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Deformation of outer representations of galois group II
, Article Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics ; Volume 6, Issue 2 , 2011 , Pages 33-41 ; 17354463 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper is devoted to deformation theory of "anabelian" representations of the absolute Galois group landing in outer automorphism group of the algebraic fundamental group of a hyperbolic smooth curve defined over a number-field. In the first part of this paper, we obtained several universal deformations for Lie-algebra versions of the above representation using the Schlessinger criteria for functors on Artin local rings. In the second part, we use a version of Schlessinger criteria for functors on the Artinian category of nilpotent Lie algebras which is formulated by Pridham, and explore arithmetic applications
Deformation of outer representations of Galois group
, Article Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics ; Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 35-52 ; 17354463 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
To a hyperbolic smooth curve defined over a number-field one naturally associates "ananabelian" representation of the absolute Galois group of the base field landing in outer automorphism group of the algebraic fundamental group. In this paper, we introduce several deformation problems for Lie-algebra versions of the above representation and show that, this way we get a richer structure than those coming from deformations of "abelian" Galois representations induced by the Tate module of associated Jacobian variety. We develop an arithmetic deformation theory of graded Lie algebras with finite dimensional graded components to serve our purpose
Arithmetic Teichmuller theory
, Article Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics ; Volume 14, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 157-171 ; 17354463 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
By Grothendieck’s anabelian conjectures, Galois representations landing in outer automorphism group of the algebraic fundamental group which are associated to hyperbolic smooth curves defined over number-fields encode all the arithmetic information of these curves. The Goal of this paper is to develop an arithmetic Teichmuller theory, by which we mean, introducing arithmetic objects summarizing the arithmetic information coming from all curves of the same topological type defined over number-fields. We also introduce Hecke-Teichmuller Lie algebra which plays the role of Hecke algebra in the anabelian framework. © 2019 Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research TMU
Arithmetic teichmuller theory
, Article Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics ; Volume 14, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 157-171 ; 17354463 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
By Grothendieck’s anabelian conjectures, Galois representations landing in outer automorphism group of the algebraic fundamental group which are associated to hyperbolic smooth curves defined over number-fields encode all the arithmetic information of these curves. The Goal of this paper is to develop an arithmetic Teichmuller theory, by which we mean, introducing arithmetic objects summarizing the arithmetic information coming from all curves of the same topological type defined over number-fields. We also introduce Hecke-Teichmuller Lie algebra which plays the role of Hecke algebra in the anabelian framework. © 2019 Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research TMU
Ihara-Type results for siegel modular forms
, Article Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society ; Volume 46, Issue 3 , 2020 , Pages 693-716 ; Sharif University of Technology
Let p be a prime not dividing the integer n. By an Ihara result, we mean existence of a cokernel torsion-free injection from a full lattice in the space of p-old modular forms into a full lattice in the space of all modular forms of level pn. In this paper, we will prove an Ihara result in the number field case, for Siegel modular forms. The case of elliptic modular forms is discussed in Ihara (Discrete subgroups of Lie groups and applications to moduli, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1975). We will use a geometric formulation for the notion of p-old Siegel modular forms (Rastegar in BIMS 43(7):1–23, 2017). Then, we apply an argument by Pappas, and prove the Ihara result using density of...
On a theorem of Ihara
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2005 , Pages 1-9 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Let p be a prime number and let n be a positive integer prime to p. By an Ihara-result, one means the existence of an injection with torsion-free cokernel, from a full lattice, in the space of p-old modular forms, into a full lattice, in the space of all modular forms of level np. In this paper, Ihara-results are proven for genus two Siegel modular forms, Siegel-Jacobi forms and Hilbert modular forms. Ihara did the genus one case of elliptic modular forms [1]. A geometric formulation is proposed for the notion of p-old Siegel modular forms of genus two, using clarifying comments by R. Schmidt [2] and, then, following suggestions in an earlier paper [3] on how to prove Ihara results. The main...
Investigating the impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on power distribution systems
, Article IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid ; Volume 4, Issue 3 , 2013 , Pages 1351-1360 ; 19493053 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Rastegar, M
Despite the economic and environmental advantages of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), the increased utilization of PHEVs brings up new concerns for power distribution system decision makers. Impacts of PHEVs on distribution networks, although have been proven to be noticeable, have not been thoroughly investigated for future years. In this paper, a comprehensive model is proposed to study the PHEV impacts on residential distribution systems. In so doing, PHEV fundamental characteristics, i.e., PHEV battery capacity, PHEV state of charge (SOC), and PHEV energy consumption in daily trips, are accurately modeled. As some of these effective characteristics depend on vehicle owner's...
About Space Time
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rastegar, Arash (Supervisor)
Einstein's general theory of relativity is an admirable successful and unifier geometrical modeling among concepts of space, time and gravity. This theory along with special theory of relativity made a massive change in our physical view and this, especially in its historical context, has deep and interesting consequences in man's philosophical viewpoint which can be studied. Some parts of this thesis relates to these consequences. Some of these interesting consequences may be hidden by computional or mathematical viewpoint and often these equations do not contain enough intuition. in one part, we provide a formulizatin of Einstein's equaion that is intuitional which can be translated in...
Tropical Algebraic Geometry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rastegar, Arash (Supervisor)
Tropical algebraic geometry is a fairly new branch in geometry which is called so in honor of Brazilian mathematician Imre Simon who was pioneer of this field.The set equipped with the addition and multiplication is a semifield.Algebraic geometry objects like algebraic varieties can be defined over.Polynomials and rational functions are defined over.The functions that they define are piecewise linear and concave functions and the set of points where they are nonlinear is a tropical variety which is a concave polyhedral. Thus, tropical algebraic geometry is a piecewise linear version of algebraic geometry.Another approach to tropical algebraic geometry comes back to the works of Russian...
Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun Ceramic Nanofibers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Habib (Supervisor)
Electrospinning is a simple and versatile technique for producing polymeric and ceramic nanofibers. The conventional procedure for fabrication of ceramic nanofibers is a combination of sol-gel techniques and electrospinning. The main challenge is the spin polymer nanofiber in fabricate of fibers with diameter from 1 to 100 nm, while their standard deviation are as low as possible. Uniform beads free polyamidenanofibers with lower diameter were fabricated.A 18% w/w of polyamide in formic acid was chosen and the effect of magnetic field, adding magnetic ionic liquid surfactant, auxiliary electrode on the main fiber were investigated. They termsfiber 1 to fiber 5. The mean diameters of 489,...
Deep Learning for Multimodal Data
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Soleymani, Mahdieh (Supervisor)
Recent advances in data recording has lead to different modalities like text, image, audio and video. Images are annotated and audio accompanies video. Because of distinct modality statistical properties, shallow methods have been unsuccessful in finding a shared representation which maintains the most information about different modalities. Recently, deep networks have been used for extracting high-level representations for multimodal data. In previous methods, for each modality, one modality-specific network was learned. Thus, high-level representations for different modalities were extracted. Since these high-level representations have less difference than raw modalities, a shared...
A New Approach Based on Mathematical Modelling and Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making for Supplier Selection in Green Supply Chain
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hajji, Alireza (Supervisor)
Recently, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the damage to the environment is very important. Due to the increasing environmental awareness of the people on the one hand, and government pressure to reduce damage to the environment on the other hand, has led organizations to pay more attention to this important issue. In addition, these organizations in order to participate in the global competition, should consider green criteria along with other criteria. Hence, the organizations to outsourcing part of their work are looking for Suppliers who along with other criteria also meet the criteria for being green. In this study, a new two-stage approach based on fuzzy...
Optimal charge scheduling of PHEV in a multi-carrier energy home
, Article 2014 14th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC 2014 - Conference Proceedings ; 2014 , p. 199-203 ; ISBN: 9781480000000 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The presence of different energy carriers as well as the advent of new multi-generation technologies such as combined heat and power (CHP) at homes necessitates designing an integrated model for optimal operation of such multi-carrier energy home. A residential energy hub model including a CHP and a Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is presented in this paper to show the multi-carrier energy system operation. In addition, this paper proposes an optimization-based formulation for PHEV charging control in the residential energy hub. The payment cost is minimized for the charge scheduling of PHEV through optimization of the residential energy hub operation in response to the...
Network-adaptive multipath video delivery over wireless multimedia sensor networks based on packet and path priority scheduling
, Article Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing Communication and Applications, BWCCA 2010, 4 November 2010 through 6 November 2010 ; 2010 , Pages 351-356 ; 9780769542362 (ISBN) ; Akbari, B ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper we investigate multi-path transmission of video over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). Our objective is to provide a transmission mechanism to improve the video quality perceived at the receiver while considering energy, bandwidth and delay constraints of the network. Our approach is based on packet and path priority scheduling in multipath video transmission over WMSN. Video packets are classified according to their types and more important packets are transmitted through paths with better conditions. Path conditions are evaluated by a score mechanism using variant parameters such as free buffer size, energy, hop count and packet loss. Since path conditions are...
Load management in a residential energy hub with renewable distributed energy resources
, Article Energy and Buildings ; Volume 107 , November , 2015 , Pages 234-242 ; 03787788 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
This paper presents a residential energy hub model for a smart multi-carrier energy home consisting of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), combined heat and power (CHP), solar panels, and electrical storage system (ESS). The energy hub inputs are electricity and natural gas that provide electrical and heat demands at the output ports. In this paper, an optimization-based program is proposed to determine the optimal operation mode of the energy hub, to manage the energy consumption of responsive appliances, to schedule charging/discharging of PHEV and the storage system, and to coordinate solar panels operation with household responsive demand in response to day-ahead time-varying tariffs...
Preparing a Coated Tablet of Vitamin C
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor)
Vitamin C is one of the essential ingredients for the survival of human beings, animals and plants. This vitamin is an ester that in its structure there is a cyclic ester, an alkene Factor (C = C) and four hydroxyl factor (OH). This vitamin is a white solid, water-soluble and non-toxic that exists in many fruits, especially citrus. Its presence in the diet of human resistance them against infections increases. The main factor causing acidic property in vitamin C is the presence of OH groups attached to the alkene. Various forms of vitamin C exists in pharmaceutical collection of European countries. Since the tablet form because of the many advantages including being economical compared with...
Outage management in residential demand response programs
, Article IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , August , 2015 , Pages 1453-1462 ; 19493053 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
This paper proposes a novel optimization based home load control (HLC) to manage the operation periods of responsive electrical appliances, determine several recommended operation periods for nonresponsive appliances, and schedule the charge/discharge cycling of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) considering various customer preferences. The customer preferences are in the format of payment cost, interruption cost, and different operational constraints. The projected algorithm is online, in which household appliances are initially scheduled based on the payment cost, and when the home load is interrupted, the scheduling will be updated to minimize customer interruption cost. Due to...
A^1-Homotopy Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rastegar, Arash (Supervisor)
A^1-homotopy theory or the motivic homotopy theory is a homotopy theory for smooth schemes of finite type over a Noetherian base scheme of finite dimension. A^1-homotopy was introduced by Vladimir Voevodsky and Fabien Morel in the 90s. The fundamental idea of this theory is that for schemes the affine line A^1 should play the role of the interval I = [0,1]. A^1-homotopy has been proved to be an important theory. Some familiar cohomology theories like motivic cohomology and algebraic K-theory are representable in this theory. Motivic cohomology and A^1-homotopy theory also appear in Voevodsky’s proof of Milnor’s conjecture and Block-Kato conjecture. In this thesis,we will give an introduction...
Discussion: “Optimum design of vibration absorbers for structurally damped timoshenko beams“ (Esmailzadeh, E., and Jalili, N., 1998, ASME J. Vib. Acoust., 120, no. 4, pp. 833-841)
, Article Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME ; Volume 123, Issue 4 , 2001 , Pages 548-549 ; 10489002 (ISSN) ; Ghorashil, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Improving Packet Scheduling in Multpath Video Delivery Over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Behzad (Supervisor)
Recent advances in WSN have led to next generation of it for multimedia transmission which is WMSN. WMSN has several applications like environmental monitoring, advance health care delivery and etc. However, providing QoS requirements of transmitting video data like delay, bandwidth and packet loss with minimum distortion at perceived video quality over WMSN with resource constraints is a challenging problem. Using multipath routing protocol for video communication can increase bandwidth and decrease delay over WMSN. Moreover, all video packets have not the same effect on video distortion. We propose a scheduling mechanism which classifies packets according to their types and contents and...