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Radar Directional Finding by Interferometric Method in 2-18 GHzBW
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Farzane, Frohar (Supervisor) ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansor (Co-Advisor)
One of the important jobs of ESM and Elint receiver is to find the direction of arrival of the targets. Also DOA estimation has applications in guiding missiles and jammers location, position finding using of multiple DF systems which are placed in different locations is the most important use of this type of system.
A DF system has multiple parts: receiver, algorithm and arrays of antennas.
Amplitude comparison algorithms are more simple but on the other hand phase comparison algorithms prepare more accurate estimation. In this thesis these algorithms are simulated and to each other. And it will be concluded that, in the application being test, the "MUSIC" algorithm is the best....
A DF system has multiple parts: receiver, algorithm and arrays of antennas.
Amplitude comparison algorithms are more simple but on the other hand phase comparison algorithms prepare more accurate estimation. In this thesis these algorithms are simulated and to each other. And it will be concluded that, in the application being test, the "MUSIC" algorithm is the best....
Automatic Intra Pulse Modulation Recognition of RF Signal with FPGA Implementation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansour (Supervisor)
Automatic modulation recognition is an improving area in signal processing that has been interest of research institutes in recent years. Every signal intelligence system consists of three parts: Front, middle prcessing, Output. which Automatic recognition system is in the middle processing. Vast researches has been done on front and output section. By the way output section demands proper work by modulation recognition section in order to work appropriately. With the right knowledge of the receiving modulation, output section can jam or demodulate the receiving signal by demand. Intrapulse modulation in this research is the meaningful variation of frequency, amplitude or phase of a signal....
Design and Digital Simulation of New Method for Deinterleaving Radar Complex Signals
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Pezeshk, Amir Mansour
Farzaneh, Forouhar
It is generally accepted that Electronic Warfare has three distinct components: (1) electronic support (ES), (2) electronic attack (EA), and (3) electronic protect (EP). ES is included those measures taken to collect information about an adversary by intercepting radiated emissions. EA refers to attempting to deny adversaries access to their information by radiating energy into their receivers. EP includes activities under taken to prevent an adversary from successfully conducting ES or EA on friendly forces.
The function of Electronic Support Measurement (ESM) System is considered as a part of the first component (i.e. ES). After receiving emitted signals from various radars by ESM...
The function of Electronic Support Measurement (ESM) System is considered as a part of the first component (i.e. ES). After receiving emitted signals from various radars by ESM...
High Speed Digital Receiver, Design and Implementation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sanaei, Esmaeel (Supervisor) ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansoor (Supervisor)
Nowadays, increasingly improvements in the digital technology and the advantages of using digital signal processing methods lead engineers to use digital signal processing instead of analog processing in variant domains. However, speed limitations in analog to digital converters (ADCs) and data transfer ports prevent its penetration to high frequency signals region. In this thesis, an Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) system that can measure frequency in the range of 2-18 GHz is implemented fully digital (DIFM) on FPGA. To do so, monobit sampling technique with the sampling rate of 10 GHz is selected, and GTX high speed serial port is configured to transfer digital data into FPGA....
Exploiting Bandpass Sampling and Compressed Sensing Alghorithms for RF to Digital Direct Conversion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tabandeh, Mahmoud (Supervisor) ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansour (Co-Advisor)
The target of reconnaissance receivers is to detect radio frequencies and pulses present in the environment and extracting their characteristics. To receive the signals in the range of 2 to 18 GHz, different receptors can be used. Each receptor has its specific aplications, advantages and disadvantages. In this project, we proposed a receptor scheme with the following features: 1-simple hardware, 2-ability to detect simultaneous signals, 3-hundred percent probability of intercept (POI), 4-high input bandwidth and 5-rapid threat detection. To have such a receptor, we should move data processing parts of receptor to digital domain as much as possible, and reduce the amount of analog...
RF Signal Sampling using Compress Sensing and its Implementation on FPGA
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansour (Supervisor)
Analog-to-digital conversion and signal processing has been increasing due to its many advantages. So that mostly we prefer to convert signal from analog area to digital samples, then they are processed and finaly put the result signal at the system output. How ever because the restriction of the sampling rate, Prevent the spread of digital processing for the high-frequency signal (RF). In recent years, ADCs sampling rate rise up to several GHz (for example ADC with 4 GSPS and 12 bits for TI) that output of the these ADCs by powerful and fast FPGAs are processed but According to Shannon theorem band width of these ADCs is not desirable.the goal of this thesis uses of the compressed sensing...
Optimization on TDOA-Based Localization and its Feasibility Study
Ph.D. Dissertation
Sharif University of Technology
Haj Sadeghi, Khosrow
Pezeshk, Amir Mansour
In this thesis, the problem of locating a source based on the time difference of arrival (TDOA) has been studied and three different methods have been presented to improve the precision of the positioning. The first method is a solution to the least square error (LSE) by utilizing a convex problem. Generally, the mentioned problem is a non-convex problem; however, it is possible to convert it to a convex one by some relaxation in the constraints. By some justifiable and insightful relaxation, not only we obtain a convex problem, but also the exact solution of the main problem is derived. The second method is using high perturbed TDOA measurements which severely affected the localization....
Digital Modulation Recognition of Communication Signals
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansour (Supervisor) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Co-Advisor)
Modulation Recognition of communication signals has been an important theme in the field of wireless communication. Modulation Recognition has various applications for both military and civil purposes. Recently there has been considerable attention to Digital Modulation Recognition, due to the vast application of this kind of Modulation Recognition tasks. In this thesis, we proposed a Digital Modulation Recognition Algorithm, which is able to identify various types of digital modulations in low SNRs. These include BASK, BFSK, BPSK, 4-ASK, 4-FSK, 4-PSK, 8-FSK, 8-PSK, MQAM (M=16, 32, 64). The proposed method uses a general pattern recognition scheme, consisting of a feature extraction phase...
Efficient Implementation of Direction Finding of Radar Targets Using Artificial Intelligance Techniqes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sanaei, Esmaeel (Supervisor) ; Pezeshk, Amir Mansour (Supervisor)
There are many methods for direction finding (DF) of radar targets, while the complexity and time elapsed calculation are their main drawbacks, thus the real time implementation of this methods are difficult. Artificial neural network (ANN) for DF is one of the optimum and good ways to implementation that have better result versus other techniques. In this thesis, direction finding problem for radar targets by using artificial neural networks have been studied. A new method is presented to detect the multiple targets simultaneously, that it can be implemented in digital form easily. Here one-dimensional DF by using uniform linear array (ULA) discussed and formulated, then the proposed...
Extended hexagonal constellations as a means of multicarrier PAPR reduction
, Article 1st EurAsian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, EurAsia-ICT 2002, Shiraz, 29 October 2002 through 31 October 2002 ; Volume 2510 LNCS , 2002 , Pages 926-936 ; 03029743 (ISSN); 3540000283 (ISBN); 9783540000280 (ISBN) ; Khalaj, B. H ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
An efficient, easy to implement method for OFDM and DMT Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction is proposed based on constellation extension. A PAPR reduction of more than 5 dB at clip rate of 10-5, is achieved with no rate loss and improved noise margin with low complexity. Various versions of the proposed method have been studied and compared in terms of PAPR reduction, complexity and average power, with each other and earlier methods. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002
A novel method of deinterleaving pulse repetition interval modulated sparse sequences in noisy environments
, Article IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences ; Vol. E97-A, issue. 5 , 2014 , pp. 1136-1139 ; ISSN: 17451337 ; Amiri, D ; Pezeshk, A.M ; Farzaneh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
This letter presents a novel method based on sparsity, to solve the problem of deinterleaving pulse trains. The proposed method models the problem of deinterleaving pulse trains as an underdetermined system of linear equations. After determining the mixing matrix, we find sparsest solution of an underdetermined system of linear equations using basis pursuit denoising. This method is superior to previous ones in a number of aspects. First, spurious and missing pulses would not cause any performance reduction in the algorithm. Second, the algorithm works well despite the type of pulse repetition interval modulation that is used. Third, the proposed method is able to separate similar...
Denoising of genetic switches based on Parrondo's paradox
, Article Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications ; Volume 493 , 2018 , Pages 410-420 ; 03784371 (ISSN) ; Fatemizadeh, E ; Pezeshk, H ; Sadeghi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
Random decision making in genetic switches can be modeled as tossing a biased coin. In other word, each genetic switch can be considered as a game in which the reactive elements compete with each other to increase their molecular concentrations. The existence of a very small number of reactive element molecules has caused the neglect of effects of noise to be inevitable. Noise can lead to undesirable cell fate in cellular differentiation processes. In this paper, we study the robustness to noise in genetic switches by considering another switch to have a new gene regulatory network (GRN) in which both switches have been affected by the same noise and for this purpose, we will use Parrondo's...
Investigation and Implementation of Ultra High Speed Algorithms for Frequency Measurement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pezeshk, Amirmansour (Supervisor) ; Sanaei, Esmaeel (Supervisor)
The purpose of this project is to detect the instantaneous frequency of an unknown signal which has a frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz, and its amplitude is limited. In the first step, this signal is amplified, and its amplitude is limited and then it is converted to a digital sequence using a mono-bit scheme and entered the FPGA through an ultra-fast serial port. After that, the algorithm of this project is supposed to do two main processing stages on the received stream of pulses. Detection should be performed in the first phase. It means that it should be determined whether the received pulse sequence is a random sequence made by noise or an almost regular sequence due to a sinusoidal...
Exact solutions of time difference of arrival source localisation based on semi-definite programming and Lagrange multiplier: Complexity and performance analysis
, Article IET Signal Processing ; Vol. 8, issue. 8 , 2014 , pp. 868-877 ; ISSN: 17519675 ; Amidzade, M ; Sadeghi, K ; Pezeshk, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, the authors investigate the problem of source localisation based on the time difference of arrival (TDOA) in a group of sensors. Aiming to minimise the squared range-difference errors, the problem leads to a quadratically constrained quadratic programme. It is well known that this approach results in a non-convex optimisation problem. By proposing a relaxation technique, they show that the optimisation problem would be transformed to a convex one which can be solved by semi-definite programming (SDP) and Lagrange multiplier methods. Moreover, these methods offer the exact solution of the original problem and the affirmation of its uniqueness. In contrast to other complicated...
Haplotyping problem, a clustering approach
, Article NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Corfu, 16 September 2007 through 20 September 2007 ; Volume 936 , 2007 , Pages 185-190 ; 0094243X (ISSN) ; 073540447X (ISBN); 9780735404472 (ISBN) ; Sadeghi, M ; Pezeshk, H ; Kargar, M ; Poormohammadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Construction of two haplotypes from a set of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) fragments is called haplotype reconstruction problem. One of the most popular computational model for this problem is Minimum Error Correction (MEC). Since MEC is an NP-hard problem, here we propose a novel heuristic algorithm based on clustering analysis in data mining for haplotype reconstruction problem. Based on hamming distance and similarity between two fragments, our iterative algorithm produces two clusters of fragments; then, in each iteration, the algorithm assigns a fragment to one of the clusters. Our results suggest that the algorithm has less reconstruction error rate in comparison with other...
A general model for I/O system theory, Proceedings of AIMC31 [electronic resource]
, Article Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ; 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 1-19 ; Hashem, Amir ; Sharif University of TechnologyComprehensive study of non-uniform circular array interferometer in a real time broadband 3-dimensional direction finder (2-12GHZ)
, Article Progress In Electromagnetics Research C ; Volume 24 , 2011 , Pages 69-81 ; 19378718 (ISSN) ; Soltanian, M ; Salarpour, M ; Pezeshk, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
A comprehensive study is performed to investigate the performance of a non-uniform circular array interferometer in a real time 3-dimensional direction finder. The angular range of view is supposed to be 65 degrees vertically and 120 degrees horizontally, which is suitable for airborne applications. Interferometer is designed to work in the S, C and X bands. Regarding optimization process, the interferometer employs an eight element non-uniform circular array along with a phase reference antenna at the center of the array. Several quantities and parameters are studied, e.g., frequency behavior, origins of phase measurement errors, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) effect on phase measurement, and...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Spray Combustion under Hot-diluted Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
In this thesis, combustion of liquid fuel spray under the condition of hot and diluted oxidizer, has been investigated. To this end, a novel type laboratory-scale test rig was designed to study the physics governing the MILD-Spray combustion conditions with an applied approach. The underlined test rig eliminates the operational problems of its predecessor test stands and is used for a heavier fuel with much more complex chemical composition (kerosene). The test section is axially symmetrical, in which the fuel is injected by a pressure-swirl atomizer in the direction of hot and diluted co-flowing air. With the use of the aforesaid test rig, the effect of variables such as oxygen...
The performances of the chi-square test and complexity measures for signal recognition in biological sequences
, Article Journal of Theoretical Biology ; Volume 251, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 380-387 ; 00225193 (ISSN) ; Kargar, M ; Sheari, A ; Poormohammadi, H ; Sadeghi, M ; Pezeshk, H ; Eslahchi, C ; Sharif University of Technology
With large amounts of experimental data, modern molecular biology needs appropriate methods to deal with biological sequences. In this work, we apply a statistical method (Pearson's chi-square test) to recognize the signals appear in the whole genome of the Escherichia coli. To show the effectiveness of the method, we compare the Pearson's chi-square test with linguistic complexity on the complete genome of E. coli. The results suggest that Pearson's chi-square test is an efficient method for distinguishing genes (coding regions) form pseudogenes (noncoding regions). On the other hand, the performance of the linguistic complexity is much lower than the chi-square test method. We also use the...
General theory of translation invariant systems [electronic resource]
, Article Mathematics and Its Applications ; Volume 329, 1995, pp 77-89 ; Sharif University of Technology
The basic goal of this article is to present an abstract system-theoretic approach to morphological filtering and the theory of translation invariant systems which is mainly based on residuated semigroups. Some new results as well as a number of basic questions are also introduced