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    Diversity-based geometry optimization in mimo passive coherent location

    , Article Radioengineering ; Vol. 23, issue. 1 , 2014 , pp. 41-49 ; ISSN: 12102512 Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Applying the recently emerged technique, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) to PCL (Passive Coherent Location) is expected to improve performance of localization schemes. In this paper, we explore the application of MIMO technology to PCL schemes and see how it improves the spatial diversity of such systems. Specifically, we use the DVB-T stations as the illuminators of opportunity in the simulations, mainly because of their unique features which make them quite suitable for both MIMO and PCL application as will be demonstrated in this paper. In addition, we address the key problem of finding optimum locations for placement of receive antennas  

    Diversity gain in MIMO passive coherent location

    , Article International Radar Symposium, IRS 2011 - Proceedings, 7 September 2011 through 9 September 2011 ; September , 2011 , Pages 841-848 ; 9783927535282 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    MIMO (Mulitple Input Multiple Output) localization has attracted much attention recently. In such schemes, using multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver sides provides spatial diversity. On the other hand, Passive Coherent Location (PCL) by using the illuminators of opportunity (such as FM, GSM, DVB transmitters) has shown a number of advantages. In this paper, we explore the possibility of achieving diversity gain by using multiple non-cooperative transmitters. In earlier works on MIMO localization, cooperative transmitters were assumed, so that orthogonality between transmitted waveforms could be granted. However, such orthogonality condition is not assumed in the case of PCL... 

    Data fusion in MIMO DVB-T-based passive coherent location

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ; Volume 49, Issue 3 , 2013 , Pages 1725-1737 ; 00189251 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Efficient combination of MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) and PCL (passive coherent location) ideas is expected to improve performance of localization schemes. While, in general, adding the number of transmit and receive antennas provides spatial diversity, it is possible to obtain similar effects by using multiple transmitters that are already transmitting standard signals (such as digital TV (DTV) transmission) in the environment (also known as illuminators of opportunity). However, in the case of passive schemes, it is not always possible to ensure that signals of different transmitters are orthogonal to each other. In such cases in which nonorthogonal transmitter signals are to be... 

    MIMO localization by illuminators of opportunity

    , Article Proceedings of 2011 IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2011, 24 October 2011 through 27 October 2011 ; Volume 1 , October , 2011 , Pages 112-115 ; 9781424484416 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Passive localization using MIMO techniques has attracted much attention recently. In such schemes, using multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver sides provides spatial diversity without need for identifiable transmitters. On the other hand, one of the problems facing such approach arises when transmitters of a single frequency network (SFN) are used as non-cooperative transmitters and resolving the signals of multiple transmitters reflected from multiple targets is not trivial at receiver side. Therefore, in order to obtain the diversity gain of MIMO localization schemes, it is necessary to develop a technique to assign each echo arriving at the receiver to a given transmitter. In this... 

    Cross ambiguity function analysis of the '8k-mode' DVB-T for passive radar application

    , Article 4th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2010 - 11th International Radar Symposium, IRS 2010 - Conference Proceedings, 16 June 2010 through 18 June 2010, Vilnius ; June , 2010 , Pages 279-282 ; 9789955690184 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Bastani, M ; Behnia, F ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    One of non-cooperative illuminators recently considered for passive radar applications is the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) station. The thumbtack ambiguity function of the DVB-T signal in addition to being stationary makes such signal a good candidate for such applications. However, certain ambiguities in its ambiguity function necessitates certain issues to be carefully considered when DVB-T signals are to be utilized. In this paper, after studying the origins of these ambiguities, we propose special processing schemes to resolve them  

    Advantages of the DVB-T signal for passive radar applications

    , Article 4th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2010 - 11th International Radar Symposium, IRS 2010 - Conference Proceedings, 16 June 2010 through 18 June 2010 ; 2010 , Pages 274-278 ; 9789955690184 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Bastani, M ; Behnia, F ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    One of the attractive opportunistic signals for passive radar applications is the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting- Terrestrial) signal. The thumbtack ambiguity function of the DVB-T signal in addition to being stationary makes such signal a good candidate for such applications. In this paper we want to consider its feasibility for this application in more details. So we first examin this signal for the main parts of the the passive radar: Resolving ambiguities before evaluating CAF and direct path intereference rejection, and then consider its processing gain in detecting targets  

    Probability of missed detection as a criterion for receiver placement in MIMO PCL

    , Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 7 May 2012 through 11 May 2012, Atlanta, GA ; 2012 , Pages 0924-0927 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781467306584 (ISBN) Majd, M. N ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Using multiple antennas at the transmit and receive sides of a passive radar brings both the benefits of MIMO radar and passive radar. However one of the obstacles arisen in such configuration is the receive antennas placement in proper positions so that the radar performance is improved. Here we just consider the case of positioning one receiver among multiple illuminators of opportunity. Indeed it is a start for the solution of optimizing the geometry of the multiple receivers in a passive radar  

    Antenna placement and power allocation optimization in MIMO detection

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ; Vol. 50, Issue 2 , April , 2014 , pp. 1468-1478 Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It is a well known fact that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides improves the detection performance. However, in such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration, proper positioning of transmitters and receivers is a big challenge that can have significant influence on the performance of the overall system. In addition, determining the power of each transmitter under a total power constraint is a problem that should be solved in order to enhance the performance and coverage of such a system. In this paper, we design the Neyman-Pearson detector under the Rayleigh scatter model and use it to introduce a criterion for the antenna placement at both transmit and receive... 

    Ambiguity function of MIMO radar with widely separated antennas

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium ; 16 -18 June , 2014 ; ISSN: 21555753 Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    There has been much interest, recently, towards exploiting the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique in radar. It is shown that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides can improve the performance of the system. However, in order to analyze the system's performance, its ambiguity function, i.e. the ambiguity function of a MIMO radar, is needed to be defined. In this paper, beginning from the information theoretic definitions, we derive such function, specifically for a MIMO radar with widely separated antennas  

    Choosing the position of the receiver in a MISO passive radar system

    , Article European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 9th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 318-321 ; 9782874870293 (ISBN) Chitgarha, M. M ; Majd, M. N ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    By combining the two ideas of MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and PCL (Passive Coherent Location) in radar, one can achieve the advantages of both recently developed techniques simultaneously. While using multiple antennas at the receive side provides a spatial diversity of the object to be detected, using multiple illuminators of opportunity, most importantly, makes the radar covert to the interceptors. One obstacle in such MIMO configuration is choosing the positions of the receive antennas. In this paper, after analyzing the Neyman-Pearson detector for the DVB-T based PCL, we introduce the probability of missed detection as a criterion to place the receive antenna. Here, we only... 

    Ambiguity function based receiver placement in multi-site radar

    , Article 2016 CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2016, 10 October 2016 through 13 October 2016 ; 2017 ; 9781509048281 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It has been shown that using multiple antennas in a radar system improves the performance considerably, since multiple target echoes are received from different aspect angles of the target. In this way, the target detection is improved. However, when using multiple antennas, some problems, such as designing the transmit signals, synchronization, etc. emerge that should be solved. One of such problems is the receiver placement. Receiver placement deals with choosing a proper position for the receive antenna in order to optimize the whole system's performance. In this paper, a receiver placement procedure based on improving the radar ambiguity function is proposed for the case of a multisite... 

    Feasibility analysis of utilizing the '8k mode' DVB-T signal in passive radar applications

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 19, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 1763-1770 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Bastani, M. H ; Behnia, F ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    One non-cooperative illuminator recently considered for passive radar applications is the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial) signal. The thumbtack ambiguity function of the DVB-T signal, in addition to being stationary over time, makes such a signal a good candidate for such applications. However, certain ambiguities in its ambiguity function necessitates certain issues to be carefully considered when the DVB-T signal is to be utilized in these scenarios. Methods have been already proposed to resolve them. In this paper, after studying the origins of these ambiguities, we propose special processing schemes to reduce the complexity of the parts associated with resolving these... 

    An improved adaptive algorithm for clutter and direct path interference removal in DVB-T based passive radar

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, Dresden ; Volume 2 , June , 2013 , Pages 1049-1055 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9783954042234 (ISBN) Shokrzadeh, S ; Moniri, M. R ; Shekhi, A ; Radmard, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The present study aims to evaluate the important issue of elimination of direct path interference and clutter in ambiguity function and detection of passive radars with adaptive filters. The efficiency and performance of each of them were investigated. Finally, by simulation and their learning curve, the best algorithm was proposed for these radars  

    Data association in multi-input single-output passive coherent location schemes

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 149-156 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Khalaj, B. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Efficient combination of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and passive coherent location (PCL) ideas is expected to improve performance of localisation schemes. While using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides provides spatial diversity, it is possible to obtain similar performance by using multiple transmitters, already transmitting standard signals (such as digital TV) in the environment (also known as illuminators of opportunity). However, in this case, it is not always possible to ensure that signals of different transmitters are orthogonal to each other. In such cases, resolving signals of multiple transmitters reflected from multiple objects is not a trivial problem. One... 

    MIMO PCL in a single frequency network

    , Article 2011 Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium, MRRS-2011 - Proceedings, 25 August 2011 through 27 August 2011 ; August , 2011 , Pages 280-283 ; 9781424496440 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Khalaj, B. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Passive localization using MIMO techniques has attracted much attention recently. In such schemes, using multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver sides provides spatial diversity without need for identifiable transmitters. On the other hand, one of the problems facing such approach arises when transmitters of a single frequency network (SFN) are used as non-cooperative transmitters and resolving the signals of multiple transmitters reflected from multiple targets is not trivial at receiver side. Therefore, in order to obtain the diversity gain of MIMO localization schemes, it is necessary to develop a technique to assign each echo arriving at the receiver to a given transmitter. In this... 

    Receivers' placement of a MIMO radar in the presence of mountains

    , Article 2014 International Radar Conference, Radar 2014 ; 2014 ; ISBN: 9781479941957 Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Bahrololoom, E ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper studies the placement of antennas in presence of mountains for widely separated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. One of the challenges in this configuration is proper placement of the receive antennas in order to achieve good performance. We derived Neyman-Pearson decision rule for target detection. Via several scenarios we show that proper placement of receivers can provide better performance  

    Spatial diversity gain of MIMO single frequency network in passive coherent location

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Vol. 21, Issue. 6 , 2014 , pp. 2186-2199 ; ISSN: 10263098 Radmard, M ; Majd, M. N ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Khalaj, B. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Recently, it has been shown that applying MIMO technology, i.e. using multiple antennas at the transmit side and multiple antennas at the receive side, improves the performance of object detection and localization. In such scenarios, the spatial diversity specifically helps overcome the fading of the cross section of the object, leading to reduced probability of missed detection. Such a phenomenon is, in fact, the dual of probability of bit error reduction in communication systems due to diversity gain. Despite the importance of such performance enhancement, this subject has not been sufficiently investigated in the PCL (Passive Coherent Location) schemes, where the transmitters (or... 

    Receivers' positioning in multiple-input multiple-output digital video broadcast-terrestrial-based passive coherent location

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 6, Issue 7 , 2012 , Pages 603-610 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Khalaj, B. H ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Using multiple illuminators of opportunity at the transmit side and multiple antennas at the receiver side in a passive coherent location (PCL) scheme is expected to improve the detection performance. However, in such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration choosing the position of the receivers is an obstacle that can have significant influence on the resulting performance. In this study, the authors consider the case of digital video broadcast (DVB)-T stations as non-cooperative transmitters and introduce a procedure based on the probability of missed detection to properly place receive antennas in a MIMO digital video broadcasting (DVB)-T based PCL configuration  

    Satellite-based forward scatter passive radar

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 10 May 2016 through 12 May 2016 ; Volume 2016-June , 2016 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9781509025183 (ISBN) Radmard, M ; Bayat, S ; Farina, A ; Hajsadeghian, S ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2016
    In this paper we present a feasibility study on using satellite signal for passive radar application. Our focus is on utilizing GEO (geostationary Earth orbit) satellite signal with suitable properties. The feasibility of using such satellite signal for passive radar application is evaluated. In particular, a space shuttle as the target of interest is considered. In addition to being covert, it will be shown that using such passive radar system, we can benefit the forward scatter enhancement, which enables us to detect such high-altitude target that is totally undetectable to conventional radar systems  

    Catching the high altitude invisible by satellite-based forward scatter PCL

    , Article Signal, Image and Video Processing ; Volume 11, Issue 3 , 2017 , Pages 565-572 ; 18631703 (ISSN) Radmard, M ; Bayat, S ; Farina, A ; Hajsadeghian, S ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer London  2017
    This paper presents a feasibility study on using satellite signal for passive radar application. Our focus is on utilizing geostationary Earth orbit satellite signal with suitable properties, like Inmarsat. Then, a new method of detection for passive coherent location using adaptive filter weights variation model is presented. To evaluate the performance, three different scenarios including a low Earth orbit satellite, a space shuttle, and a high-altitude aircraft as the targets of interest are considered. In addition to being covert, it will be shown that using such passive radar system, we can benefit the forward scatter enhancement, which enables us to detect such high-altitude targets...