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Temperature dependence study of nonocontact AFM images using molecular dynamics simulations [electronic resource]
, Article Int. Journal of Modern Physics ; 2012, Vol. 5, pp. 418-432 ; Meghdar, Ali ; Sharif University of Technology
The effect of temperature on the noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) surface imaging is investigated with the aid of molecular dynamics (MD) analysis based on the Sutton-Chen (SC) interatomic potential. Particular attention is devoted to the tip and sample flexibility at different temperatures. When a gold coated probe is brought close to the Au (001) surface at high temperatures, the tip and surface atoms are pulled together and their distance becomes smaller. The tip and sample atoms displacement varies in the different environment temperatures and this leads to the different interaction forces. Along this line, to study the effect of temperature on the resulting images, we have...
Stiffness, Position and Orientation Optimization of the Engine Mounts to Reduce the Vibrational Noise Transmitted to the Body
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
Despite the great work done in the field of the engine mount system to reduce vibrations transmitted from the vehicle to the body, an efficient process is still needed to achieve the optimal response to the design of the engine mount system.The goal of the project is to provide an ideal model for optimizing the stiffness, position, and orientation of the vehicle's engine mount system. In this regard, the activities carried out consist of three parts of the modeling, optimization, and verification of the response. In the modeling section, a linear model of 13 degrees of freedom has been proposed for the engine, mount and vehicle assembly, which also has the ability to model the rigidity of...
Control of Swarm Micro-Swimmers in the Low-Reynolds Number Fluid to Reduce Energy Consumption
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
In this study, at first modeling of a self-propelled microrobot and its hydrodynamic effects on flow field are investigated. Then, a cascade controller has been designed for the fully actuated microrobot in order to track the desired time trajectories. Next, in order to design an optimal controller to decrease energy consumption, regardless of tracking the desired orientation trajectory compared to the desired position trajectory, the fully actuated microrobot would change to over actuated microrobot. Thus, it would be able to orient freely itself according to the flow field so that reduce the energy consumption. By applying the optimal controller on the over actuated microrobot, it was...
Developing a Model for Simulation of Dynamic Behavior of Nano-beams
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
The utility of nano-beams in MEMs and NEMs has progressed a lot in recent years. Such systems have found wide spread use in sensors and actuators due to small size, low weight, high accuracy and low energy consumption. By a decrease in size of nano-beams, surface effect increases which makes the classical theories unable to modeling such beams. Therefore new models are required for evaluating the dynamic behavior of nano-beams. In this thesis we have attempted to develop a suitable Coarse-Grain model for analysis of such beams. At first a suitable Coarse-Grain mapping with determined Sutton-Chen potential parameters is introduced for FCC metals. In the next step, EAM is considered as...
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of Nanoresonators
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
In this project, the equilibrium structure of clamped-free silicon nano-beams is investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Four main interatomic potentials for silicon nanostructures, i.e. Tersoff, MEAM, Stillinger-Weber and EDIP, are implemented in the current study. Using aforementioned potentials, the structural stability of Si nano-beams are studied and effects of thickness, width, length, size, lattice direction, facets of cross section, and temperature on the equilibrium structure of nano-beams are investigated. The conducted simulations demonstrate that equilibrium structure of nano-beam is completely dependent on the type of atomic potential used for modeling....
Modeling of Force Interactions between Tip of Atomic Force Microscopy in Trolling Mode and Environment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Submerging of the Micro-beam of the AFM is indispensible in case of imaging bio-samples. (Bio-samples are unstable in non-aquos environment.), so hydrodynamical interaction of liquid and beam (viscous and meniscus forces) will result into quality factor decrease. This will cause image resolution decrement as well as damage to the sample because of large tip-sample forces during imaging of the bio-samples. The proposed method “Trolling mode AFM” keeps the micro-beam of the AFM out of the liquid, by adding a nano-needle to the end of the AFM tip. This would lead to resolve the aforementioned problems. Modeling of a part of the operation of this mechanism was done in this thesis, in order to...
Motion Control of Two Magnetic Microrobots
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
Microrobots have the potential to access small spaces for manipulation or for acting as a sensor. Magnetic microrobots are the most common types of microrobots. Magnetic microrobots have gained particular traction for medical applications due to safety of tissues. For instance, disease diagnosis, minimally invasive surgery and cell manipulation are potential applications of magnetic microrobots. The performance of a single microrobot could be improved by using multiple robots. For example each microrobot could carry a small payload to a goal inside a microfluidic channel, or could assemble fast and in parallel. In order to employ multiple robots, it is necessary to control each microrobot...
A Fabrication Method of Neutrally-buoyant Magnetic Micro-robot to Improve Its Motion Control
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Micro-robotics is one of the currently emerging technologies which has attracted attentions for its probable applications in different fields including biotechnology, diagnosis and treatment in medical engineering as well as general studies in micro-scale science and engineering. Magnetic micro-robotics is considered as the most promising group, primarily due to the biocompatibility of magnetic fields and advances in electronic circuits to produce and control such fields. One critical point in utilizing these robots is their high density in comparison with the working fluid and their tendency to sink. In this thesis, a method to fabricate buoyant magnetic robots has been proposed based on...
Dynamic Modeling and Localization of a Moving Magnetic Particle in a Fluid for Capsule Endoscopy Application
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Endoscopy is a medical operation in which a camera is sent into the patient's body and the physician starts taking pictures at specified times. In the traditional endoscopic procedure, a camera is sent into the body by a guiding wire. This can cause severe pain to the patient. In the newer method, a camera is mounted on a small capsule and the patient swallows the capsule. Then the camera inside the capsule starts taking photos and sends them out. This procedure, in addition to being painless, allows the physician to access the innermost parts of the body or the digestive tract.In capsule endoscopy, unlike the older method, one has to find the position and orientation of the capsule at any...
Completion of Electromagnetic System and Design of Robust Controller to Control the Movement of Micro-robots in Three-Dimensional Space
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Today, the need to access very small environments is felt in various medical, industrial, biological and military fields. Due to their small size, microrobots have the ability to perform tasks that would be very difficult to do on a larger scale, but this ability of microrobots makes feeding and controlling them challenging. There are several methods for providing power and control of microrobots, which include their internal or external stimulation, among which the magnetic stimulation method is used in this research, which does not cause damage to body tissues.In this thesis, an electromagnetic system with nine cylindrical coils is used to control the three-dimensional movement of magnetic...
Determination of the Surface Properties and Topography in AFM Using System Dynamics
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Nejat, Hossein
Nowadays, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a useful laboratory tool with variety of applications. In the traditional imaging technique, usually the amplitude or frequency of AFM tip oscillations is set at a desired value using a feedback control system which is a relatively slow process. In the current research, we propose an estimation approach which uses an adaptive fading extended Kalman filter (augmented with forgetting factor) as a system observer and couples with the system dynamics to determine the sample topography. As a result, in addition to state variables of system dynamic, the sample height as an unknown parameter is estimated with high accuracy in a relatively short...
Modeling of the Flexible Instrument Inside the Vascular Environment for Its Motion Control in Minimally Invasive Procedures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Minimally invasive procedures are diagnostic or therapeutic methods that cause minimal injuries and side effects for patients. PCI is a common minimally invasive procedure for diagnosis and curing of cardiovascular disorders. In this procedure, the surgeon can have access to the cardiac vessels by a flexible instrument. However, motion control of this instrument inside the patient's body relies on surgeon's skills and in some cases, is time consuming so that the toxic effects of radiation on patient and surgical team increases. Magnetic flexible instruments are suggested to address this problem. Nevertheless, motion control of the flexible instrument inside the body still has many challenges...
Study and Simulation of Nanoparticles Translocation through Cell Membrane
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
In this research, we aim to study and simulate how nanoparticels translocate through cell membrane. For this purpose, at first a gold nanoparticle is selected as the drug carrier. The partial charges of the ligands are calculated using quantum mechanics based on HF technique with 6-31Gd basis set. To have a realistic shape for nano drug, number and arrangement of ligands are determined based on optimization. After all atom simulations and comparison of results such as diffusion coefficient with experiments, a coarse-grained model of these drugs is created and put inside solvent beside a membrane. The cytoplasmic membrane includes more than 60 types of phospholipids like animal membranes....
Design and Fabrication of a XY Nano-Positioning System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Nanopositioning is technology of positioning & manipulation of Nano-scale object. This technology can be considered as one of the fundamental necessities in Nano & Micro research and fabrication and made lots of unbelievable advancement in researches and technologies. There are lots of mechanical systems designed for large scale positioning with sub millimeter resolution, but when it’s come to Nano scale, the range of access should be limited to some micrometer. Also in Nano-scale motion some difficulties like backlash, stick-slip and friction is phenomenon. For increasing the workspace using coarse and fine positioning systems may be an appropriate method. In this method a fine positioning...
Study of Microstructure Evolution During Cyclic Martensitic Transformations in Shape Memory Alloys with Molecular Dynamics Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor) ; Arghavani, Jamal (Supervisor)
Shape memory alloys (SMA) exhibit a number of features which are not easily explained by equilibrium thermodynamics, including hysteresis in the phase transformation and ‘‘reverse’’ shape memory in the high symmetry phase. Processing can change these features: repeated cycling can ‘‘train’’ the reverse shape memory effect, while changing the amount of hysteresis and other functional properties. These effects are likely to be due to formations of localised defects and these can be studied by atomistic methods. Here we present a molecular dynamics simulation study of such behaviour employing a two-dimensional, binary Lennard–Jones model. Our atomistic model exhibits a symmetry breaking,...
Design and Dynamical Modelling and Control of a Micro-swimmer with High Maneuverability
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
Up to now many different mechanisms have been proposed for a swimming micro robot, but most of the previously designed micro robots are not able to perform three- dimensional maneuver and the motion of the proposed swimmers are limited along a straight line or in a plane. Some important issues that must be ruled in designing micro robots include: reduced number of actuators, high maneuverability, high motion controllability and elimination of lateral drift. In this study the aim is to design a micro swimmer with the aforementioned capabilities as much as possible. In this regard, many different ideas based on the quadrotor motion, flagellated bacteria and spiral flagellated bacteria, Fish...
Modeling and Control of Quadcopter UAV with Tilting Arms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor) ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Quadcopters are a bunch of vertical takeoff and landing UAVs and generally consist of four symmetric arms, each possessing a rotor-blade at the end. Quadcopters are able to retain their state and position by performing static maneuverability. Conventional quadcopters have less actuators (four engines) than their DOF (six degrees of freedom in the space). Thus, it is impossible to control all DOF of the system independently. Nevertheless, one can make a solution to this problem by increasing the number of actuators, so that each rotor-blade can also rotate about the corresponding arm. Such a quadcopter is so called a “tilt-rotor quadcopter”. The aim of this work is to model a tilt-rotor...
Performance Modeling of Nano-Porous Monolayers in Water Desalination Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Approach
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Nejat, Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
Water plays an essential role in the daily lives of humans, plants, and animals. Due to the lack of safe water on the planet, in recent years there have been many challenges in the field of water treatment, which has made water desalination technology always one of the most advanced technologies. The most advanced technology in this field is the use of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment, especially the use of Membrane processes such as reverse osmosis. Unlike conventional reverse osmosis membranes, nanoporous membranes can ensure rapid water transfer during the displacement process. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce new monolayers that have an incredible performance in...
Localization of Magnetic Catheter Tip Using an Array of Magnetic Sensors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Minimally invasive surgery is highly valued mainly due to the reduction of the patient’s recovery period. Catheters are among the most important tools in minimally invasive surgeries. Catheter is a flexible tool that has the ability to pass through difficult paths. In common localization methods, fluoroscopy is used to determine the position of the catheter’s tip. One main disadvantage of this method is that it is very dangerous for therapists who are exposed to X-ray radiation for long periods of time. A magnetic catheter is created by adding a magnet to the end of the catheter. The possibility of guiding magnetic catheter by an external magnetic field, controlling the applied force and...
Design of a Control System Based on the Permanent Magnet for Control of a Magnetic Catheter
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Currently, the use of robots and microrobots in medical applications has significantly increased due to their extensive and unique capabilities. One such application involves the utilization of magnetic continuum robots controlled by an external magnetic field in minimally invasive surgeries. This research focuses on discussing methods for effectively controlling magnetic-continuum robots and applying external magnetic fields. Two primary methods for applying the external magnetic field are explored: the use of electromagnetic coils and permanent magnets. Based on these methods, systems for applying the field and controlling the magnetic continuum robot have been constructed and...