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Kineticts of formation of Titania Nanotubes and Silk Fibroin on Titanium-based Metal for Investigating the Drug Release Behavior
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
In recent decades, due to the significant growth of implants’ application and considering the infection of the implants as the most momentous factor in implantation failure, study on the controlled drug release and other biologically active agents in modern drug delivery systems has attracted many kinds of research throughout the world and efforts are being made to use regulated drug delivery systems for implantation which is also the purpose of this current scientific work.To achieve this, the anodizing process was used to fabricate titanium oxide nanotubes (TNTs) to increase the absorption capacity of the drug in the implants and these TNTs were formed regularly and uniformly in an organic...
Electrodeposition of Rhenium and Nickel Nanoparticles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
In the last decade, a great deal of attention has been paid to the study of synthesis of Nanoparticles, because of the widespread use of this material in applications involving Fuel cells and magnetic devices. In this thesis, we report some interesting features in the electrodeposition of metallic nanoparticles. The electrochemical phase formation of rhenium and nickel on the surface of P-Si (100) substrate plus morphological, topographical and fractal aspects of the accumulated surface were investigated in this research by means of chronoamperometry method and by utilization of AFM and SEM. The nucleation and growth mechanisms on silicon electrode are characterized using cyclic voltammetry...
Synthesis and Charecterization of Nanosized vanadium Oxide
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
This work examines the dissolution kinetics of Sodium meta vanadate in water medium. The effects of temperature, solid/liquid ratio, agitation speed on the leaching kinetics were investigated. the dissolution kinetics was controlled by the internal diffusion at the surface of the Sodium metavanadate particles. The activation energy for the leaching was2/13 kJ/mol. In the current project, we report the preparation of VO_2 nanorods crystals using a ethylenediaminetetracetic acid assisted and Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide hydrothermal synthesis route. NH_4 Cl and NaVO_3 solution were used as the starting materials and vanadiumoxide crystals were obtained following growth at 180 °C for 24...
Fabrication of Dental Implant from Ti-6Al-4V With Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Coating
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
The use of dental implants has grown considerably in recent years in Iran but this piece is the industrial imported parts that are not yet produced in Iran. So the main purpose of this research was to fabricate a dental implant from Ti-6Al-4V alloy by CNC machining techniques. On the other hand, the poor bonding strength of bioactive coatings and low cell growth on the surface of uncoated implants are the common problems in the use of dental implants. So another aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Nanoscale surface topography and nanostructured coatings on the surface modification of titanium implant in order to improve Osseointegration and the bonding strength of bioactive...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Due to the ability in producing nanostructured materials, Mechanical Alloying has gained outstanding position in comparison with other materials fabrication techniques. In this research,with different milling condition, Alloying of Ni-Ti-Ag was performed. In order tofabricating the alloy, twodifferent initial materials were employed.In one process, nickel, titanium and silver were used as raw materials, and in another, titanium hydride was used instead of titanium.Initial powders were investigated in planetary mill, SPEX mill and vibratory disc indifferent times. Using XRD, microstructure information and phase analysis was obtained. EDS was employed for determination of elemental...
Coating of MgO Thin Film on Porous NiTi Supper Elastic Alloy by MAO
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
The novel Micro Arc Oxidation technique (MAO) is gaining increased attention for depositing thick, dense, corrosion resistant and hard ceramic coating on metals. In this research, the effects of parameters including electrolyte composition and coating time on properties of MAO coatings formed on NiTi were investigated. The surface morphology, thickness and phase composition of coatings were investigated using scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. Corrosion behavior of the coatings was examined by potentiodynamic polarization. Also wear resistance was examined by pin on disk test. It was found that MAO coatings improve corrosion resistance of NiTi. All of these applied...
Thermal Simulation of Bioheap
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Nowadays, because of drastically decrease of copper sulfide ore’s grade, and difficulties in leaching of them, new processes of copper production like bioleaching technique become significant. Finding the optimal conditions for bioleaching, require investing a lot of time and cost. Computer simulation is useful in this case. Temperature, affects the kinetics of dissolution reactions, type and growth rate of bacteria, and finally, rate and amount of recovery of valuable copper metal from ores, so determination of temperature within the bioheap is very important. Thermophiles are better than mesophiles in chalcopyrite bioleaching and in the range of 55 to 65 degree centigrade, thermophiles...
Surface Modification of Metallic Implants and Improvement of their Biological Properties in Presence of Bioactive Ceramic Nanoparticles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
By consideration of increasing demands to use implants and efforts to get technical knowledge and localization of this implants, considerable research in this field is needed. Therefore, presentation of a coating which is able to provide parameters needed for an acceptable implant is the aim of this study. In this direction, modification of surface of metallic implants in order to achieve nanotubes of titanium oxide, with the purpose of providing biocompatibility was done. On the other hand, because chronic infection of the implant’s surrounding is one of the main important reasons in rejection of implants, 〖TiO〗_2 nanotubes as a drug carrier were used in order to solve this problem. So,...
Improvement of Photocatalytic Efficiency of Nano-Titania Compsites
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Semiconductor-based photo catalysts, titanium dioxide (TiO2) especially, have been extensively studied for the oxidative photo destruction of organic pollutants in wastewaters and hydrogen production as a green energy source. Much effort has been made to remove the restrictions on the use of TiO2 and challenges related to the recovery of powdery photocatalysts. In this study, copper oxide (CuO) and Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) were used to synthesize nanocomposites. Composition of TiO2/CuO and TiO2/ZrO2 with different weight percentages of second dioxide was synthesized by chemical methods and structural properties of samples were studied by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy....
Vibration Characteristics and Damping Properties of Iron-Based Memory Alloy Produced by Melting
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
For measuring damping capacity of shape memory alloy, samples containing Fe- 27Mn-6Si-4Cr-4Ni were prepared. In order to produce the alloy 99% pure elemental powders were mixed and pressed in a matrix rod. The packed powders put in 15cc alumina crucibles were held in a 200 °C oven for 10 hours before they were melted inside two–layered alumina and graphite grucible an induction furnace. Resulting samples went under hot and cold rolling, thermomechanical treatment and were shaped into strips by wirecut. Chemical composition ascertainment, Tensile, bending, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), micro hardness and modal tests were operated. Microstructural investigation was done using...
Synthesis and Characterization of Ni-Pd-0.1CNT/PU Nanocatalyst, Applicable for Methane Reforming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Influence of attachment of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) on various nickel nanocatalysts produced by the electroless plating method was investigated via Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) measurements, Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) and Temperature Programmed Oxidation (TPO) tests. Application of TPR/TPO data to Kissinger (Redhead) Equation yielded the activation energies of both nickel reduction and nickel oxidation reactions. Addition of MWCNT improved the catalytic effects by easing of...
Kinetics of Adsorption of DBT Sulfur Containing Compound of Gasoline via Nanostructured Adsorbent
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Based on the new standards, less than 10 ppm sulfur is allowed for the automotive fuels. This has led researchers to try improving the present conventional methods as well as seeking alternative routes for refinement of the petroleum products so much to comply with the requirements. Since thiophenic fragments such as dibenzothiophene (DBT) are the most durable sulfur compounds in the current hydrodisulfurization method, many studies have been conducted over recent years on how to remove these compounds. In this thesis, the desulfurization of dibenzothiophene from gasoline via adsorption method was studied. In order to carry out the adsorption process, a nanocomposite of graphitic-carbon...
Synthesis of the Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Iron Oxide Nanocomposite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
The g-C3N4/Fe2O3 nanocomposite was produced by the combustion synthesis. The product was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller study (BET), Ultraviolet-visible analysis (UV-vis) and photoluminescence measurement (PL). Effect of iron nitrate on stability and photocurrent density under simulated visible-light irradiation was determined. The highest photocurrent density obtained (4.25 μA/Cm2) was twelve times the pure g-C3N4. This improvement was due to a bandgap decrease, the specific surface area increase, reduction of the electron-hole recombination, and...
Microwave-Assisted Coke Resistance and Mesoporous Ni-Co Catalyst in two Steps for Methane Steam Reforming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Methane steam reforming (MSR) is an assuring reaction using steam to produce H2 as clean energy over a nickel-based catalyst. We synthesized monometallic NiMgAl2O4 and bimetallic NiCoMgAl2O4 catalysts in a two-step combustion method using urea, glycine, and sucrose, as fuel. BET-BJH, XRD, TGA, TPR, FESEM, and EDX-mapping characterized surface area, porosity, morphology, crystalline structure, and metal-support interaction behavior. The products exhibited well-structured, simple MgAl2O4 spinel and NiO without NiAl2O4, in both specimens. The MSR evaluation tests at 750℃ under atmospheric pressure, CH4: H2O feed ratio of 1:1.6 showed the bimetallic catalyst has the highest conversion (99.30%)...
Fabrication and Characterization of Nickel-Cobalt Catalyst by One-pot Combustion Synthesis Method for Synthesis Gas Production in Dry Reforming Methane Process
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Dry reforming methane is a process during which two greenhouse gases, CH4 and CO2, using Ni-based catalysts, are altered into valuable H2 and CO gases, which are very useful from an economic and environmental point of view. The main problem with Ni-based catalysts is the formation of carbon in the dry methane reforming, which leads to rapid deactivation of the catalyst. In this research, a 10Ni-5Co/Al2O3 bimetallic catalyst was prepared by one-pot microwave-assisted combustion synthesis with a stoichiometric amount of fuel (urea) and without the use of additives. The catalyst was then calcined for 12 h at 550oC. The structure, chemical composition, particle distribution, and morphology of...
Synthesis and Characterization of CuO Microflowers/Ppy Nanowires NCs as Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Battery
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Novel Copper Oxide microflowers /Polypyrroles nanowire nanocomposites with various wight ratio have been synthesized.The synthesized CuO/Ppy NCs and Cuo microflowers are characterized by XRD, FT-IR, TGA, FESEM and EDX line analysis/elemntal mapping. The formation mechanism of CuO microflower and Ppy nanowires are also well explained.All syntesized samples have been used as as anode material for li-ion batteries in order to measure their electochemical lithium-ion storage properties. It is demonstrated that presence of Ppy nanowire with different weight ratio plays important role in lithium-storage properties of the hybrid CuO/Ppy NCs. With increase in the mass ratio of Ppy nanowire cyclic...
Design and Fabrication of Thermoelastic Nitinol Implant with Radius Variation for Denture Base Replacement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
In this research to solve the problems related to titanium implants, a new type of dental implant was designed and fabricated by using shape memory and pseudoelasticity properties of porous nitinol alloys. The elastic modulus of this implant (equal to 0.8 GPa) is similar to the cancellous jaw bone (equal to 0.3-1 GPa) which causes a normal distribution of stress and prevents bone resorption. The current approach is use of radius variation to facilitate implant surgery. These radial changes are created by using one way shape memory effect. First, the implant enters the jaw cavity by decreasing the radius and after reaching the body temperature and restoring the initial shape, the radius of...
The Effect of Altering the Electrolyte and Electrodes Composition on the Electrochemical Performance of Water In Salt Electrolytes in Calcium-Ion Batteries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
This current research has focused on investigating and enhancing the performance of calcium-ion aqueous batteries in two phases, beginning with the selection of calcium ion as the charge transfer agent. The first phase entails determining the appropriate composition and concentration of salt containing calcium ions in the electrolyte, as well as assessing the feasibility of adding a second component salt to aqueous electrolytes. After conducting investigations including conductometric tests, Raman spectroscopy, and drawing analysis diagrams depicting increased capacity in terms of voltage (dQ/dV vs. V), it was determined that the electrolyte consisting of water and calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2)...
Synthesis of NiO Nano-Powder by TSSC Process and NiO Nano-Layers synthesis by TSCD Process and Kinetics Modeling of Nickel Oxide Nano-Layer Growth by Diffuse-Interface Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Nickel oxide is used in the manufacture of ceramic, magnetic materials, battery cathodes, electrochromic films, heterogeneous catalytic materials and gas sensors. NiO nano-powder can be produced with many different methods. The synthesis of NiO nanopowder has been carried out via solochemical processing from an aqueous solution of a Ni containing complex in this research. Another name for this method is two-stage solochemical (TSSC) method. This is the newest economic method for synthesis of NiO nanopowder. NiCl2 anhydrous and NH3-H2O used as the raw materials and H2O used as solvent. The results obtained from XRD and TEM show that the nanoparticles have cubic crystal structure and the mean...
Evaluation of Porous NTI SMA Formation Mechanism, Pore Characteristics and Thermo-Mechanical Properties Produced by Power Metallurgy for Biomedical Application
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Porous NiTi specimens were produced by elemental nickel and titanium powders and two different temporary space-holder consisting of NaCl and urea and conventional sintering method. Pore characteristic and morphology of porous NiTi specimens was investigated by optical and electron microscopy. Microstructure of specimens was probed using XRD and SEM. Suitable pore distribution and size for biomedical application was obtained using temporary space-holder method. Porosity content increases with increasing space holder powder. At 70 volume percent space-holder, best pore size and distribution with fully open pores, in size 200-500 µm, was obtained and pores are interconnected that suitable for...