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    Design and Simulation of Bioimpedance Chip for Monitoring Heart Failure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezapour, Mojtaba (Author) ; Sharifkhani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death and mortality. among these diseases, heart muscle inability, especially acute decompensated heart failure is very common. There are several methods to diagnose and monitor this disease, but a method that is accurate, non-invasive, portable and easy to access and easy to measure without multiple visits to the clinic; Priority for use. Early detection and continuous monitoring of fluid status by measuring the bio-impedance (Bio-Z) measurement of thoracic magnitude or phase is critical in reducing the mortality of chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. In this dissertation, for monitoring chronic heart failure, bio-impedance chips with... 

    Modeling Multi-path Covering Routing Problem

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezapour Niari, Maryam (Author) ; Koorosh, Eshghi (Supervisor)
    The location problem is one of the main topics at the strategic level. This problem is investigated along with many areas such as network design and path covering problems. Routing between source and destination nodes is done in such a way that maximizes traffic coverage and reduces costs as much as possible. Routing problems are considered in goods distribution areas and urban transit systems. Goods distribution from set of cross-docks can help to reduce costs and improve resource efficiency. So, this topic is considered in this research and a suitable model is proposed. Defining and developing of the road and rail transportation networks are main topics in urban traffic management which... 

    Experimental and Numerical Study of Gas Turbine Model Combustor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezapour-Rastaghi, Hamed (Author) ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
    High Swirl Combustors can provide stable flames in wide range of operating conditions. Double swirl combustors, as one of the newest designs in this field, have particular effects on improving the efficiency of combustion chambers in terms of flame stability, mixing process quality and reducing combustion pollutants. In this study, a double swirl gas turbine combustor, SGTMC, which is redesigned version of a German combustor (GTMC), has been investigated. According to experimental section of this study, lean stability limits, UHCs, CO and NOx has been measured and analyzed. Results show that this burner can provide a stable flame even in very low equivalence ratios. Also in some specific... 

    Implementation of a Retrospective Trust-Region Method for Unconstrained Optimization

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezapour, Mostafa (Author) ; Mahdavi Amiri, Nezamoddin (Supervisor)
    We explain a new trust region algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization problems where the redius update is computed using the model information at the current iterate rather than at the preceding one, recently proposed by Bastin, Malmedy, Mouffe, Toint and Tomanos. Then we discuss a modification mixing the concepts of nonmonotone trust region, line search and internal doubling. We use line search to finds a point that satisfies the Wolfe conditions. After that, we explain a new trust region algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization problems where simultaneously satisfies the quasi-Newton condition at each iteration and maintains a positive-definite approximation to the Hessian... 

    Topology analysis of manufacturing service supply–demand hyper-network considering QoS properties in the cloud manufacturing system

    , Article Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ; Volume 72 , 2021 ; 07365845 (ISSN) Rezapour Niari, M ; Eshgi, K ; Fatahi Valilai, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg), a new manufacturing paradigm, enables an opportunity for manufacturing enterprises to respond to a wide variety of demands. The CMfg concept integrates the distributed resources and capacities in a shared economy, transfers them to the virtual manufacturing services with various quality of service (QoS) properties. These services are invoked to collaborate in producing customized demands with specific functional and non-functional properties. The operational perspective of the service-demand matching problem is considered more in the literature; however, it is a challenging problem in the CMfg ecosystem. This paper evaluates the service-demand matching problem... 

    Adaptive capacity management in cloud manufacturing hyper-network platform: Case of COVID-19 equipment production

    , Article International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management ; Volume 17, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 239-258 ; 17509653 (ISSN) Rezapour Niari, M ; Eshghi, K ; Fatahi Valilai, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2022
    Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) is a service-oriented manufacturing (SOM) paradigm that provides a dynamic, scalable, and virtualized working ecosystem. The CMfg collaborative structure can be modeled as a hyper-network-based service-demand matching architecture. It is enriched with quality of service (QoS) characteristics to produce customized products in a stable and reliable network. This stability should be considered in the overall manufacturing network mechanism. This paper has provided adaptive strategies utilizing available resources and capacities to enhance the system’s stability and reliability against the unexpected events. The capabilities of the enhanced framework are utilized to... 

    Predicting the Price of Non-Fungible Tokens with a Machine Learning Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fadaei Tafreshi, Ali (Author) ; Rezapour Niari, Maryam (Supervisor)
    In recent years, the popularity and applications of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have increased dramatically. For this reason, especially in the current decade, many researches have been conducted in different fields about the use of these tokens at the global level. One of the important and vital topics in the field of non-exchangeable tokens is the issues related to price prediction and the factors affecting their prices, which are mainly investigated using data analysis approaches. In this research, the factors affecting the price of non-exchangeable tokens of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) have been studied. These factors include traits, transaction data, rarity scores, transaction volume,... 

    Stability analysis of feature ranking techniques in the presence of noise: A comparative study

    , Article International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining ; Volume 17, Issue 4 , 2020 , Pages 413-427 Ramezani, I ; Khorram Niaki, M ; Dehghani, M ; Rezapour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Inderscience Publishers  2020
    Noisy data is one of the common problems associated with real-world data, and may affects the performance of the data models, consequent decisions and the performance of feature ranking techniques. In this paper, we show how stability performance can be changed if different feature ranking methods against attribute noise and class noise are used. We consider Kendall's Tau rank correlation and Spearman rank correlation to evaluate various feature ranking methods stability, and quantify the degree of agreement between ordered lists of features created by a filter on a clean dataset and its outputs on the same dataset corrupted with different combinations of the noise level. According to the... 

    Study, Analysis & Optimizing The Process Of Approval, Design & Implementation Of Projects In The Iranian Oil Terminal Company(IOTC)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moosavi, Saeed (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Since the Iranian oil terminals company(I.O.T.C.) has been the main and strategic gateway of exporting petroleum in the country and plays an important role in the optimum continuity of national, regional and international energy supply chain and also conducting the needed projects whit a desirable quality and minimum time and cost has a prominent influence on steady continuity of manufacturing, importing and exporting of petroleum and gas production. The main purpose of doing this thesis is diagnosing the process of approval, design and implementation of projects in the I.O.T.C., Thus, whit regarding to the modern needs of implementing projects and the necessity of reviewing the structure... 

    Study & Analysis of Delays Causes of Gas Projects in Tehran Gas Company & presenting Optimized Solutions by Applying Project Management Principles

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Elahe (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    To deliver gas in time to different consumers like as industrial, commercial and domestic users is one of the most important parts in gas industry. So it is very important to utilize these projects in the specified time. There are huge harms for client, contractors and consumers when there is a delay in project utilization. To identify effective parameters on delays to remove them in future is an essential factor. In this research, all delay causes for TPGC (Tehran Province Gas Company) projects are analyzed and some solutions to remove these delays are presented. 10 hypotheses in relation of gas delivery have been assumed as delay causes. Then some questions have been discussed in relation... 

    Service Level Agreement Templates and Guides for Implementing, using eTOM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdioun, Saeid (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, in communication industry, specially data network, in which service quality is a serious parameter, request for making connection with appropriate quality (Proportionate to demands) and necessity of clarification of obligations of service providers and customers, as well as customer awareness of submitted materials and offering various services with different qualities & costs, led service providers, specially IP based networks, to make agreements with their customers, entitled service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA specifies the service type, mutual obligations, related parameters, measuring methods, violation threshold, penalties and loss compensation. Whereas, applying... 

    Condition Monitoring of Water Pipelines by Using Acoustic Method a Study of Leak Detection in ABFA

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alimoradi, Farid (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Water is crucial to human being. We use water for a wide variety of uses daily. However, leakage has caused substantial water loss to our precious processed water. The major contributor to non-revenue water in Iran is pipeline leakages. The water industry in the nation has invested in equipment to detect and localize leaks in water distribution systems. One of the equipment mentioned is acoustic-based. The principle of acoustic is that whenever a leak is present in a pipeline, noise is generated and will travel along the pipeline. The acoustic leak detection method is then derived by calculating the distance traveled by this noise generated by the leak. Different equipment based on acoustic... 

    Assessment and Performance Improvement of Hierarchical Voltage Control System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davoodi, Ehsan (Author) ; Parniani, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Hierarchical voltage control is one of the conventional kinds of coordinated voltage control schemes which has been studied in some countries in the last decades. In this method network is divided into several voltage control regions and in each region voltage profile is controlled near optimal level, satisfying the economic and secure goals of the network performance. In this thesis, after the explanation of the main concepts of this scheme, its effects on the network voltage control is assessed and its performance is improved. First the primary concepts of hierarchical voltage control are explained. Then, the methods of the control regions determination and pilot nodes selection are... 

    Analyzing the Healthcare Wastes and Feasibility Study of Related Items (Plastics)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mesbah, Niousha (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Increasing population and competition for producing various productions and also more consumption in recent decades, result in producing more wastes. Therefore effective and continuous waste management is essential for monitoring the process (from the wastes generation source to the waste disposal) and establishing the efficient strategies to reduce wastes. One of the major sources of waste generation is hospitals that cause lots of environmental problem unless they are managed properly.Recycling is an important element of waste management that can reduce costs by innovative and proper management. The purpose of this research is identification of recyclable plastic items and estimates the... 

    The Analysis of Total Productive Maintenance Based on Computerized Maintenance Management System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Behshad, Amir (Author) ; mostafavi, mostafa (Supervisor)
    The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the total productive maintenance based on computerized maintenance management system. At first, a detailed study on total productive maintenance is performed and then the requirements of this maintenance strategy are specified. Also, a computerized maintenance management system is defined which can help total productive maintenance to reach to its requirements. Finally, a conceptual model and entity-relationship model for computerized maintenance management system data base has been created  

    Study of HVDC Transmission for Offshore Wind Farms Based on Voltage Source Converters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safaeian, Reza (Author) ; Parniani, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, DC transmission of offshore wind farms is studied thoroughly. Various system configurations that are introduced in the literatures are discussed and their control scheme for normal conditions and grid faults are studied. Then, the HVDC transmission based on voltage source converter, located between a local offshore ac grid and the onshore ac system is investigated as the most practical choice. The HVDC linke circuit elements are calculated and the control strategies of the offshore and onshore converters are introduced. DFIGs are considered to be the best choice for the offshore wind turbine generators. Then, the system is simulated and the frequency of the offshore grid is... 

    Feasibility Study of Manufacturing of Disposable Plant Containers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ansari, Mahmood (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Although laws vary in the competitive business world of today and the changing supply and demand parameters show that the process of delivering new products to market is very important.Most organizations today have found that spending more than ever on trusting in traditional competitive levers such as quality, cost reduction and differentiation in selling more products and services are not enough to be successful in market, instead notions such as speed, flexibility andagility can have a significant trend toward offering new products and services. There aresome good reasons for knew that organizations need new ways to develop their new products to survival, compete with its competitors and... 

    Modified Load Scheduling Using Smart Meters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahrami, Shahab (Author) ; Parniani, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Implementation of various incentive-based demand response strategies has great potential to decrease peak load growth and customer electricity bill cost. Using advanced metering and automatic demand management makes it possible to optimize energy consumption, to reduce grid loss, and to release generation capacities for the sake of providing sustainable electricity supply, and reducing electricity bills for the customers. With these objectives, this thesis examines the previously suggested load scheduling programs in both residential and industrial sectors, and proposes new practical strategies for load management. This thesis has mainly focuses on three subdivisions of load management... 

    Coordinated Voltage Control of Power Systems in Normal and Emergency Operation States

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rabiee, Abbas (Author) ; Parniani, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    One of the main objectives in operating a power system is to maintain the system voltage properly to avoid equipment damage and transfer power efficiently. Automatic control of transmission network voltage provides significant improvements in security, quality and efficiency of power system operation. This thesis investigates coordinated voltage control of power systems in normal, alert and emergency states. The aim is to propose a comprehensive framework for real-time operation of practical power systems, ensuring secure operation of the system in the normal state and after occurrence of sever contingencies.
    At the first, a new coordinated voltage control scheme is proposed to ensure... 

    Feyerabend’s Point of View on Scientific Progress

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yazdani, Homa (Author) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Feyarabend’s philosophy of science is against method and rule such that he believes that “anything goes”. However, he sometimes applies the term “progress”. Reviewing his publications shows that from his point of view, progress is qualitative and relative. So, unlike other philosophers of science Feyarabend ignores the clarification of the concept; subsequently, his applications of the term “progress” are somewhat ambiguous. However, by studying his philosophy, one may realize what should be done to achieve progress in any sense. The affirmative aspect of Feyerabend’s philosophy, while highlights the social and ethical elements, considering his humanitarian outlook as well as his special...