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Resilient transactive control for systems with high wind penetration based on cloud computing
, Article IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ; Volume 14, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 1286-1296 ; 15513203 (ISSN) ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
IEEE Computer Society
One of the main shortcomings, caused by high penetration of wind power, is intermittency of generation. For integrating high penetration of wind power, the frequency regulation and the transactive control systems are modified to be sufficiently resilient against fluctuations of wind power and malicious cyber threats. Here, a hierarchical state-space model is presented for the frequency regulation and the transactive control systems in a smart grid environment. To achieve a resilient control, a framework based on cloud computing is proposed for the communication network. Benefits and challenges of the cloud-based framework are also described in this paper. To optimize the operation of the...
Optimum damping resistance of potential transformers for mitigating ferro-resonance in gas insulated substations
, Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 103 , 2018 , Pages 553-561 ; 01420615 (ISSN) ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Different methods are developed for mitigation of ferro-resonance in high-voltage gas insulated substations (GISs). The main components, which have impacts on probability of occurrence of ferro-resonance, are grading capacitance of circuit breakers (CBs) and internal loss of potential transformers (PTs). However, by using active or passive damping resistance in the secondary of PTs, the probability of occurrence of ferro-resonance can be decreased substantially. It is worth mentioning that the thermal limitations of PTs restrict us to dissipate a lot of energy in the damping resistance. Therefore, in this paper, both thermal and electrical aspects of ferro-resonance are considered and...
Optimal generalized bayesian nash equilibrium of frequency-constrained electricity market in the presence of renewable energy sources
, Article IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy ; Volume 11, Issue 1 , 2020 , Pages 136-144 ; Toulabi, M ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this paper, the problem of frequency-constrained electricity market (FCEM) is modeled in the presence of renewable energy sources (RESs) and price-maker players by using equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints formulation. It is worth mentioning that due to the intermittency of RESs, the FCEM problem in the presence of price-maker players becomes more imperative as stability of power system frequency is a public good and the free-rider problem arises. Moreover, as players of FCEM do not know their rivals' objective functions, the problem is modeled based on Bayesian game theory. The FCEM problem is converted into a game of complete but imperfect information under the common prior...
Optimising operational cost of a smart energy hub, the reinforcement learning approach
, Article International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems ; 2014 ; ISSN: 17445760 ; Sheikhi, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
The concept of smart grid (SG) has been introduced to improve the operation of the power systems. In modern structures of power systems, different reasons prompt researchers to suggest integrated analysis of multi-carrier energy systems. Considering synergy effects of the couplings between different energy carriers and utilising intelligent technologies for monitoring and controlling of energy flow may change energy system management in the future. In this paper, we propose a new solution which is entitled ‘smart energy hub’ (SEH) that models a multi-carrier energy system in a SG. SEH solutions allow homeowners to manage their energy consumption to reduce their electricity and gas bill. We...
Applying reinforcement learning method to optimize an Energy Hub operation in the smart grid
, Article IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2015, 18 February through 20 February 2015 ; 2015 ; 9781479917853 (ISBN) ; Sheikhi, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
New days, the concepts of 'Smart Grid' and 'Energy Hub' have been introduced to improve the operation of the energy systems. This paper introduces a new conception entitling Smart Energy Hub (S. E. Hub), as a multi-carrier energy system in a smart grid environment. To show the application of this novel idea, we present a residential S. E. Hub which employs Reinforcement Learning (RL) method for finding a near optimal solution. The simulation results show that by applying the S. E. Hub model and then using the proposed method for a residential customer, running cost is reduced substantially. While, comparing with the classical ones, the RL method does not require any data about the...
Optimising operational cost of a smart energy hub, the reinforcement learning approach
, Article International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems ; Volume 30, Issue 4 , Oct , 2015 , Pages 325-341 ; 17445760 (ISSN) ; Sheikhi, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
The concept of smart grid (SG) has been introduced to improve the operation of the power systems. In modern structures of power systems, different reasons prompt researchers to suggest integrated analysis of multi-carrier energy systems. Considering synergy effects of the couplings between different energy carriers and utilising intelligent technologies for monitoring and controlling of energy flow may change energy system management in the future. In this paper, we propose a new solution which is entitled smart energy hub (SEH) that models a multi-carrier energy system in a SG. SEH solutions allow homeowners to manage their energy consumption to reduce their electricity and gas bill. We...
Optimal contract design for purchasing from frequency regulation service providers with private information
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 34, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 2445-2448 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Sheikhi, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this letter, an incentive compatible contract is designed for purchasing energy and ancillary service (AS) simultaneously from strategic frequency regulation service providers (FRSPs) by considering information asymmetries between independent system operator and FRSPs. Here, AS is confined to frequency reserve (FR) for arresting nadir frequency following possible contingencies of the electrical grid. An FRSP has a multi-dimensional private information vector, which determines its operational cost and limitations. Moreover, there is a gaming opportunity for an FRSP that is arisen between energy and AS payments manifesting by manipulation of its bids. Thus, in this letter, a multi-object...
Balancing management of strategic aggregators using non-cooperative game theory
, Article Electric Power Systems Research ; Volume 184 , 2020 ; Bozorg, M ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Cherkaoui, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The aggregators are intermediary players at the distribution system level. They manage the financial transactions of resources such as micro-turbines (MTs), photo-voltaic (PV) production systems, flexible demands (FDs), and must-run demands (MDs) in the energy market. Based on the regulation of many transmission system operators (TSOs) in European countries, an aggregator is obliged to be assigned to a balancing group (BG) represented by a balancing group manager (BGM). The TSO measures the energy imbalances at the BG level. Meanwhile, the BGM is responsible for the management of financial transactions between the aggregators and the TSO. The strategic aggregators can establish a common BG...
Bi-level equilibrium of energy retailer–smart energy hub game in integrated energy market
, Article IET Smart Grid ; Volume 4, Issue 3 , 2021 , Pages 284-296 ; 25152947 (ISSN) ; Khazeni, S ; Rayati, M ; Ashourizadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
John Wiley and Sons Inc
An integrated view of energy markets has led to the introduction of new market participants named energy retailers (ERs). Competition among ERs in an integrated market greatly improves market performance in areas such as sustainability, supply security, and environmental awareness. ER performance is evaluated in an integrated market with emission penalty reduction in the objective function. Bi-level programming is used to model an ER game, and the equilibria of different configurations are compared. In the game's first level, ERs offer various energy carrier selling prices to optimise profits. In the second level, consumers respond by switching from the retail market to minimise their energy...
Retail market equilibrium in multicarrier energy systems: A game theoretical approach
, Article IEEE Systems Journal ; Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 738-747 ; 19328184 (ISSN) ; Sheikhi, A ; Rayati, M ; Soleymani, S ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Multicarrier energy systems have provided the opportunity for users who are experiencing only must-run loads to participate in demand response programs by using self-generation units. In this paper, a bilevel game between so-called energy retailers and consumers with firm loads (as subsystems) is formulated in a multicarrier energy system. In the first level of this game, energy retailers offer selling prices for different energy carriers to maximize their profit. Consequently, consumers react to the offered prices by managing their purchasing power from the retail market to minimize their energy bill in the second level. The proposed approach leads to a mixed integer nonlinear programming...
Optimal equilibrium selection of price-maker agents in performance-based regulation market
, Article Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2022 , Pages 204-212 ; 21965625 (ISSN) ; Sheikhi, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Sun, W ; Sharif University of Technology
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing Branch
This paper analyzes the oligopolistic equilibria of multiple price-maker agents in performance-based regulation (PBR) markets. In these markets, there are price-maker agents representing some frequency regulation (FR) providers and a number of independent price-taker FR providers. A model of equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints (EPECs) is employed in this paper to study the equilibria of a PBR market in the presence of price-maker agents and price-taker FR providers. Due to the incorporation of the FR providers' dynamics, the proposed model is reformulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem over innovative mathematical techniques. An optimal equilibrium point is...
Resilient transactive control for systems with high wind penetration based on cloud computing
, Article IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ; 2017 ; 15513203 (ISSN) ; Ranjbar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
One of the main shortcomings, caused by high penetration of wind power, is intermittency of generation. For integrating high penetration of wind power, the frequency regulation and the transactive control systems are modified to be sufficiently resilient against fluctuations of wind power and malicious cyber threats. Here, a hierarchical state-space model is presented for the frequency regulation and the transactive control systems in a smart grid environment. To achieve a resilient control, a framework based on cloud computing is proposed for the communication network. Benefits and challenges of the cloud-based framework are also described in this paper. To optimize the operation of the...
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of 1-Propanol and 2-Propanol on Electro-active Films Derived from Ni II-(N,N′-bis(2-Hydroxy, 3-Methoxy Benzaldehyde)-1,2-Propandiimine) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
, Article Electrocatalysis ; Volume 2, Issue 3 , Volume 2, Issue 3 , 2011 , Pages 163-171 ; 18682529 (ISSN) ; Rashvand avei, M ; Gobal, F ; Rayati, S ; Mahjani, M. G ; Sharif University of Technology
Complexes of Ni II-(N,N′-bis(2-hydroxy, 3-methoxy benzaldehyde)-1,2-propandiimine) can be electro-polymerized onto GC electrode in an alkaline solution to give an electro-active film strongly adhered on the electrode surface. In alkaline solution, this poly-(Ni II{sal-1,2-pn(3-OMe) 2})/GC film shows the typical voltammetric response of a surface-immobilized redox couple, as can be anticipated for the Ni 2+/Ni 3+ transitions into the film. In addition, the film exhibits a potent and persistent electro-catalytic activity towards the oxidation of 1- and 2-propanol. In CV studies, in the presence of these alcohols, poly-(Ni II{sal-1,2-pn(3-OMe) 2})/GC electrode shows a new oxidation peak for the...
A comparative investigation of the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on poly-NiTCPP and poly-TCPP/Ni modified glassy carbon electrodes
, Article Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry ; Volume 663, Issue 1 , December , 2011 , Pages 14-23 ; 15726657 (ISSN) ; Haghighatbin, M. A ; Gobal, F ; Mahjani, M. G ; Rayati, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Electro-oxidation of methanol in alkaline solution at a glassy carbon electrode electrochemically modified by a conductive polymeric meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrinato nickel(II), abbreviated as poly-NiTCPP and also meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin with incorporated nickel(II) cations, abbreviated as, poly-TCPP/Ni, were investigated and compared. Both films were prepared by oxidative electro-polymerization of complexes by repetitive cyclic voltammetry (RCV) in 0.1 M NaOH aqueous solution. The electrochemical properties and behaviors and also kinetic values of both films have been characterized and compared using cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA) and electrochemical...
DFT and experimental study of the host-guest interactions effect on the structure, properties, and electro-catalytic activities of N 2O 2-Ni(II) schiff-base complexes incorporated into zeolite
, Article Journal of Physical Chemistry C ; Volume 116, Issue 34 , 2012 , Pages 18518-18532 ; 19327447 (ISSN) ; Rashvand Avei, M ; Khakali, M ; Gobal, F ; Rayati, S ; Mahjani, M. G ; Sharif University of Technology
Ni II-(N,N′-bis(2,4-dihydroxyacetophenone)-2, 2-dimethylpropandiimine (Ni II{salnptn(4-OH) 2}) complex has been encapsulated within the supercage of zeolite-NaY by reacting Ni 2+-exchanged NaY with the flexible Schiff-base ligand that diffuses into the cavities. The encapsulated complex is characterized by EDX, scanning electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, and cyclic voltammetry studies. Density functional calculation is being carried out on both the free nickel Schiff-base complex and that encapsulated in NaY zeolite to investigate changes in structural parameters, energies of the HOMO and LUMO, and absolute hardness and softness. Electrochemical properties of the NaY...
Scheme-Content Dualism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sheykh Rezaee, Hossein (Supervisor)
According to Davidson the distinction between the conceptual scheme and the empirical content is the last dogma of empiricism, and its abandonment will amount to abandoning what has remained from empiricism. To him, conceptual schemes are ways of organizing experience or systems of categories that form the data of sensation or fact, contents being data of sensation or facts which are neutral and out of all schemes. While Quine seems committed to such a distinction, Davidson provides arguments to show that the distinction is untenable. This discrepancy between Quine and Davidson is what this dissertation elaborates on. More specifically, the dissertation pursues two main aims: to show in...
Optimizing Smart Energy Hub Operation by Reinforcement Learning Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Supervisor)
Nowadays, demands increment is one of the greatest concerns of energy systems operators. Consequently, enhancing the efficiency of consumption is an inevitable goal, which leads us to a concept named as energy hub (EH). In a simple definition, an EH is a multi-generation system where different energy carriers are converted and stored by various devices such as combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP), battery, and boiler to meet the load demands. In addition, with advent of smart grids (SG), demand side management (DSM) becomes one of the effective techniques with significant role in optimizing energy systems performance. DSM commonly refers to methods implemented by utility companies to...
Optimizing Real-time Energy and Ancillary Service Markets in the Presence of Strategic Players
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Supervisor)
Nowadays, the capacity of renewable energy sources in electrical grids and electricity markets has been grown. Due to the fluctuation of renewable energy sources, one of the main challenges of system operators is the managment of renewable energy uncertaintites impacts on the performance of frequency control systems. A method for solving this challenge is to develop the ancillary service markets, e.g., frequency reserve and frequency regulation markets. In this thesis, an optimal equilibrium of different forms of ancillary service markets are analyzed. In addition, a dynamic real-time and resilient market mechanism is developed to capture the strategic behaviors of players while the optimal...
Optimal bidding strategy of coordinated wind power and gas turbine units in real-time market using conditional value at risk
, Article International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems ; Volume 29, Issue 1 , 2019 ; 20507038 (ISSN) ; Goodarzi, H ; Ranjbar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Nowadays, the incorporation of wind power in electrical grids and electricity markets is grown. Due to the fluctuation of wind speed, one of the main challenges of wind power would be selling power directly to the wholesale markets. A method for solving this challenge is coordination of wind power with energy storages, cascaded hydro, or gas turbine units in bidding strategy and operation. By coordinating with gas turbine units, wind power can be incorporated in real-time markets with fewer capital costs. In this paper, a stochastic bi-level optimization is proposed for coordinated wind power and gas turbine units in the real-time market. The uncertainties of wind power, demands, rivals'...
Optimal bidding strategy of coordinated wind power and gas turbine units in real-time market using conditional value at risk
, Article International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems ; Volume 29, Issue 1 , 2019 ; 20507038 (ISSN) ; Goodarzi, H ; Ranjbar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Nowadays, the incorporation of wind power in electrical grids and electricity markets is grown. Due to the fluctuation of wind speed, one of the main challenges of wind power would be selling power directly to the wholesale markets. A method for solving this challenge is coordination of wind power with energy storages, cascaded hydro, or gas turbine units in bidding strategy and operation. By coordinating with gas turbine units, wind power can be incorporated in real-time markets with fewer capital costs. In this paper, a stochastic bi-level optimization is proposed for coordinated wind power and gas turbine units in the real-time market. The uncertainties of wind power, demands, rivals'...