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Hyper-T-width and hyper-D-width: Stable connectivity measures for hypergraphs
, Article Theoretical Computer Science ; Volume 463 , 2012 , Pages 26-34 ; 03043975 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
We introduce hyper-D-width and hyper-T-width as the first stable (see Definition 3) measures of connectivity for hypergraphs. After studying some of their properties and, in particular, proposing an algorithm for computing nearly optimal hyper-T-decomposition when hyper-T-width is constant, we introduce some applications of hyper-D-width and hyper-T-width in solving hard problems such as minimum vertex cover, minimum dominating set, and multicut
Exploiting the Intrinsic Redundancy of Multicore Platforms to Achieve Low-power Fault-tolerance in Embedded Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
VLSI technology scaling has resulted in the integration of a larger number of cores in a single chip in successive technology nodes, offering a great potential to realize task-level redundancy for reliability enhancement in safety-critical applications. However, since battery technology no longer advances commensurately with integration density, multi-core platforms may have limited utility in battery-powered embedded systems. In this thesis, we propose an energy-budget-aware reliability management (enBudRM) method for multi-core embedded systems featuring hybrid energy source (with renewable and non-renewable energy sources). Our method is composed of two phases. In the offline phase, we...
Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure Determination and Theoretical Studies of Some new Rhenium(I)-tricarbonyl Complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine and 2,9-dimethylphenanthroline Ligands
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kia, Reza (Supervisor)
The synthesis, characterization, structural and computational studies of mononuclear Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes of 2,2'-bipyridine (2,2′-bpy) and 2,9-dimethylphenanthtroline (2,9-Me2Phen), [Re(CO)3(NN)(X)], where NN=2,2′-bpy,X=Br (1) and X=–ONO (3); NN=2,9-Me2 Phen, X=Br (2) and X= –ONO (4), were reported. The complexes characterized by crystallographic and spectroscopic methods and elemental analyses. In each complex, the Re(I) center showed the distorted octahedral geometry. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data revealed the endo-nitrito (κ1–ONO) coordination in complexes 3 and 4. It has been shown that the replacement of the bromo ligand in complexes 1 and 2, either by AgOTf/NaNO2 in a...
Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion using Deep Neural Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
The goal of this research is to convert letter to phoneme using deep neural networks. As the deep neural networks are among the best methods for speech and text processing (The highest accuracy in converting text to letter in English language is obtained by using deep neural networks too.), multilayer deep neural networks are used in this research to increase the accuracy. It should be noted that deep neural networks have not been used for converting text to phoneme in Persian language before. In this research a rule based alignment method based on our preposed rule is presented and achieved an accuracy more than 98%. Several approaches for converting word to grapheme with emphasis on the...
Reliability Improvement of Three-Dimensional Network-on-Chips by Thermal Management
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Ghasem (Supervisor)
Three-dimensional network-on-chip (3D NoC), the combination of NoC and die-stacking 3D IC technology, is motivated to achieve lower latency, lower power consumption, and higher network bandwidth. 3D NoCs reduce length of communication link and transmition delay by die stacking. However, the length of heat conduction path and power density per unit area increase as more dies are stacked vertically. High temperature results in longer propagation delay and increases the leakage power. If heat production in the chip is not managed, low cooling rate for these layers is a threat for the chip performance and reliability. To solve the thermal problems, thermal management schemes were proposed in the...
Microstructure evolution and its influence on deformation mechanisms during high temperature creep of a nickel base superalloy
, Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 499, Issue 1-2 , 2009 , Pages 445-453 ; 09215093 (ISSN) ; Nategh, S ; Sharif University of Technology
The interaction of dislocation with strengthening particles, including primary and secondary γ′, during different stages of creep of Rene-80 was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). During creep of the alloy at 871 °C under stress of 290 MPa, the dislocation network was formed during the early stages of creep, and the dislocation glide and climb process were the predominant mechanism of deformation. The density of dislocation network became more populated during the later stages of the creep, and at the latest stage of the creep, primary particles shearing were observed alongside with the dislocation glide and climb. Shearing of γ′...
Controller Design to Reduce Effects of Radome Error Slope on the Stability of Misssile
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Fathi, Mohsen (Supervisor)
In this project three models addressed before in the references are reviewed and the stability margins of radome error slope obtained by analytical method. Then a new model who is usefull in practical applications presented. Because of complication of this model the model is simplified and stability margins for radome error slope derived in simplified model. It is also shown that simplified applicative model is similar to model purposed in ref. [6]. Then a PD controller designed to stabilize some of models reviewed in chapter 3. The equations derived before verified in continuation of the project. The effects of parameters on the stability of missile analysed by equations derived in chapter...
Formation of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coating on Aa5052 And Az31 Alloys Joint with Friction Stir Welding
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Plasma Electrolytic oxidation has recently been known as a new technology in surface engineering. It is one of the low-cost techniques used for improving corrosion and wear resistance in Al-Mg alloys. The purpose of this study first is to attach aluminum and magnesium alloys safely and without any defects, and then finding the optimum coating condition in connection line to achieve most possible corrosion resistance. For this purpose, first of all optimization of Al-Mg alloys friction stir welding (FSW) condition is required. After required investigations, it was shown that the weld created between Aluminum and Magnesium sheets by the cylindrical pin moving in a rotational speed of 550...
Joint Energy and Reliability Management in Mixed-Criticality System
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hessabi, Shaahin (Supervisor)
The advancement of Cyber-physical Systems (CPSs) has attracted attention to Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCSs), both in research and industrial designs. Mixed-criticality systems (MCSs) integrate different types of functionalities with varying levels of criticality onto the shared computing platform. The scheduling algorithms for MCSs must guarantee that all high criticality tasks are completed by their deadlines in different operation modes of the system. In addition to certification, as multi-core platforms are becoming a dominant trend in designing MCSs, simultaneous energy and reliability management, and Quality of Service (QoS) are other significant challenges in designing MCSs. Indeed,...
Co-evolutionary reliability-oriented high-level synthesis
, Article 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008, Seattle, WA, 18 May 2008 through 21 May 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 2026-2029 ; 02714310 (ISSN) ; 9781424416844 (ISBN) ; Aminzadeh, S ; Sharif University of Technology
The main contribution of this paper is utilizing bio-inspired evolutionary algorithm for reliability oriented high level synthesis. In this paper genetic algorithm is used to schedule a data-flow graph considering latency and resource allocation considering resource constraints and area overhead. Then a co-evolutionary strategy merges the results of these solutions to find the RT level design of the circuit which satisfies both performance and area constraints. To satisfy the user-defined reliability, another genetic algorithm is developed to insert some hardware redundancies to the resulted data-path. Experimental results show using the proposed approach results in an acceptable reliability...
On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy
, Article Journal of Materials Processing Technology ; Volume 176, Issue 1-3 , 2006 , Pages 240-250 ; 09240136 (ISSN) ; Nategh, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Rene-80, as an alloy for production of the jet turbine blades, shows high mechanical properties as well as microstructure stability during the high temperature engine operation. In this study we tried to have a deep insight on the microstructure of the cast Rene-80 and the evolution of microstructure during the different stages of the relatively complex GE class-A heat treatment. Although the solution heat treatment homogenized the chemical alloy segregation resulted from the casting to some extent, it did not cause all the casting γ′ particles to dissolve completely in the matrix. Primary aging caused growth in the residue particles as well as growth of the new precipitated particles, which...
Improved S2 approximations
, Article Annals of Nuclear Energy ; Vol. 77 , 2014 , Pages 257-264 ; ISSN: 03064549 ; Bahrami, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Discrete ordinates method relies on approximating the integral term of the transport equation with the aid of quadrature summation rules. These quadratures are usually based on certain assumptions which assure specific symmetry rules and transport/diffusion limits. Generally, these assumptions are not problem-dependent which results in inaccuracies in some instances. Here, various methods have been developed for more accurate estimation of the independent angle in S2 approximation, as it is tightly related to valid estimation of the diffusion coefficient/length. We proposed and examined a method to reduce a complicated problem that usually is consisting many energy groups and discrete...
Hydrodynamic Investigation of Manta Ray MotionUsing Numerical Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Majid (Supervisor)
The idea of using under water vehicles inspired by nature has gained considerable attention during the past few decades. This interest is due to the advantages of swimming and moving by this technique, in comparison with the conventional methods. Benefits are such as increasing speed, improved power, better manoeuvre ability,greater stability, optimal hydrodynamic performance ... etc. The purpose of this study was developing a model to simulate a stingray Manta Ray moving behaviour. Ansys- Fluent software was applied to solve the related equations of viscous laminar flow in 3-D form.Simulation of Manta Ray was performed with the flapping pectoral fin with dynamic mesh. Using this...
A constant factor approximation for minimum λ-edge-connected k-subgraph with metric costs
, Article SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 25, Issue 3 , 2011 , Pages 1089-1102 ; 08954801 (ISSN) ; Salavatipour, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
In the (k, λ)-subgraph problem, we are given an undirected graph G = (V,E) with edge costs and two positive integers k and λ, and the goal is to find a minimum cost simple λ-edge-connected subgraph of G with at least k nodes. This generalizes several classical problems, such as the minimum cost k-spanning tree problem, or k-MST (which is a (k, 1)-subgraph), and the minimum cost λ-edge-connected spanning subgraph (which is a (|V(G)|, λ)-subgraph). The only previously known results on this problem [L. C. Lau, J. S. Naor, M. R. Salavatipour, and M. Singh, SIAM J. Comput., 39 (2009), pp. 1062-1087], [C. Chekuri and N. Korula, in Proceedings of the IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of...
Improved S2 approximations
, Article Annals of Nuclear Energy ; Volume 77 , 2015 , Pages 257-264 ; 03064549 (ISSN) ; Bahrami, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Discrete ordinates method relies on approximating the integral term of the transport equation with the aid of quadrature summation rules. These quadratures are usually based on certain assumptions which assure specific symmetry rules and transport/diffusion limits. Generally, these assumptions are not problem-dependent which results in inaccuracies in some instances. Here, various methods have been developed for more accurate estimation of the independent angle in S2 approximation, as it is tightly related to valid estimation of the diffusion coefficient/length. We proposed and examined a method to reduce a complicated problem that usually is consisting many energy groups and discrete...
Analysis of degree of polarization as a control signal in PMD compensation systems aided by polarization scrambling
, Article Journal of Lightwave Technology ; Volume 26, Issue 16 , 15 August , 2008 , Pages 2865-2872 ; 07338724 (ISSN) ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
The performance of degree of polarization (DOP) is investigated as a control signal in polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) compensation systems aided by polarization scrambling. The relation between the input and output polarization states of a signal propagating through a polarization scrambler and a PMD-induced optical fiber is described by a 3 × 3 Stokes transfer matrix. The average DOP of the output signal over a period of polarization scrambling is derived as an alternative to the conventional DOP-based control signal, i.e., minimum DOP. In the presence of first- and all-order PMDs, the performance of the average and minimum DOPs in monitoring of differential group delay (DGD) for...
Incentive Compatible Trust Management Mechanism in Distributed Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Safari, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Traditional security approaches prevented participants of an environment from malicious behavior by closely monitoring every transaction of the network. Such approaches are very costly in modern autonomous systems, besides, they are also impossible to apply in many cases. Trust management mechanisms are developed in order to ensure safe interactions with unknown parties in such open environments. Most trust management mechanisms rely on testimonies of interaction participants as the source of information to estimate a peer’s reputation. The first challenge that arises here is the lack of incentives for providing such information. Even if interaction parties are encouraged to report the...
Incentive Mechanisms For Peer-to-Peer Systems Based On Game Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Safari, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Since robustness of peer-to-peer networks depends heavily on voluntary resource sharing among individual peers, the intrinsic problem of free riding exists among autonomous rational peers that consume resources of others without contributing anything in return. One solution to the free riding problem in peer to peer networks is to have incentive mechanisms that aim to improve network efficiency by encouraging peers to cooperate. In this project, we have proposed a hybrid double-auction-based incentive mechanism for centralized peer-to-peer file sharing systems. In addition, a cryptography-based trust management scheme has been proposed to prevent peers from sending fake data. We have...
Maximizing non-monotone submodular set functions subject to different constraints: Combined algorithms
, Article Operations Research Letters ; Volume 39, Issue 6 , 2011 , Pages 447-451 ; 01676377 (ISSN) ; Fazli, M ; Safari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
We study the problem of maximizing constrained non-monotone submodular functions and provide approximation algorithms that improve existing algorithms in terms of either the approximation factor or simplicity. Different constraints that we study are exact cardinality and multiple knapsack constraints for which we achieve (0.25-)-factor algorithms. We also show, as our main contribution, how to use the continuous greedy process for non-monotone functions and, as a result, obtain a 0.13-factor approximation algorithm for maximization over any solvable down-monotone polytope
Experimental Investigation of Geometric Parameters Effect on Energy Harvesting from FIV in Bluff Bodies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ebrahimi, Abbas (Supervisor)
The purpose of this research is to design and construct a test stand for the study of the kinematic and flow pattern of bluff bodies oscillating motion due to the induction of wake vortices. An experimental investigation was conducted to explore the effect of bluff bodies cross section to optimize the amount of electrical energy withdraw by electromagnetic harvester. The tests are carried out on cylinders with square section and rectangular sections with a length to width ratio of 1/2 and 2/1 and height of 50 cm, at speeds of 5 to 35 m/s in eiffel type wind tunnel. The effect of cylinder cross-section on the amount of energy harvested showed that the amplitude of oscillation in square-shaped...