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MFP-Unet: A novel deep learning based approach for left ventricle segmentation in echocardiography
, Article Physica Medica ; Volume 67 , 2019 , Pages 58-69 ; 11201797 (ISSN) ; GhelichOghli, M ; Alizadehasl, A ; Shiri, I ; Oveisi, N ; Oveisi, M ; Maleki, M ; Dhooge, J ; Sharif University of Technology
Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica
Segmentation of the Left ventricle (LV) is a crucial step for quantitative measurements such as area, volume, and ejection fraction. However, the automatic LV segmentation in 2D echocardiographic images is a challenging task due to ill-defined borders, and operator dependence issues (insufficient reproducibility). U-net, which is a well-known architecture in medical image segmentation, addressed this problem through an encoder-decoder path. Despite outstanding overall performance, U-net ignores the contribution of all semantic strengths in the segmentation procedure. In the present study, we have proposed a novel architecture to tackle this drawback. Feature maps in all levels of the decoder...
Design and Efficient Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithm for ECG Classification
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hashemi, Matin (Supervisor)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally so early diagnosis of them is important. Many researchers focused on this field. First signs of cardiac diseases appear in the electrocardiogram signal. This signal represents the electrical activity of the heart so it’s primarily used for the detection and classification of cardiac arrhythmias. Permanent monitoring of this signal is not possible for specialists so we should do this by means of Artificial Intelligence. In this thesis, we use recurrent neural networks to classify electrocardiogram’s arrhythmias. This deep learning method, use two sources of data to learn from. The first part of data is global for everyone and the...
Vibration Analysis of Truncated FG Conical Sandwich Shell With Electrorheological Fluid Layer
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Haddadpour, Hassan
In this thesis, free vibrations of a three-layer conical shell with two FG layers and an electrorheological intermediate layer have been investigated. Also, the effects of electrical field and the FG power index that a constant related to the composition of the FG material in the shell vibration parameters (natural frequency, damping and mode shapes) have been investigated. For modeling the viscoelastic behavior in the electrorheological material, the Kelvin-Voight model and for modeling shell structure the FSDT shell model was employed. Also, in order to obtain the displacement field in the middle layer, a suitable assumption for continuity between different layers of the shell has been...
Processing study of gel-cast tubular porous NiO/SDC composite materials from gel-combustion synthesized nanopowder
, Article Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology ; Volume 97, Issue 3 , 2021 , Pages 581-592 ; 09280707 (ISSN) ; khakpour, Z ; Faghihi sani, M. A ; Kazemzad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In the present research, NiO–SDC (Samarium doped Ceria) nanopowder was synthesized through sol–gel combustion method using citric acid as a reducing agent (fuel) and metal nitrates as an oxidant. The characteristics of the synthesized powder were thoroughly analyzed by DTA/TG, XRD, BET and FESEM/EDX. Tubular gel-casted porous specimens of NiO–SDC (50:50 wt%) composite materials were produced after stabilizing suspensions of composite powder in an aqueous environment by addition of 3 wt% dispersant and 2.5 wt% agar as the gel builder. The effect of Dolapix CE64 as a dispersant, agar as a gel-builder and the amount of solid loadings on the processing and properties of porous ceramics was...
An Investigation on the Effects of Porous Media on Propagation of Aero-acoustic Waves, Using LBM
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Tayyebi Rahni, Mohammad
Massah, Hamid Reza
With advances in technology, production and propagation of sound waves in the air has become very important. One of the main goals of study of these waves is controlling them. The environment plays the most important role in sound propagation. Therefore, the properties of the environment and their effects should be studied. One such concern studied widespread previously, is porosity and porous media effects on the properties of a fluid flow and sound waves through it. An important application of this study is sound proofing systems. In this project two-dimensional numerical simulation of aeroacoustic waves passing through a porous media is carried out, using Lattice Boltzmann Method. The aim...
Metal-organic framework (MIL-100 (Fe)): synthesis, detailed photocatalytic dye degradation ability in colored textile wastewater and recycling
, Article Materials Research Bulletin ; Volume 100 , April , 2018 , Pages 357-366 ; 00255408 (ISSN) ; Abdi, J ; Oveisi, M ; Alinia Asli, M ; Vossoughi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In this paper, three metal-organic frameworks (Materials of Institut Lavoisier: MILs-100 (Fe)) as porous nanomaterials were synthesized using FeCl3, Fe(NO3)3 and Fe2(SO4)3 and denoted as MIL-100-1, MIL-100-2 and MIL-100-3, respectively. The synthesized MILs-100 (Fe) were characterized by FTIR, SEM, TEM, XRD, UV–vis DRS and zeta potential. Basic Blue 41 (BB41) was used as a model dye to study the photocatalytic dye degradation ability of the synthesized metal organic frameworks. The results showed that the synthesized nanomaterials decolorized BB41. The decolorization kinetics followed first-order kinetic model. The rate constant was 0.0034, 0.0041, 0.0091 and 0.0289 (1/min) for 0.01, 0.02,...
Effective removal of mercury from aqueous solution using thiol-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles
, Article Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management ; Volume 7 , 2017 , Pages 130-138 ; 22151532 (ISSN) ; Nikazar, M ; Razzaghi, M. H ; Mirrahimi, M. A. S ; Jafarzadeh, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
The present investigation demonstrates the effective removal of Hg(II) ions from aqueous solution by means of thiol-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (TF-MNPs). After preparation, TF-MNPs have been characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetric (TG) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The XRD and FESEM analyses revealed the presence of magnetic nanoparticles with an average particle size of 15–30 nm. The result of FT-IR analysis confirmed that the magnetite nanoparticles have been successfully functionalized by thiol groups. The particles illustrated enough response...
Performance of three-level spectrally encoded spreadtime CDMA in the presence of multiple interferences [electronic resource]
, Article IET Communications ; July 2011, Volume 5, Issue 10, P. 1328-1335 ; Mashhadi, Saeed ; Salehi, J. A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study the authors present an in-depth study, analysis and discussion on maximum likelihood (ML)-based receiver for a typical spectrally encoded spread-time CDMA in the presence of multiple narrowband interference (NBI) signals in an additive white Gaussian noise channel. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that by combining useful properties of ML-based receiver and three-level codes, that is, codes with values of -1, 0, +1, the authors can introduce a new strategy in which superior performance with respect to previous receiver structure based on two-level codes, that is, codes with values of -1, +1, can be attained. With the help of an example, the authors drive, first, the...
Investigation of Multiphase Flow in Oil Wells (with Focus on Two Phase Flow), Flow Pattern Recognition and Modeling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shad, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Jamshidi, Saeed (Supervisor)
The concurrent flow of oil and water is a common occurrence in the field of multiphase flow in different fields including petroleum industry. In oil and gas, production engineers often face a situation in which more than one phase is flowing through the producers. In such conditions an accurate assessment of pressure loss inside the well plays a vital role in efficient and effective production planning. Changes in well orientation, wellbore diameter, reservoir and fluid properties as well as fluid flow rates are among parameters in which will affect the flow patterns that can occur inside a well during its life time. These flow patterns are created as a result of a competition between...
Casing Design Optimization Considering Drilling and Production Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jamshidi, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Shad, Saeed (Supervisor)
Casing design is one of the most expensive parts in the drilling of oil wells, and any cost reduction with the basic design of these casing strings will significantly reduce the total cost of the operation. In recent years, occurring scenarios-based casing design has become popular; Because in many cases, it eliminates non-occurring scenarios such as gas kick and saves on drilling costs. In this study, we have tried to investigate all scenarios that may occur during the lifetime of the well, whether drilling or production, and for each well, based on its own field information, possible scenarios for each casing part are selected separately and the applying loads are calculated. For this...
Optimization of a vanillin assay for determination of anthocyanins using D-optimal design
, Article Analytical Methods ; Volume 4, Issue 3 , Feb , 2012 , Pages 824-829 ; 17599660 (ISSN) ; Roohi, T ; Moghaddam, G ; Khoshayand, F ; Shahbazikhah, P ; Oveisi, M. R ; Hajimahmoodi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The vanillin assay is a spectrophotometric method for anthocyanin determination that is simple, quick and inexpensive. The method is preferred because of its high sensitivity, specificity and simplicity; however, the results of this test are influenced by several factors. Hence, a D-optimal experimental design approach was investigated to simultaneously, without loss of information, optimize five factors that influence the vanillin assay: acid normality, vanillin concentration, temperature, time and acid type. Further optimization with a D-optimal design and response surface analysis (RSM) showed that a second-order polynomial model fit the experimental data appropriately. The optimum...
PRI (Palm Rotation Indicator): a metric for postural stability in dynamic nonprehensile manipulation [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of MECHANIKA ; 2012, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 461-466 ; Meghdar, Ali ; Sohrabpour, Saeed ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, we discuss the postural stability of a nonprehensile manipulation problem, which deals with multibody objects. As a metric for postural stability, we define PRI. Then, the system is posturally stable, if PRI is inside the convex hull of the object-manipulator contact surface. We then discuss that dynamic biped locomotion is a special case of dynamic nonprehensile manipulation in all aspects; we prove that ZMP (zero-moment point) and FRI (zoot rotation indicator) are special cases of PRI (palm rotation indicator). Simulations and experiments corresponding to simple examples support the results
On the Domination Polynomial of Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Saeed (Supervisor)Some Applications of Combinatorial Nullstellensatz in Graph Theory and Combinatorics
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Electrochemical Determination of Piroxicam at thin Carbon
Nanoparticle Composite And Investigation of the Electrochemical Behavior and Synthesis of Catechols in the Presence of Mercapto Methyl Tetrazol as a Nucleophile
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
The electrochemical oxidation behavior of the anti-inflammatory drug piroxicam was investigated. A carbon nanoparticle (CNP)-chitosan (CS) film-coated graphite electrode (PGE) was fabricated and the electrochemical behaviors of piroxicam on its surface was investigated by the means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In comparison to the bare PGE, at the surface of the CNP-CS film modified electrode, the oxidation peak current of piroxicam increased significantly and the peak potential shifted negatively. Consequently, a simple and sensitive electroanalytical method was developed for the determination of piroxicam. The...
Chemically Modified Electrodes Based on Conducting Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes: Application to Voltammetric Determination of Some Biological and Pharmaceutical Compounds
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
There are high attractions in the development of conducting polymer (CP) coatings to improve the electrochemical properties and biocompatibility of electrodes in the area of biosensors. In the first part of this thesis, a new type of modified electrodes, constructing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and polypyrrole is prepared in a layer-by-layer process. In this procedure, the glassy carbon electrode is casted first by a drop suspension of MWCNTs, leading to formation a thin film on its surface. In the second step, electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole in the presence of tiron (used as doping anion) is performed on the surface of the MWCNTs pre-coated electrode. The modification...
Research on Influences of Coating on Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Ni-Base Superalloy René 80
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Nategh, Saeed (Supervisor)
In this thesis, based on the taking-off and landing of aircraft with GE 21-J85 turbine, the low cycle fatigue (LCF) test for superalloy used in first stage blades is considered. The LCF tests were performed on both coated and uncoated Rene 80 which are used in GE 21-J85 turbine at R = (min/max) = 0, strain rate of 2 10-3 s-1 and 760oC, 871oC and 982oC. To produce specimens, an investment casting method was used so that adequate amount of polycrystalline round bars could be obtained. The specimens were all homogenized and solution treated. After the inspection, some specimens were coated with pack cementation method in CODEP-B powder in H2 atmosphere. The coated and uncoated specimens all...
Voltammetric Determination of Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan Using Graphite Electrode Modified with a Thin Film of Graphite/Diamond Nano-mixture And Determination of omeprazole Using Graphite Electrode
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
At the first part of this thesis, a pyrolitic graphite electrode (PGE) modified with graphite/nanodiamond film (GND) was applied as a sensitive electrochemical sensor for determination and study of electrochemical behavior of tryptophan (Trp) and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) in aqueous solutions. The results showed that GND caused a remarkable increase in the peak currents so the GND/PGE electrode surface was more sensitive to the concentration of Trp and 5-HTP than the PGE surface. The determination of Trp and 5-HTP were investigated by stripping voltammetry. Experimental parameters such as scan rate, pH, accumulation conditions and amount of the modifier used on the PGE surface were...
Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Epinephrine and UricAcid in Presence of Ascorbic Acid Using Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode Modified with Nano- diamond/graphite Film & Voltammetric Determination of Levothyroxine at the Surface of Edge Plane Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
Part 1: A novel modified pyrolytic graphite electrode with nanodiamond/graphite was fabricated. The electrochemical response characteristics of the modified electrode toward the epinephrine (EN) and uric acid (UA) are studied by means of cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry. The structural morphology and thickness of the film was characterized by SEM technique.The prepared electrode shows an excellent catalytic activity in the electrochemical oxidation of EN and UA, leading to remarkable enhancements in the corresponding peak currents and lowering the peak potentials. The prepared modified electrode acts as a highly sensitive sensor for simultaneous determination of EN and UA in the presence...