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Simulation of Paramecium Chemotaxis Exposed to Calcium Gradients
, Article Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics ; Volume 74, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 241-252 ; 10859195 (ISSN) ; Shamloo, A ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Humana Press Inc
Paramecium or other ciliates have the potential to be utilized for minimally invasive surgery systems, making internal body organs accessible. Paramecium shows interesting responses to changes in the concentration of specific ions such as K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ in the ambient fluid. Some specific responses are observed as, changes in beat pattern of cilia and swimming toward or apart from the ion source. Therefore developing a model for chemotactic motility of small organisms is necessary in order to control the directional movements of these microorganisms before testing them. In this article, we have developed a numerical model, investigating the effects of Ca2+ on swimming trajectory of...
Simulation of Paramecium Swimming in an Environment with a Chemical Gradient
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ahmadian, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor) ; Shamloo, Amir (Supervisor)
In the recent decade, researchers in the field of minimally invasive medicine have come up to the idea of utilizing micro organisms as smart micro robots. The advantage with this idea is the fact that problems such as energy supply and maneuvering are resolved for these sorts of micro swimmers. In this current work, a new numerical method for investigation of micro swimming is developed which is computationally efficient in characterizing locomotion of micro swimmers and using a finite element method software, locomotion of Paramecium has been investigated inside and outside a capillary tube. According to simulation results, it is possible to design a controlling system which is capable of...
An Investigation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Almg6 Alloy-Carbon Nanotube Composite Produced by Accumulated Roll Bonding Process
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimi Taheri, Ali (Supervisor)
In recent years, the use of high specific strength aluminum alloys in automotive and aerospace industries is in progress due to their energy savings. On the other hand, the carbon nanotubes (CNTs), due to their ultra-high strength and modulus of elasticity, have been considered as an excellent reinforcement for the metal matrix composites used in these industries. For production of these materials, the severe plastic deformation (SPD) has been known as a method of grain refinement to increase the strength and ductility. In this research, the composites of AlMg6 reinforced with CNT were produced by accumulated roll bonding (ARB) known as a SPD technique and their properties were compared...
Interlaminar stress analysis of general composite laminates
, Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Volume 53, Issue 11 , 2011 , Pages 958-967 ; 00207403 (ISSN) ; Yazdani Sarvestani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, based on the reduced from of elasticity displacement field for a long laminate, an analytical method is established to exactly obtain the interlaminar stresses near the free edges of generally laminated composite plates under the extension and bending. The constant parameters, which describe the global deformation of a laminate, are properly computed by means of the improved first-order shear deformation theory. Reddys layerwise theory is subsequently utilized for analytical and numerical examinations of the boundary layer stresses within arbitrary laminated composite plates. A variety of numerical results are obtained for the interlaminar normal and shear stresses along the...
Spectrum Sharing Optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hemmatyar, Ali Mohammad Afshin (Supervisor)
The dream of increasing in service quality and channel capacity in wireless networks is severely limited by the scarcity of energy and bandwidth, which are the two fundamental resources for communications. New communications and networking paradigms such as cognitive radio networks emerged in recent years that can intelligently and efficiently utilize these scarce resources. Although cognitive users are able to make intelligent decisions on spectrum usage and communication parameters based on the sensed spectrum dynamics and other users' decisions, different network users typically belong to different operators and may pursue different goals, so fully cooperative behaviors cannot be...
Free-edge stresses in general cross-ply laminates
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Vol. 21, issue. 2 , April , 2014 , p. 387-402 ; Sharif University of Technology
Within elasticity theory, the reduced form of a displacement field is obtained for general cross-ply composite laminates subjected to a bending moment. The firstorder shear deformation theory of plates and Reddy's layerwise theory are then utilized to determine the global deformation parameters and the local deformation parameters appearing in the displacement fields, respectively. For a special set of boundary conditions an elasticity solution is developed to verify the validity and accuracy of the layerwise theory. Finally, various numerical results are presented within the layerwise theory for edge-effect problems of several cross-ply laminates under the bending moment. The results...
Simulation of LAD-LCX Bifurcation Hemodynamics of Coronary Artery Disease to Design an Effective Bypass Graft
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Firoozabadi, Bahar (Supervisor) ; Afshin, Hossein (Supervisor) ; Pakravan, Hossein Ali (Co-Supervisor)
In this study, three recent predictors of severity of coronary stenosis including fractional flow reserve (FFR), instantaneous wave free-ratio (iFR) and coronary flow reserve (CFR), are calculated for a number of patient-specific models of left coronary arteries. These patients are admitted to Tehran heart center. The main aim is presenting the optimum numerical and clinical detection technique to assess the severity of coronary stenosis. The effect of geometric features of stenosis is studied on the results of the FFR, iFR, and CFR in order to determine their accuracy. It is observed that CFR does not have a good estimate of the amount of disease. But, iFR, as a less risky test than FFR,...
Josephson supercurrent in a graphene-superconductor junction
, Article Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics ; Volume 85, Issue 2 , 2012 ; 10980121 (ISSN) ; Jafari, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
Within the tunneling Hamiltonian formulation for the eight-component spinors, the Josephson critical supercurrent has been calculated in a planar superconductor-normal graphene-superconductor junction. Coupling between superconductor regions and graphene is taken into account by a tunneling Hamiltonian which contains two types of tunneling, intravalley and intervalley tunneling. Within the present tunneling approach, we find that the contributions of two kinds of tunneling to the critical supercurrent are completely separable. Therefore, it is possible to consider the effect of the intervalley tunnelings in the critical supercurrent. The incorporation of these type of processes into the...
Numerical analysis of ciliary beat in Paramecium: Increasing ciliary spacing as a low energy cost method for maneuvering
, Article Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , September , 2013 , Pages 227-237 ; 1874477X (ISSN) ; Zand, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
In recent years, a number of patents have been devoted to designing micro robots for minimally invasive therapies inspired by Paramecium. Paramecium changes its swimming direction due to application of an external magnetic or electric field. Changing ciliary beat direction and frequency have been identified as possible methods for maneuvering through water; however, effects of variations in ciliary spacing on swimming trajectory have been poorly studied. In this work, it is aimed to analyze the effects of adjusting the ciliary spacing on swimming trajectory. For determining the swimming trajectory, Paramecium membrane is discretized to boundary elements with length of 15μm on which there are...
Automatic Detection of Galaxy Clusters Applying Cluster Red Sequence Algorithm: Galaxy Clusters and Groups in the Field of the Survey
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mansouri, Reza (Supervisor)
Galaxy clusters are the most massive virialized systems in the universe. Their studies provide crucial grasp on the galaxy formation and evolution, dark matter and its nature, cosmological parameters and large scale structure of the universe. Because of their significant role in cosmology, providing a catalogue of galaxy clusters in a wide range of spatial angle, mass and redshift seems vital. Galaxy cluster detection can be performed by various methods in a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Optical detection of galaxy clusters is of the most traditional and popular methods. Among optical algorithms, one of the most efficient is called Cluster Red Sequence (CRS) which applies the...
Free-edge stress analysis of general composite laminates under extension, torsion and bending
, Article Applied Mathematical Modelling ; Volume 36, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 1570-1588 ; 0307904X (ISSN) ; Sarvestani, M. Y ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, based on the reduced form of elasticity displacement field for a long laminate, an analytical method is established to exactly obtain the interlaminar stresses near the free edges of generally laminated composite plates subjects to extension, torsion, and bending. The constant parameters being in the displacement field, which describe the global deformation of a laminate, are appropriately calculated by using the improved first-order shear deformation theory. Reddy's layerwise theory is subsequently employed for analytical and numerical examinations of the boundary layer stresses within arbitrary laminated composite plates. Various numerical results are developed for the...
Improving MILP Problems Using Machine Learning Techniques
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
The topic of operations research and optimization is widely used in various fields, from transportation industries to military industries. Researchers in these fields seek to improve answers to problems and methods. In computer science, optimization methods are widely used. One of the most important problems in computer science are NP-hard problems; These problems are inherently not solvable in polynomial time. Therefore, the use of innovative methods, despite not guaranteeing the optimality of the solution, provide a suitable solution to bring the result closer to the optimal solution. Integer linear programming problems are also considered as NP-hard problems. The branch-and-bound...
Polymer-Enhanced low-salinity brine to control in situ mixing and salt dispersion in low-salinity waterflooding
, Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 35, Issue 13 , 2021 , Pages 10540-10550 ; 08870624 (ISSN) ; Rostami, B ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
Although viability of low-salinity waterflooding (LSWF) at the laboratory scale has been proven, there are some challenges associated with its field application, which sheds uncertainties on its economic success. One of the challenges is the minimum required volume of low-salinity water, which should be injected to the reservoir due to the salt dispersion in porous media. Once the low-saline brine is injected into the reservoir, mixing of injected (low-salinity) and resident (high-salinity) brines occurs and the developed mixing zone grows continuously as the front moves from the injection well toward the production well. Increase in the salinity of the front reduces the efficiency of LSWF....
Impact of injection parameters on mixing control by polymer-enhanced low-salinity waterflooding
, Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 36, Issue 19 , 2022 , Pages 11808-11816 ; 08870624 (ISSN) ; Rostami, B ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
In situ mixing by dispersive transport of salt and viscous fingering between the injected low-salinity (LS) brine and high-salinity (HS) formation brine can jeopardize the performance of low-salinity waterflooding (LSWF). In our previous papers, we demonstrated that in situ mixing can be suppressed by polymer-enhanced low-salinity waterflooding (PELS), in which a small amount of a viscosifying agent, such as a polymer, is added to the LS stream. Nevertheless, effective mixing control with PELS depends upon several factors and operational conditions, which have not yet been addressed. Therefore, this research focuses on the investigation of the impact of injection parameters, such as the...
The Effect of Metal Oxides on Gasochromic Properties of WO3 Thin Films Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahdavi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Physical and chemical properties of tungsten oxide thin films change reversibly while exposure to hydrogen gas. This property is called gasochromic. To enhance optical properties of such films, nanostructured, amorphous and porous thin films of (WO3)1-x(MeO)x (MeO= TiO2, MoO3, NiO; x=0.09, 0.17, 0.23, 0.29, 0.33) were fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Molar percentage of Me/W (Me= Ti, Mo and Ni) was changed in films with respect to targets; for Ti and Ni always a reduction, but for Mo an enhancement for low percentages was observed. The reason is the existence of thermal ablation mechanism during deposition, in the other word is different vapor pressure effect. An increment in x for...
Spectral Theory of Signed Graphs and Digraphs
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Saieed (Supervisor)
A signed graph is a pair like (G; ), where G is the underlying graph and : E(G) ! f1; +1g is a sign function on the edges of G. Here, we study the spectral determination problem for signed n-cycles (Cn; ) with respect to the adjacency spectrum and the Laplacian spectrum. In particular we prove that signed odd cycles and unbalanced even cycles are uniquely determined by their Laplacian spectrums, but balanced even cycles are not, and we find all L-cospectral mates for them. Moreover, signed odd cycles are uniquely determined by their spectrums but the signed even cycles, (except (C4;) and (C4; +)), are not and we find almost all cospectral mates for them. A mixed graph is obtained from a...
Enhancing the Accuracy of Temperature and Pressure Variables in Global Weather Models Using Machine Learning and Wavelet Transformation in the Urmia Basin
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Safaie Nematollahi, Ammar (Supervisor)
The objective of this research is to enhance the accuracy of temperature and pressure variables derived from global meteorological models such as ERA5 using machine learning and deep learning (ML-DL) techniques. Since variables like temperature and pressure are critical metrics for various processes and decision-making in fields such as agriculture and limnology, and they serve as input variables in most hydrological, hydrodynamic, and meteorological models, accessing high-precision time series with appropriate temporal resolution is of great importance. Currently, global meteorological models like ERA5 provide relatively long time series of these variables on a grid with spatial resolutions...
Stress Analysis of in Cross-ply Laminates in Bending
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nosier, Asghar (Supervisor)
In the present study, an analytical solution is developed to calculate the interlaminar stresses in long generally cross-ply laminated composite plates subjected to bending. At first, upon the integration of the strain-displacement relations and using the existing patterns in deformation of the long laminate, the general displacement field is extracted and simplified to the final form. Presented solution is based on a combined method containing the equivalent single-layer (ESL) theories beside the Reddy’s layerwise theory. In this method, the equivalent single-layer theories are utilized because of their simplicity and low computational efforts rather than the layerwise theory in evaluation...
Stress analysis in symmetric composite laminates subjected to shearing loads
, Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Volume 75 , 2013 , Pages 16-25 ; 00207403 (ISSN) ; Yazdani Sarvestani, H ; Nosier, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In the present study, an analytical solution is proposed to determine the interlaminar stresses in long symmetric laminated composite plates subjected to shearing loads. An improved first-order shear deformation theory (IFSDT) and a simplified IFSDT (SIFSDT) are utilized to calculate the unknown constants appearing in the reduced elasticity displacement field which actually demonstrate the global deformations of the plate. Then the numerical values of the interlaminar normal and shear stresses are established through the laminates by using Reddy's layerwise theory. Finally, several numerical examples are presented to study the interlaminar stresses in the interfaces of the layers and through...
Modeling Paramecium swimming in a capillary tube
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 23, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 658-667 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Shamloo, A ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
In certain types of biomimetic surgery systems, micro robots inspired by Paramecium are designed to swim in a capillary tube for gaining access to internal organs with minimal invasion. Gaining insight into the mechanics of Paramecium swimming in a capillary tube is vital for optimizing the design of such systems. There are two approaches to modeling the physics of micro swimming. In the envelope approach, which is widely accepted by researchers, Paramecium is approximated as a sphere, self-propelled by tangential and normal surface distortions. However, not only is this approach incapable of considering the specific geometry of Paramecium, but it also neglects short range hydrodynamic...