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Robust Hover-flight Control Design for a Tail-sitter UAV with Ducted-fan Propulsion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Faribourz (Supervisor)
In this thesis, the theory of robust control is applied to design a controller for hover flight of a tail-sitter unmanned aerial vehicle with 2 ducted-fan propulsion. The control surface deflection (in propeller slipstream) is considered as the input controller of the system. The aircraft dynamical model is developed based on the assumption of no aerodynamic loads on other parts of uav in low speed flight associated with the hovering condition. The controller is primarily designed using both classical and modern control techniques. Then H ∞ and µ synthesis approaches are applied to design the robust controller. The results obtained from different approaches are compared. It is shown that...
Self-Reconfiguration & Autonomous Algorithm for Spacecraft Formation Flight Using Virtual Structure Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
One of the most important technologies in space missions is capability of moving satellites together with a predefined structure (virtual structure). This structure can reconfigure itself to any desired space mission and it is known as reconfiguration maneuver, in this maneuver all of the satellites have to follow needed virtual structure from any initial configuration to any desired second composition. In available virtual structure methods, there are a lot of limitations in maneuver because of algorithm constraints, in this project we try to extend available algorithm in virtual structure method and reach an algorithm which can start from any initial condition and complete the maneuver in...
Robust Nonlinear Control of a Jet Tail-sitter UAV in Hovering Flight Phase
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
In this thesis, the theory of robust control is applied to design a controller for the longitudinal dynamics of a tail-sitter jet engine unmanned aerial vehicle. The engine thrust deflection is considered as the input controller of the system. The aircraft dynamical model is developed based on the assumption of no aerodynamic loads in low speed flight associated with the hovering condition. The controller is primarily designed using both classical and modern control techniques. Then and synthesis approaches are applied to design the robust controller. The results obtained from different approaches are compared. It is shown that the robust controller techniques are more stable and robust...
Development of a Distributed Algorithm for Flocking of Non-Holonomic Aerial Agents
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
The goal of this project is the development of a control algorithm for a flock of non-holonomic aerial agents. For this purpose,the swarm architecture having some unique features such as robustness, flexibility, and scalability is utilized. Swarm is defined as a group of simple agents having local interactions between themselves and the environmentwhich shows an unpredictable emergent behavior.Behavior based control which is inspired from the animal behaviors is employed to control the swarm of mobile agents. Accordingly, the necessary behaviors which are distance adjustment, velocity agreement, and virtual leader tracking together with a fuzzy coordinator are designed. In this study, in...
Optical Flow Based Flight of a Small Fixed-Wing Aircraft in Ideal Urban Environments
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
This thesis represents the obstacle avoidance of a fixed-wing small aircraft using optical flow information of cameras mounted on the aircraft. The thesis consists of two main sections. In section one, the ideal optical flow has been simulated based on the camera model, complete six DOF of flight equations, and the geometry of the environment. An analytical formula has been derived to relate the obstacle detection distance to the maneuverability of the aircraft. Having the obstacle detection distance, the control and navigation algorithms have been developed to achieve a collision-free flight for the aircraft in urban canyons and junctions. The effect of some parameters such as approach...
Development of a Vision-Based Position and Attitude Estimation Algorithm for Close Proximity Operation of Small Satellite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
One of the key technologies in the future space missions is the formation flight of small satellites. Currently, widespread research in this field is being carried out and remarkable developments have been achieved. In the mentioned laboratory researches, satellite navigation is performed by conventional sensors like infrared and ultrasonic. Both of these sensors are of active type and energy consuming. Also, use of the ultrasonic sensors is impractical in space missions (due to vacuum condition). Therefore, as an alternative for space missions, visual sensors are good candidates. The main goal of this research is to present a method for the relative navigation in proximity operations in an...
Robust Control of Satellites Formation Flying
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
Recent developments in space industry and the great tendency for definition of efficient, precise and low cost missions are the main reasons for the growing interest in satellites formation flight. Regarding the aforementioned, the study of the multiple satellite control methods is the subject of the present project. In this project, the governing equations of motion of satellite formation flight are developed. Based on this development, it is shown that the satellite linear equations of motion like many other linear system presentations, can not sufficiently model the real system. Therefore, some of the most famous uncertainties in space dynamics such as semimajor axis and eccentricity...
Flight Performance and Maneuverability Enhancement of a Twin Engine Fighter Aircraft Using Integrated Thrust-Vector and Aerodynamic controls
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
In this thesis, maneuverability enhancement of a given twin engine fighter aircraft with integrated thrust-vector and conventional aerodynamic control surfaces havebeen studied. For this purpose a nonlinear 6DOF simulation program base on a near exact mathematical model has been prepared for the aircraft, and then a thrust vectoring system for producing moments about three body axes, like that used in F/A-18, has been added to the simulation. The control method that is employed to control the aircraft in simulation environment is based on Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (NDI). Finally the Velocity Vector Roll (VVR) maneuver has been considered as an example tostudymaneuverability enhacement. It...
Application of Nonlinear System Identification Techniques in the Modeling of Agile Fighter Aircraft Dynamics
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
Modeling and simulation are widely used as essential tools to predict and analyze complex systems in various scientific and engineering fields. For an aerospace system such as aircraft, mathematical models are useful used to carry out such tasks as dynamic analysis, autopilot development and combination of flight control laws, hazardous behaviors prediction, the controller design and validation, the study of the handling qualities, or the implementing simulators used for training pilots and many other tasks. In general, the aircraft flight dynamics is a nonlinear and coupled system whose dynamic modeling, in addition to pilot control inputs, depends on flight conditions (i.e., Mach and...
Machine-Vision-Based Auotomatic Landing of Unmanned Helicopter
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
In this project an algorithm is designed for automatic landing of unmanned helicopter on a pad moving with six degrees of freedom. The designed controller is based on state dependent riccati equations (SDRE).by developing nonlinear mathematical model of helicopter and then converting this model to state dependent coefficient (SDC) form. A nonlinear compensator is added to controller to compensate effect of some nonlinear terms of model that are not able to translate and then state dependent riccati equations are solved.
The relative pose-estimation of landing pad is based on vision. Corner detection algorithm is used to identify and detect features by processing of image taken from...
The relative pose-estimation of landing pad is based on vision. Corner detection algorithm is used to identify and detect features by processing of image taken from...
Design and Laboratory Evaluation of Slurry Seal Mixes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tabatabaee, Nader (Supervisor)
Pavement preventive maintenance methods such as slurry seals are cost-effective treatments that enhance pavement longevity. Incorporation of recycled materials such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) into asphalt pavements helps further reduce costs and energy consumption. Because the use of emulsions and pavement preventive methods is uncommon in Iran, there is little experience with the technology in this area. The present study designed and developed slurry seal and emulsion test devices at Sharif University lab to study the feasibility of incorporation of RAP into slurry seal mixtures while respecting the limits specified by the ISSA and ASTM. Two slurry seal mixtures in which cement...
Coanda surface geometry optimization for multi-directional co-flow fluidic thrust vectoring
, Article Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air ; Volume 5 , 2009 , Pages 183-189 ; 9780791848869 (ISBN) ; Banazadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
The performance of Co-flow fluidic thrust vectoring is a function of secondary flow characteristics and the fluidic nozzle geometry. In terms of nozzle geometry, wall shape and the secondary slot aspect ratio are the main parameters that control the vector angle. The present study aims to find a high quality wall shape to achieve the best thrust vectoring performance, which is characterized by the maximum thrust deflection angle with respect to the injected secondary air. A 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is employed to investigate the flow characteristics in thrust vectoring system. This model is validated using experimental data collected from the deflection of exhaust gases of...
Numerical Optimization and Parametric Study of Cooperative Salvo Attack Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
In this research work, several guidance laws have been utilized and validated, considering the contraints on the missslie seeker angle and maximum acceleration, in order to simultaneously intercept the so-called Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) by multiple missiles. First of all, the existing guidance laws for salvo-attack are reveiwed. Then, a simulation program has been developed and validated for the misslie and CIWS as a five and two degrees of freedom systems, respectively. Optimization of the system is then carried out by the method of Particle Swarm Optimization, considering the given constraints. In the next step, for the improvement of the optimized guidance law, paramertic study has...
Experimental Investigation of Microjet Engine Anomaly Detection Based on ANN Data Clustering Analysis
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
In this study, the possibility of detecting known and unknown anomalies in a micro jet engine is evaluated. the proposed method is neural network and clustering analysis. The process consists of two main parts, first part is experimental abnormal behavior simulation and second part is validation of proposed detection method. In the first part a micro jet engine (Olympuse HP) were used and we created pre-designed errors in engine normal behavior to record significant changes in its performance. Recorded outputs consist of six different variables: RPM, Exhaust gas temperature, Throttle command, Fuel pump voltage, Thrust and Fuel weight. In the second part, for analyzing data, we used...
Dynamic Modeling of a Quadrotor UAV Transporting a Variable Mass Payload Suspended by Continuous Flexible Cable
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
Quadrotors are one of the most popular unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) that has been subject of extensive research in recent years. One of the most important applications of these aerial vehicles is transporting a cable-suspended payload from one point to another. The major challenge in modeling of this system is dynamic coupling which exist between all components of the system i.e. payload, cable and quadrotor. The purpose of this research is mathematical modeling and dynamic analysis of the system in presence of this dynamic coupling and considering the effects of cable's flexibility. In this regard, it is assumed that the payload has variable mass. In this thesis, in the first step, by...
Dynamic Modelling of Multiple Quadrotor Suspended Load Transporting System with Variable Center of Mass via Flexible Cables
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
Using unmanned aerial vehicles in aerial payload carrying leads many changes requiring significant study and research. In recent years, there has been considerable maturation in Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) developement especially quadcopters. In addition to the endurance restriction, considerations on volume and weight that can be carried, and safety issues are also obstacles to the development of unmanned aerial payload carrying in urban environments. One of the ways to make a quadcopter more agile while carrying a load is to hang the cargo from the quadcopter via a cable. In this way, it is possible that quadcopters carry the cargo in a cooperative way, which if properly arranged,...
Electrical equivalent circuit of multi-mode flexible beams with piezoelectric elements
, Article Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures ; Volume 19, Issue 5 , 2008 , Pages 621-627 ; 1045389X (ISSN) ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Surface mounted piezoelectric sensors and actuators on elastic structures are often connected to electrical networks. The coupled equations of motion of the elastic structure with piezoelectric elements are already well known. However, due to complex behavior of some electrical elements in the electrical network, it is not an easy task to obtain the integrated equations of the whole system. A good remedy for this problem is to take advantage of an equivalent electrical circuit (EEC) representation of the mechanical part, leading the entire system to be represented as an electrical circuit. In this study, the authors propose a new method for constructing the EEC. This method is based upon the...
Transition flight feasibility of a fluidic thrust vectored aerial tail-sitter: Numerical approach
, Article 2007 ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Que., 14 May 2007 through 17 May 2007 ; Volume 1 , 2007 , Pages 229-235 ; 079184790X (ISBN); 9780791847909 (ISBN) ; Banazadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper describes a feasibility study of using numerical analysis technique, coupled with a non-linear simulation model of a conceptual fluidic-thrust-vectored unmanned aerial tailsitter to obtain required thrust deflection angles for a transition manoeuvre in take-off. It also studies the aircraft behaviour in transition subjected to the changes in specified parameters like the thrust value and the engine distance from the centre of gravity. The focus of the research presented was to get the vehicle from zero speed on the ground, in vertical position, to a specified velocity at a specified attitude, in cruise position. It was also specified that, when the vehicle was considered to be...
Co-flow fluidic thrust vectoring requirements for longitudinal and lateral trim purposes
, Article AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 42nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, 9 July 2006 through 12 July 2006 ; Volume 8 , 2006 , Pages 6283-6292 ; 1563478188 (ISBN); 9781563478185 (ISBN) ; Banazadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
The feasibility of using fluidic thrust-vectoring system, as a control technique for the longitudinal and lateral trim purpose was investigated in this study. For this purpose, integration of a Co-flow method into the propulsion unit of a conceptual aerial vehicle was assumed. The focus of the research presented was to estimate the required thrust vector angle in order to trim the aerial vehicle in different flight phases. Since the fluidic thrust vectoring requires secondary air flow to deflect the engine exhaust gas, this research also provides an analytical toolset for preliminary sizing of a suitable secondary air supply. It was found that thrust vectoring could be an effective mean of...
Dynamic stability study of a conceptual fluidic thrust-vectored aerial tail-sitter
, Article AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2006, Keystone, CO, 21 August 2006 through 24 August 2006 ; Volume 2 , 2006 , Pages 713-724 ; 1563478218 (ISBN); 9781563478215 (ISBN) ; Banazadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, the dynamic stability of a small thrust-vectored flapless aerial vehicle is investigated. The study was based on linearization of nonlinear equations of motion, using the aircraft longitudinal and lateral-directional stability derivatives. Since the aircraft was supposed to be merely controlled by fluidic thrust vectoring, the concept was novel and some innovative derivatives had to be introduced. The aircraft characteristic equations were then derived in terms of the obtained derivatives and used for dynamic stability analysis and flying quality assessment in horizontal flight. As well, nonlinear simulation modeling was used for dynamical mode excitation and observation. All...