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    Deep Learning Algorithms for Solving Graph Problems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bozorg, Mahdi (Author) ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor) ; Hashemi, Matin (Co-Supervisor)
    Nowadays, thanks to improvement of processing hardware and plenty of data available, artificial intelligence and specifically Deep Learning are being one of the powerful tools for solving different problems. Also graph is one of the powerful tools for modeling different data structures. Graph matching is one of the problems in the field of graph problems.In this thesis we consider the problem of graph matching in Erdos-Renyi graphs. The graph matching problem refers to recovering the node-to-node correspondence between two correlated graphs. Previous works theoretically showed that recovering is feasible in sparse Erdos-R´enyi graphs if and only if the probability of having an edge between a... 

    Parallel Implementation of Peter-Clark (PC)Algorithm for Causal Structure Learning

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zarebavani, Behrooz (Author) ; Hashemi, Matin (Supervisor) ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor)
    The main goal in many fields in the empirical sciences is to discover causal relationships among a set of variables from observational data. PC algorithm is one of the promising solutions to learn underlying causal structure by performing a number of conditional independence tests. In this paper, we propose a novel GPU-based parallel algorithm, called cuPC, to execute an order-independent version of PC. The proposed solution has two variants, cuPC-E and cuPC-S, which parallelize PC in two different ways for multivariate normal distribution. Experimental results show the scalability of the proposed algorithms with respect to the number of variables, the number of samples, and different graph... 

    Studying the Landscape of Loss Function in Deep Learning and Proper Optimization Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eskandari, Mohsen (Author) ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor) ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor)
    The loss function form in deep networks has been the subject of numerous studies in machine learning communities in recent years. Despite the fact that the problem of optimization in these networks has high dimensions and usually non-convex, gradient-based algorithms have acceptable results in practical experiments. In other words, the convergence point is usually a low-cost local minimum, and conventional optimization algorithms do not get stuck in high-cost local minima. It has been shown that this phenomenon occurs if the number of network weights is much greater than the number of training samples, and it is referred to as the over parameterization region. Recently, several studies have... 

    Acceleration of Causal Structure Learning Algorithms based on the Observational Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahbazinia, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor) ; Hashemi, Matin (Supervisor)
    One of the key objectives in many fields in machine learning is to discover causal relationships among a set of variables from observational data. In linear non-Gaussian acyclic models (LiNGAM), it can be shown that the true underlying causal structure can be identified uniquely from merely observational data. DirectLiNGAM algorithm is a well-known solution to learn the true causal structure in high dimensional setting. DirectLiNGAM algorithm executes in a sequence of iterations and it performs a set of comparisons between pairs of variables in each iteration. Unfortunately, the runtime of this algorithm grows significantly as the number of variables increases.In this thesis, we propose a... 

    Design and Implementation of Distributed Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms under Communication Constraints

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahmani, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Maddah Ali, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor) ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor)
    Nowadays we are witnessing the emergence of machine learning in various applications. One of the key problems in data science and machine learning is the problem of dimensionality reduction, which deals with finding a mapping that embeds samples to a lower-dimensional space such that, the relationships between the samples and their properties are preserved in the secondary space as much as possible. Obtaining such mapping is essential in today's high-dimensional settings. Moreover, due to the large volume of data and high-dimensional samples, it is infeasible or insecure to process and store all data in a single machine. As a result, we need to process data in a distributed manner.In this... 

    Averaging consensus over erasure channels via local synchronization

    , Article IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, Istanbul ; July , 2013 , Pages 1092-1096 ; 21578095 (ISSN); 9781479904464 (ISBN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Golestani, S. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Averaging consensus on the values of nodes in a network is a principal problem in distributed computation. In the presence of erasure channels, conventional averaging consensus algorithms may not converge to the average value if packets are erased in arbitrary order. In this paper, we propose a 'Pseudo-Synchronous Averaging Consensus' (PSAC) algorithm to guarantee averaging consensus over erasure channels by employing tagged packets. We show that the PSAC algorithm has a simple structure and it can work with just two tags '0' and '1'. In asynchronous networks, the PSAC algorithm is a synchronizer in the sense that it keeps the updates of various nodes in step with each other. By exploiting... 

    A periodic jump-based rendezvous algorithm in cognitive radio networks

    , Article Computer Communications ; Volume 79, 1 , April , 2016 , Pages 66–77 ; 01403664 (ISSN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2016
    An important issue in designing multichannel MAC protocols for Opportunistic Spectrum Access (OSA) is the synchronization between Secondary Users (SUs). Synchronization can be performed in two phases: the initial handshaking, and then the synchronous hopping across available channels. In this paper, we address the problem of initial handshaking through the approach called "blind rendezvous". We first introduce a role-based solution by constructing two channel hopping sequences. The secondary transmitter and receiver jump across channels according to these two sequences. The proposed algorithm guarantees rendezvous in at most (C+1)2 time slots (where C is the number of channels) and two SUs... 

    Distributed binary majority voting via exponential distribution

    , Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 10, Issue 5 , 2016 , Pages 532-542 ; 17519675 (ISSN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Golestani, S. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2016
    In the binary majority voting problem, each node initially chooses between two alternative choices. The goal is to design a distributed algorithm that informs nodes which choice is in majority. In this study, the authors formulate this problem as a hypothesis testing problem and propose fixed-size and sequential solutions using classical and Bayesian approaches. In the sequential version, the proposed mechanism enables nodes to test which choice is in majority, successively in time. Hence, termination of the algorithm is embedded within it, contrary to the existing approaches which require a monitoring algorithm to indicate the termination. This property makes the algorithm more efficient in... 

    Token-based function computation with memory

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; Volume 27, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 1811-1823 ; 10459219 (ISSN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Golestani, S. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2016
    In distributed function computation, each node has an initial value and the goal is to compute a function of these values in a distributed manner. In this paper, we propose a novel token-based approach to compute a wide class of target functions to which we refer as "token-based function computation with memory" (TCM) algorithm. In this approach, node values are attached to tokens and travel across the network. Each pair of travelling tokens would coalesce when they meet, forming a token with a new value as a function of the original token values. In contrast to the coalescing random walk (CRW) algorithm, where token movement is governed by random walk, meeting of tokens in our scheme is... 

    Distributed Computations in Next Generation Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Salehkaleybar, Saber (Author) ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor)
    There has been a sudden emergence of next generation networks in the past decade where the primary purposes are data ggregation/mining, distributed information and signal processing, and environmental control and monitoring. The distributed algorithms operating in such networks, should have simple structure and be robust against node failures or network dynamics.Extensive studies on designing and analyzing these algorithms have resulted in introducing different models of distributed systems with similar properties such as gossip algorithms, population protocols, and cellular automata-based systems. In this dissertation, we take first steps toward understanding the computational power of... 

    Deep-Learning-Based blind recognition of channel code parameters over candidate sets under awgn and multi-path fading conditions

    , Article IEEE Wireless Communications Letters ; Volume 10, Issue 5 , 2021 , Pages 1041-1045 ; 21622337 (ISSN) Dehdashtian, S ; Hashemi, M ; Salehkaleybar, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2021
    We consider the problem of recovering channel code parameters over a candidate set by merely analyzing the received encoded signals. We propose a deep learning-based solution that I) is capable of identifying the channel code parameters for several coding scheme (such as LDPC, Convolutional, Turbo, and Polar codes), II) is robust against channel impairments like multi-path fading, III) does not require any previous knowledge or estimation of channel state or signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and IV) outperforms related works in terms of probability of detecting the correct code parameters. © 2012 IEEE  

    One-shot federated learning: Theoretical limits and algorithms to achieve them

    , Article Journal of Machine Learning Research ; Volume 22 , 2021 , Pages 1-47 ; 15324435 (ISSN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Sharifnassab, A ; Jamaloddin Golestani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Microtome Publishing  2021
    We consider distributed statistical optimization in one-shot setting, where there are m machines each observing n i.i.d. samples. Based on its observed samples, each machine sends a B-bit-long message to a server. The server then collects messages from all machines, and estimates a parameter that minimizes an expected convex loss function. We investigate the impact of communication constraint, B, on the expected error and derive a tight lower bound on the error achievable by any algorithm. We then propose an estimator, which we call Multi-Resolution Estimator (MRE), whose expected error (when B ≥ d log mn where d is the dimension of parameter) meets the aforementioned lower bound up to a... 

    Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis and Workspace Optimization of a 3DoF Cable-Based Parallel Robot

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saber, Omid (Author) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Cable-driven robots are referred to as parallel robots actuated with cables. In fact,in such robots rigid links are replaced by cables, which may be extended to desired lengths without making mechanism much heavy. This robot possesses a number of unique properties that makes it suitable for many industrial applications. The main factor which makes cable robots analysis different from other parallel robots is the incapability of cables to push objects. Hence, obtaining the workspace of a cable robot is one of the most important subjects associated with this type of robot.The goal of this thesis is to design a spatial translational cable driven robot, which may be used for object handling. For... 

    Workspace analysis of a cable-suspended robot with active/passive cables

    , Article Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference ; Volume 6 A , August , 2013 ; 9780791855935 (ISBN) Saber, O ; Zohoor, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers  2013
    Cable-driven parallel robots have several outstanding characteristics that make them unique in many robotic applications. Since cables can only pull, one of the most important issues associated with these robots is obtaining their workspace. In this paper a spatial translational cable-driven robot with active/passive cables is considered and its workspace is investigated from several points of views. First the moment resisting capability of the robot is discussed and the effects of some robot's parameters on the workspace are studied. Then, both force-feasibility and moment-resisting capability of the robot are considered to find the region where the end-effector may exert the required... 

    Planning of Energy Storage Systems with the Main Goal of Managing the Output Power of Wind Farms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saber, Hossein (Author) ; Ehsan , Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Uncertain fuel prices and also global climate changes are accompanied by some state initiatives such as renewable portfolio standards (RPS). This has caused a fast growth in the amount of renewable energy installed worldwide especially wind energy over last decades. However, the intrinsic characteristics of wind farms output power, i.e. intermittency and volatility of wind speed along with being non-dispatchable in output generation of wind turbine raises many new technical and financial challenges for power system operators and planners. Up to these issues, large level of wind power penetration causes a growing concern in wind energy curtailment issue which the wind farm’s operator may be... 

    QoS-aware joint policies in cognitive radio networks

    , Article IWCMC 2011 - 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 4 July 2011 through 8 July 2011 ; July , 2011 , Pages 2220-2225 ; 9781424495399 (ISBN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Majd, S. A ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    One of the most challenging problems in Opportunistic Spectrum Access (OSA) is to design channel sensing-based protocol in multi secondary users (SUs) network. Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for SUs have significant implications on this protocol design. In this paper, we propose a new method to find joint policies for SUs which not only tries to guarantee QoS requirements but also maximize network throughput. We use Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (Dec-POMDP) to formulate interactions between SUs. Meanwhile, a tractable approach for Dec-POMDP is utilized to extract sub-optimum joint policies for large horizons. Among these policies, the QoS-aware joint... 

    Delay analysis and buffer management for random access in cognitive radio networks

    , Article 2013 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory ; May , 2013 , Page(s): 1 - 6 ; 9781467350235 (ISBN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Majd, S. A ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we consider a cognitive radio network in which multiple Secondary Users (SUs) contend to access primary network's channels with a random access scheme. Our goal is to analyze SUs' queuing delay performance in terms of mean queue lengths and find a minimum buffer space for which the overflow probability is less than a desired threshold. In general, the considered network can be modeled as a multidimensional Markov chain. However, the enormous state space makes the numerical analysis intractable. Nevertheless, the state space can be reduced to a two-dimensional Markov chain in the symmetric channel condition. By this approach, the optimal contention probability that minimizes... 

    An upper bound on the throughput for myopic policy in multi-channel opportunistic access

    , Article 2010 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2010, 4 December 2010 through 6 December 2010 ; 2010 , Pages 29-32 ; 9781424481835 (ISBN) Salehkaleybar, S ; Majd, S. A ; Pakravan, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study myopic sensing policy for an opportunistic communication system in which the states of channels evolve as independent Markov chains. A Secondary User (SU) takes one channel to sense and access in each time slot by myopic sensing policy. In the myopic policy, SU ignores the impact of the current action on the future decisions and tries to maximize the expected immediate reward. We propose an upper bound on the throughput achieved by the myopic sensing policy for general case in which channels have different Markov models. In particular, the proposed bound is compared with the Zhao et. al's upper bound (UZhao) for the channels with identical models. We prove that there are conditions... 

    Learning linear non-Gaussian causal models in the presence of latent variables

    , Article Journal of Machine Learning Research ; Volume 21 , 2020 Salehkaleybar, S ; Ghassami, A ; Kiyavash, N ; Zhang, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Microtome Publishing  2020
    We consider the problem of learning causal models from observational data generated by linear non-Gaussian acyclic causal models with latent variables. Without considering the effect of latent variables, the inferred causal relationships among the observed variables are often wrong. Under faithfulness assumption, we propose a method to check whether there exists a causal path between any two observed variables. From this information, we can obtain the causal order among the observed variables. The next question is whether the causal effects can be uniquely identified as well. We show that causal effects among observed variables cannot be identified uniquely under mere assumptions of... 

    CuPC: CUDA-Based parallel PC algorithm for causal structure learning on GPU

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ; Volume 31, Issue 3 , 2020 , Pages 530-542 Zarebavani, B ; Jafarinejad, F ; Hashemi, M ; Salehkaleybar, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2020
    The main goal in many fields in the empirical sciences is to discover causal relationships among a set of variables from observational data. PC algorithm is one of the promising solutions to learn underlying causal structure by performing a number of conditional independence tests. In this paper, we propose a novel GPU-based parallel algorithm, called cuPC, to execute an order-independent version of PC. The proposed solution has two variants, cuPC-E and cuPC-S, which parallelize PC in two different ways for multivariate normal distribution. Experimental results show the scalability of the proposed algorithms with respect to the number of variables, the number of samples, and different graph...