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    Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering Theory

    , Book Barkeshli, Kasra ; Khorasani, Sina
    Springer  2015
    This book present the lecture notes used in two courses that the late Professor Kasra Barkeshli had offered at Sharif University of Technology, namely, . The prerequisite for the sequence is vector calculus and electromagnetic fields and waves. Some familiarity with Green's functions and integral equations is desirable but not necessary.
    The book provides a brief but concise introduction to classical topics in the field. It is divided into three parts including annexes. Part I covers principle of electromagnetic theory. The discussion starts with a review of the Maxwell's equations in differential and integral forms and basic boundary conditions. The solution of inhomogeneous wave... 

    A kinetic study of facile fabrication of MIL-101(Cr) metal-organic framework: effect of synthetic method

    , Article Inorganica Chimica Acta ; Volume 471 , 2018 , Pages 513-520 ; 00201693 (ISSN) Pourebrahimi, S ; Kazemeini, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier S.A  2018
    MIL-101(Cr) metal–organic framework samples were successfully synthesized through the conventional electrical heating (CE), ultrasound (US), and microwave (MW) synthetic methods at three different temperatures and various synthesis times. These were done with the aim of understudying the crystallization kinetics of these complex MIL's structures. The nucleation and crystal growth steps were thus, quantified through measuring the relative crystallinity of the prepared MIL-101(Cr) utilizing the PXRD and FESEM analysis under various synthesis conditions. In addition, the textural properties of the fully crystallized samples measured through the N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms at 77 K. The... 

    Embedding graphene nanoplates into MIL-101(Cr) Pores: synthesis, characterization, and CO2 adsorption studies

    , Article Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research ; Volume 56, Issue 14 , 2017 , Pages 3895-3904 ; 08885885 (ISSN) Pourebrahimi, S ; Kazemeini, M ; Vafajoo, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research, the equilibrium and dynamic adsorption studies of the CO2 upon the MIL-101(Cr) metal-organic framework (MOF) as well as its GNP hybrid composites, the MIL-101(Cr)/GNP, were performed. First, the hybrid composite samples were synthesized by adding various amounts of GNP in an in situ manner during the preparation of the MIL-101(Cr). The prepared materials were characterized through several physicochemical analyses, including powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), adsorption of nitrogen at 77.4 K, Fourier transfer infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, thermal analysis (DTG), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). It was demonstrated that the synthesized MIL-101(Cr)/GNP... 

    Coordinating a seller-buyer supply chain with a proper allocation of chain’s surplus profit using a general side-payment contract [electronic resource]

    , Article International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering ; Volume 5, No. 2, Summer 2011, Page 63-79 Masihabadi, S. (Sina) ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, seller-buyer supply chain coordination with general side-payment contracts is introduced to gain the maximum possible chain profit. In our model, the logistics costs for both buyer and seller are considered and the final demand is also supposed to be a decreasing function of the retail price. Since parties aim to maximize their individual profits, the contractual parameters are set in a way that these decisions become aligned with system optimal decisions. Therefore, a side payment contract is suggested in our model to assign the chain surplus profit to the chain members such that they have no intention to leave the coalition. Then, we change the contract into a quantity... 

    Removal of the CO2 from flue gas utilizing hybrid composite adsorbent MIL-53(Al)/GNP metal-organic framework

    , Article Microporous and Mesoporous Materials ; Volume 218 , 2015 , Pages 144-152 ; 13871811 (ISSN) Pourebrahimi, S ; Kazemeini, M ; Ganji Babakhani, E ; Taheri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2015
    Abstract In this study, adsorption of the CO2 and N2 gases on the MIL-53(Al) and its hybrid composite with the graphene nano-plates (GNP), MIL-53(Al)/GNP, adsorbents were investigated. These materials were synthesized using the solvothermal reaction method. The prepared samples were characterized by means of the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms (BET-BJH surface area measurement) and Fourier transfer infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy methods as well as; thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Adsorption equilibrium of the CO2 and N2 on the sorbents were... 

    Design and Analysis of Delay Lines Based on Photonic Crystal Coupled Cavities

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bayat, Mina (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    In the recent years, photonic crystal (PhC) devices vastly have been paid attention due to their ignorable loss, very low group velocity, flexibility in shape and dimension.In this thesis a PhC coupled cavity ring known as superresonator is introduced and its properties and applications is studied. Also modes of the structure are extracted through both coupled-resonator model and FDTD method, and two of its application is described and studied. Add-drop filter is one of the essential devices in WDM systems. First, an application of superresonator in designing add-drop filters is explained and a novel filter based on the superresonator is introduced and analyzed by FDTD and coupled mode... 

    Photonic Crystal Cavity Quantum Optic in the Very Strong Coupling Regime

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadi, Elaheh (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    First, we peruse the intraction between a quantized light and a two level atom which has been described by Janes-Cummings-Paul Hamiltonian. By solving Heisenberg equations in Fourier space and describing electric field by a generalized-transverse Green function, we obtain spectral density for a quantum dot which is in the strong coupling to a slab photonic crystal cavity. Afterward, by solving Shrouding equations precisely we demonstrate when quantum dot is in a very strong coupling to cavity, rotate wave approximation is not reliable anymore. It means that if coupling constant gets comparable to cavity mode frequency then the prevalent approach to solve this Hamiltonian will not be correct.... 

    Cavity Quantum Electro-Dynamics in Ultra-Strong Coupling Regime

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Arab, Abbas (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    Cavity Quantum Electro-Dynamics (CQED) in Weak, Strong and Ultra-Strong coupling Regimes are studied. A MATLAB m-file is written which is able to solve any arbitrary CQED configuration. This program demands input data such as number of Quantum Dots, number of energy levels of each Quantum Dot, energies of each energy level of Quantum Dots, Number of cavity modes, eign-frequency of each cavity mode, coupling constant, dipole strength of each allowed transition of Quantum Dots and initial state of system from user and begins to solve the Schrodinger equation for annihilation and atomic ladder operators. In addition, coefficients of each possible ket will be calculated. Since, any approximation... 

    Analysis of Ultra-Strong Coupling in Optical Waveguides

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimi, Farhad (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    In this project, we were intended to study the ultra-strong coupling in optical waveguides. Hence, we analyze the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a quantum well embedded in a dielectric slab waveguide. First, we designed a QW with and alloys, which the energy of its electron-heavy holes transition is . By exploiting the envelope function approximation, we derived the wavefunction of electrons and holes, their eigen-energies, and the dipole moment of electon-holes. For finding the wavefunction of holes and their eigen-energies, we used the Luttinger Hamiltonian. Next, we calculated the electrical susceptibility of a three level quantum system (as a model for QW), by using... 

    Nonlinear Torsional Vibrations of Thin Walled Beam with Semi-Analytic Methods

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sina, Ali (Author) ; Haddadpour, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Thin Walled Beams are widely used in engineering applications with the minimum weight design criteria, ranging from civil to aerospace and many other industrial fields. The weight reduction of the beam leads to importance of the dynamic behavior of the structure. Frequently used thin walled beams have low torsional stiffness and their torsional deformations may be of such magnitudes that it is not adequate to treat the angles of cross section rotation as small. When the vibration amplitudes are moderate or large, the geometric nonlinearity must be included and some new phenomena which do not exist in linear torsional dynamic come into play. Unfortunately, the equations of motion of nonlinear... 

    Axial-torsional vibrations of rotating pretwisted thin walled composite beams

    , Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Vol. 80 , 2014 , pp. 93-101 ; ISSN: 00207403 Sina, S. A ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Axial-torsional vibrations of rotating pretwisted thin-walled composite box beams exhibiting primary and secondary warping are investigated. Considering the nonlinear strain-displacement relations, the coupled nonlinear axial-torsional equations of motion are derived using Hamilton's principle. Ignoring the axial inertia term leads to differential equation of motion in terms of elastic torsion in the case of axially immovable beams. Centrifugal load in the presence of material anisotropy and pretwist angle leads to an induced static torque. The nonlinear equation should be linearized about the corresponding equilibrium state to obtain the linear differential equation of motion. Extended... 

    Comment on "vibration of turbomachinery rotating blades made-up of functionally graded materials and operating in a high temperature field" by S-Y. Oh, L. Librescu and O. Song (Acta Mech. 166, 69-87, 2003)

    , Article Acta Mechanica ; Volume 218, Issue 3-4 , 2011 , Pages 375-376 ; 00015970 (ISSN) Sina, S. A ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology

    Response to the Authors' reply to the Comment on "vibration of turbomachinery rotating blades made-up of functionally graded materials and operating in a high temperature field", doi:10.1007/s00707-010-0407-5

    , Article Acta Mechanica ; Volume 218, Issue 3-4 , 2011 , Pages 379-382 ; 00015970 (ISSN) Sina, S. A ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology

    Transistor Based on Graphane

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babaee Touski, Shoeib (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    In the recent years, field effect transistor has been made by using graphane. But there has not been any study about bipolar transistor. Bipolar transistor can’t be constructed using graphene due to the fact that its band gap is zero. So in this thesis, in an attempt to remove this difficulty, the bipolar transistor made using graphane has been investigated and their property has been compared to those of three dimensional silicon transistors.
    At the beginning of the thesis, we will have a review of graphane diode and will consider the procedure for evaluating its current which would be the report of what has been done sofar. After that we made graphane transistor using graphane diode... 

    Behavior Patterns Analysis of Cavity Quantum Electro-Dynamics in Complex Systems for Different Coupling Regimes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alidoosty Shahraki, Moslem (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    In this M.Sc. thesis the behavior patterns of the cavity quantum electrodynamics of complex systems are analyzed, such systems are quantum optic multi-partite systems and consist of an arbitrary number of quantum dots in interaction with arbitrary number of cavity modes.
    First, the coefficients matrix of the ket sate of the system was measured, in order to achieve it; the general time-dependent state of the most general possible system was specified. Its related Hamiltonian was written, and finally the Schrodinger equation was measured in different coupling regimes. It was done in Schrodinger picture without any approximation.Second, the presence probabilities of the quantum dots of any... 

    Effects of resistive loads and tire inflation pressure on tire power losses and CO2 emissions in real-world conditions

    , Article Applied Energy ; 2015 ; ISSN: 03062619 Sina, N ; Nasiri, S ; Karkhaneh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Considerable portion of energy losses in a vehicle traced to tire. Energy losses in a tire are due to tire longitudinal slip as well as rolling resistance. Hence, both of aforementioned factors must take into the consideration to study the tire energy loss. Present paper aims to investigate the power losses in tires and to examine influence of road conditions and tire inflation pressure on them. To cover the real-world conditions, experiments were done on a gasoline-fueled passenger vehicle on an urban highway along two routes with same length and opposite gradients to comprise the change of road conditions. Then, by use of engine performance model which is prepared in dynamometer... 

    Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics in Photonic Crystals with Dirac Point in Bandstructure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aram, Mohammad Hassan (Author) ; Khorasani, Sina (Supervisor)
    One of the attractive fields of applied quantum mechanics in recent two-three decades is the field of quantum computing. Up to now different substrates have been proposed for a quantum computer. One of them is cavity quantum electrodynamics in which some quantum systems with finite energy states like atoms interact with quantized Bosonic modes like photons inside a cavity. In this dissertation we study a particular structure in this substrate. This structure consists of some quantum dots inside coupled cavities. Since we would like to build these cavities in a photonic crystal slab, we first introduce two new methods for analysis of this type of crystals. These methods are much faster than... 

    Effects of resistive loads and tire inflation pressure on tire power losses and CO2 emissions in real-world conditions

    , Article Applied Energy ; Volume 157 , November , 2015 , Pages 974-983 ; 03062619 (ISSN) Sina, N ; Nasiri, S ; Karkhaneh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2015
    Considerable portion of energy losses in a vehicle traced to tire. Energy losses in a tire are due to tire longitudinal slip as well as rolling resistance. Hence, both of aforementioned factors must take into the consideration to study the tire energy loss. Present paper aims to investigate the power losses in tires and to examine influence of road conditions and tire inflation pressure on them. To cover the real-world conditions, experiments were done on a gasoline-fueled passenger vehicle on an urban highway along two routes with same length and opposite gradients to comprise the change of road conditions. Then, by use of engine performance model which is prepared in dynamometer... 

    Explicit degradation modelling in optimal lead-acid battery use for photovoltaic systems

    , Article IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution ; Volume 10, Issue 4 , 2016 , Pages 1098-1106 ; 17518687 (ISSN) Sina Hamedi, A ; Rajabi Ghahnavieh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2016
    Lead-acid battery is a storage technology that is widely used in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Battery charging and discharging profiles have a direct impact on the battery degradation and battery loss of life. This study presents a new 2-model iterative approach for explicit modelling of battery degradation in the optimal operation of PV systems. The proposed approach consists of two models: namely, economic model and degradation model which are solved iteratively to reach the optimal solution. The economic model is a linear programming optimisation problem that calculates the optimal hourly battery use profile based on an assumed value of the battery degradation cost. The degradation model,... 

    Aeroelastic stability and response of composite swept wings in subsonic flow using indicial aerodynamics

    , Article Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME ; Volume 135, Issue 5 , 2013 ; 10489002 (ISSN) Sina, S. A ; Farsadi, T ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this study, the aeroelastic stability and response of an aircraft swept composite wing in subsonic compressible flow are investigated. The composite wing was modeled as an anisotropic thin-walled composite beam with the circumferentially asymmetric stiffness structural configuration to establish proper coupling between bending and torsion. Also, the structural model consists of a number of nonclassical effects, such as transverse shear, material anisotropy, warping inhibition, nonuniform torsional model, and rotary inertia. The finite state form of the unsteady aerodynamic loads have been modeled based on the indicial aerodynamic theory and strip theory in the subsonic compressible flow....