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Two-level Robust Control of Large-scale Systems
Ph.D. Dissertation
Sharif University of Technology
Sadati, Naser
In this thesis, two-level optimal control of uncertain and non-uncertain large-scale systems is presented. In the proposed two-level approach, using a decomposition/coordination framework, the large-scale system is first decomposed into several interactive subsystems, at the first-level, where a smaller optimization problem is solved at each subsystem. At the second-level, a substitution type prediction method, as a coordination strategy, is used to predict the interaction between subsystems. The coordinator mainly evaluates the next update for the coordination parameters and continues to exchange information with the first-level, so that the overall optimum solution is obtained. It is shown...
Safe Data-driven Reinforcement Learning Control Using Set-theoretic Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor)
Successful deployment of the next-generation safety-critical systems (e.g., self-driving cars or assistive robots) requires certifying their safety during their operation. Therefore, there is an urgent need for developing safe controllers that respect the system’s constraints all the time. Safety, however, is the bare minimum requirement for any safety-critical system, and it is desired to design safe controllers that achieve as much performance as possible. Most existing results in the literature consider either optimal control design without safety specifications or safe control design with only short-sighted optimality. However, long-term optimality based on long-horizon optimization is...
Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor)
The purpose of this project is designing a controller for a floating offshore wind turbine to exctract maximum power from wind energy in the first operating region of wind turbine. The NREL 5 MW OC3-Hywind floating wind turbine with BARGE platform will be used for this project. By using Turbsim software, proper wind profile for the first operating region of wind turbine will be produced. This profile will be excecuted for the FAST software that is simulates the mechanical part of wind turbine. By implementing the doubly fed induction generator in Simulink enviroment and designing the controller for doubly fed induction generator, the desired torque for maximizing the exctraction power of...
A Novel Approach to Mixed Model and Goal Coordination of Large-Scale Systems
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor)
In this thesis, a new approach is proposed for two-level optimal control of large-scale nonlinear systems. In this approach, by defining some parameters as coordination parameters the overall system is decomposed into several interactive subsystems, where the optimization problem redefines for each one of them. The obtained sub-problems which are in the form of standard optimal control problems with lower dimension are solved in the first level. To obtain the overall optimal solution, coordination of the first level solutions is performed in the second level. For solving the first level problems, the indirect gradient and Newton methods are used. The gradient method is applied in the first...
Fuzzy Fractional Order PID Design
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor)
In this thesis a novel Fuzzy Fractional Order Controller (FFOPID) is presented. This controller is designed by the means of the combination of a fuzzy system and a fractional order PID. Fractional controllers, especially fractional PIDs, shows their performance in control systems after the advent of fractional calculus. Fractional PID has better flexibility according to the classic PID. As the real control systems are nonlinear actually, so solving the control problem needs a nonlinear controller. Therefore, a fuzzy system is used in this thesis, in order to adapt the controller parameters with different operating points of the system. Fuzzy system design needs the optimal values for...
Two-Level Intelligent Control of Multiple Robotic Arms
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor)
This thesis presents a fuzzy-based interaction prediction approach (F-IPA) for two-level optimal control of large-scale systems. The design procedure uses a decomposition/coordination framework of hierarchical structures. At the first level, the system is decomposed into subsystems for which subproblems are formed. At the second level, a fuzzy coordinator is used to predict the coordination parameters needed to coordinate the solutions of the first level subproblems. The fuzzy coordinator uses a critic vector to evaluate its performance and learn its parameters by minimizing an energy function. The proposed control scheme is implemented on a two-degrees-of-freedom (2DOF) model of robot...
Robust Hierarchical Control of AC Microgrids
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor) ; Hamzeh, Mohsen (Supervisor)
New nonlinear voltage and current control strategies based on backstepping control and a high-order sliding mode differentiator for microgrid are proposed. The microgrid consists of multiple distributed generation (DG) units with an arbitrary configuration that can be parametrically uncertain or topologically unknown. The proposed method robustly regulates the microgrid voltages and currents in the presence of parametric uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics, load imbalances, and nonlinear loads with harmonic/interharmonic currents. In contrast to existing methods, the proposed method does not need to know the frequency of harmonic and interharmonic current of microgrid loads that lead to the...
3D-Path Simulation and Robust Control of Bevel-Tip Needles in Uncertain Model of Soft Tissues
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Naser (Supervisor) ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Co-Supervisor)
In this thesis, first we simulate the needle penetration in the soft tissues via finite element and adaptive finite elemet methods. Then, we design a proper controller for the model of tissue-needle interaction model considering some uncertain parameters and conditions in the needle-tisuue model. Needle penetration speed into the soft tissue and the applied force to needle are supposed to be the system’s inputs in the model. Deformations of tissue particles are modeled based on the tissue particles’ velocities through a set of equations. To solve these equations, numerical methods are used which are conceptually based on finite element methods. In the control step, the needle’s velocity and...
Hybrid control and motion planning of dynamical legged locomotion
, Book ; Sadati, Nasser
This book provides a comprehensive presentation of issues and challenges faced by researchers and practicing engineers in motion planning and hybrid control of dynamical legged locomotion. The major features range from offline and online motion planning algorithms to generate desired feasible periodic walking and running motions and tow-level control schemes, including within-stride feedback laws, continuous time update laws and event-based update laws, to asymptotically stabilize the generated desired periodic orbits. This book describes the current state of the art and future directions across all domains of dynamical legged locomotion so that readers can extend proposed motion planning...
A novel approach to coordination of large-scale systems; Part II - Interaction balance principle
, Article 2005 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2005, Hong Kong, 14 December 2005 through 17 December 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 648-654 ; 0780394844 (ISBN); 9780780394841 (ISBN) ; Sharif University of Technology
In this part, similar to part I of this paper, a new approach for Goal Coordination is introduced that is more convergent than the previously suggested methods. This is mainly because of using the gradient of interaction errors; difference between the actual interactions and the optimum calculated interaction values, to improve the coordination parameters. The proposed scheme extremely improves the convergence rate of the solution in compare to the classical methods. The significance and applicability of the proposed approach is shown in controlling the excitation voltage of two coupled synchronous machines described by six coupled non-linear differential equations. © 2005 IEEE
A novel approach to coordination of large-scale systems; Part I - Interaction prediction principle
, Article 2005 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2005, Hong Kong, 14 December 2005 through 17 December 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 641-647 ; 0780394844 (ISBN); 9780780394841 (ISBN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Coordination strategies in large-scale systems are mainly based on two principles; Interaction Prediction Principle and Interaction Balance Principle. In this paper, which consists of two parts, the concept of coordination is introduced within the framework of two-level large-scale systems, and two new approaches for coordination based on Interaction Prediction Principle and Interaction Balance Principle have been presented. The new strategies have much faster convergence rate than the previously suggested classical methods. They extremely reduce the number of iterations required for obtaining the overall optimal solutions. The efficacy and advantage of the proposed approaches, in compare to...
A two-level gradient based approach for intelligent coordination of large-scale systems - Part I
, Article ICTAI 2005: 17th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI'05, Hong Kong, 14 November 2005 through 16 November 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 470-477 ; 10823409 (ISSN); 0769524885 (ISBN); 9780769524887 (ISBN) ; Sharif University of Technology
IEEE Computer Society
In this paper, the concept of coordination is introduced within the framework of two-level large-scale systems and a new approach based on Interaction Prediction Principle is presented. The proposed approach is formulated in an intelligent manner in such a way that it provides a new strategy that can be used to synthesize an on-line supervisory controller for the overall two-level large-scale systems, extendable to multi-level control systems. By using the new methodology which is based on using neural network for modeling each sub-system, typical gradient method for optimization of first-level sub-problems, and the gradient of the interaction prediction errors related to the predicted...
Controlling a Walking Humanoid Robot Using Intelligent Control
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Hossein (Supervisor)
Humanoid robots are robots that are similar in appearance and performance to humans. Designing and controlling a humanoid robot to perform such supposedly ordinary tasks as walking, running, writing, talking, driving, riding bikes, and the like is such a difficult task from the control point of view that it seems to be quite ambitious and inaccessible. In this thesis, the previous efforts of scientists and researchers are presented using different intelligent controllers. Additionally, the dynamic analysis of selective biped (seven-link biped robot) is illustrated. In this research, we present a method to control the walking of the biped robot while retaining stability. In this method the...
A Prevention Strategy Against Rumor Spreading in Complex Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khansari, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Complex networks have recently become a very noticeable subject because of their remarkable theory on real networks such as rumor spreading. This thesis contributes to a prevention strategy which uses a maximal clique algorithm to find overlapping communities and also uses inverse targeting immunization strategy to immune these communities. By the using maximal clique algorithm combined with inverse targeting strategy we have achieved that the TIK method (targeted immunization using k-clique percolation) obtains 10% of better immunization than HD (highest degree) method which is one of the best methods in targeted immunization strategies. The TIK also demonstrates that rumor spreading is...
Adaptive-Robust Control of Dynamic Systems Using Orthonormal Filters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
In this research, using orthonormal filters, an adaptive-robust controller is designed for a class of SISO dynamic systems for which the input and output datas are available. First, Laguerre filters are combined with orthonormal Chebyshev functions to increase the capability of Laguerre filters in identification of systems with unknown dynamics. Then, the resulted Lagueree-Chebyshev structure is used for closed loop identification of the system and controller is designed. Moreover, RBF neural networks are used to approximate some nonlinear terms appearing in the controller design process.
Finally, in order to minimize the control effort, a new approach is proposed that leads to a set...
Finally, in order to minimize the control effort, a new approach is proposed that leads to a set...
Analysis on Characteristics and Behavior of Steel Structures with Steel Plate Shear Walls
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are popular lateral force resisting systems whose practical applications range from high seismic regions to medium and low seismic areas and wind load applications. The factors which make SPSW attractive include its energy dissipation capacity, excellent ductility, constructability, speed of construction compared to concrete shear walls, reduced architectural footprint compared to concrete shear walls, and increased inelastic deformation capacity as compared to braced frames and concrete shear walls.
In this research, characteristics and behavior of un-stiffened perforated SPSWs using non-linear finite elements software has been investigated. In order to...
In this research, characteristics and behavior of un-stiffened perforated SPSWs using non-linear finite elements software has been investigated. In order to...
Identification and Self Tuning Control of Dynamic Systems using Fractional Orthonormal Laguerre Filters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
Fractional Order Transfer Functions (FOTF) in comparison to Integer Order Transfer Functions, have higher degree of freedom and as a result they can behave more dynamically. Many methods for approximation of these transfer functions have been developed in recent years allowing to implement and simulate their time-domain and frequency-domain characteristics.
Fractional order orthonormal Laguerre filters are a generalization of conventional orthonormal Laguerre filters in fractional order transfer functions domain. Orthonormal Laguerre filters have applications in signal processing and system identification. In this thesis, we investigate the application of fractional order laguerre...
Fractional order orthonormal Laguerre filters are a generalization of conventional orthonormal Laguerre filters in fractional order transfer functions domain. Orthonormal Laguerre filters have applications in signal processing and system identification. In this thesis, we investigate the application of fractional order laguerre...
Adaptive 2D-path optimization of steerable bevel-tip needles in uncertain model of brain tissue
, Article 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009, Los Angeles, CA, 31 March 2009 through 2 April 2009 ; Volume 5 , 2009 , Pages 254-260 ; 9780769535074 (ISBN) ; Torabi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Although there are many works in which path planning of robots is studied, but path planning of the bevel-tip needles with highly flexible body is different and difficult due to unique properties of soft tissues. Real soft tissues are nonhomogeneously elastic and uncertainly deformable and hence, during needle motions the planned path changes unknowingly. In this paper, a novel adaptive path planning of bevel-tip needles inside the uncertain brain tissue is presented. The proposed approach is based on minimization of a Lyapanov energy function used as the cost function which consists of 6 partial costs: path length, number of changes in bevel direction, tissue deformation, horizontal and...
Adaptive Robust Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
Nowadays, modern life needs energy resources. In the last few centuries, countries have focused on the use of fossil fuels. However, excessive use of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, has resulted in enormous environmental hazards. Global warming and air pollution are the most visible manifestations of these hazards. In recent years, energy researchers have been looking for alternative sources. The result of this approach is to pay attention to clean and renewable resources such as wind energy.Wind turbines are used to generate electrical energy out of wind. Among the different types, floating offshore wind turbines have been mostly considered because of various benefits. However, they...
Constrained Multiple Model Predictive Control Design for Offshore Floating Wind Turbines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy sources around the world. Nowadays, the use of offshore wind turbines has increased due to the high and uniform wind at sea, as well as resolving environmental issues such as making noise and sound pollution. Advances in wind energy technology has been effective in wind turbine control systems. Because the offshore wind turbines are affected by the turbulent wind and wave profiles, the control system should be designed to increase the output power quality, as well as alleviating the mechanical loads on different parts of the turbine. In this research, multiple model predictive control method is used to control offshore wind turbines,...