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    Modified CMC: part 1- optimized synthesis of carboxymethylcellulose-g-polyacrylonitrile [electronic resource]

    , Article Iranian Polymer Journal ; Vol. 14, No 2, 131-138, 2005 Zohurian Mehr, M. J. (Mohammad Jalal) ; Pourjavadi, A ; Sadeghi, M
    As the first part of a continued research on conversion of carboxymethyl cellulosesodium salt (CMC) to useful biopolymer-based materials, large numbers of cyanide functional groups were introduced onto CMC by grafting with polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The graft copolymerization reactions were carried out under nitrogen atmosphere using ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN) as an initiator. Evidence of grafting was obtained by comparing FTIR spectra of CMC and the graft copolymer as well as solubility characteristics of the products. The synthetic conditions were systematically optimized through studying the effective factors including temperature and concentrations of initiator, acrylonitrile monomer,... 

    Modified CMC.2. Novel carboxymethylcellulose-based poly (amidoxime) chelating resin with high metal sorbtion capacities [electronic resource]

    , Article Reactive and Functional Polymers ; Volume 61, Issue 1, August 2004, Pages 23–31 Zohurian Mehr, M. J. (Mohammad Jalal) ; Pourjavadi, A ; Sadeghi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt (CMC) was doubly modified to prepare a novel poly(acrylamidoxime) chelating resin. Acrylonitrile was firstly graft polymerized onto CMC using cerium ammonium nitrate as an initiator. The polyacrylonitrile (PAN) grafted CMC was then amidoximized via treatment with hydroxylamine to prepare the ion exchange resin. The sorption capacity of the resin towards bivalent metal ions was evaluated while varying the pH, the loading of the PAN and the initial metal ion concentration. The adsorption kinetics were investigated for the cupric ion. The chelating resin exhibited very high metal sorption capacity in comparison with either synthetic or polysaccharide-based... 

    Activity coefficient prediction for binary and ternary aqueous electrolyte solutions at different temperatures and concentrations

    , Article Journal of Solution Chemistry ; Volume 41, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 75-88 ; 00959782 (ISSN) Sadeghi, M ; Ghotbi, C ; Abdekhodaie, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    The mean spherical approximation (MSA) model, coupled with two hard sphere models, was used to predict the activity coefficients of mixtures of electrolyte solutions at different temperatures and concentrations. The models, namely the Ghotbi-Vera-MSA (GV-MSA) and Mansoori et al.-MSA (BMCSL-MSA), were directly used without introducing any new adjustable parameters for mixing of electrolyte solutions. In the correlation step, the anion diameters were considered to be constant, whereas the cation diameters were considered to be concentration dependent. The adjustable parameters were determined by fitting the models to the experimental mean ionic activity coefficients for single aqueous... 

    Simulation of wetting tendency of fluids with high density ratios using RK Lattice Boltzmann method

    , Article 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019, 14 October 2019 through 18 October 2019 ; 2020 Sadeghi, M ; Pak, A ; Sadeghi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  2020
    Several lattice Boltzmann models for multi-phase flow have been developed, but few of them are capable of modeling fluid flows with high density ratio in the order of 1000. Therefore, an advanced chromodynamics, Rothmann-Keller (RK) type model is employed in current study, which can handle liquid-gas density ratio in the order of 1000 and viscosity ratio in the order of 100. Other distinctive characteristics of the proposed model are high stability, and capability of setting parameters such as surface tension independently. In spite of these benefits, the original RK model fails to model wetting tendency of the fluids. As a result, it is impossible to correctly simulate two-fluid phase flow... 

    Causal structure of the EFQM excellence model among healthcare sector: a case study in Iran

    , Article Total Quality Management and Business Excellence ; 2015 ; 14783363 (ISSN) Mesgari, I ; Kamali Miab, A ; Sadeghi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Routledge  2015
    This paper aims to find the causal structure among the criteria of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model in the organisations of the healthcare sector to prioritise improvement actions for excellence in hospitals. In this regard, a framework of relations among the criteria of EFQM model is developed by theoretical studies and then, this framework is tested based on the results of self-evaluations performed in Iran public hospitals using the Structural Equation Modelling statistical technique. The required data have been collected from 40 public hospitals from 30 provinces and more than 1200 senior and middle managers of clinical departments of the Iran healthcare... 

    Experimental investigation of effects of the feed flow rate and “tail scoop-wall” clearance on the performance of a gas centrifuge by feeding a Freon mixture

    , Article Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia) ; Volume 51, Issue 7 , 2016 , Pages 1259-1267 ; 01496395 (ISSN) Sadeghi, M. H ; Outokesh, M ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2016
    ABSTRACT: Experimental study of the performance of a gas centrifuge can be appreciably simplified if instead of isotopic mixtures, a binary mixture of gases with large molecular weight difference is used. The current study undertook this approach by injecting a 53%–47% (w/w) mixture of “Freon12-Freon22” into a gas centrifuge. The two parameters, whose investigation was the objective of the current study were: the feed flow rate (F), and the clearance between tail scoop and the rotor wall (d). The results demonstrated that changing the scoop-wall clearance has the most significant effect on the cut (θ), so that by fixing “d”, “θ” becomes nearly invariant. The head separation factor (α)... 

    Causal structure of the EFQM excellence model among healthcare sector: a case study in Iran

    , Article Total Quality Management and Business Excellence ; Volume 28, Issue 5-6 , 2017 , Pages 663-677 ; 14783363 (ISSN) Mesgari, I ; Kamali Miab, A ; Sadeghi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Routledge  2017
    This paper aims to find the causal structure among the criteria of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model in the organisations of the healthcare sector to prioritise improvement actions for excellence in hospitals. In this regard, a framework of relations among the criteria of EFQM model is developed by theoretical studies and then, this framework is tested based on the results of self-evaluations performed in Iran public hospitals using the Structural Equation Modelling statistical technique. The required data have been collected from 40 public hospitals from 30 provinces and more than 1200 senior and middle managers of clinical departments of the Iran healthcare... 

    Mechanical behavior during aging of plastically deformed AA6061-SiCp composite in different temperatures

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications ; Volume 226, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 322-329 ; 14644207 (ISSN) Sadeghi, I ; Serajzadeh, S
    SAGE  2012
    In this study, the kinetics of aging in AA6061 and AA6061 with 5% volume fraction SiCp were studied and compared. The composite was first produced and homogenized using stir casting technique followed by hot extrusion with the ratio of 18:1. Then, both AA6061 and the composite were aged at three different temperatures including room temperature, 170 °C and 240 °C, while mechanical properties during aging were evaluated employing hardness measurements and tensile testing. Moreover, in order to assess the effect of plastic deformation on the kinetics of aging, a series of samples were first deformed by equal-channel angular pressing immediately after solution treatment and then aged in the... 

    Electroosmotic flow and ionic conductance in a pH-regulated rectangular nanochannel

    , Article Physics of Fluids ; Volume 29, Issue 6 , 2017 ; 10706631 (ISSN) Sadeghi, M ; Saidi, M. H ; Sadeghi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Infinite series solutions are obtained for electrical potential, electroosmotic velocity, ionic conductance, and surface physicochemical properties of long pH-regulated rectangular nanochannels of low surface potential utilizing the double finite Fourier transform method. Closed form expressions are also obtained for channels of large height to width ratio for which the depthwise variations vanish. Neglecting the Stern layer impact, the effects of EDL (Electric Double Layer) overlap, multiple ionic species, and association/dissociation reactions on the surface are all taken into account. Moreover, finite-element-based numerical simulations are conducted to account for the end effects as well... 

    An experimental evaluation of copper, steel and polypropylene tubes in solar water heaters with thermosyphonic flow

    , Article Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika) ; Volume 45, Issue 1 , 2009 , Pages 65-69 ; 0003701X (ISSN) Riazi, M. R ; Razavi, J ; Sadeghi, A ; Javaheri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we report experimental results for the performance and rate of heat transfer in copper tubes in solar water heaters with thermosyphonic flow in continuation of experimental data reported in previous publications (Solar Energy, 2003, vol. 74, pp. 441-445, and Energy Sources, 1997, vol. 19, pp. 147-152). We also show a comparison between performances of three kinds of tubes: copper, polypropylene and steel under similar conditions. An analytical relation for calculation of rate of heat transfer in copper tubes is also presented in terms of Nusselt versus Reynolds and Prantdl numbers. A comparison of experimental data showed that performance of copper tubes is slightly better than... 

    Attribute-based fine-grained access control for outscored private set intersection computation

    , Article Information Sciences ; Volume 536 , 2020 , Pages 222-243 Ali, M ; Mohajeri, J ; Sadeghi, M. R ; Liu, X ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2020
    Private set intersection (PSI) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol which has a wide range of applications. It enables two clients to compute the intersection of their private datasets without revealing non-matching elements. The advent of cloud computing drives the ambition to reduce computation and data management overhead by outsourcing such computations. However, since the cloud is not trustworthy, some cryptographic methods should be applied to maintain the confidentiality of datasets. But, in doing so, data owners may be excluded from access control on their outsourced datasets. Therefore, to control access rights and to interact with authorized users, they have to be online during... 

    A fully distributed hierarchical attribute-based encryption scheme

    , Article Theoretical Computer Science ; Volume 815 , 2020 , Pages 25-46 Ali, M ; Mohajeri, J ; Sadeghi, M. R ; Liu, X ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    With the development of cloud computing, many enterprises have been interested in outsourcing their data to cloud servers to decrease IT costs and rise capabilities of provided services. To afford confidentiality and fine-grained data access control, attribute-based encryption (ABE) was proposed and used in several cloud storage systems. However, scalability and flexibility in key delegation and user revocation mechanisms are primary issues in ABE systems. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a fully distributed revocable ciphertext-policy hierarchical ABE (FDR-CP-HABE) and design the first FDR-CP-HABE scheme. Our scheme offers a high level of flexibility and scalability in the key... 

    Geotechnical characterization and collapsibility of a natural dispersive loess

    , Article Engineering Geology ; Volume 250 , 2019 , Pages 89-100 ; 00137952 (ISSN) Sadeghi, H ; Kiani, M ; Sadeghi, M ; Jafarzadeh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    During preliminary investigation phase of the national Chabahar-Zahedan railway line, serious geotechnical problems including non-uniform settlements, tensile cracks, and local collapse were reported in parts of the path near the coastline. A follow-up field investigation revealed that the in-situ soil at construction site has a metastable structure being sensitive to saturation and loading. Therefore, a comprehensive series of physical, chemical, electro-chemical, and geotechnical tests were conducted to classify and characterize the soil properties and behavior in its natural state. The natural soil was classified as a clayey loess with moderately dispersive to dispersive characteristics.... 

    Dynamic and static fracture analyses of graphene sheets and carbon nanotubes

    , Article Composite Structures ; Volume 94, Issue 8 , 2012 , Pages 2365-2372 ; 02638223 (ISSN) Niaki, S. A ; Mianroodi, J. R ; Sadeghi, M ; Naghdabadi, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Dynamic and static fracture properties of Graphene Sheets (GSs) and Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with different sizes are investigated based on an empirical inter-atomic potential function that can simulate nonlinear large deflections of nanostructures. Dynamic fracture of GSs and CNTs are studied based on wave propagation analysis in these nanostructures in a wide range of strain-rates. It is shown that wave propagation velocity is independent from strain-rate while dependent on the nanostructure size and approaches to 2.2×10 4m/s for long GSs. Also, fracture strain shows extensive changes versus strain-rate, which has not been reported before. Fracture stress is determined as 115GPa for GSs and... 

    Geometry effect on electrokinetic flow and ionic conductance in pH-regulated nanochannels

    , Article Physics of Fluids ; Volume 29, Issue 12 , 2017 ; 10706631 (ISSN) Sadeghi, M ; Saidi, M. H ; Moosavi, A ; Sadeghi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Semi-analytical solutions are obtained for the electrical potential, electroosmotic velocity, ionic conductance, and surface physicochemical properties associated with long pH-regulated nanochannels of arbitrary but constant cross-sectional area. The effects of electric double layer overlap, multiple ionic species, and surface association/dissociation reactions are all taken into account, assuming low surface potentials. The method of analysis includes series solutions which the pertinent coefficients are obtained by applying the wall boundary conditions using either of the least-squares or point matching techniques. Although the procedure is general enough to be applied to almost any... 

    Unsteady solute dispersion by electrokinetic flow in a polyelectrolyte layer-grafted rectangular microchannel with wall absorption

    , Article Journal of Fluid Mechanics ; Volume 887 , 2020 Sadeghi, M ; Saidi, M. H ; Moosavi, A ; Sadeghi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Cambridge University Press  2020
    The dispersion of a neutral solute band by electrokinetic flow in polyelectrolyte layer (PEL)-grafted rectangular/slit microchannels is theoretically studied. The flow is assumed to be both steady and fully developed and a first-order irreversible reaction is considered at the wall to account for probable surface adsorption of solutes. Considering low electric potentials, analytical solutions are obtained for electric potential, fluid velocity and solute concentration. Special solutions are also obtained for the case without wall adsorption. To track the dispersion properties of the solute band, the generalized dispersion model is adopted by considering the exchange, the convection and the... 

    Dispersivity, collapsibility and microstructure of a natural dispersive loess from Iran

    , Article 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019, 14 October 2019 through 18 October 2019 ; 2020 Sadeghi, H ; Nasiri, H ; Panahi, P. A ; Sadeghi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  2020
    A new type of collapsible soil was encountered in Southern Iran and caused some serious technical problems including subsidence, collapse and sinkholes during the construction of Zahedan-Chabahar railway. Field observations indicated that in-situ soil contains excessive amount of salts resulting in dispersive features in response to seepage forces in addition to its collapsibility. Therefore, a systematic research plan including field sampling and laboratory testing was carried out to investigate the observed geotechnical features. Results of physio-chemical tests revealed the dominance of Sodium in excess of 70% relative to total dissolved salts, which results in high dispersive potential.... 

    Modified carrageenan. 5. Preparation, swelling behavior, salt- and pH-sensitivity of partially hydrolyzed crosslinked carrageenan-graft-polymethacrylamide superabsorbent hydrogel [electronic resource]

    , Article Polymers for Advanced Technologies ; Volume 15, Issue 11, pages 645–653, November 2004 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Sadeghi, M ; Hosseinzadeh, H
    The polysaccharide, kappa-carrageenan (κC) was chemically modified to achieve a novel superabsorbent hydrogel via graft copolymerization of methacrylamide (MAM) onto the substrate followed by alkaline hydrolysis. Ammonium persulfate (APS) and N,N′-methylene bisacrylamide (MBA) were used as a free-radical initiator and a crosslinker, respectively. The saponification reaction was carried out using sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. Either κC-g-PMAM or hydrolyzed κC-g-PMAM (PMAM: polymethacrylamide) was characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. The effect of grafting variables (i.e. concentration of MBA, MAM, and APS) and alkaline hydrolysis conditions (i.e. NaOH concentration, hydrolysis time and... 

    Thermodynamic properties of aqueous glucose-urea-salt systems

    , Article Journal of Solution Chemistry ; Volume 43, Issue 6 , June , 2014 , Pages 1110-1131 ; ISSN: 00959782 Sadeghi, M ; Held, C ; Ghotbi, C ; Abdekhodaie, M. J ; Sadowski, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, the thermodynamic behavior of aqueous solutions containing the solutes NaCl, glucose, and/or urea is investigated. These substances are vital components for living bodies and further they are main components of blood serum. Osmotic coefficients were determined by cryoscopic measurements in single-solute and multi-solute aqueous solutions containing salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2), glucose, and/or urea. The results show that NaCl determines the osmotic coefficients in the urea/glucose/NaCl/water system. Investigation of the effect of different salts on osmotic coefficients revealed ion-specific effects. At physiologically important solute concentrations in typical blood serum... 

    Free radical graft polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and acrylic acid on the polysulfone membrane surface through circulation of reaction media to improve its performance and hemocompatibility properties

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 564 , 2018 , Pages 762-772 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Nouri Goushki, M ; Mousavi, S. A ; Abdekhodaie, M. J ; Sadeghi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    In this study, a new facile and cost effective method is used to modify polysulfone membrane surface in order to improve the hydrophilicity, antifouling, and blood compatibility. This modification was performed by adding two functional monomers on the dialysis membrane. Polysulfone (PSF) membranes containing polyvinylpyrrolidone were prepared via phase inversion technique. In the next step, free radical polymerization combined with surface polymerization was used to introduce acrylic acid (AA) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) onto the polysulfone membrane surface via circulation of initiator and monomer solutions across the membrane surface, respectively. Various monomer concentrations...