing Cu-TiB2 Nano Composite Using Powder Metallurgy Route and Study on its Mechanical and Physical Behavior
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourazrang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
In applications such as high duty sliding contacts and other electrical components requiring good electrical- and thermal-conductivity, proper mechanical wear resistance in combination with arc erosion resistance are required.The Cu/TiB2 nano-composite seems to be a good candidate for such cases. At present work TiB2 nano-particles has been selected as reinforcement, due to its valuable properties, i.e., high melting point (2850 - 2900 °C), low linear CTE (8.10 µmm-1 °C-1), thermal conductivity (60.0 - 120 W/m-K) as well as low specific electrical resistivity (10 - 30 μΩ.cm) and high hardness (25-35 GPa HV). Additionally, there are limited articles which have focused on evaluation of...
Production and Investigation of Microstructure and Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Copper Matrix Composites Reinforced with Micro-nano Yttria Stabilized Zirconium Oxide (YSZ) Particles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Purazarang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
In this study, the ultrafine-nanometric yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) particles were used for reinforcing of copper metal powder. To producing of bulk nanocomposite specimens, the copper powder and the proper volume percent of reinforcement powders (i.e. 2, 3 and 5) were mixed using Turbula mixer for one hour. Before the mixing of two metallic powders and ceramic nanoparticles, for separation of agglomerated zirconium oxide nanoparticles that witch leads to producing of nanocomposite specimens with satisfactorily distributed secondary phase, the ultrasonic devise with enough quantity of ethanol as neutral liquid have been used for 15 minutes. The powders mixture have been placed under...
Study of cemented carbonitrides with nickel as binder: Experimental investigations and computer calculations
, Article International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials ; Volume 31 , 2012 , Pages 164-170 ; 02634368 (ISSN) ; Abachi, P ; Parvin, N ; Pourazrang, K ; Sharif University of Technology
Cobalt is the most common binder in cemented carbides industry. However, there are some interests in use of alternatives. The similarity in properties has made nickel the first choice. In the present work, the effect of initial composition on modern hardmetals containing transition metal carbides/carbonitrides that are called "cemented carbonitrides" with nickel as binder was investigated. Change in quantity of additive carbides and tungsten to carbon (C/W) weight ratio through applying metallic tungsten powder in primary powder mixture had some effects on final hardness, transverse rupture strength, and microstructure of studied alloys. Addition of vanadium carbide not more than 0.2 wt.%,...
Manufacturing And Investigation Of Microstructure, Precipitation Hardening And Tarnishing Of Ag-Cu-Ge Argentium® Alloy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbachi, Parvin (Supervisor) ; Hamdi, Farzad (Supervisor)
In this study melting and casting process of Ag-6.3%wt Cu-1.2%wt Ge alloy with NaBH4 additive for grain refining was investigated. ICP and XRF chemical analysis was used for calculating of Boron and Germanium lost in the processing section then an appropriate route for manufacturing of this alloy was suggested. With SEM and EDS chemical analysis which was installed on SEM sample’s microstructures after cold work and heat treatment was investigated. Solidification’s phases were identified with using DTA, XRD and EDS. To introduce a mechanism for increasing of tarnishing resistance in Argentium alloy, XPS analysis were employed. Optical microscope images reveals that casting samples with grain...
Preparation of Cu-MoSi2 Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying and Investigation of Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourazarang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
In this study, to synthesize molybdenum disilicide nano powder, mixed powder of Mo and Si were ball milled for 15, 30, 45 and 55 hours. By the results of the analyses, milled powders for time intervals of 55 hours were heat treated to release the stresses. This process was carried out in an argon vacuum tube furnace at 1000˚C for 1 hour. XRD analysis was carried for sample. Finally, MoSi2 powder with 86.62 nm crystallite size was used as reinforcement. Cu-MoSi2 composite powder with 2, 3, 5wt% were produced. Cu-MoSi2 with 2wt% reinforcement was milled for 60 hours. Powder composite was compacted by Spark Plasma Sintering . Microstructure of composite was investigated by scanning electron...
Production of Zirconium based Amorphous Alloy by Mechanical Alloying and Sintering Al-based Composite with Amorphous Particles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourazarang, Kazem (Supervisor) ; Abachi, Parvin (Supervisor)
Production of copper-zirconium amorphous alloys by mechanical alloying and the process of changing crystal structure to amorphous, was examined. The amount of progress of amorphization has been checked by x-ray analysis after different hours of milling. By increasing the percentage of zirconium in this type of alloy, the process of amorphization has been improved. But There is a limiting factor which is due to the tendency of zirconium to produce oxide and nitride phase. Also, the effect of excessive elements on crystal structure changing has been checked. Hence, adding elements like nickel or aluminum has a different effect on the process of amorphization. adding aluminum to the system...
Investigation of Mach-Zehnder and Michelson Interferometers in Optical Coherence Tomography System and Increasing Light Penetration by Mie Scattering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amjadi, Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Parvin, Parviz (Co-Supervisor)
Optical coherence tomography is a rapidly evolving imaging technique that enables non-invasive cross-sectional imaging of high-sensitivity semi-transparent samples (poor scattering). The biggest limitation of optical coherence tomography is the low penetration depth (about a few millimeters) in tissue. OCT is based on low-coherence interferometry. In this study, we investigate Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometers in OCT set-up and explain the advantages of using Mach-Zehnder interferometers in OCT systems. Furthermore, in this thesis, we have shown that by using Mie scattering, we can have forward scattering, hence the penetration increases. We have suggested this method as a solution...