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    Peak-power and Energy Co-management in Fault-tolerant Multicore Embedded Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pasandideh, Mostafa (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Embedded real-time systems have limitations on power consumption, mainly due to battery usage and temperature constraints. In addition, a large part of these systems has timing constraints. These constraints should be considered when we use power management techniques. Nowadays, due to the use of fault-tolerance techniques, power consumption and especially peak power consumption are increased so it can miss Thermal Design Power constraint. Recently, due to the conservative design of TDP for chips, it is not considered, and hence, a new power constraint as Thermal Safe Power is defined for thermal and power characteristic of the system. The purpose of this study is to define an optimization... 

    Prediction and Compensation of Intraoperative Brain Shift Using Biomechanical Modeling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pasandideh Pour, Javad (Author) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor)
    The human brain is the most sensitive and important human organ and surgery must be done with high precision and without risk. During surgery, brain tissue deform continuously due to gravity, out of the cerebrospinal fluid and the changing pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid and the surgical maneuvers. Because the surgeon has no direct view on brain internal, the ways to solve this problem is to pay attention. This method makes it possible to the surgeon see in the brain and the brain tissue deformation. This thesis method is based on biomechanical modeling. After forming finite element model from the pre-operative MRI, brain surface and volume datasets during surgery as a load, apply to the... 

    Design and Construction of Copper Bromide Laser

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pasandideh, Kaveh (Author) ; Saddighi Bonabi, Rasoul (Supervisor)
    In this work, design and construction of copper vapor and Cu Br laser is explained. By special design of copper electrodes the average power from Cu laser system was increased more than 20% in comparison to the same system with expensive electrodes made from molybdenum. However, the basic goal of this work was the construction of CuBr laser. Based on the home made fast trigger unit for Hydrogen thyratron, operation of the manufactured system was possible up to 25 kHz. By using special designed copper electrodes very uniform operation of CuBr plasma diluted in Ne gas was observed. By tuning of the laser parameters such as gas pressure, exciting voltage and pulse repetition rate, from 9 Cm3 of... 

    Picosecond and Tunable Distributed Feedback Dye Lasers

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Pasandideh, Kaveh (Author) ; Sadighi Bonabi, Rasoul (Supervisor)
    Distributed feedback dye lasers are among the suitable candidates for spectroscopic applications due to their capability of producing widely tunable picosecond pulses in UV-IR region. However, the pulsewidth sensitivity of the laser to pump intensity fluctuations hinders its suitability for precision applications. In this thesis, by utilizing widely used Self Q-Switching model, we showed that if the dye solution is pumped by a narrow (sub-nanosecond) pulse, the laser can operates in the single-pulse output mode with a better stability over a wide range of pump intensity. After that, we used a dynamical model based on the induced polarization and Maxwell equations, where the obtained results... 

    The effect of pulsewidth of pumping pulse on the stability of distributed feedback dye laser

    , Article Laser Physics ; Volume 27, Issue 4 , 2017 ; 1054660X (ISSN) Pasandideh, K ; Rahbari, M ; Sadighi Bonabi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2017
    The generation of a single and stable picosecond pulse by distributed feedback dye laser is investigated in this work. The numerical result for the rate equation system that includes the thermal effects in the lasing medium is provided. By applying this model to Rhodamine 6G, it is found that considerable improvement in the stability of the laser can be achieved by pumping the system with narrower laser pulses. The simulation shows that if the dye solution is pumped by sub-200 ps pulse, the laser can be operated in single-pulse output mode with acceptable stability in pulsewidth over a long range of pumping intensity. This result is confirmed by a more complicated model composed of... 

    Narrow linewidth, tunable dye laser by multiple-prism beam expander

    , Article Optical and Quantum Electronics ; Volume 49, Issue 9 , 2017 ; 03068919 (ISSN) Pasandideh, K ; Rahbari, M ; Bonabi, R. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    12 mJ, 10-Hz green pulses from frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser was used for pumping Rhodamine 6G in a dye laser based on multiple-prism beam expander. In order to increase the stability of the output pulse, a unique dye cell with variable dimensions of active medium was designed and constructed. By using multiple-prism dispersion theory, conditions for zero-dispersion in two and four-prism beam expander configuration was calculated. In the case of two-prism configuration, tuning range of dye laser was 565–595 nm and the linewidth of pulse at 580 nm was about 1.8 nm and it is in good agreement with the calculated amount of 1.6 nm. Furthermore, using four-prism configuration tuning range of... 

    Genetic application in a facility location problem with random demand within queuing framework

    , Article Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing ; Volume 23, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 651-659 ; 09565515 (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H. R ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In many service and industrial applications of the facility location problem, the number of required facilities along with allocation of the customers to the facilities are the two major questions that need to be answered. In this paper, a facility location problem with stochastic customer demand and immobile servers is studied. Two objectives considered in this problem are: (1) minimizing the average customer waiting time and (2) minimizing the average facility idletime percentage. We formulate this problem using queuing theory and solve the model by a genetic algorithm within the desirability function framework. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the applications of the proposed... 

    Optimizing the economic production quantity model with discrete delivery orders

    , Article Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research ; Volume 44, Issue 2 , 2010 , Pages 49-62 ; 0424267X (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H. R ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Similar to other existing classical production and inventory control models, the economic production quantity (EPQ) model is derived based upon some assumptions that cause its limited real-world applications. One of the assumptions in this model is that the orders are delivered in a continuous and constant rate. In order to make the EPQ model more applicable to real-world production and inventory control environments, in this research, an EPQ model is considered in which the orders are delivered discretely in the form of multiple pallets. Under this condition, the EPQ costs are derived and a new model is developed to find the optimum values of both the economic order quantity and the reorder... 

    Modeling and solving a bi-objective joint replenishment-location problem under incremental discount: MOHSA and NSGA-II

    , Article Operational Research ; Volume 20, Issue 4 , 2020 , Pages 2365-2396 Pasandideh, S.H.R ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Abdollahi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2020
    In this paper, the joint replenishment-location problem of some distribution centers (DCs) with a centralized decision maker who is responsible for ordering and dispatching shipments of a single product is modeled. The warehouse spaces of the DCs are limited and the product is sold under an incremental discount policy. The model seeks to minimize the total cost of the supply chain under the joint replenishment policy along with minimizing the cost of locating the DCs in potential sites as the first objective. The second objective is to minimize the warehouse space of all DCs using the revisable approach. As the proposed model is a bi-objective integer non-linear optimization problem... 

    A genetic algorithm approach to optimize a multi-products EPQ model with discrete delivery orders and constrained space

    , Article Applied Mathematics and Computation ; Volume 195, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 506-514 ; 00963003 (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H. R ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    The economic production quantity (EPQ) is one of the most applicable model in production and inventory control environments. Like other classical production and inventory control models, it is derived based upon assumptions that cause limited real-world applications. Continuous and constant-rate delivery of orders, infinite availability of warehouse spaces, and applicability on a single product are some of these assumptions. In order to make the EPQ model more applicable to real-world production and inventory control problems, in this paper, we expand this model by assuming that the orders may be delivered discretely in the form multiple pallets. In addition, we may have more than one... 

    Optimizing multi-response statistical problems using a genetic algorithm

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2006 , Pages 50-59 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H. R ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2006
    In this paper, two methods to solve multi-response statistical problems are presented. In these methods, desirability function, genetic algorithm and simulation methodology are applied. The desirability function is responsible for modeling the multi-response statistical problem, the genetic algorithm tries to optimize the model and, finally, the simulation approach generates the required input data from a simulated system. The methods differ from each other in controlling the randomness of the problem. In the first method, replications control this randomness, while, in the second method, the randomness is controlled by a statistical test. Furthermore, these methods are compared by designed... 

    A two-echelon single-period inventory control problem under budget constraint

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 56, Issue 9-12 , 2011 , Pages 1205-1214 ; 02683768 (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H ; Niaki, S. T. A ; Rashidi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper points out an application of the "two-echelon single-period product (newsboy) problem," in which within a limited budget the final product and the raw materials are purchased before the start of the selling period and depending on the demand, the raw materials may be transformed into the finished product during the period. The objective of this problem is to find the order quantities of both the raw materials and the final product at the beginning of the period such that the expected profit is maximized. A new model is first developed for this problem and then a Lagrangian method is proposed to solve it. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the application of the... 

    A parameter-tuned genetic algorithm for multi-product economic production quantity model with space constraint, discrete delivery orders and shortages

    , Article Advances in Engineering Software ; Volume 41, Issue 2 , 2010 , Pages 306-314 ; 09659978 (ISSN) Pasandideh, S. H. R ; Niaki, S.T.A ; Yeganeh, J. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a multi-product economic production quantity problem with limited warehouse-space is considered in which the orders are delivered discretely in the form of multiple pallets and the shortages are completely backlogged. We show that the model of the problem is a constrained non-linear integer program and propose a genetic algorithm to solve it. Moreover, design of experiments is employed to calibrate the parameters of the algorithm for different problem sizes. At the end, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the application of the proposed methodology  

    Simultaneous management of peak-power and reliability in heterogeneous multicore embedded systems

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; Volume 31, Issue 3 , 2020 , Pages 623-633 Ansari, M ; Saber Latibari, J ; Pasandideh, M ; Ejlali, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2020
    Analysis of reliability, power, and performance at hardware and software levels due to heterogeneity is a crucial requirement for heterogeneous multicore embedded systems. Escalating power densities have led to thermal issues for heterogeneous multicore embedded systems. This paper proposes a peak-power-aware reliability management scheme to meet power constraints through distributing power density on the whole chip such that reliability targets are satisfied. In this paper, we consider peak power consumption as a system-level power constraint to prevent system failure. To balance the power consumption, we also employ a Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS) method to further reduce peak power... 

    Study, Analysis & Optimizing The Process Of Approval, Design & Implementation Of Projects In The Iranian Oil Terminal Company(IOTC)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moosavi, Saeed (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Since the Iranian oil terminals company(I.O.T.C.) has been the main and strategic gateway of exporting petroleum in the country and plays an important role in the optimum continuity of national, regional and international energy supply chain and also conducting the needed projects whit a desirable quality and minimum time and cost has a prominent influence on steady continuity of manufacturing, importing and exporting of petroleum and gas production. The main purpose of doing this thesis is diagnosing the process of approval, design and implementation of projects in the I.O.T.C., Thus, whit regarding to the modern needs of implementing projects and the necessity of reviewing the structure... 

    Study & Analysis of Delays Causes of Gas Projects in Tehran Gas Company & presenting Optimized Solutions by Applying Project Management Principles

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Elahe (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    To deliver gas in time to different consumers like as industrial, commercial and domestic users is one of the most important parts in gas industry. So it is very important to utilize these projects in the specified time. There are huge harms for client, contractors and consumers when there is a delay in project utilization. To identify effective parameters on delays to remove them in future is an essential factor. In this research, all delay causes for TPGC (Tehran Province Gas Company) projects are analyzed and some solutions to remove these delays are presented. 10 hypotheses in relation of gas delivery have been assumed as delay causes. Then some questions have been discussed in relation... 

    Service Level Agreement Templates and Guides for Implementing, using eTOM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdioun, Saeid (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, in communication industry, specially data network, in which service quality is a serious parameter, request for making connection with appropriate quality (Proportionate to demands) and necessity of clarification of obligations of service providers and customers, as well as customer awareness of submitted materials and offering various services with different qualities & costs, led service providers, specially IP based networks, to make agreements with their customers, entitled service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA specifies the service type, mutual obligations, related parameters, measuring methods, violation threshold, penalties and loss compensation. Whereas, applying... 

    Condition Monitoring of Water Pipelines by Using Acoustic Method a Study of Leak Detection in ABFA

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alimoradi, Farid (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Water is crucial to human being. We use water for a wide variety of uses daily. However, leakage has caused substantial water loss to our precious processed water. The major contributor to non-revenue water in Iran is pipeline leakages. The water industry in the nation has invested in equipment to detect and localize leaks in water distribution systems. One of the equipment mentioned is acoustic-based. The principle of acoustic is that whenever a leak is present in a pipeline, noise is generated and will travel along the pipeline. The acoustic leak detection method is then derived by calculating the distance traveled by this noise generated by the leak. Different equipment based on acoustic... 

    Assessment and Performance Improvement of Hierarchical Voltage Control System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davoodi, Ehsan (Author) ; Parniani, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Hierarchical voltage control is one of the conventional kinds of coordinated voltage control schemes which has been studied in some countries in the last decades. In this method network is divided into several voltage control regions and in each region voltage profile is controlled near optimal level, satisfying the economic and secure goals of the network performance. In this thesis, after the explanation of the main concepts of this scheme, its effects on the network voltage control is assessed and its performance is improved. First the primary concepts of hierarchical voltage control are explained. Then, the methods of the control regions determination and pilot nodes selection are... 

    Analyzing the Healthcare Wastes and Feasibility Study of Related Items (Plastics)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mesbah, Niousha (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Increasing population and competition for producing various productions and also more consumption in recent decades, result in producing more wastes. Therefore effective and continuous waste management is essential for monitoring the process (from the wastes generation source to the waste disposal) and establishing the efficient strategies to reduce wastes. One of the major sources of waste generation is hospitals that cause lots of environmental problem unless they are managed properly.Recycling is an important element of waste management that can reduce costs by innovative and proper management. The purpose of this research is identification of recyclable plastic items and estimates the...