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    Using Machine Learning Approaches for Persian Pronoun Resolution

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Moosavi, Nafiseh (Author) ; Ghasem Sani, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Coreference resolution is an essential step toward understanding discourses, and it is needed by many NLP tasks such as summarization, machine translation, question answering, etc. Pronoun resolution is a major and challenging subpart of coreference resolution, in which only the resolution of pronouns is considered. The existing coreference resolution approaches can be classified into two broad categories: linguistic and machine learning approaches. Linguistic approaches need a lot of linguistic information for the resolution process. Acquisition of such information is an error- prone and time-consuming process. In contrast, learning approaches need less linguistic information and provide... 

    Hydrogen desorption properties of MgH 2–TiCr 1.2 Fe 0.6 nanocomposite prepared by high-energy mechanical alloying [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Power Sources ; 2011, Vol. 196, No.10, P.4604-4608 Mahmoudi, N. (Nafiseh) ; Kaflou, A ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the present work, high-energy mechanical alloying (MA) was employed to synthesize a nanostructured magnesium-based composite for hydrogen storage. The preparation of the composite material with composition of MgH2–5at% (TiCr1.2Fe0.6) was performed by co-milling of commercial available MgH2 powder with the body-centered cubic (bcc) alloy either in the form of Ti–Cr–Fe powder mixture with the proper mass fraction (sample A) or prealloyed TiCr1.2Fe0.6 powder (sample B). The prealloyed powder with an average crystallite size of 14nm and particle size of 384nm was prepared by the mechanical alloying process. It is shown that the addition of the Ti-based bcc alloy to magnesium hydride yields a... 

    Data-Driven Pricing Based on Demand Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khosroshahi, Fatemeh Zahra (Author) ; Sedghi, Nafiseh (Supervisor)
    Pricing plays an important and essential role in the profit and income of companies. The importance of pricing is not only related to its role in the company's profitability, but it also changes the customer's understanding and loyalty towards the company and can create the company's reputation or destroy it. Determining the right price will increase product sales and increase customer loyalty and create a competitive advantage for the company. One of the most important and influential variables in product pricing is the amount of demand. The main challenge of companies for product pricing is the uncertainty in their demand. In order to deal with this problem, data-driven pricing is used.... 

    Link Prediction using Dynamic Graph Neural Network with Application to Call Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sajadi, Nafiseh Sadat (Author) ; Jafari Siavoshani, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    In network science, link prediction is one of the essential tasks that has been neglected. One important application of link prediction in telecommunication networks is analyzing the user's consumption pattern to provide better service. This project aims to predict future links with applications to call data using the users' call history. In previous research, there are two main approaches: 1) heuristic-based approach, and 2) deep-learning-based approach, such as graph neural networks. These methods are mainly used for processing static graphs, and therefore, we cannot generalize them to dynamic graphs. But there are many graphs which are dynamic in nature. For instance, call data records... 

    Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Porous Bioactive Glasses-Based Nanostructures in Bone Tissue Engineering

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Aldhaher, Abdullah (Author) ; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba (Supervisor) ; Baheiraei, Nafiseh (Co-Supervisor)
    In the upcoming research, with the aim of bone tissue engineering and achieving a new structure, a scaffold based on polyhema (PHEMA) and gelatin (Gel), which are biocompatible polymers for bone tissue, was made and evaluated. Also, in order to improve the bioactivity and mechanical properties, bioactive glass alone (BG45S5) or together with strontium (BG-Sr) was used in the scaffold structure. and chemical by conducting FTIR, XRD, SEM, mechanical strength, bioactivity measurement, contact angle, water absorption and degradation tests. Biological investigations were done using mesenchymal stem cells derived from human bone marrow and with the help of MTT evaluations and SEM photography. The... 

    Cluster-based adaptive SVM: a latent subdomains discovery method for domain adaptation problems

    , Article Computer Vision and Image Understanding ; Volume 162 , 2017 , Pages 116-134 ; 10773142 (ISSN) Sadat Mozafari, A ; Jamzad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Machine learning algorithms often suffer from good generalization in testing domains especially when the training (source) and test (target) domains do not have similar distributions. To address this problem, several domain adaptation techniques have been proposed to improve the performance of the learning algorithms when they face accuracy degradation caused by the domain shift problem. In this paper, we focus on the non-homogeneous distributed target domains and propose a new latent subdomain discovery model to divide the target domain into subdomains while adapting them. It is expected that applying adaptation on subdomains increase the rate of detection in comparing with the situation... 

    A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haeri, Nafiseh Sadat (Author) ; Alemi, Minoo (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Although Robot Assisted Language Learning (RALL) has recently received attention as a tool for language learning, its role in pragmatic development has gone unnoticed. Hence, this study sought to explore the effect of RALL on pragmatic learning of greeting, thanking, and request speech acts by young Persian-speaking EFL learners. To this end, 38 preschool female and male kids (3-6 years old) were assigned to the RALL (19 students) and game-based (19 students) groups. The humanoid robot for the RALL group was used as an assistant to the teacher while for the game-based group the instruction was based on gaming methods such as command, mystery bag and pass the ball games. The instructional... 

    Analytical Nonlinear Solution of a Structurally Integrated Piezoelectric Trapizoidal Tapered Beam for Energy Harvesting

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahsan Esfahani, Nafiseh Sadat (Author) ; Hosseini Kordkheili, Ali (Supervisor)
    Tapering the beam along its length may lead to an increase in the voltage density of piezoelectric energy harvester. In this study, the energy harvester voltage with linear variable cross section is studied by developing an analytical method in both linear and nonlinear states. In linear mode, the results are compared with the experimental results. For the development of linear and nonlinear analytic relations, the Euler–Bernoulli beam and linear voltage variations in the thickness direction are used, and for the separation of variables, the mass normalized mode shapes has been used. The results of the linear analytical method are compared with the results of past research and experimental... 

    The Effect of Travel Time Reliability on Morning Peak Travellers route choice in Large Metropolitan Area

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Mirjafari, Parisa (Author) ; Poorzahedy, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Data collected from street networks show that travel time in urban street networks is a stochastic variable, whose range of variation increases with the congestion level. Work and school trips comprise the major part of morning peak volumes, whose common characteristic is that they need to be made on time. For this reason, these travelers are pessimistic in their route choice, and try to choose routes which are more reliable. Travel time standard deviation is one of the common measures for estimating travel time reliability that is related to properties of day-to-day travel time distribution on a particular route. Based on the empirical data collected from Tehran street network, this paper... 

    Indoor Noise Pollution Modeling: A Case Study on Resalat Tunnel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Mortazavi, Mandana (Author) ; Vaziri, Manouchehr (Supervisor)
    Noise or noise pollution, is defined as an unwanted sound, produced mostly by motor vehicles in urban areas. If the noise exceeds its limit, adverse effects on users and citizens are expected. Thus the assessment of the noise level and its comparison with allowable values is mandatory. Traffic induced noise depends upon different factors such as traffic, weather, and, sound barriers. Noise pollution study has a long history all over the world. Many studies, mostly representing the outdoor noise pollution models, have been done in recent years. This paper presents an assessment of traffic-induced noise in a heavily traveled tunnel, locally referred to as Resalat tunnel, which is located in... 

    Using Information Beyond Text to Generate Language Embedding Vectors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinab Sadat Taghavi (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we introduce a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) system inspired by the philosophical and psychoanalytical concept of imagination as a ``Re-construction of Experiences". Our AI system is equipped with an imagination-inspired module that bridges the gap between textual inputs and other modalities, enriching the derived information based on previously learned experiences. A unique feature of our system is its ability to formulate independent perceptions of inputs. This leads to unique interpretations of a concept that may differ from human interpretations but are equally valid, a phenomenon we term as ``Interpretable Misunderstanding". We employ large-scale models,... 

    Coarsening dynamics of dewetting nanodroplets on chemically patterned substrates

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Volume 86, Issue 1 , July , 2012 ; 15393755 (ISSN) Moosavi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Mesoscopic hydrodynamic equations are solved to investigate coarsening dynamics of two interacting nanodroplets on chemically patterned substrates. The effects of different parameters such as the surface chemical pattern, the slip length, the profile of the disjoining pressure, the size of the droplets, and the contact angles on the coarsening are studied. Our results reveal that the presence of a chemical heterogeneity can enhance or weaken the coarsening dynamics depending on the pattern type and positions of the droplets on the substrate. Also increasing the contact angles to values larger than a critical value may qualitatively change the coarsening process, and the profile of the... 

    Deformation and Annealing Behavior of an Austenitic Stainless Steel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Alavi, Parisa (Author) ; Serajzadeh, Siamak (Supervisor)
    In this research, non-isothermal annealing process at temperatures ranging between 400°C to 830 °C was investigated in warm and cold-rolled austenitic stainless steel 304L. First, the wide variety of austenitic to martensitic structure was produced by the multi-pass rolling process at room temperature -8 °C, 200 °C, and 280°C. The n exponent in Olson-Cohen equation was governed 2.83 after non-linear curve fitting to assess the fraction of deformation-induced martensite as a function of strain. Afterward, Abaqus/Explicit method was utilized to achieve the stored energy and plastic strains distribution through the thickness. Then, Cellular automata and Galerkin-finite element models were... 

    Synthesis, Characterization and Optimization of an In situ Forming Hydrogel Derived from Extracellular Matrix for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Ali (Author) ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Baheiraei, Nafiseh (Supervisor) ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
    Myocardial Infarction occurs due to sudden blockage in a coronary artery and causes necrosis of myocardial tissue. Since myocardium is unable to self-regenerate, cardiac tissue engineering has become a promising therapeutic approach for MI treatment by restoring heart function via combination of cells, biomaterials and signaling factors. For this purpose, myocardial extracellular matrix (ECM) is an attractive biomaterial providing better biomimetic for cultured cells. In this project, we synthesized an in situ forming hydrogel derived from myocardial ECM and for improving mechanical and electrical properties of ECM hydrogel we added oxidized alginate (OA) with 5% oxidation degree and APTMS... 

    Analysis of Launch Time in New Product Development With Risk Considerations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Sharifonnasabi, Zahra (Author) ; Sheikhzadeh, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The importance of New Product Development (NPD) projects has been realized more and more in recent years. Among different decisions to be made in NPD process, one of the most critical decisions is about the best time to launch new product(s). Due to existence of many internal and external influential factors, determining the optimal launch time is often too complicated and it is quite hard to systematically analyze it. Despite risky nature of NPD, risk considerations in determining the optimal launch time have not been addressed in literature due to the mentioned complexity. In this research, we developed a model that takes in to account risk considerations while systematically determining... 

    Utilizing network coding for file dessimination in peer-to-peer systems

    , Article 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2009, 20 December 2009 through 23 December 2009, Cairo ; 2009 ; 9781424462735 (ISBN) Hosseini Sohei, M ; Movaghar, A ; Sadat Bathaee, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Network coding was first introduced in information theory for increasing the multicast rate in the networks with directed links. We can model many of the content distribution networks and overlay networks with such a network. Therefore, the solutions introduced in information theory can be used in these networks. In this paper, we analyze using of network coding in uncoordinated cooperative content distribution systems. Reaching the optimum performance in an uncoordinated system needs blocks of the system to be "equally important". In that case, we can retrieve the whole data without need of central controller or complex algorithms. In part of this paper, we exactly define the concept of... 

    Controlling longitudinal safe distance between vehicles

    , Article Promet - Traffic - Traffico ; Volume 21, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 303-310 ; 03535320 (ISSN) Sadat Hoseini, S. M ; Fathi, M ; Vaziri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Controlling the safe distances between vehicles on freeways can be used to prevent many accidents. In this research, image-processing techniques have been used to develop an online system that calculates the longitudinal distances between vehicles. This system facilitates controlling safe distances between vehicles without the need for high technology devices. Our approach is real-time and simple, but efficient operations have been used to reduce the image occlusion problem. The main concept of this system is using simple, quick, and effective algorithms for calculating the position of each vehicle in each image. In this way, traffic parameters like speed and distances between vehicles can... 

    A novel structure of dithered nested digital delta sigma modulator with low-complexity low-spur for fractional frequency synthesizers

    , Article COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; Volume 35, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 157-171 ; 03321649 (ISSN) Sadat Noori , S. A ; Farshidi, E ; Sadoughi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Emerald Group Publishing Ltd  2016
    Purpose - Digital Delta Sigma Modulator (DDSM) is used widely in electronic circuits including Radars, class-D power amplifiers and fractional frequency synthesizers. The purpose of this paper is to propose an implementation for MASH DDSMs named as Multi Modulus Reduced Complexity (MMRC) architecture. Design/methodology/approach - This architecture will use a very simple pseudorandom Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) dither signal with period N-d to randomize the digital MMRC modulator used for fractional frequency synthesizers. Using error masking methodology, the MMRC modulator can decrease the hardware consumption and increase accuracy of the fractional frequency synthesizer. Rules... 

    Entropy-based video steganalysis of motion vectors

    , Article Entropy ; Volume 20, Issue 4 , 2018 ; 10994300 (ISSN) Sadat, E. S ; Faez, K ; Saffari Pour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI AG  2018
    In this paper, a new method is proposed for motion vector steganalysis using the entropy value and its combination with the features of the optimized motion vector. In this method, the entropy of blocks is calculated to determine their texture and the precision of their motion vectors. Then, by using a fuzzy cluster, the blocks are clustered into the blocks with high and low texture, while the membership function of each block to a high texture class indicates the texture of that block. These membership functions are used to weight the effective features that are extracted by reconstructing the motion estimation equations. Characteristics of the results indicate that the use of entropy and... 

    Integration Frameworks for Assimilating Satellite Remote Sensing Observations with Hydrological Model Outputs

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sadat Soltani, Samira (Author) ; Ataie Ashtiani, Behzad (Supervisor)
    Global climate change and anthropogenic impacts lead to alterations in the water cycle, water resource availability and the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts. As a result, developing effective techniques such as hydrological modeling is essential to monitor and predict water storage changes. However, inaccuracies and uncertainties in different aspects of modeling, due to simplification of meteorological physical processes, data limitations and inaccurate climate forcing data limit the reliability of hydrological models. Assimilation of new observations constrains the dynamics of the model based on uncertainties associated with model and data, which can introduce missing water...