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Buckling Analysis of Beaded Metallic Cylindrical Shells
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Cylindrical shells are widely used in industries. For example, they are used as type 3 pressure vessel's liner. In this work, linear buckling of bead stiffened cylindrical shells under axial load or lateral pressure has been investigated by using numerical modeling. Bead form of cylindrical shell in longitudinal and circumferential direction and combination of both direction is considered. Different parameters such as number, dimension, direction (inside or outside) and cross-section's area of beaded form are considered. The obtained results show that creation of longitudinal beads decrease and increase the critical load and pressure compared to the simple cylindrical shell respectively. The...
An Appraisal of Trade and Transportation Trends in Asia-Europe-Africa
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vaziri, Manouchehr (Supervisor)
In this research, trade and transportation trends of Asia-Europe-Africa, in the both intercontinental and intracontinental levels have been analyzed. With analyses which are done in this research, determinant factors for modeling and investigating international bilateral trade in these three continents have been recognized. The relevant time-series data were extracted from centralized and international databases. The examined database consists of 11 variables grouped in four categories: bilateral trade data, transportation, geographical and socio-economic characteristics. Transportation data is based on three different networks. The first network consisted of highway, rail and marine modes...