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    Measurement of Radionuclide Transport Parameters for Soil Samples Taken from Naein Radioactive Waste Disposal Site by Using Column Experiment and Determining the Concentration Profile through the Column

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Poursharifi Ravari, Mohadese (Author) ; Samadfaam, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Radioactive wastes are generated at different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and other activities related to the handling of the radioactive substances. In order to protect human being and the environment from any harmful effects of ionizing radiation, it’s necessary to isolate radioactive waste by disposing them in near surface or deep geological formations (depending on the radioactive hazard). To ensure that the waste is properly isolated from the environment for required periods of time, the safety assessment of the disposal site is essential. Transport of radionuclides from the disposal site to the environment is the essential part at any safety assessment program. Therefore,... 

    Optical Conductivity of Fermi Arc States

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi Ravari, Zeinab (Author) ; Jafari, Akbar (Supervisor)
    Recently, some materials, such as Weyl and Dirac semimetals, have been found in condensed matter physics whose band structure behaves like Weyl fermions of elementary particles near some points of the first Birillouin zone. The Weyl equation that governs these materials, have boundary because they are finite. By applying proper boundary conditions, two-dimensional surface states have been emerged. these states are called fermi arc sates because the surface corresponding to the fermi energy is not a closed surface. Surface states are mixed with bulk states because by getting close to the end of fermi arcs, surface states tend to bulk states con-tinuously. Being able to distinguish between... 

    The first in situ synthesis of 1,3-dioxan-5-one derivatives and their direct use in Claisen-Schmidt reactions: Synthesis of dioxanones and their Claisen-Schmidt reactions

    , Article Heterocyclic Communications ; Volume 25, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 85-90 ; 07930283 (ISSN) Javad Poursharifi, M ; Mojtahedi, M. M ; Saeed Abaee, M ; Hashemi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    De Gruyter  2019
    A method is developed for in situ generation of 1,3-dioxan-5-one derivatives 2. These compounds are simple precursors for accessing carbohydrate structures and previously had to be produced via stepwise procedures using excessive amounts of reagents. In the present work, three different derivatives of 2 were synthesized via the reaction of trialkoxyalkanes with dihydroxyacetone dimer 1 in the presence of acetic acid as the catalyst. In the same pot, derivatives of 2 were reacted with aromatic aldehydes and 30 mol% of pyrrolidine to obtain high yields of the respective bischalcones 3 within short time periods. © 2019 M. Javad Poursharifi et al., published by De Gruyter 2019  

    A semantic aware access control model with real time constraints on history of accesses

    , Article Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, IMCSIT 2008, 20 October 2008 through 22 October 2008, Wisla ; Volume 3 , 2008 , Pages 827-836 ; 9788360810149 (ISBN); 9788360810149 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology, access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships among the entities in a semantic-aware environment. SBAC model considers this issue in its decision making process. However, time plays a crucial role in new computing environments which is not supported in the model. In this paper we introduce the Temporal Semantic Based Access Control model (TSBAC), as an extension of SBAC, which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided... 

    A temporal semantic-based access control model

    , Article 13th International Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, CSICC 2008, Kish Island, 9 March 2008 through 11 March 2008 ; Volume 6 CCIS , 2008 , Pages 559-568 ; 18650929 (ISSN); 3540899847 (ISBN); 9783540899846 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology, access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships between entities in a semantic-aware environment. SBAC model considers this issue in the decision making process. However, time plays a crucial role in new computing environments which is not supported in this model. In this paper we introduce temporal semantic based access control model (TSBAC), as an extension of SBAC model, which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided... 

    Broadcast Efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini Beghayi Ravari, Amir (Author) ; Izadi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) is one of the basic problems in the theory of distributed cryptography and has important role in secure multi-party computation. In this case, it is tried to share a confidential data as secret, between multiple nodes in a distributed system, in the presence of an active adversary that can destroy a number of nodes, such that the secret can be reconstructed with the participation of certain size of honest nodes. There are two types of active adversary; Static and dynamic which the latter can change it’s corrupted nodes among the protocol. VSS protocols have different types of algorithmic complexity and one of these definitions, is the use of broadcast channel... 

    Reinforcement Learning Approach in Self-Assembly Systems to Acquire Desired Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ravari, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Self-Assembly (SA) plays a critical role in the formation of different phenomena in nature. This phenomenon can be defined as an arrangement of meaningful patterns with the aggregate behavior of simpler structures. One of the examples of Self-Assembly can be considered of the formation of ice crystals from ice molecules. Previous works mainly focus on graph grammar and self-assembly in fully observable environments. These algorithms mainly consist of two main stages: first, constructing simpler structures and then joining these simpler structures to form a complex structure. The challenges of the previous work can be considered as the necessity of a central controller in the formation of... 

    GTHBAC: A generalized temporal history based access control model

    , Article Telecommunication Systems ; Volume 45, Issue 2-3 , 2010 , Pages 111-125 ; 10184864 (ISSN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Haadi Jafarian, J ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Time plays a crucial role in access control for new computing environments, which is not supported in traditional access control models. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Temporal History Based Access Control (GTHBAC) model, aimed at integrating history-based constraints along with a generic access control model. GTHBAC enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. Due to different application needs, GTHBAC uses two different time schemes, i.e., real time and logical time, in its authorization rules. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided, and conflicting... 

    A history based semantic aware access control model using logical time

    , Article Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2008, 25 December 2008 through 27 December 2008, Khulna ; 2008 , Pages 43-50 ; 9781424421367 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Jafarian, J. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology' access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships among the entities in a semantic-aware environment. The SBAC model (Semantic Based Access Control model) considers this issue in its decision making process. However' time plays a crucial role in new computing environments'which is not supported in SBAC. In this paper' we propose the Temporal Semantic Based Access Control (TSBAC) model' as an extension of SBAC' which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. TSBAC uses logical... 

    Financial Contagion ,Interbank Market, and Central Bank Policy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rashidi Ravari, Pooya (Author) ; Madanizadeh, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mahmoodzadeh, Amineh (Supervisor)
    Financial distress can propagate through different channels such as bank run, deposit interbank market,networks and asset prices. In this paper, with the assumption of deposit insurance, no linkages between banks, no deposit interbank market and fixed asset prices, we show that asset-side shocks might propagate through both loan interbank market and deposit market. However, when there is aggregate liquidity surplus in the banking system, loan interbank market results in the first best allocation. In contrast, aggregate liquidity shortage does not result in optimum allocation. In the presence of deposit and loan interbank market, not only shocks propagate but also they are magnified with the... 

    Position Error of Resolver in a Closed Loop Control

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khajueezadeh Ravari, Mohammad Sadegh (Author) ; Nasiri Gheidari, Zahra (Supervisor)
    Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are more conventional and widely employed in Electric Vehicles (EVs) applications. The rotor position performed an essential role through PMSMs drive; therefore, any deviation in the detected position will be evaded in coordinate transformations, originating from external or inherence sources. Subsequently, the discussed faults will be conducted to three-phase currents and output torque through erroneous transformations. Resolver’s estimated rotor position due to fault occurrence will be defined as aggregating ideal and non-ideal components. Moreover, based on inherence periodic in resolvers’ principle, non-ideal components could be written by the... 

    Albumin nanostructures as advanced drug delivery systems

    , Article Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery ; Volume 13, Issue 11 , 2016 , Pages 1609-1623 ; 17425247 (ISSN) Karimi, M ; Bahrami, S ; Baghaee Ravari, S ; Sahandi Zangabad, P ; Mirshekari, H ; Bozorgomid, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2016
    Introduction: One of the biggest impacts that the nanotechnology has made on medicine and biology, has been in the area of drug delivery systems (DDSs). Many drugs suffer from serious problems concerning insolubility, instability in biological environments, poor uptake into cells and tissues, sub-optimal selectivity for targets and unwanted side effects. Nanocarriers can be designed as DDSs to overcome many of these drawbacks. One of the most versatile building blocks to prepare these nanocarriers is the ubiquitous, readily available and inexpensive protein, serum albumin. Areas covered: This review covers the use of different types of albumin (human, bovine, rat, and chicken egg) to prepare... 

    Smart nanostructures for cargo delivery: uncaging and activating by light

    , Article Journal of the American Chemical Society ; Volume 139, Issue 13 , 2017 , Pages 4584-4610 ; 00027863 (ISSN) Karimi, M ; Sahandi Zangabad, P ; Baghaee Ravari, S ; Ghazadeh, M ; Mirshekari, H ; Hamblin, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nanotechnology has begun to play a remarkable role in various fields of science and technology. In biomedical applications, nanoparticles have opened new horizons, especially for biosensing, targeted delivery of therapeutics, and so forth. Among drug delivery systems (DDSs), smart nanocarriers that respond to specific stimuli in their environment represent a growing field. Nanoplatforms that can be activated by an external application of light can be used for a wide variety of photoactivated therapies, especially light-triggered DDSs, relying on photoisomerization, photo-cross-linking/un-cross-linking, photoreduction, and so forth. In addition, light activation has potential in photodynamic... 

    Fabrication and characterization of an injectable reinforced composite scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering: An in vitro study

    , Article Biomedical Materials (Bristol) ; Volume 16, Issue 4 , 2021 ; 17486041 (ISSN) Khozaei Ravari, M ; Mashayekhan, S ; Zarei, F ; Sayyahpour, F. A ; Taghiyar, L ; Eslaminejad, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    IOP Publishing Ltd  2021
    There are limitations in current medications of articular cartilage injuries. Although injectable bioactive hydrogels are promising options, they have decreased biomechanical performance. Researchers should consider many factors when providing solutions to overcome these challenges. In this study, we created an injectable composite hydrogel from chitosan and human acellular cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) particles. In order to enhance its mechanical properties, we reinforced this hydrogel with microporous microspheres composed of the same materials as the structural building blocks of the scaffold. Articular cartilage from human donors was decellularized by a combination of physical,... 

    Fabrication of Composite Scaffold Composed of Cartilage Extracellular Matrix/Chitosan with High Mechanical Strength for Cartilage Tissue Engineering

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khozaei Ravari, Mojtaba (Author) ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Baghban Eslami Nejad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Methods that has been used for articular defects are faced with many limitations, so new therapies based on tissue engineering were taken into consideration in recent years. However, tissue engineering also encounters challenges regarding optimal scaffold construction and suitable cell source selection. Mature harvested chondrocytes are limited in number and may lose their chondrogenic potential in several cultures, leading to dedifferentiation. In addition, using stem cells also presents unique challenges associated with them, among which hypertrophic differentiation is the most substantial problem. Choosing the appropriate biomaterial similar to the cartilage structure with sufficient...