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    Ambiguity function of MIMO radar with widely separated antennas

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium ; 16 -18 June , 2014 ; ISSN: 21555753 Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    There has been much interest, recently, towards exploiting the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique in radar. It is shown that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides can improve the performance of the system. However, in order to analyze the system's performance, its ambiguity function, i.e. the ambiguity function of a MIMO radar, is needed to be defined. In this paper, beginning from the information theoretic definitions, we derive such function, specifically for a MIMO radar with widely separated antennas  

    Ambiguity function based receiver placement in multi-site radar

    , Article 2016 CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2016, 10 October 2016 through 13 October 2016 ; 2017 ; 9781509048281 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It has been shown that using multiple antennas in a radar system improves the performance considerably, since multiple target echoes are received from different aspect angles of the target. In this way, the target detection is improved. However, when using multiple antennas, some problems, such as designing the transmit signals, synchronization, etc. emerge that should be solved. One of such problems is the receiver placement. Receiver placement deals with choosing a proper position for the receive antenna in order to optimize the whole system's performance. In this paper, a receiver placement procedure based on improving the radar ambiguity function is proposed for the case of a multisite... 

    Improving MIMO radar's performance through receivers' positioning

    , Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 11, Issue 5 , 2017 , Pages 622-630 ; 17519675 (ISSN) Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2017
    By employing the MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) technology in radar, some new problems emerged, that, in order to benefit the MIMO gains in radar, it was necessary to solve them suitably. One of such obstacles is determining the positions of receive antennas in a MIMO radar system with widely separated antennas (WS MIMO radar), since it is shown that the antennas' positions affect the whole system's performance considerably. In this study, a proper receivers' positioning procedure is proposed. To do this end, four criteria are developed based on the proposed MIMO detector and the MIMO ambiguity function. The simulations verify that the proposed positioning procedure improves the... 

    Compressive sensing MTI processing in distributed MIMO radars

    , Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 12, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 327-334 ; 17519675 (ISSN) Tohidi, E ; Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Behroozi, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2018
    It is shown that the detection performance can be significantly improved using the recent technology of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems. This is a result of the spatial diversity in such systems due to the viewing of the target from different angles. On the other hand, the moving target indication (MTI) processing has long been known and applied in the traditional pulse radars to detect weak moving targets in the presence of strong clutter signals. The authors propose a procedure based on the compressive sensing idea, in order to apply the MTI processing in a MIMO radar with widely separated antennas. Although a clutter is included in the signal model and a different... 

    MIMO radar signal design to improve the MIMO ambiguity function via maximizing its peak

    , Article Signal Processing ; Volume 118 , 2016 , Pages 139-152 ; 01651684 (ISSN) Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2016
    One of the important obstacles in MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) radars is the issue of designing proper transmit signals. Indeed, the capability of signal design is a significant advantage in MIMO radars, through which, the system can achieve much better performance. Many different aspects of this performance improvement have been considered yet, and the transmit signals have been designed to attain such goal, e.g., getting higher SNR or better detector's performance at the receiver. However, an important tool for evaluating the radar's performance is its ambiguity function. In this paper, we consider the problem of transmit signal design, in order to optimize the ambiguity function... 

    Detection-localization tradeoff in MIMO radars

    , Article Radioengineering ; Volume 26, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 581-587 ; 12102512 (ISSN) Nazari Majd, M ; Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Bastani, M. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Two gains play key roles in recently developed MIMO wireless communication systems: "spatial diversity" gain and "spatial multiplexing" gain. The diversity gain refers to the capability to decrease the error rate of the MIMO channel, while the multiplexing gain implicitly refers to the amount of increase in the capacity of the MIMO channel. It has been shown that there is a fundamental tradeoff between these two types of gains, meaning interplay between increasing reliability (via an increase in the diversity gain) and increasing data rate (via an increase in the multiplexing gain). On the other hand, recently, MIMO radars have attracted much attention for their superior ability to enhance... 

    Receivers' positioning in multiple-input multiple-output digital video broadcast-terrestrial-based passive coherent location

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 6, Issue 7 , 2012 , Pages 603-610 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Khalaj, B. H ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Using multiple illuminators of opportunity at the transmit side and multiple antennas at the receiver side in a passive coherent location (PCL) scheme is expected to improve the detection performance. However, in such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration choosing the position of the receivers is an obstacle that can have significant influence on the resulting performance. In this study, the authors consider the case of digital video broadcast (DVB)-T stations as non-cooperative transmitters and introduce a procedure based on the probability of missed detection to properly place receive antennas in a MIMO digital video broadcasting (DVB)-T based PCL configuration  

    Optimum Tradeoff Between Multiplexing and Diversity Gains in Widely Separated MIMO Radars

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Nazari Majd, Mohammad (Author) ; Bastani, Mohammad Hasan (Supervisor)
    There are a wide variety of radar systems that one of them is MIMO Radars. After a spark in communication in 1998 that developed MIMO communication, recently there has been a great attention towards MIMO radar systems. MIMO radars divided into co-located and widely separated branch. In this thesis, the spatial diversity and multiplexing gain and the tradeoff between them in MIMO communication and MIMO radar systems investigated. Diversity and multiplexing gains in communication defined analytically, so diversity and multiplexing gain presented as detection probability improvement and throughput or capacity improvement respectively. Also tradeoff between these two gains investigated... 

    Spatial multiplexing gain in MIMO radars with widely separated antennas

    , Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , March , 2018 , Pages 207-213 ; 17519675 (ISSN) Nazari Majd, M ; Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Farina, A ; Bastani, M. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2018
    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars have attracted much attention for their superior ability to enhance a system's performance. In this study, the authors' goal was the study of the spatial multiplexing gain of MIMO radars with widely separated antennas (WS-MIMO), which the authors showed that is equal to the number of unambiguously detectable targets. They obtained this number from two different aspects: first, by defining the ambiguity function of a WS-MIMO radar in the case of multiple targets, suitable for such purpose; Second, by modelling the MIMO radar system with a MIMO wireless channel. They showed that a MIMO radar is indeed a MIMO wireless system communicating the... 

    Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in MIMO radars

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 11, Issue 4 , 2017 , Pages 691-700 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Nazari Majd, M ; Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Farina, A ; Nayebi, M. M ; Bastani, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2017
    Two gains play key roles in recently developed multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems: 'spatial diversity' gain and 'spatial multiplexing' gain. The diversity gain (DG) refers to the capability to decrease the error rate of the MIMO channel, whereas the multiplexing gain (MG) implicitly refers to the amount of increase in the capacity of the MIMO channel. It has been shown that there is a fundamental tradeoff between these two types of gains, meaning interplay between increasing reliability (via an increase in the DG) and increasing data rate (via an increase in the MG). On the other hand, recently, MIMO radars have attracted much attention for their superior... 

    Receiver Placement in Passive MIMO Radar Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nazari Majd, Mohammad (Author) ; Nayebi, Mohammad Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    There are a wide variety of radar systems that one of them is MIMO Radars. After a spark in communication in 1998 that developed MIMO communication, recently there has been a great attention towards MIMO radar systems. Researchers have studied this topic from several points of view. Generally, MIMO radar systems are divided into two categories: MIMO radars widely separated antennas and MIMO radars with collocated antennas. One of the important issues of widely separated MIMO radars, is the placement manner of receivers in the geometrical area. This radar’s performance is very dependent to placement of the antennas, because the performance is dependent to relative position of... 

    Multi-user opportunistic spectrum access with channel impairments [electronic resource]

    , Article AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; Volume 67, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 955–966 Majd, A. (Sayyed Arash) ; Salehkalybar, S ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we study the impact of sensing error and channel fading on the decision process of a multiple secondary user network in a primary network whose channel occupancy states are modelled as a Bernoulli process. We present a randomized access strategy to maximize total secondary network throughput. The proposed method guarantees that the probability of collision between primary and secondary users in each channel is less than the predefined value of Pc = ξ. To find the optimal access strategy, we formulate secondary network throughput as an optimization problem. Then, using the KKT method to find the solution, we break the original problem into multiple sub-problems. Then, we employ... 

    Probability of missed detection as a criterion for receiver placement in MIMO PCL

    , Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 7 May 2012 through 11 May 2012, Atlanta, GA ; 2012 , Pages 0924-0927 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781467306584 (ISBN) Majd, M. N ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Using multiple antennas at the transmit and receive sides of a passive radar brings both the benefits of MIMO radar and passive radar. However one of the obstacles arisen in such configuration is the receive antennas placement in proper positions so that the radar performance is improved. Here we just consider the case of positioning one receiver among multiple illuminators of opportunity. Indeed it is a start for the solution of optimizing the geometry of the multiple receivers in a passive radar  

    Antenna placement and power allocation optimization in MIMO detection

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ; Vol. 50, Issue 2 , April , 2014 , pp. 1468-1478 Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It is a well known fact that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides improves the detection performance. However, in such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration, proper positioning of transmitters and receivers is a big challenge that can have significant influence on the performance of the overall system. In addition, determining the power of each transmitter under a total power constraint is a problem that should be solved in order to enhance the performance and coverage of such a system. In this paper, we design the Neyman-Pearson detector under the Rayleigh scatter model and use it to introduce a criterion for the antenna placement at both transmit and receive... 

    Adaptive filtering techniques in passive radar

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, Dresden ; Volume 2 , June , 2013 , Pages 1067-1078 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9783954042234 (ISBN) Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    One of the most important obstacles in passive radar applications is removing the direct signal from the target channel. Otherwise, week echoes from the targets in the target channel would be ignored due to the limited dynamic range of the system. One of the most effective techniques in this field is using adaptive filters. In this paper various adaptive filters are introduced and their performances are shown and compared  

    Multi-user opportunistic spectrum access with channel impairments

    , Article AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; Volume 67, Issue 11 , 2013 , Pages 955-966 ; 14348411 (ISSN) Majd, S. A ; Salehkaleybar, S ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we study the impact of sensing error and channel fading on the decision process of a multiple secondary user network in a primary network whose channel occupancy states are modelled as a Bernoulli process. We present a randomized access strategy to maximize total secondary network throughput. The proposed method guarantees that the probability of collision between primary and secondary users in each channel is less than the predefined value of P c = ξ. To find the optimal access strategy, we formulate secondary network throughput as an optimization problem. Then, using the KKT method to find the solution, we break the original problem into multiple sub-problems. Then, we... 

    Receivers' placement of a MIMO radar in the presence of mountains

    , Article 2014 International Radar Conference, Radar 2014 ; 2014 ; ISBN: 9781479941957 Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Bahrololoom, E ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper studies the placement of antennas in presence of mountains for widely separated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. One of the challenges in this configuration is proper placement of the receive antennas in order to achieve good performance. We derived Neyman-Pearson decision rule for target detection. Via several scenarios we show that proper placement of receivers can provide better performance  

    Profit-based unit commitment of integrated CHP-thermal-heat only units in energy and spinning reserve markets with considerations for environmental CO2 emission cost and valve-point effects

    , Article Energy ; Volume 133 , 2017 , Pages 621-635 ; 03605442 (ISSN) Nazari, M. E ; Ardehali, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    For the purposes of lowering environmental emission cost and increasing economic profit, energy efficient combined heat and power (CHP) units can be integrated with conventional separate heat and power production units to meet heat and power demands. The goal of this study is to develop and examine a novel heuristic and deterministic optimization algorithm for solving the profit-based unit commitment (PBUC) problem for a generation company with integrated CHP-thermal-heat only system for (i) satisfying demands for heat and power, (ii) selling spinning reserve for power, (iii) reducing environmental CO2 emission cost, and (iv) accounting for valve-point effects for steam turbines. For... 

    Statistical analysis of sidelobes in random phase-modulated radars

    , Article Proceedings of 2011 IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2011, 24 October 2011 through 27 October 2011, Chengdu ; Volume 1 , October , 2011 , Pages 485-489 ; 9781424484416 (ISBN) Jariani, H. H ; Bahadori, M ; Tohidi, E ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Target detection in noise radar is always done by computing cross-correlation between transmitted and received signals. In this process, side lobes of a strong target emerge and make some troubles in detection of weak ones (Masking Effect). Therefore, finding methods to suppress this effect becomes important. These methods can be implemented at the transmitter or receiver or at both to achieve more improvement. There are many new methods developed for the receiver side and a few methods applicable at the transmitter side. The main idea of suppressing side lobes at the transmitter is to design a specific noise signal instead of using purely random noise. In this paper we begin with... 

    The detector's output SNR as a criterion for receiver placement in MIMO DVB-T based passive coherent location

    , Article International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops ; 2012 , Pages 431-435 ; 21570221 (ISSN) ; 9781467320153 (ISBN) Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Majd, M. N ; Khalaj, B. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    As the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial)'s use is outspreading, one of its interesting emerging applications is to use DVB-T stations as non-cooperative transmitters in order to detect and localize targets. An important and favorable characteristic of DVB-T for this application is its being working in a Single Frequency Network (SFN), so that multiple transmitters can be used simultaneously to detect the targets. In addition, using multiple antennas at the receiver side leads to the well known configuration known as MIMO. However, one of the obstacles, arisen in such configurations, is the receive antennas' placement in proper positions so that the detection performance is...