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    Modeling and forecasting US presidential election using learning algorithms

    , Article Journal of Industrial Engineering International ; 2017 , Pages 1-10 ; 17355702 (ISSN) Zolghadr, M ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The primary objective of this research is to obtain an accurate forecasting model for the US presidential election. To identify a reliable model, artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector regression (SVR) models are compared based on some specified performance measures. Moreover, six independent variables such as GDP, unemployment rate, the president’s approval rate, and others are considered in a stepwise regression to identify significant variables. The president’s approval rate is identified as the most significant variable, based on which eight other variables are identified and considered in the model development. Preprocessing methods are applied to prepare the data for the... 

    Opposition-based learning for competitive hub location: a bi-objective biogeography-based optimization algorithm

    , Article Knowledge-Based Systems ; Volume 128 , 2017 , Pages 1-19 ; 09507051 (ISSN) Niknamfar, A. H ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper introduces a new hub-and-center transportation network problem for a new company competing against an operating company. The new company intends to locate p hubs and assign the center nodes to the located hubs in order to form origin–destination pairs. It desires not only to maximize the total captured flow in the market but also aims to minimize the total transportation cost. Three competition rules are established between the companies which must be abided. According to the competition rules, the new company can capture the full percentage of the traffic in each origin-destination pair if its transportation cost for each route is significantly less than of the competitor. If its... 

    A bi-objective hybrid optimization algorithm to reduce noise and data dimension in diabetes diagnosis using support vector machines

    , Article Expert Systems with Applications ; Volume 127 , 2019 , Pages 47-57 ; 09574174 (ISSN) Alirezaei, M ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition examined by data miners for reasons such as significant health complications in affected people, the economic impact on healthcare networks, and so on. In order to find the main causes of this disease, researchers look into the patient's lifestyle, hereditary information, etc. The goal of data mining in this context is to find patterns that make early detection of the disease and proper treatment easier. Due to the high volume of data involved in therapeutic contexts and disease diagnosis, provision of the intended treatment method become almost impossible over a short period of time. This justifies the use of pre-processing techniques and data... 

    Modeling and forecasting US presidential election using learning algorithms

    , Article Journal of Industrial Engineering International ; Volume 14, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 491-500 ; 17355702 (ISSN) Zolghadr, M ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    SpringerOpen  2018
    The primary objective of this research is to obtain an accurate forecasting model for the US presidential election. To identify a reliable model, artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector regression (SVR) models are compared based on some specified performance measures. Moreover, six independent variables such as GDP, unemployment rate, the president’s approval rate, and others are considered in a stepwise regression to identify significant variables. The president’s approval rate is identified as the most significant variable, based on which eight other variables are identified and considered in the model development. Preprocessing methods are applied to prepare the data for the... 

    A multi-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming to design an integrated production-distribution network under stochastic demands

    , Article Industrial Engineering and Management Systems ; Volume 17, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 417-433 ; 15987248 (ISSN) Derakhshi, M ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers  2018
    Supply chain management has gained much interest from researchers and practitioners in recent years. Proposing practical models that efficiently address different aspects of the supply chain is a difficult challenge. This research investigates an integrated production-distribution supply chain problem. The developed model incorporates parties with a specified number of processes to obtain raw materials from the suppliers in order to convert them to semi and final products. These products are then distributed through warehouses to end-distributors having uncertain demands. This uncertainty is captured as a dynamic stochastic data process during the planning horizon and is modeled into a... 

    The capacitated maximal covering location problem with heterogeneous facilities and vehicles and different setup costs: An effective heuristic approach

    , Article International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2020 , Pages 79-90 Hatami Gazani, M ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Growing Science  2020
    In this research, a maximal covering location problem (MCLP) with real-world constraints such as multiple types of facilities and vehicles with different setup costs is taken into account. An original mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is constructed in order to find the optimal solution. Since the problem at hand is shown to be NP-hard, a constructive heuristic method and a meta-heuristic approach based on genetic algorithm (GA) are developed to solve the problem. To find the most effective solution technique, a set of problems of different sizes is randomly generated and solved by the proposed solution methods. Computational results demonstrate that the heuristic method is... 

    Redundancy allocation problem of a system with increasing failure rates of components based on Weibull distribution: A simulation-based optimization approach

    , Article Reliability Engineering and System Safety ; Volume 152 , 2016 , Pages 187-196 ; 09518320 (ISSN) Pourkarim Guilani, P ; Azimi, P ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Akhavan Niaki, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2016
    The redundancy allocation problem (RAP) is a useful method to enhance system reliability. In most works involving RAP, failure rates of the system components are assumed to follow either exponential or k-Erlang distributions. In real world problems however, many systems have components with increasing failure rates. This indicates that as time passes by, the failure rates of the system components increase in comparison to their initial failure rates. In this paper, the redundancy allocation problem of a series-parallel system with components having an increasing failure rate based on Weibull distribution is investigated. An optimization method via simulation is proposed for modeling and a... 

    Optimizing a hybrid vendor-managed inventory and transportation problem with fuzzy demand: An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm

    , Article Information Sciences ; Vol. 272 , July , 2014 , pp. 126-144 ; ISSN: 00200255 Sadeghi, J ; Sadeghi, S ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a popular policy in supply chain management (SCM) to decrease bullwhip effect. Since the transportation cost plays an important role in VMI and because the demands are often fuzzy, this paper develops a VMI model in a multi-retailer single-vendor SCM under the consignment stock policy. The aim is to find optimal retailers' order quantities so that the total inventory and transportation cost are minimized while several constraints are satisfied. Because of the NP-hardness of the problem, an algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to find a near optimum solution, where the centroid defuzzification method is employed for... 

    A hybrid vendor managed inventory and redundancy allocation optimization problem in supply chain management: An NSGA-II with tuned parameters

    , Article Computers and Operations Research ; Vol. 41, issue. 1 , 2014 , p. 53-64 Sadeghi, J ; Sadeghi, S ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research, a bi-objective vendor managed inventory model in a supply chain with one vendor (producer) and several retailers is developed, in which determination of the optimal numbers of different machines that work in series to produce a single item is considered. While the demand rates of the retailers are deterministic and known, the constraints are the total budget, required storage space, vendor's total replenishment frequencies, and average inventory. In addition to production and holding costs of the vendor along with the ordering and holding costs of the retailers, the transportation cost of delivering the item to the retailers is also considered in the total chain cost. The... 

    A new link function in GLM-based control charts to improve monitoring of two-stage processes with Poisson response

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Vol. 72, issue. 9-12 , 2014 , p. 1243-1256 Asgari, A ; Amiri, A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a new procedure is developed to monitor a two-stage process with a second stage Poisson quality characteristic. In the proposed method, log and square root link functions are first combined to introduce a new link function that establishes a relationship between the Poisson variable of the second stage and the quality characteristic of the first stage. Then, the standardized residual statistic, which is independent of the quality characteristic in the previous stage and follows approximately standardized normal distribution, is computed based on the proposed link function. Then, Shewhart and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) cause-selecting charts are utilized to... 

    AFT regression-adjusted monitoring of reliability data in cascade processes

    , Article Quality and Quantity ; Volume 47, Issue 6 , 2013 , Pages 3349-3362 ; 00335177 (ISSN) Asadzadeh, S ; Aghaie, A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Today's competitive market has witnessed a growing interest in improving the reliability of products in both service and industrial operations. A large number of monitoring schemes have been introduced to effectively control the reliability-related quality characteristics. These methods have focused on single-stage processes or considered quality variables which are independent. However, the main feature of multistage processes is the cascade property which needs to be justified for the sake of optimal process monitoring. The problem becomes complicated when the presence of censored observations is pronounced. Therefore, both the effects of influential covariates and censored data must be... 

    New approaches in monitoring multivariate categorical processes based on contingency tables in phase II

    , Article Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; 2016 ; 07488017 (ISSN) Kamranrad, R ; Amiri, A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2016
    In some statistical process control (SPC) applications, quality of a process or product is characterized by contingency table. Contingency tables describe the relation between two or more categorical quality characteristics. In this paper, two new control charts based on the WALD and Stuart score test statistics are designed for monitoring of contingency table-based processes in Phase-II. The performances of the proposed control charts are compared with the generalized linear test (GLT) control chart proposed in the literature. The results show the better performance of the proposed control charts under small and moderate shifts. Moreover, new schemes are proposed to diagnose which cell... 

    A hybrid project scheduling and material ordering problem: modeling and solution algorithms

    , Article Applied Soft Computing Journal ; Volume 58 , 2017 , Pages 700-713 ; 15684946 (ISSN) Zoraghi, N ; Shahsavar, A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A novel combination of a multimode project scheduling problem with material ordering, in which material procurements are exposed to the total quantity discount policy is investigated in this paper. The study aims at finding an optimal Pareto frontier for a triple objective model derived for the problem. While the first objective minimizes the makespan of the project, the second objective maximizes the robustness of the project schedule and finally the third objective minimizes the total costs pertaining to renewable and nonrenewable resources involved in a project. Four well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms including non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII), strength... 

    Multiproduct EPQ model with single machine, backordering and immediate rework process

    , Article European Journal of Industrial Engineering ; Volume 5, Issue 4 , 2011 , Pages 388-411 ; 17515254 (ISSN) Taleizadeh, A. A ; Sadjadi, S. J ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Production systems with scrapped and rework items have recently become an interesting subject of research. While most attempts have been focused on finding the optimal production quantity in a simple production system, little work appears on a joint production environment. In this research, two joint production systems in a form of multiproduct single machine with and without rework are studied where shortage is allowed and backordered. For each system, the optimal cycle length, the backordered and production quantities of each product are determined such that the cost function is minimised. Proof of the convexity of the involved objective functions of each model is provided and numerical... 

    Statistical design of genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems

    , Article Mathematical Problems in Engineering ; Volume 2011 , 2011 ; 1024123X (ISSN) Shahsavar, M ; Najafi, A. A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Many genetic algorithms (GA) have been applied to solve different NP-complete combinatorial optimization problems so far. The striking point of using GA refers to selecting a combination of appropriate patterns in crossover, mutation, and and so forth and fine tuning of some parameters such as crossover probability, mutation probability, and and so forth. One way to design a robust GA is to select an optimal pattern and then to search for its parameter values using a tuning procedure. This paper addresses a methodology to both optimal pattern selection and the tuning phases by taking advantage of design of experiments and response surface methodology. To show the performances of the proposed... 

    Three self-adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for a triple-objective project scheduling problem

    , Article Computers and Industrial Engineering ; Volume 87 , September , 2015 , Pages 4-15 ; 03608352 (ISSN) Shahsavar, A ; Najafi, A. A ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2015
    Finding a Pareto-optimal frontier is widely favorable among researchers to model existing conflict objectives in an optimization problem. Project scheduling is a well-known problem in which investigating a combination of goals eventuate in a more real situation. Although there are many different types of objectives based on the situation on hand, three basic objectives are the most common in the literature of the project scheduling problem. These objectives are: (i) the minimization of the makespan, (ii) the minimization of the total cost associated with the resources, and (iii) the minimization of the variability in resources usage. In this paper, three genetic-based algorithms are proposed... 

    Soft time-windows for a bi-objective vendor selection problem under a multi-sourcing strategy: Binary-continuous differential evolution

    , Article Computers and Operations Research ; Volume 76 , 2016 , Pages 43-59 ; 03050548 (ISSN) Niknamfar, A. H ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2016
    This paper introduces a novel and practical integration of the inventory control and vendor selection problems for a manufacturing system that provides multiple products for several stores located in different places. The replenishment policy of each store is the economic order quantity under a multi-sourcing strategy in which the demand rate decreases as the selling price increases. In this strategy, the ordered quantity of each store for each product can be replenished by a set of selected vendors among all. In addition, the selected vendors can deliver the required products within a certain time window based on a soft time-window mechanism. The aim is to minimize the total system cost and... 

    Phase II monitoring of general linear profiles in the presence of between-profile autocorrelation

    , Article Quality and Reliability Engineering International ; Volume 32, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 443-452 ; 07488017 (ISSN) Khedmati, M ; AKhavan Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2
    In this paper, an approach based on the U statistic is first proposed to eliminate the effect of between-profile autocorrelation of error terms in Phase-II monitoring of general linear profiles. Then, a control chart based on the adjusted parameter estimates is designed to monitor the parameters of the model. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the ones of some existing methods in terms of average run length for weak, moderate, and strong autocorrelation coefficients under different shift scenarios. The results show that the proposed method provides significantly better results than the competing methods to detect shifts in the regression parameters, while the competing... 

    A genetic algorithm for resource investment problem with discounted cash flows

    , Article Applied Mathematics and Computation ; Volume 183, Issue 2 , 2006 , Pages 1057-1070 ; 00963003 (ISSN) Najafi, A. A ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    A resource investment problem with discounted cash flows is a project scheduling problem in which the availability levels of the resources are considered decision variables and the goal is to find a schedule and resource requirement levels such that the net present value of the project cash flows optimizes. In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm to solve this problem. We explain the elements of the algorithm such as chromosome structure, fitness function, crossover, mutation, and local improvement operations and solve more than 220 problems with known optimal solutions to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The results of the experimentation are quite satisfactory. ©... 

    Resource investment problem with discounted cash flows

    , Article International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications ; Volume 18, Issue 1 , 2005 , Pages 53-64 ; 1728-144X (ISSN) Najafi, A. A ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Materials and Energy Research Center  2005
    A resource investment problem is a project-scheduling problem in which the availability levels of the resources are considered as decision variables and the goal is to find a schedule, and resource requirement levels, such that some objective function optimizes. In this paper, we consider a resource investment problem in which the goal is to maximize the net present value of the project cash flows. We call this problem as Resource Investment Problem with Discounted Cash Flows (RIPDCF) and we develop a heuristic method to solve it. Results of several numerical examples show that the proposed method performs relatively well